TER General Board

Oh no. I’m not falling for that one again.
Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 23 reads

Three times was enough for me to learn my lesson.  

While we’re on the subject though, here’s one fun fact about the word gullible that’s actually true. Gullible is not in the dictionary for some reason. Seriously, you can look it up. Or try to at least.  

Anyways I’m not saying the OP is gullible, just you reminded me of a bit of trivia.

How is this possible & continuously happens? Looks are one’s personal opinions.

John_Laroche21 reads

Just how many times have your shill's reviews been kicked back? I mean how will you ever maintain your status on the Top 100 if this continues?

I read the reviews, so if I see that something is off I inquire with the reviewer. I love women! I enjoy the erotic literature TER reviews bring. After reading the juicy details that I obviously can not share because of TER guidelines it’s a huge red flag.🚩  

I am not sure why with looks how can that be kicked back if beauty is in the eyes of the beholder?  

If you want to act, like this not common that’s your prerogative.

RespectfulRobert17 reads

Did TER change its policy and I am not aware re: looks scoring?

your own question?   Whether TER has changed their policy or not is yet to be established, but you not knowing about it one way or the other is predictable.  Lol

-- Modified on 5/13/2024 2:31:55 PM

-- Modified on 5/13/2024 2:33:13 PM

I’m sorry but I still don’t know what you’re saying.  Can I ask you to clarify please?

What do you mean that you contact the reviewer if something is “off”? Can you define off? What do the reviewers say to you about it?

What things are you saying are red flags? Can you give some general examples of what you’re talking about? Without names, obviously, just the types of things you’re seeing?

I think you’re saying some reviews are “kicked back” as in rejected. Correct? And are you saying they get rejected because someone somewhere disagrees with the looks rating? What do you mean by “kicked back on looks”?  

If admin rejected a review, how would you know about it unless it was about you and the client told you about it? Are you saying other providers are having a cap put on their looks scores?

I don’t think anyone here is “acting like it’s not common”, we just have no idea what you’re talking about.

Or is there a meaning of kickback I missed?

Kinda confused as to what this is about ngl

Your clients claim their reviews were not allowed because they said you were too beautiful?
Sounds like an excuse to cover never writing the review.

Just another threAD from QB in her quest to become Miss TER.

"gullible" VERY slowly, it sounds like "oranges."  

Three times was enough for me to learn my lesson.  

While we’re on the subject though, here’s one fun fact about the word gullible that’s actually true. Gullible is not in the dictionary for some reason. Seriously, you can look it up. Or try to at least.  

Anyways I’m not saying the OP is gullible, just you reminded me of a bit of trivia.

For real made me laugh

Posted By: Lt_FrankDrebin
Re: Oh no. I’m not falling for that one again.  
Three times was enough for me to learn my lesson.  
 While we’re on the subject though, here’s one fun fact about the word gullible that’s actually true. Gullible is not in the dictionary for some reason. Seriously, you can look it up. Or try to at least.  
 Anyways I’m not saying the OP is gullible, just you reminded me of a bit of trivia.

Usually not until they see me tho.  

Anyways looking at the smile in your pics, I’m real sorry I missed that!

It’s usually a progressive thing. They see the goofy face and snicker. Then they chuckle when my pants come off revealing the sock garters and the boxer shorts with little hearts on them. Then when I drop my drawers they burst out laughing and say just who do you think you’re going to pleasure with that thing?

That’s when I look them dead in the eye and say MEEEE!!!


But you have to have a plan for something like that. If a woman ever says that to you just tell her there’s more than one way to skin a cat, and then lick your eyebrows.

John_Laroche25 reads

it sound like "smile for me."

JohnBlack25 reads

some people prefer illusion to despair. the constant self promotion is tiring. people know who you are. if they liked you, they would contact you. you are not my type, but if you were, the attitude would turn me off. sometimes less is more.

PussyPuller28 reads

By despair, did you mean desperation?

  It's not like you are marrying the bitch

Oh Fucking please !!!!! A Review that is a way for rejection due to looks. If that's the case, then why even allow the person on this site?!!!!!

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