TER General Board

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 233 reads

First, that sucks! Second,  She sucks!  
I would out that fucking thief everywhere possible.  
She's got that coming, but that's all he can do.  
He should never see her again because there is NOTHING  
he can do that wouldn't catch him a criminal charge.  
It's an expensive lesson. Never let them leave with the money.  
I've heard of the "no condoms" trick where the  
Provider will leave her bag while she runs to the store  
(her bag is from the GoodWill Store stuffed with junk) and she never comes back.  
Welcome to the hobby.  
It's shit like this that makes me stick to my regular's
Definitely inform other hobbyists about this SNAKE!

I met a new client this weekend.  
We talked about his very recent introduction to the hobby.
He is so new and innocent, sweet but he has so much to learn!

One girl he met - her pictures were very misleading- her face was blurred so he booked because of the body. The body in person was double size the body in the pics- THIS IS STEALING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry guys and gals if a lady misrepresents herself she has stolen the guys time. If he is dumb enough to proceed then that is on him. I hate when a guy says Oh she seemed so nice!!!!!!!!????????????
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, sorry A girl is not nice when she mislead you intentionally. This hits a nerve with me because I have had my pictures stolen and I put myself way out there showing my face to ensure my dates will be physically attracted to me.

Another girl basically blew him off after he went through a lot to get to her location- so much he wound up getting a hotel  
at her request although it was supposed to be incall!!! He did get past that and another lady kept him company- but he was left soured by going so far out when he did not get what he wanted.

But the next date he had really got me upset for him. He booked a date with a girl who did not show her face, nor was it blurred but you could see enough of her to look like a home run (He showed me the current ad/pic)
She arrived on time. She was $550 for 3 hours in Tampa!!! He said although more tattoos were visible forward facing - she was very attractive and so he immediately asked her to stay longer. She said $900 the whole night. He thought great- gave her rest of money and she said she just had to tell her driver not to wait for her???????????????????????
Oh dear I said, YUP, she left the room with his $900 and that was the end of their date. He immediately started calling but no answer. She is even still posting - same pictures etc. I went over some very basic stuff with him like how to look for reviews and stuff but that's all well and good going forward but for me, if I was a guy I would be out to get this "lady".  

Have you, or would you attempt to get another date with somebody like this to get your money back or would you/have you just let it go? Just another example why this industry should be legal.

FatVern340 reads

It would probably cost me more money trying to recoup my loss.

This would be a Jail or Death experience with her driver. I'm really a nice guy Brenda most of the people who have seen me will tell you I am funny entertaining and a easy client. You don't see 20 girls in this hobby without making connections. I will say this. I'm not a push over. I'm not afraid to go to jail for what I believe in. You can form your own conclusions that it wouldn't end pretty. I wouldn't lay a hand on her but the driver or pimp would get me the money back. I have no doubt in my mind  

However with all that said I wouldn't see this type of provider.  

Just my 2 cents.  

Posted By: brendaboobies
I met a new client this weekend.  
 We talked about his very recent introduction to the hobby.  
 He is so new and innocent, sweet but he has so much to learn!  
 One girl he met - her pictures were very misleading- her face was blurred so he booked because of the body. The body in person was double size the body in the pics- THIS IS STEALING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry guys and gals if a lady misrepresents herself she has stolen the guys time. If he is dumb enough to proceed then that is on him. I hate when a guy says Oh she seemed so nice!!!!!!!!????????????  
 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, sorry A girl is not nice when she mislead you intentionally. This hits a nerve with me because I have had my pictures stolen and I put myself way out there showing my face to ensure my dates will be physically attracted to me.  
 Another girl basically blew him off after he went through a lot to get to her location- so much he wound up getting a hotel  
 at her request although it was supposed to be incall!!! He did get past that and another lady kept him company- but he was left soured by going so far out when he did not get what he wanted.  
 But the next date he had really got me upset for him. He booked a date with a girl who did not show her face, nor was it blurred but you could see enough of her to look like a home run (He showed me the current ad/pic)  
 She arrived on time. She was $550 for 3 hours in Tampa!!! He said although more tattoos were visible forward facing - she was very attractive and so he immediately asked her to stay longer. She said $900 the whole night. He thought great- gave her rest of money and she said she just had to tell her driver not to wait for her???????????????????????  
 Oh dear I said, YUP, she left the room with his $900 and that was the end of their date. He immediately started calling but no answer. She is even still posting - same pictures etc. I went over some very basic stuff with him like how to look for reviews and stuff but that's all well and good going forward but for me, if I was a guy I would be out to get this "lady".  
 Have you, or would you attempt to get another date with somebody like this to get your money back or would you/have you just let it go? Just another example why this industry should be legal.
-- Modified on 4/25/2016 1:52:52 PM

So you are going to put yourself in a volatile situation where there is a high probability you end up in an armed confrontation?  That driver is in the business of ripping people off, so he is going to be prepared.  So you want to risk a hearse ride or jail time for $900?  Really?  

-- Modified on 4/25/2016 1:27:22 PM

f the donation was $3000 would you still chalk it up to a bad experience? I guess 900 is not a lot of money to most people here. Since most people said they would do nothing. I value a buck and it's more principle than anything. At what point do you have to do something to get your investment back? If it's a bad session I can deal with that. No session and just to be robbed like that your messing with the wrong guy.  

If I am willing to go to jail or the extreme die for the money that was stolen from me. He has to be willing to lose just as much as me. It's never happened and the way I go about finding a date its less likely to happen because I screen a provider just as hard as they screen me. I know I'm not getting robbed by a pimp because the type of girl I see doesn't have a pimp. I just wouldn't be able to let that go. I don't have a wife and kids. I'm at a different place than most people here. I'm not running away from a fight. I'm going after my money.

I have always been different than the masses it's part of my charm

Newto1000272 reads

So, you never cheated on your taxes.  Never went overboard with a deduction, which you knew was improper.  Always claimed the exact amount of charitable contributions.  None of us is entirely innocent.  Moreover, risking your life or jail time for a $900 or $3,000 ripoff is just plain idiocy.  Actually, insane.

So I'm guessing you've had these kinds of showdowns in the past. You'd make a good martyr ... a role model of what not to do IMHO ... Get your testosterone in check and save it for the ladies.  

Falling back on "it won't happen to you" makes your statement hollower than my head.

rc82594251 reads

Heck, I agree with this. Chase after the car and pop some rounds into the driver's tires and mirrors. Most under the table "businesses" are scams in this day and age.

just expect a little return fire once you pull your piece.  

Wish I could borrow some of that testosterone ... I'd use it for fucking. Feels better than a drug in your ass

Absolutely. It would be a well thought out plan so I wouldnt act in haste and make some dumb mistake.I would be relentless and make no mistake about it, would get my money back, and probably some extra for my troubles. I play by the rules in here as most of us do so when someone pulls that crap it really pisses me off. And I feel the same way when when some jerk short changes a lady or worse. You are right Brenda, just another reason this should all be legal.

It's not like you can go to the police and report getting ripped off by an escort. And trying to get it back from the escort could leave you with a knife in the gut or a bullet in the brain. Count your losses and move on.

Posted By: brendaboobies
I met a new client this weekend.  
 We talked about his very recent introduction to the hobby.  
 He is so new and innocent, sweet but he has so much to learn!  
 One girl he met - her pictures were very misleading- her face was blurred so he booked because of the body. The body in person was double size the body in the pics- THIS IS STEALING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry guys and gals if a lady misrepresents herself she has stolen the guys time. If he is dumb enough to proceed then that is on him. I hate when a guy says Oh she seemed so nice!!!!!!!!????????????  
 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, sorry A girl is not nice when she mislead you intentionally. This hits a nerve with me because I have had my pictures stolen and I put myself way out there showing my face to ensure my dates will be physically attracted to me.  
 Another girl basically blew him off after he went through a lot to get to her location- so much he wound up getting a hotel  
 at her request although it was supposed to be incall!!! He did get past that and another lady kept him company- but he was left soured by going so far out when he did not get what he wanted.  
 But the next date he had really got me upset for him. He booked a date with a girl who did not show her face, nor was it blurred but you could see enough of her to look like a home run (He showed me the current ad/pic)  
 She arrived on time. She was $550 for 3 hours in Tampa!!! He said although more tattoos were visible forward facing - she was very attractive and so he immediately asked her to stay longer. She said $900 the whole night. He thought great- gave her rest of money and she said she just had to tell her driver not to wait for her???????????????????????  
 Oh dear I said, YUP, she left the room with his $900 and that was the end of their date. He immediately started calling but no answer. She is even still posting - same pictures etc. I went over some very basic stuff with him like how to look for reviews and stuff but that's all well and good going forward but for me, if I was a guy I would be out to get this "lady".  
 Have you, or would you attempt to get another date with somebody like this to get your money back or would you/have you just let it go? Just another example why this industry should be legal.

GaGambler482 reads

Your friend has to ask himself "just how far is he willing to go to get his money back if indeed he gets here face to face?"

IOW he books another appointment, tricks her into showing up, gets her face to face, ok now what?  She isn't going to have his nine hundred bucks on her, he's not going to rape her, she most likely has back up since she is an out and out thief, so what's his next move?  It doesn't sound like he has any, so the best he can do is warn the community, take his losses and vow never to be so stupid ever again

Several years ago I was in Phoenix on business. Had a few drinks at the bar and decided to call a service that I found in the Yellow Pages in the phone book. ( told you it was several years ago! ).

A cute red head with a tight body and a generous amount of freckles showed up. She asked for the $$$. Said she had to give it to her driver. And surprise surprise!!!!! She never came back. I felt stupid, humiliated and depressed.....Several calls to the agency and I'm sure they laughed their asses off listening to me moan about my misfortune.

Fast forward about a year later,,,I'm in Phoenix again on business. I decide to see an escort and I get my date/calendar book out. I used to keep coded notes, phone numbers etc etc in a special section. Anyway,,,I come across the number for the agency that ripped me off  the previous year.

On a whim I called them and said I had a thing for spinner red heads with lots of freckles. The booker said " you're in luck, I have just the girl for you! ,,,So I asked him to send her over.

I went downstairs to the lobby where I could sit and nurse a beer AND watch whoever came in thru the front door. Sure enough,,,in she walks. Goes over to the bank of elevators and heads up to my room. About 20 minutes later she storms out of the elevator and marches out of the hotel.

I wait another 15-20 minutes, go back to my room and call the service and ask why the girl hasn't come yet. The booked said she had come, knocked several times,,,got no answer and left thinking she had been flaked on.

I apologized profusely saying I must have been in the shower and didn't hear the knocking at the door. I said I was really sorry and could he PLEASE have the girl come back. I told him I'd give her an extra $ 50 for my mistake. He said he'd try. 15 minutes later he called back and said she'd be there in 30 minutes.

So, 20 minutes later I went back down to the lobby and waited again. And just like before, in she walks, up she goes in the elevator, 15-20 minutes go by and down the elevator she comes, as she stomped out of the hotel I sensed she was pretty up set.

So,,,,10 minutes later I called the agency again and asked if there was anything I could say to get her to come back a third time. Just before he hung up on me I heard him say " Fuck you "

While it didn't put the cash back in your pocket, and it's not going to stop them from continuing to operate the same way, you wasted her time, and the agency's time, and at least she wasn't out ripping off someone else while she was out looking for you. As long as you had the time to kill, and it made you feel better, why not?


Posted By: WAS
Several years ago I was in Phoenix on business. Had a few drinks at the bar and decided to call a service that I found in the Yellow Pages in the phone book. ( told you it was several years ago! ).  
 A cute red head with a tight body and a generous amount of freckles showed up. She asked for the $$$. Said she had to give it to her driver. And surprise surprise!!!!! She never came back. I felt stupid, humiliated and depressed.....Several calls to the agency and I'm sure they laughed their asses off listening to me moan about my misfortune.  
 Fast forward about a year later,,,I'm in Phoenix again on business. I decide to see an escort and I get my date/calendar book out. I used to keep coded notes, phone numbers etc etc in a special section. Anyway,,,I come across the number for the agency that ripped me off  the previous year.  
 On a whim I called them and said I had a thing for spinner red heads with lots of freckles. The booker said " you're in luck, I have just the girl for you! ,,,So I asked him to send her over.  
 I went downstairs to the lobby where I could sit and nurse a beer AND watch whoever came in thru the front door. Sure enough,,,in she walks. Goes over to the bank of elevators and heads up to my room. About 20 minutes later she storms out of the elevator and marches out of the hotel.  
 I wait another 15-20 minutes, go back to my room and call the service and ask why the girl hasn't come yet. The booked said she had come, knocked several times,,,got no answer and left thinking she had been flaked on.  
 I apologized profusely saying I must have been in the shower and didn't hear the knocking at the door. I said I was really sorry and could he PLEASE have the girl come back. I told him I'd give her an extra $ 50 for my mistake. He said he'd try. 15 minutes later he called back and said she'd be there in 30 minutes.  
 So, 20 minutes later I went back down to the lobby and waited again. And just like before, in she walks, up she goes in the elevator, 15-20 minutes go by and down the elevator she comes, as she stomped out of the hotel I sensed she was pretty up set.  
 So,,,,10 minutes later I called the agency again and asked if there was anything I could say to get her to come back a third time. Just before he hung up on me I heard him say " Fuck you "

stucaboy282 reads

waited in the parking lot to see what car she was in then followed her/them. (If you had a car).  May have found out where she lives, were the car is parked,  etc.  
From then on let your imagination run wild.  You won't get your money back as GaGambler said but there is some sport in this.

near mine if I knew was empty.

Somebody could have showed up early in the morning for your wake-up call.

Report her, so she's doesn't do this to someone else...  Tell him there's a hobbyist only section on TER to involved with & probably other venues for him to report.... If she's on TER tell him to contact Ter admin/support ... So her profiles is deleted.. This business, both hobbyist & providers are going to meet low life's like that who rips both side off but site like this weeds them out...  

Karma is a bitch, she will get what she deserves!!!

FatVern272 reads

All the TERs in the world are not going to prevent hos from burning tricks.

I never said his ass would get money back.. I said report it so it doesn't happen in the future.. You should actual read the responses instead of skimming & reply snarky remarks!!! 😡😡😡

Illiteracy should be a crime!!!!

rc82594276 reads

reporting doesn't help. too many wk's on ter profiles with bogus review information. inflated reviews. some guys get blacklisted for no good reason at all.

I have.. and I'm sure others have as well..

Someone I knew in high school tried something similar. He answered an ad on Craigslist to purchase a computer for $600 he showed up and this two black guys robbed him. Instead of cutting his loses he chased them down and got shot multiple times and died with his girlfriend in the car.  

In college there was a late night stick up of this couple near my place. The robber stole the ladies purse and the guy tried to fight back ended up shot and bleeding out, he eventually died in the hospital.  

The lesson is just let it go, your life is not worth a few hundred dollars.

Posted By: brendaboobies
I met a new client this weekend.  
 We talked about his very recent introduction to the hobby.  
 He is so new and innocent, sweet but he has so much to learn!  
 One girl he met - her pictures were very misleading- her face was blurred so he booked because of the body. The body in person was double size the body in the pics- THIS IS STEALING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry guys and gals if a lady misrepresents herself she has stolen the guys time. If he is dumb enough to proceed then that is on him. I hate when a guy says Oh she seemed so nice!!!!!!!!????????????  
 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, sorry A girl is not nice when she mislead you intentionally. This hits a nerve with me because I have had my pictures stolen and I put myself way out there showing my face to ensure my dates will be physically attracted to me.  
 Another girl basically blew him off after he went through a lot to get to her location- so much he wound up getting a hotel  
 at her request although it was supposed to be incall!!! He did get past that and another lady kept him company- but he was left soured by going so far out when he did not get what he wanted.  
 But the next date he had really got me upset for him. He booked a date with a girl who did not show her face, nor was it blurred but you could see enough of her to look like a home run (He showed me the current ad/pic)  
 She arrived on time. She was $550 for 3 hours in Tampa!!! He said although more tattoos were visible forward facing - she was very attractive and so he immediately asked her to stay longer. She said $900 the whole night. He thought great- gave her rest of money and she said she just had to tell her driver not to wait for her???????????????????????  
 Oh dear I said, YUP, she left the room with his $900 and that was the end of their date. He immediately started calling but no answer. She is even still posting - same pictures etc. I went over some very basic stuff with him like how to look for reviews and stuff but that's all well and good going forward but for me, if I was a guy I would be out to get this "lady".  
 Have you, or would you attempt to get another date with somebody like this to get your money back or would you/have you just let it go? Just another example why this industry should be legal.

FatVern182 reads

I'd still just let it go, if I was ripped off by a hooker

First, that sucks! Second,  She sucks!  
I would out that fucking thief everywhere possible.  
She's got that coming, but that's all he can do.  
He should never see her again because there is NOTHING  
he can do that wouldn't catch him a criminal charge.  
It's an expensive lesson. Never let them leave with the money.  
I've heard of the "no condoms" trick where the  
Provider will leave her bag while she runs to the store  
(her bag is from the GoodWill Store stuffed with junk) and she never comes back.  
Welcome to the hobby.  
It's shit like this that makes me stick to my regular's
Definitely inform other hobbyists about this SNAKE!

If she says she has a driver, or someone else she needs to give the money to, I would immediately inform her that the date was at an end, and she can leave the donation where it's sitting.  I'm hyper alert to any situation in which a woman could pull a cash and dash on me.

Plus a dangerous game.
The guy doesn't appear to have " hobby savvy". Until you , whom he's lucky to have met , I bet he was booking tgtbt BP or EROS ladies who had no reviews ....just a sexy ad and a phone number.

The best thing anyone can do for a guy like that is to encourage him to invest a little time and $$ & join TER.

As far as attempting to get money back....it's a total waste of time. Can't go to LE and there is no appeal or threat hat is going to persuade a rip off babe or her " handlers " to return the money.  

It's the unfortunate cost of learning the life.

SierraBenjamin273 reads

I agree that it is best to cut your losses and learn from your mistakes. Unfortunately, not every person in the hobby has the best intentions. But there are some spectacular ladies and gents out there. Despite being ripped off a few times, I still love the hobby and appreciate all the great people I have encountered. The good certainly outweighs the bad.

Eventually it'll catch up with them. I've had some poor sessions, but never a rob.

Posted By: hiddenhills
Eventually it'll catch up with them. I've had some poor sessions, but never a rob.
Amen what goes around come around.

then believing in Karma is very naive. Thinking "what goes around comes around" or "it will catch up to them" in this life is silly. While some people get what they deserve, tons of people go through life fucking people over constantly with no repurcussions, and tons of good people go through life never doing a mean thing and still have all kinds of bad things happen to them. It's just "life happens." There is no "karma."

GaGambler251 reads

A world where all good people lived great, happy lives and where bad people never prospered,

As anyone who has ever seen an totally innocent child suffer and die will agree, the real world just doesn't operate that way.

I suppose fairy tales help some people get through the day as it gives them an illusion that life always makes sense, but there is a reason kids stop believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy at some point of their development, believing in fairy tales is to reject what your own eyes are telling you.

That is one of the reasons why this should be legal,there are other reasons like poor sessions form the providers to discourage you to come back,providers who charge $600 or more and performed very poor and many more,but like I said karma is a bitch and everything that people do will come back and bite  you in the ass!,one day will be legal just like marijuana and them all of these abusive providers will have to accept to work under a regulated fee and with a smile on their faces or not make any money it all,everything that we do in life sooner or later has consequences,be ready!

There is no way to get the money back.

Newbies, such as myself, should only book with well reviewed long time escorts until we learn the ropes.

If they are well reviewed they are less likely to jeopardize their reputation with shenanigans

Assault can be just as simple as a threat, battery is obviously physically attacking someone.  
Despite what tv demonstrates the responding cop knows that A&B trumps the fact that someone got ripped off.  
So hobbyist or provider you'd best chalk it up to schooling.  
I'm not married but I can imagine someone explaining the arrest to wifey

-- Modified on 4/25/2016 8:14:57 PM

And that's what you will see in jail: lots of salt and someone will stick their battery up your ass

I was fortunate that my first encounter with a lady from SoFla went as good as could be...almost 12 yrs. ago in NYC, and we still meet at least a dozen times a year in NYC, FL, and elsewhere.  

That being said, your friend was foolish and naive in letting anyone leave his presence with $900 to see her "driver".   This is a classic ROB scenario...and he should just chalk it to experience, do his homework thoroughly, and post an ROB review.  

The last truly bad experience I had in the hobby was getting NCNS'd back in Jan. 2010 in NYC...she cancelled last minute after I drove into the City.  When I got home, I was truly bummed...not only from having to travel into the City and getting stood up by a then well regarded touring provider from LA, but having to tell an established friend that I would be unable to see her because I couldn't travel to Vegas that week-end.  She expressed her sadness in her e-mail, and decided to just fuck it...an hour later, reservations were made for Vegas, dats were set, and we fell asleep together the following night at the Vdara.  :)  Same thing two nights later!!  :)

Maybe I've been lucky, but I've always been able to make things work here by playing with well regarded and quality ladies such as you, although we have have never met.  Life's been good to me so far...

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