TER General Board

No, they did not email everyone.
RedHetaera See my TER Reviews 524 reads

Perhaps they only emailed those with premium accounts; there is certainly nothing even in my spam folder.


Hiding from the man2164 reads

Ladies - check your sites. The hosting company has put many of your photos behind a pay wall! without your permission. They are charging for access, and pocketing the money.

Guys - DO NOT buy into those sites - it could well be a way to scam your CC # along with shaking you down for a few dollars

Feature. I am awaiting response from the customer service.
     The option to unlock my galleries I am unable to click on it.
I never activated the pure vip feature .
So thats whats going on?
It is ocurring on other peoples sites too? That use the free host sites.

I just posted a similar question on the Newbie Board and xyz23 graciously provided the link to this post.  

Angel - I checked your site and your photos are still locked by Pure VIP Gold.

I won't pay for photos but more importantly, I don't trust providing my information via payment to another service that no one seems to know anything about, especially when a provider has her pictures blocked on her site without permission.  That alone tells me they are a scam!

Photos are important along with the bios and other detailed information that a provider places on their sites and should never cost extra.  The goal is to be able to carefully select the right provider and remain safe and discreet and without photos us hobbyists lose another layer of verification.

I use this platform and hate it, but I'm working on a more sleek, professional and navigable site.

Make sure ot wasnt just a glitch that they locked all my galleries.
     So this is also happening on other build your own sites not just mine

isable {free of charge} in the home and about pages..........................

sorry for any confusion ! to potential clients. I definitly am not sure why the vip locked albums feature got activated but will look into it, xo
for now it ghas to stay i need a site up with my info so i can post.

If any of you ladies are not able to view your photos, and have emailed the hosting site, but have yet heard back from them, please PM me and I can tell you how to unlock them. It's an easy instant quick fix. The site also has a place where they give instructions of how to unlock them.  

I just wish that every time they do updates/upgrades that will temporarily affect us, send out a blast email to inform us of these new changes. I am not a sales rep for them and will never advise my clients to buy into their VIP lounge!

but as we all know there are a lot of unscrupulous people that will try to take advantage wherever they can to make a buck.

I hope all you providers who were hurt can correct the unapproved block and I hope all those hobbyists that paid for VIP Gold don't get scammed on their credit cards.

Why does this hobby seems to attract some of societies worst just trying to scam whomever they think they can?

and I have the option to keep the photos locked or not ocked. A fellow escort just pmed me the way to keep them unlocked and free to be viewed ..  

My galleries are now free and on display as always. I thought thier was a big hacker conspiracy goin on i waS ALL FREAKIN OUT AND READY TO TAKE THE SITE DOWN, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



You get a free site
All you have to do is contact support read your emails
If you pay for premium like I do and have complete control along with the domain you have no issues at all
You get what you pay for

-- Modified on 4/9/2015 8:00:26 AM

Perhaps they only emailed those with premium accounts; there is certainly nothing even in my spam folder.


Then if there's not even that pattern (emailing premium, but not free, clients) it really just makes them look horrible.  


It is probably the Russian cyber crime mob.  

You will know for sure if you find your torso pics covered in pearls.  

I understand it is their signature

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