TER General Board

Oh yeah. I'm starting to lose track of which posters I don't like.
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 3023 reads
1 / 141

It seems like more ladies want all your info. I will not provide it. If I have a lot of whitelists why should I break my privacy while hers is still OK? Doesn't that kind of defeat the whole purpose of this site?

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1325 reads
2 / 141
skarphedin 1266 reads
3 / 141
USGrantlover 219 Reviews 988 reads
5 / 141

I know you're much more experienced than the vast majority of us here. Can you please tell me what the 'bro code' is? And no, you cannot pm me and tell me.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1220 reads
6 / 141

Paranoia has grown over time. Providers have ruined the game by submitting Johns to blacklist websites for the silliest of the reasons.. One provider submitted my TER handle to blacklist because she didn't like my posts. No kidding or making this up. Just imagine if she had my real name.  Another one submitted me to blacklist because she didn't like my review of hers.  

To that you add other factors like email accounts getting hacked, phone books getting hacked, and LE finding ways to get into your account, its no wonder that the smart guys want err on side of caution.

-- Modified on 11/30/2014 9:32:36 AM

Arovet 62 Reviews 927 reads
7 / 141

it would be nice if just occasionally your strong opinions, which you so freely share, were informed. Would you care to cite an instance where the "johns" here adhered to the "bro code" and banded together to ruin a lady's business? Surely you must have first hand knowledge of this happening in order to make such a bold statement. Please share your knowledge and I will happily post an apology and a retraction.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1135 reads
8 / 141
USGrantlover 219 Reviews 1165 reads
9 / 141

The guys are. Didn't you read Rods post? Get with the program now. Please?

sophieb See my TER Reviews 1305 reads
10 / 141

Not all those who require that information are doing it for nefarious reasons. Just like not all guys who refuse to provide personal information are refusing because they have something to hide

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1168 reads
11 / 141

Independents. An agency blacklists a client, they're out a client for multiple ladies instead of only one. They also probably didn't take things as personally.

The system has changed.

It's tough, and I know I could make a lot more money if I didn't take real info. It is what it is.

GaGambler 1005 reads
12 / 141

In Tidwit's mind of course. lol

I have always wondered, with my big fucking mouth, I wonder how many BL's I am on?

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 1236 reads
13 / 141

Your subject choice is either tongue in cheek or absurd. Which is it?

Welcome back btw.

GaGambler 984 reads
14 / 141

They all pretty much read the same "Quit sending me PM's you fucking putz" is a common theme in my PM's to him.

I wonder if he and MacLeaky got together to strategize about how to win the inaugural BSU award when he was in Chicago?

and know, our little turdmeister is hardly original, he is just the latest in a long line of suckups trying to curry favor with women who secretly (or not so secretly) despise him for his lack of backbone.

GaGambler 1030 reads
15 / 141

Oh wait, they sucked last year too. Never mind. lol

JohnyComeAlready 822 reads
16 / 141

Giving personal info DOES NOTHING to guarantee a lady's safety.  

That is what you said.
Posted By: RodTidweLL
Personal info, work info, real name, home address.  
 And she was too worried to call the cops because  
 What if the cops don't care because she's an escort?  
 Or the johns here and other websites try to ruin her business, because of "bro code" who cares that she may "claim" she was hurt. One word even suggesting she's lying and she's the girl that outs clients.  
 Or by outing him, he outs her. What have you.  
  Just go see the ladies who fit your screening requirements and STFU. Thank you.

sgtrock432 55 Reviews 900 reads
17 / 141

Rod I know I don't post much here but I try to never best up anyone over what they post. I figure everybody's entitled to their opinion. After reading some of your posts you make it hard not to. I can't imagine any instance where the "Bros " would band together to defend any kind of violence against a provider. As a matter of fact I have seen the opposite on my regional board.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1130 reads
18 / 141

But I never got the official invite to be part of the band.. Who is the chairman? Where are the meetings held? When are they held?

sophieb See my TER Reviews 1195 reads
19 / 141

I am many things but absurd?!

Come on.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1021 reads
20 / 141
sgtrock432 55 Reviews 1112 reads
21 / 141

This band of Bros. Are there any dues. Is there an initiation.  Is there a secret handshake.

Dr Who revived 858 reads
23 / 141

So a gal tells you she got "beat up" by some john and didn't file a sexual assault complaint....I suspect YOU wanted the dudes real info and you'd take care of it?

YOU want to set up a "let's save our hookers" meeting place to make sure that the "bro code" is broken...and then you can save the princess from this horrendous offense?

YOU assist gals in how to successfully put these nasty johns on blacklists?

Do you wear lots of bling?

And don't PM me with your pathetic requests...post them here.

How do you find all these damsels in distress?  Do you run ads on your local board(s)?  Do you directly PM random gals offering up your brilliant Captain Save-A-Hoe advice?

I must be living in a cave as it sure seems that the gals I know get how this game is played...and if they have a problem with some john they deal with it.  But it sure seems that gals have more problems with guys like YOU who are clueless causing angst in their world!
Posted By: RodTidweLL
Personal info, work info, real name, home address.  
 And she was too worried to call the cops because  
 What if the cops don't care because she's an escort?  
 Or the johns here and other websites try to ruin her business, because of "bro code" who cares that she may "claim" she was hurt. One word even suggesting she's lying and she's the girl that outs clients.  
 Or by outing him, he outs her. What have you.  
  Just go see the ladies who fit your screening requirements and STFU. Thank you.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1112 reads
24 / 141

there are decent rationales on both sides of this debate. For both, it seems personal safety and security is the driving force, although no one has bothered (or probably ever will or could) to truly show that either mutual anonymity or real-world info is ACTUALLY the safer course for either side.  

The debate just seems purely anecdotal to me. Do we demand anonymity/real-world info because it really is safer, or because it makes us FEEL safer?

I would be fascinated to know whether (supposed or actual) real-world info has ever stopped an ill-intentioned client, or whether (supposed or actual) anonymity has ever truly protected a client from an ill-intentioned provider. It just that seems where there is a will (and a dose of "any gender" BSC thrown in) there is a way.

Meanwhile, we deal and do as we choose for our own perceived safety and security. There definitely is no basis to state with certainty that there is any "right" or "wrong" on either side of the debate.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1203 reads
25 / 141

What are the Lakers' fan rejoicing.. Their 3-13 season, so far...lol...

That makes you posting a Lakers gif, a losing proposition...:D

Dr Who revived 1078 reads
26 / 141

He's the proverbial WK and Captain Save-A-Hoe john.  The gals know this type quite well...use them as pawns.

We've seen this type of behavior over the years.  Guys like Rod become a hooker "mole" hoping to somehow win favor for something they think is important.

There's always another leaker just around the corner.  These tools have no clue that their actions are despised on both sides of this game.  

I see he's now lobbying TER to allow PM's to be posted publicly  LOL
Posted By: GaGambler
In Tidwit's mind of course. lol

I have always wondered, with my big fucking mouth, I wonder how many BL's I am on?

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1045 reads
27 / 141

You've matched me in # of reviews submitted, I vote aye.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1164 reads
28 / 141
Arovet 62 Reviews 1111 reads
29 / 141

motion carries

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 868 reads
31 / 141

Oh. So you posit some canard about a 'bro club' and then lie again when called out on it. You're shameless.

Dr Who revived 1209 reads
32 / 141

He'd leave this little world a broken and disillusioned guy.

Rod actually believes anything a female tells him...they wouldn't lie....right?

Exposing the real thoughts would be abominable...at least to BSU's like Rod and macdiaper.  And I don't want them to know the truth...it's much more entertaining to read their public drivel and get those PMs/emails from the gals they are sucking up to about their "real" thoughts  LOL
Posted By: GaGambler
They all pretty much read the same "Quit sending me PM's you fucking putz" is a common theme in my PM's to him.

I wonder if he and MacLeaky got together to strategize about how to win the inaugural BSU award when he was in Chicago?

and know, our little turdmeister is hardly original, he is just the latest in a long line of suckups trying to curry favor with women who secretly (or not so secretly) despise him for his lack of backbone.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 1091 reads
33 / 141

So 'tongue in cheek' it is. Thanks for clarifying.

sgtrock432 55 Reviews 1071 reads
34 / 141
OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1156 reads
35 / 141

And yes, I 100% believe that having real info has saved my ass before. You may not want to believe it, but it's true. Will it save me on the spot from being murdered? Probably not. But if a guy starts trying to cause trouble later, it is MUCH more advantageous to have his info, than just his handle and email. I have learned this unfortunate lesson several times, as have a lot of girls. You can keep your head buried in the sand and keep pretending we are being nosey, or you can recognize that there are people out there who are genuinely unsavory that we need to protect ourselves from. It's not about you, unless you are in fact someone we should be keeping track of.  

Remember, your biggest worry is her not matching the pictures or trying to up sell. Ours is that you will murder or stalk us. I'm not trying to sound uncaring about what can (and does) happen when information is given to the wrong girl, but you simply not wanting to give that information is never going to be enough to change our minds on what we need to feel and almost be safe.  

As far as whitelists, sorry, it doesn't seem like a lot of people don't put much weight in them.

GaGambler 1111 reads
36 / 141

and he has a habit of using "sixty four dollar words" in the wrong context which instead of making him look smart, tends to have the opposite effect.

As for the Lakers, I like the "Lakers' girls" other than that, I don't really give a fuck either.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1073 reads
37 / 141

I thought it was gonna be a barrage of long-winded questions from that Duplicitous dude.  

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
What are the Lakers' fan rejoicing.. Their 3-13 season, so far...lol...  
 That makes you posting a Lakers gif, a losing proposition...:D
And I don't give a shit about the Lakers, I just love the "Lakers Bros." They're fucking adorable.

earthshined 1198 reads
38 / 141

i wont give personal info and never have. and i never will.

 I find ladies to see all the time and they are not inferior because they dont use your methods.

GaGambler 1098 reads
39 / 141

You do raise some valid points about being stalked or murdered, but it's a well known fact that "some" hookers simply can not be trusted with personal information, even well reviewed providers right here on TER have been known to "out" a client for something as trivial as a 7-7 review.

It happens, maybe not often, but it definitely happens. Now getting outed might not compare to getting murdered, but try telling that to the guy who just lost his home, his job and his wife, simply because some BSC hooker decided to get revenge for a NCNS or a bad review.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1129 reads
42 / 141

I deceived you using his style.. What an irony... LOL..

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 760 reads
43 / 141
USGrantlover 219 Reviews 1078 reads
44 / 141
GaGambler 1074 reads
45 / 141

but as almost everybody knows, I am blackmail proof. I might have a very different outlook if I were not.

Everyone does need to realize this is not, or at least this "should not" be an "us against them" type of situation. Most people on both sides of the equation are only out to either make a living or have a good time and not out to hurt anyone, it's that small percentage of people that cannot be trusted that cause the problems.

GaGambler 1216 reads
46 / 141

The fact that both the Dungbeetle and Inicky have admitted to doing screening for ladies should prove that point. There is no way to know exactly who is going to be privvie to one's screening information.

How many guys are going to rest easy knowing that a nut job like the Dungbeetle have their personal information?

and yes, changing a woman's mind about screening is like trying to get a $500 hr woman to see you for $200, I suppose it's possible, but more likely it's just a waste of time and energy and won't accomplish anything but to get both parties pissed at the other.

And thank you for throwing the SPOTY competition. I'll split my winnings with you for "taking a dive" lol

Arovet 62 Reviews 1144 reads
47 / 141

but I'm going to ignore that and send you some more! LMFAO!

Hey, that suggestion of his got one "like," I wonder who from?

GaGambler 926 reads
48 / 141

and yes, after looking up your profile you are indeed "new to these parts" lol which explains why you believe our little tidwit. Those of us that have been here longer know better.

Around here, we don't have the "blame the escort" mentality. I am not denying that mentality doesn't exist, it just doesn't win out around here. I will confess that on a couple of other fuckboards, especially the one mentioned by MsMocha, where the mentality is more like a pack of jackals, that mentality does manifest itself into "blame the hooker" for just about everything.

JohnyComeAlready 1127 reads
51 / 141

However, there is no guarantee the person I'm giving my info to, is the girl I'm planning to see.

I have to disagree with what you think the biggest worry is for the consumer.

I would never encourage a woman to change her mind over her screening process. I will simply move on.

GaGambler 1169 reads
52 / 141

and your attitude that "us girls take all the risk" is a huge part of the problem. Guys have been outed and their lives ruined for transgressions as minor as writing a 7-7 review.

Until you can see that the guys have every bit as much to lose as you, and that they have no more way of knowing when that well reviewed woman is going to turn BSC than you do of knowing when that "well behaved gentleman" is going to snap, we are never going to make any progress on this issue.

I hate to break it to you Charlie, but your attitude is a MAJOR part of the problem here, and this is coming from a guy who doesn't mind a bit giving out my personal information for screening purposes. You seem incapable of accepting the fact that the guys have every bit as much to lose as you do, and that the risk is equal on both sides. If you see enough guys you will invariably meet a psycho, if you see enough women the same holds true. I've had it happen to me, hell I was outed and my personal information splashed all over the internet just because someone didn't like the things I posted on this very site. So please spare me the "TER women would never do this"

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1206 reads
53 / 141

but you are not - so why stir up this tired old question?
If you like to play extremely safe - as do I - and not provide your personal info to individual ladies, then don't.
There are thousands of wonderful ladies for you and I to chose from who will rely on P411 or TER whitelistings alone.
And obviously there are enough guys who are comfortable sharing personal info with ladies who ask for more that these ladies do quite fine too.

Bottom line, play how you want and don't bitch about those who don't play the same way.  Safety is such a paramount issue for most on both sides - so when EITHER side trivializes the very real concerns of the other in this debate I think it is bad form and disrespectful AND not likely to win converts.  So you won't get to play with everyone, big F'n deal.  You also likely won't get to play with Scarlett Johansson in your lifetime.

Arovet 62 Reviews 795 reads
54 / 141
licentiouslady See my TER Reviews 1214 reads
55 / 141

I require real name and phone# that is traceable to you. This is because once you see me you will know my real name, address, what kind of car I drive, ETC. Of course, I am not an escort and I work from home.

These sites are not so you can fuck some stranger without them ever knowing who you are. That is irresponsible at best and creepy. I use these sites to avoid people who might harm me and LE who might think I am breaking the law. Of course, I never break the law.

GaGambler 1239 reads
56 / 141

There is no fool proof way for either side to be 100% safe, all we can do is do the best we can to stay safe, and of course some of us are more "risk tolerant" than others. and this is true for both the guys and the ladies.

For example, let's say a woman is doing this to put herself through law school, that woman better not take any chances, even if it means losing business, where it comes to avoiding LE, as an arrest would spoil any chance she might have of achieving her life long ambition that she is working towards. OTOH woman who is openly a hooker, both to family and friends might consider an arrest simply a minor inconvenience.

The same goes for the guys, when I was outed I got literally dozens of emails voicing concern that someone had "ruined my life" when in truth it had ZERO effect on my life.  A married man, or one with a high profile or sensitive job might have indeed had his life ruined in similar position.

So yes, this works both ways, BTW quit spreading these rumors about what a "nice guy" I am. I've worked hard for years building my reputation, lets keep this as our little secret, okay??? lol

GaGambler 1045 reads
57 / 141

If not, what the fuck are you doing here anyhow?

You do realize what this board is all about, don't you?

BTW I hope you realize that giving massages complete with "happy endings" is against the law and that you could end up in jail right next to the hookers that you seem to disdain.

If you don't want reviews, I would suggest that you delist yourself, and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1042 reads
58 / 141

I am well aware that there are risks for everyone here. I've unfortunately seen that situation play out too :-( Because of a number of things that I won't bore everyone with, we are all just mitigating our risks based on what we can get away with.  

I can say that the way a guy behaves makes a huge difference in his level of risk. If you're a nice guy who never acts like a total weirdo, you're probably only going to have to worry about a girl getting jealous over references. Noooot something that's typically going to get you outed. For the ladies, however, we can still do everything right and end up with a looney or two every year, if not more if you're dealing with more people. Maybe we are his first "snapped" moment, so he passed screening. Maybe he's hasn't provided the same info to everyone and has managed to keep his shenanigans separate from what he's given us on verification sites. Maybe he's a known friend that becomes obsessed. It is a freaking constant thing for us, which is why it's harder for us to be sympathetic about the whole "well if I do something to warrant a negative response I might get in trouble". Not saying this is all cases, but most.  

For example, I've had a guy show up at my house, in another town, that I have never provided out of, "just because he missed me". How often does that really happen to you guys? And you know what happened when I reported it? I was promptly fucked over by another lady. I am less bitter about it now, but am even harder to convince that you guys are the ones who need to worry here. Be good and be smart and you'll be fine. We won't necessarily have that same luck.

GaGambler 1203 reads
59 / 141
earthshined 1144 reads
60 / 141

from your attitude i would stay far away from bitches like you

Posted By: devindavette
No you haven't.  
 For the record, I don't require invasive info.. But for assholes like yourself, I would. See how that works..  

GaGambler 1023 reads
61 / 141

I mean BSC Taylor has been MIA for months and we survived, we even lost our little tidwit for a couple of months and new pinatas rose up to take his place.

I am not saying that I really want her to leave, and she has the promise to be quite entertaining. She has just the right blend of arrogance and cluelessness to be a lot of fun I do agree.

and yes please keep reminding me "She is NOT a hooker, she is NOT a hooker, she is NOT a hooker"

I am sure that if I repeat that a couple of thousand more times, I will eventually start to believe it. lol

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1073 reads
62 / 141

Had not thought about it in terms of agencies or assistants.  

I don't really know enough about how either works, I've been independent for a while. I know sometimes you can't tell who you're talking to, but I was under the impression that there were at least some well respected agencies and assistants out there?

I know my agency never reported anything. Not even the guy that paid me in fake money, not even the guy who came in and smacked me around, and not even the guy who stole 3k from a gf so she didn't have money to pay them. No worries for guys there, that's all left to the girl... Anyways...

What would you say the biggest fear is? I was talking about when you first walk through the door. The raw, bare bones worries of just doing this. I've provided just a few first time meeting examples, and I've never even worked the BP end of it that everyone says to avoid. I mean I guess there's always the pimp in a closet, but I always just kind of assume we aren't talking about that end of things here on TER...

licentiouslady See my TER Reviews 970 reads
63 / 141

I don't think this person lied. It is just a poorly worded post. But, yes, violance against escorts is not taken seriously and people do blame the escort not the alledged offender. It isn't just the 'bro code' but society in general.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 861 reads
64 / 141

Any 'bro code' is a stupid figment of his puddle deep imagination. He lied.

GaGambler 1062 reads
65 / 141

but it did really sound like you were indeed trying to minimize the risk to the guys, and I am happy that you admit that you are only commenting from the woman's point of view.

My point is that both sides have a desire to stay safe and sometimes those two goals conflict with each other. Pointing fingers at each other and claiming that "your side" which ever side that is, bears more of the risk than the other is simply not productive to finding middle ground.

GaGambler 1100 reads
66 / 141

She even called me "nice" and that is after reading thousands of my posts AND meeting me in person. To get called out by her is like getting bitch slapped by mrfisher, you really have to have fucked up for that to happen.

I guess it's all in the delivery, I call you a bitch all the time, but of course when I do it it's a "term of endearment" lol

I bet you earthworm really thinks "he told her" but we all know when a guy has to call a woman a "bitch" during a disagreement, we all know who is winning the argument. Game, set and match to DD lol

GaGambler 1182 reads
67 / 141

If I am asked in a way that makes me feel that I am having to jump through hoops or having to "beg to pay for pussy" I too will refuse on general principles, but if "asked nicely" I really don't mind it.

Once things deteriorate into a "demand" I simply lose interest in seeing the woman and break off contact. Demanding something from me is usually a surefire way of NOT getting it. lol

I don't think I've ever been asked my address, except for outcalls to my house or hotel of course.

Dr Who revived 1305 reads
68 / 141
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1141 reads
69 / 141

SFTD has started this same thread probably 4 or 5 times. It's what he does. All of his threads are repeated.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1040 reads
70 / 141

"fucking some stranger without them ever knowing who you are."

But if you are actually doing this from your home I can understand why you might want to have the most rigorous screening possible.  That seems sooooo risky to me - but if it works for you...

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 976 reads
71 / 141

And Im active in San Diego just like you. And has been mentioned numerous times on this thread, find providers who match what your willing to supply when it comes to screening. As far as the TER white list I always offer additional info within reason. Sometimes you make this way to difficult.

Dr Who revived 1208 reads
72 / 141

She also has commented that she's not a prostitute.

And she's got more disclaimers on her site than Carter has pills.

She's also being considered to replace Ginsburg on the SCOTUS.....so she knows the law  LOL

Don't suggest she delist herself...she's entertaining  ;)
Posted By: GaGambler
If not, what the fuck are you doing here anyhow?

You do realize what this board is all about, don't you?

BTW I hope you realize that giving massages complete with "happy endings" is against the law and that you could end up in jail right next to the hookers that you seem to disdain.

If you don't want reviews, I would suggest that you delist yourself, and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

GaGambler 1131 reads
73 / 141

Kudos for not getting all defensive.

and funny, we have had some posters that I swear were getting "paid by the word" There is something to be said for brevity. lol

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 964 reads
74 / 141

He has posted this same thread before a few times, as well as most of his other threads are repeated. He either likes to stir up shit, likes to read his own posts, or has dementia.

inicky46 61 Reviews 861 reads
75 / 141
Arovet 62 Reviews 1153 reads
77 / 141

does a nice job covering the damage I did to the door frame when I bumped it with my junk at the last meeting. Sorry about that.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1061 reads
78 / 141

If I was a guy, I'm sure I would postulate more on the problems they have. But I'm not, I'm just a provider trying to explain where ladies are coming from, without actually speaking for anyone (cause that gets me in trouble, lol). Either way, I've repeatedly acknowledged the risks a guy takes, as well as what increases those risks. I'm not sure how recognizing both sides makes me part of a problem?

What I was trying to explain is that the majority of a guys worries result from actions they take after receiving a service (we can go into how I feel about all that if you really want to, I was just trying to keep it short. I know the actual issues are not), while a girls come from simply giving that service. It has nothing to do with specific risks, or who has more or less. Just from what they generally come from. The where's, why's, and how's, rather than trying to quantify it really. We all know no ones ever going to agree on that and it's boring to continue rehashing at this point.  

But if you really want to talk about who's can escalate the furthest and quickest, I would rather have a ruined life than none, lol

It's not that I'm trying to minimize what gents are up against, just trying to emphasize that decisions on safety can only be made by you, and some are going to need more to do that than others on both sides. I don't think insisting one or the other is better off is really going to help anybody, but pointing out that a 7/7 review under the handle you gave her might cause issues will.

GaGambler 1152 reads
79 / 141

I was trying to figure out why she directed that post to me, and then I figured out it was in response to the post by Dr Who that appears and then disappears.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1205 reads
80 / 141

Seriously. Someone please teach me how to post the jerk off gif.

-- Modified on 11/30/2014 12:14:32 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1179 reads
81 / 141

Call it general principles, I just won't do it.  I'm pretty well known, have a P411 account with a dozen OKs, a substantial review history and white lists.  I respect a girl's right to ask for personal info but if all the other information is not enough I'll simply take my business elsewhere.  Funny thing, though, for all the girls who say they absolutely require my real name, I have never, ever, been declined a date for this reason.

GaGambler 1003 reads
82 / 141

Not this BSC hooker of course, but other hookers that actually know that they are hookers and are damned good at it.

I do find it amusing when the hookers that don't allow MSOG still claim that they aren't being paid for sex. "I am charging only for my time, but once you cum, times up" and just like this nutjob, they say it with a straight face expecting us to believe them. lol

Actually you can blame DD for me being a bit harsh with our newest BSC hooker. She accused me of "deep down, being a nice guy" I wanted to make it perfectly clear she was wrong. I've worked hard to earn my rep here, I can't have DD ruining it in a single day.lol

inicky46 61 Reviews 751 reads
83 / 141

It's actually his MO.  He did it before being put on "time out" and he's at it again and again.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1095 reads
84 / 141

She really touched a nerve, didn't she? Poor little guy.  

Posted By: earthshined
from your attitude i would stay far away from bitches like you  
Posted By: devindavette
No you haven't.    
  For the record, I don't require invasive info.. But for assholes like yourself, I would. See how that works..  

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1286 reads
85 / 141

The same thing happens with harborview and hiddenhills. I know that I like one of them, but can't stand the other. The problem is I can't remember which is which.

Dr Who revived 1182 reads
86 / 141

But I doubt he knows how to attach the gifs properly.

If you want me to teach you...fine.  But I'm a whore and am expensive.  I also need a huge non-refundable deposit.

Posted By: OhCharlie
Seriously. Someone please teach me how to post the jerk off gif.  

-- Modified on 11/30/2014 12:14:32 PM

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1066 reads
87 / 141

I know I can get wordy, so I try to keep it shorter so people will actually read it, lol

Otherwise, we are saying the same thing, just in different ways :-)

GaGambler 1114 reads
88 / 141
OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1124 reads
89 / 141

Do you mind if we go halvsies on the first lesson, and then I swear I'll be a regular customer? I am not nearly the whore you are, and only have but a few pennies. I want to make sure it's worth it first.

GaGambler 1099 reads
90 / 141

If we are going to dig deep, lets go REALLY fucking deep. lol

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 927 reads
91 / 141

Aww, so weird? When I click on either of these posts it goes to Who's, and when I reply to his it goes here?

Bummer town. I was gonna learn how to post gifs :-(

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1164 reads
92 / 141

We ARE NOT hookers!! We are ladies. Paid for our time. Don't hate us because people will pay us to sit silently and separately in a room with them. That's where they find the serenity to come up with all that fantastic erotic fan fiction.  


JohnyComeAlready 1120 reads
94 / 141

Along with any other unforeseen event that "could" take place before the customer ever receives a conformation email.

You mention the unfortunate events that can happen to you and other ladies. I'm not condoning the bad behavior from the guys, but being someone who does not commit bad behavior. I don't feel as if those things pertain to me, and can't worry myself with the bad behavior of others.  

Get what I'm saying?  You are being prejudice, when you mention bad behavior to guys who are on the up and up.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 1140 reads
95 / 141
GaGambler 1119 reads
96 / 141

I put up the post without checking on where I was posting it, my bad.

But most of my best friendsreally are hookers. I guess it's natural since I spend more time with hookers than anyone else, it's inevitable that many of them would end up as friends.

GaGambler 1137 reads
97 / 141

I am the least miserable person I know. If you want miserable, try annoyingfungus, he is the most miserable person I can think of with maybe Turdboy running a close second.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 1042 reads
99 / 141
inicky46 61 Reviews 1037 reads
100 / 141

1) Find gif.
2) Click on gif (left click if a PC, two-finger click on a MacBook keypad).
3) Select "Copy Image Address" and click on it.  Select "Copy."
4) Open you post here and go down to "picture URL" bar just above the "Post Message" button.
5) Delete the "http://"
6) Click in the box as in 2), then select "Paste."
Post your message. It's actually a lot simpler than it sounds.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1266 reads
101 / 141

Discussing bad behavior, and how it contributes to screening practices? I'm not making that connection. Maybe if I excluded people due to something they can't control like age or race, but people are perfectly free to be screened however they choose. I am somehow biased because I use reason to do something to protect my safety, but somehow you thinking you're a good guy negates all and that's not? Do you just take a girls word for it when she says "oh yeah honey, I am toooootes not crazy and won't up sell and won't steal your car after taking your kidneys"? Doubt it. You check what you need to feel comfortable. And that doesn't make you prejudiced any more than it does me.  

We don't know who is "on the up and up". That is precisely the point of screening. It doesn't really matter if you do or don't behave yourself. You are not everyone, and that is who we ladies are dealing with. We don't screen to let the good guys in, we screen to keep the bad ones out. It is an unfortunate reality that ignoring just because you think you're a nice guy isn't going to change.  

As far as identity theft, you are more at risk for that a hundred times over before you've ever seen a provider. Much more sensitive info is already out there for people who make much less and have much more reason to need access to someone else's identity.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1180 reads
102 / 141

Yes, guys can have their lives ruined and that's not a small thing.  But the hooker is much more likely to suffer violence than the guy.  To me that's worse.
But there certainly is "crazy" on both sides.

earthshined 1184 reads
103 / 141

i will call her or you that when she acts like it. well really more of a bitchy comment but whatever.

btw, is asshole the same thing?

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1099 reads
104 / 141

I didn't know how to do it on a computer either, but I am on a phone! Is it possible?

inicky46 61 Reviews 1024 reads
105 / 141

I have always tried to make it clear I did not do the entire screening process.  I simply checked out the guy's references who were TER providers to see if the reference had her own web site and reviews by enough credible guys so she was unlikely to be LE.  For that service I got some free pussy.  But I never had anything more than a guy's email address and TER handle.
It was a great deal while it lasted.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1216 reads
106 / 141

She's delusional if she thinks those disclaimers are worth a damn.  This is so obvious to anyone who knows what they're doing that it makes you wonder.  Not to mention her belief that having detailed reviews means anything at all.  As TER says, the are all "fictional."
I'll be she does the "LE check," too.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1029 reads
107 / 141

I'm sure it's possible but I don't have an iPhone and haven't tried posting gifs from my Sumsung Galaxy.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1015 reads
108 / 141

Props on keeping your rep up! Wouldn't want to think you had any of those "feelings" people talk about. ;-)

As far as time, I thought this was usually run rodeo style? You hang on as long as possible, and if you stick a finger in my butt and piss me off, my pimp pops out of the closet as a distraction?

I bet you guys don't think he hides in there for your safety either!

Dr Who revived 967 reads
109 / 141

But I'm still a whore...and not a cheap one either.

But so is Nick...and he gives it away for free.

Do you need my PayPal account info again?
Posted By: OhCharlie
I didn't know how to do it on a computer either, but I am on a phone! Is it possible?

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1056 reads
110 / 141

I guess I really will have to google it *sigh* lol

Thanks for the help with the computer though!

Dr Who revived 973 reads
111 / 141

My skills extend far beyond those of mere mortals.

I see Nick has already given you the initial answers.  He's a BP whore.

Me...I'm high end and very selective.
Posted By: OhCharlie
Aww, so weird? When I click on either of these posts it goes to Who's, and when I reply to his it goes here?  
 Bummer town. I was gonna learn how to post gifs :-(

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 909 reads
112 / 141

Are you going to wear that outfit I like while you do it?

inicky46 61 Reviews 1078 reads
113 / 141

Don't worry, your reputation will always be safe with me. LMAO!

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1089 reads
114 / 141

Luckily, hiddenhills posted in this thread, and since it didn't mention anything about "I used to bring my ATF lunch fixings so I could camp out at her incall way longer than I had paid for and I still don't get why she didn't like that," I have determined that hiddenhills = me gusta, harborview = not so much.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1014 reads
115 / 141

I will stipulate that you are a highly happy whoremonger.

Dr Who revived 981 reads
116 / 141

I'm also wearing those suspenders you like.

Posted By: OhCharlie
Are you going to wear that outfit I like while you do it?

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 928 reads
117 / 141
Katie_krush See my TER Reviews 1018 reads
118 / 141

As for me, if you won't provide references or a p411 request, then my only other option is work info.  If the man won't do any of those, then sorry. I still need to screen. Whitelist isn't one of my options, and following my requirements is a big partof my screening too...you don't pick how to get screened- I pick how I will screen because it works for me.  Any time I've ever deviated from my system, I've regretted it.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1109 reads
119 / 141

Posted By: Dr Who revived
I'm also wearing those suspenders you like.  
Posted By: OhCharlie
Are you going to wear that outfit I like while you do it?

JohnyComeAlready 1147 reads
120 / 141

I'm also fine with that fact, because that prejudice is aimed at keeping yourself safe. Screening is a method based solely on prejudice, I honestly can not find a better example of prejudice.

I agree there are plenty of chances for identity theft to occur. Before contacting a provider who asks for personal info. That does not negate the fact the potential exists, when contacting a provider. Nor does an ID theif care about the status of their victims financial situation.
Posted By: OhCharlie
Discussing bad behavior, and how it contributes to screening practices? I'm not making that connection. Maybe if I excluded people due to something they can't control like age or race, but people are perfectly free to be screened however they choose. I am somehow biased because I use reason to do something to protect my safety, but somehow you thinking you're a good guy negates all and that's not? Do you just take a girls word for it when she says "oh yeah honey, I am toooootes not crazy and won't up sell and won't steal your car after taking your kidneys"? Doubt it. You check what you need to feel comfortable. And that doesn't make you prejudiced any more than it does me.  
 We don't know who is "on the up and up". That is precisely the point of screening. It doesn't really matter if you do or don't behave yourself. You are not everyone, and that is who we ladies are dealing with. We don't screen to let the good guys in, we screen to keep the bad ones out. It is an unfortunate reality that ignoring just because you think you're a nice guy isn't going to change.  
 As far as identity theft, you are more at risk for that a hundred times over before you've ever seen a provider. Much more sensitive info is already out there for people who make much less and have much more reason to need access to someone else's identity.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 844 reads
121 / 141

preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
"English prejudice against foreigners"
synonyms: preconceived idea, preconception, prejudgment
"male prejudices about women"

You really think that we screen, and refuse to see dangerous people, because we have no reason or actual experience?

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1075 reads
122 / 141

As soon as you posted that, I knew which of those guys you didn't like and why. They don't call me the archivist for nothing. ;)
I almost posted to you about the lunch fixin's, but figured you'd get it on your own.
Anyway don't forget, he always brought lots of extra and let her keep the leftovers! :D

-- Modified on 11/30/2014 1:45:09 PM

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1162 reads
123 / 141
inicky46 61 Reviews 1175 reads
124 / 141

He makes up his own definitions. Here's an example of what passes for his thought process

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 929 reads
125 / 141

Since you don't have right click with an iphone, it is a little trickier to post pics and gifs, but not too hard.
Open the pic in a seperate browser window. Press and hold the pic on the touch screen. Three options should appear. Save image, copy and cancel. Select "copy."
Now open another browser window and go up to the address bar and select paste. The pic or gif should show up on that page. Highlight the url and copy it, then paste it in your TER message box for picture url (after deleting the existing "http://")

You can send my payment to my assistant DrWho. He will take his cut and forward me the balance.

-- Modified on 11/30/2014 3:29:24 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1021 reads
127 / 141
GaGambler 1079 reads
128 / 141

He actually made a post that made perfect sense earlier today, so he has a lot of ground to make up.

JohnyComeAlready 935 reads
129 / 141


Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience:

The process of screening a potential customer is prejudice - based on reason or actual experience.

I'm not up to par with your particular method/s of screening, so this would be a hypothetical scenario...

If I contact you for an appointment, and you request my personal info for the purpose of screening. That would be an act of prejudice on my person. The reason why that would be prejudice is because, you have no reason or actual experience with me as an individual.

Your decision to screen, is based upon what a certain group has done in the past. That group being the guys you want to avoid seeing.

*edited* My last sentence originally said - "That group being the guys you don't want to avoid seeing."   That made NO sense.

-- Modified on 11/30/2014 2:47:08 PM

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1161 reads
130 / 141

I tried to play along the other day, but this? This I just can't.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 889 reads
131 / 141

It's the tits that just can't seem to get it together! :-(

This is my favorite...

JohnyComeAlready 1109 reads
132 / 141

Posted By: inicky46
He makes up his own definitions. Here's an example of what passes for his thought process.  
Here are some synonyms of the word prejudice

1 male prejudices about women
preconceived idea, preconception, preconceived notion;

prejudgement - Form a judgement on (an issue or person) prematurely and without having adequate information:


The word prejudice or prejudgement has the word INFORMATION in the definition of the word.  

Requesting personal "information" is prejudice, because the judgement is based upon the information that is requested. The information itself, is inadequate because the information only confirms who a person might be. Not anything else about the person, therefore requesting PI is indeed a form of prejudice/prejudgement.






bigotry, bias, partisanship, partiality, intolerance, discrimination, a jaundiced eye, preference, one-sidedness, unfairness, inequality, inequity;
racism, racialism, anti-Semitism, chauvinism, sexism, ageism, heterosexism, classism, fattism;
US Jim Crowism

JohnyComeAlready 1001 reads
133 / 141
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1245 reads
134 / 141
inicky46 61 Reviews 1166 reads
135 / 141

I guess doing this all day, can piss a dummy off

TaylorLeighxxx See my TER Reviews 1086 reads
137 / 141

Why? You wanna be called one? Strange.
Devin's not a bitch. Far from it. She's a HOT BIOTCH! But def not a bitch.  
Guess you prefer the little insecure, timid girls who say yes to anything, giggle a lot and let you slide on screening, huh? Lol, those are the girls I consider bitches.  
Happy hobbying with your bitches:)

Posted By: earthshined
i will call her or you that when she acts like it. well really more of a bitchy comment but whatever.  
 btw, is asshole the same thing?

UrMomsBox 1124 reads
139 / 141

So much info?  There is NO reason I am giving you my SSN and pics of my freakin paycheck stub or power bill.  That gets WAY into identity theft.  Plus if you or the agency (if you belong to one) get raided then all MY INFO is just sitting there for Vice detectives to look into.  Now I have to worry about subpoenas etc?  Fuck that!  I have references, I have whitelist etc.  You don't need all that other crap.

earthshined 1161 reads
140 / 141

if you read the post above she already did. hence, my comment.

to me bitchy is an attitude which is what I surmised from her post.

She could be whatever you say she is but I don't really care. Like i said I would never see her so it doesnt matter.

I usually don't see anyone under early to mid 30's so to the extent that they are "girls" I'm guilty of that.

-- Modified on 12/1/2014 12:21:10 AM

Fridays117 27 Reviews 959 reads
141 / 141

If a lady does not want to see me based on my multiple ok's on p411 or my single ter whitelist (for some reason a lot of gals on TER don't seem to use TER, I will go as far as giving my real name and cell #.  Addresses and hime phone, nope.  I will however, in person, show my driver's license with my finger over the address to prove I am who I say I am.  I find however, that none of the gals I have seen have ever asked to see it.  Usually they are OK with p411 and the hooker grapevine I guess.

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