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Oh, My..My...You are getting me excited ;) (eom)
WildwestKelly See my TER Reviews 734 reads


My ATF lives in a different city & I only get to see her once a month.  I was thinking about ordering a dozen red roses on my next visit (to be delivered to my hotel room) but thought she might feel self-conscious leaving the hotel late at night carrying a vase & flowers.  On the other hand, she might think it was romantic & I'm sure they would make the room smell nice.  Should I or should I not?

Two answers-- yes and maybe.

Yes, it would certainly be a nice gesture and it would be lovely to have them waiting for her when she arrives.

Maybe she would be self-conscious taking them home-- but if you make it clear to her that your feelings will not be hurt if she leaves them with you... then I don't see how you can go wrong!

Don't worry about her walking out with them, they'd end up in the trash. If you want to give her something as a gift- which I don't recommend- give the money you would have wasted on flowers.

Personally, I have my "Mechanic Philosophy". You can have a good time, maybe share a couple laughs and like the person, but ultimately, the relationship is like the one you have with your mechanic. If you mechanic does a good job, you don't tip him, do you?

You're comparing an escort to a mechanic? Nevermind I won't even touch that one.

If it will make you feel good to send flowers, and you think she will appreciate them, then you should send them. :)

I brought a dozen red roses for a provider as we were meeting on St. Valentine's Day.

She had to fly back to Florida later that day.

She wrote me to say that she brought the roses onto the plane (pre 911, natch) and the attendants held on to them for her, placed them in a vase and wrapped them up for her to carry when she deplaned.

She was quite thrilled by the experience.

Know ahead of time about a lady's likes and dislikes. Myself: I hate getting flowers on outcall appointments. It's very hard to transport them home, and then when I do get them home, my cat eats them and throws up all over the place. Flowers have always been a thoughtful gift, but realize that some people have allergies, or maniac cats, or feel self-conscious getting them (during outcall). However, what an extremely thoughtful gesture on your part. I know it's hard for it to be a surprise, but you might want to ask her how she feels about getting flowers.


I know just what you mean, Ciara... my dog + a vase = imminent disaster! I do love flowers, but I'm an avid gardener and I keep all of mine outside, lol.

Still, it's a nice thought, and I'm sure it would brighten her day even if they had to be left and couldn't brighten the days thereafter...


I remember being on tour and had a bad experience with a client. The next one came to my door with flowers and just brightened up my day! I was able to enjoy them the rest of my visit.


-- Modified on 8/27/2007 12:42:24 PM

and we can place the petals on the bed and inbetween your legs. ;)


And my clients often bring me a bouquet.  But I can see the inconvenience of having to transport a huge bouquet.  In my opinion........ a single rose means just as much........would make me smile just to know he was so thoughtful, and would be much easier to handle.  Just a thought........

I keep an arsenal of gift cards that I use for my business. Gift cards for Ruth's Chris, Nieman Marcus, Saks, and even for 1-800FLOWERS, etc,etc.

While a gift of plastic may not be quite as "romantic" as a bouquet of flowers it usually gets a positive response from the ladies I share them with. I started this practice a few years ago after presenting a provider I'd seen a few times with a sizable bouquet of her favorite flowers only to see her leave them with me. While she loved the flowers, her husband had given her flowers that morning and they were not quite as impressive as the arrangement I'd presented to her- she did not want to hurt his feelings.

I learned from that experience. Firstly, that this particular provider was married-- and that was a definite WOW for me- had no clue. As a result, I came up with the gift card idea. The ladies can use them on themselves, regift them or share a nice dinner/experience with someone they care about. The cards fit nicely in their purse avoiding the attention they would attract carrying a large floral arrangement through the hotel lobby or the awkwardness that may result from others at home....

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