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Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 5805 reads
1 / 55

And she was Secretly doing it on the side, What would You Do?

EzekielKarl 75 reads
2 / 55

Gotta be honest here; I (obviously) have no issues with p4p or casual sex, but when it comes to actual relationships, I am much more of the jealous type.  No offense to the married hobbyists, but I have never cheated on anyone and will never stay with a girl who sleeps with others behind my back.  Just the way I'm wired.  Now, that only applies to the specific scenario you just described. Would I knowingly enter into an open relationship with a provider?  I've met some fantastic ladies recently who have made me wonder just that question.  Even so, the transition from paying client to real-life boyfriend seems like a tricky one to pull off, and I just don't know how I would handle the knowledge of how spent her time away from me.

BlueeyeJack 78 reads
3 / 55

...so long as we are honest with each other.  Of course I understand the jealously thing, however if she really wants to continue working, than I can play as well.  Otherwise, clear communication in the end makes sure we as a couple will make an effort to each other.

GaGambler 84 reads
4 / 55

Now if I found out I was involved with someone who had been lying to me about it for an extended period of time, that would be quite a different matter, but of course it would all depend HOW I found out. There would be a huge difference if we had a "honey we have to talk" moment, or if I stumbled across her web site. lol

If I "caught" her being a hooker, most likely that would end the relationship. If she "told me" about it, that would be a much different story, but to be honest with you, I can't imagine being in a relationship with a hooker without knowing she was a hooker.

NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 82 reads
5 / 55

That is, I wouldn't do anything after I dropped dead from shock.

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 76 reads
6 / 55
mrfisher 108 Reviews 74 reads
7 / 55
micktoz 41 Reviews 77 reads
8 / 55

I'd like to think that I would react the same way I did when I got the 2am phone call from a drunk, jilted ex-wife of some guy. She asks me if I want to know  that my wife was fucking her husband (actually ex).
My response was that I wasn't interested. She asked why not. I said that it was obviously none of my business.
If it was my business my wife would have told me.

This situation would also be none of my business unless we discussed it.

Then, I'd like to  have a conversation  and see where we were at.
Depending on how we are getting along, I would hope we could see how to carry on.
I don't get jealous. For me, it would be more about being honest with each other.

Then, hopefully we could use some of her stories as fantasy stuff for our sex life.

But, this is all conjecture  for me. I'm not in a love  relationship at the moment.

Senator.Blutarsky 77 reads
9 / 55

...but it wasn't last night. It's extremely unlikely that I'd be fooled for long. Now, if she's up front about it, I have no issues with it. If I'm fooling around, I can hardly expect her not to.

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 78 reads
10 / 55
tomf301 81 reads
11 / 55

MY GF is a provider. Sometimes its ok, I have even joined her on some of her dates, but the thing that bothers me is she does things with her clients that she wont do or even admit to doing with me. She says its for money and I say if you can do something for money, why cant you do it for love ? If you can do it with a total stranger, why cant you do it with the person you profess to love more than any man you have ever met. I'm very open and kinky sexually and when I see she has done something with a client I want to try it but I get road blocked. Sad thing is some of the things I have already done with my ex wife and last GF, and even my provider GF, but then she will turn around and say she doesn't like doing it WTF?. That is all that bothers me about it. If she was more honest about it it wouldn't bother me as much. Don't deny you do something when its written right in a review for all to see

DatyRookie 85 reads
12 / 55

That my S/O was a hooker, I'd have to be honest and tell her that I've been seeing hookers  myself. What could I say? Either we support  another or split up.  

As a client of several bookers I would have to be understanding and supportive.

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 63 reads
13 / 55

Wow purrfect answer, Fair and  Square !!  Xoxo

JJLLRRKK1971 6 Reviews 67 reads
14 / 55

In those situations there was no hidding of what they did, because I saw other girls as well.  

On your question it would depend if your in the hobby or not. If you are already in the hobby then it would be cool as heck. On the other hand if your not in the hobby it could not be such a good thing.

NanaRaven 73 reads
15 / 55

Haha , yeah, I guess if you are a married guy who seek hookers, there's no stand for you to complain when you find out your wife is hooker XD

wrps07 85 reads
16 / 55

5 days a week. She would have to suck my dick the length of my commute.

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 91 reads
17 / 55

Ummm yummy ..and  then take her shopping and a Big Allowance... Xoxo

jenniferxj6 See my TER Reviews 84 reads
18 / 55

We're always nice to pay fine it's our job. It's not a guy starts believing it in his personal life becomes a problem. Sounds like you're starting to stumble in little bit remember we are providers are always nice to fine please don't cross that line  and get Mix up everybody ends up hurt . 🙂Thruth.  Why don't you try dating.  I noticed the clients that are single don't know how to date or something missing in their life that they end up going to a provider. Maybe fear. Of rejection. I don't know but with the provider if you don't get rejection you only get words of kindness and acceptance. But in a real relationship  they're not always going to be with you and I could hurt the feelings you have to learn to deal with hurt feelings and some rejection at times most people's ego can handle it if the John that's why their John's I need acceptance of kindness  from someone without problems .  That's our job to help their life this week and comfortable and we love doing it as providers .  Relationships are great and natural but there's a thing called dating you really should try it really really try it read up on it stops in providers and start dating it requires discipline and kindness and acceptance of rejection at times . Try it  be happy to go just to help you out love you

mojojo 1 Reviews 80 reads
19 / 55

That's why you won't have sex with me.

Thank you for the extra income that supports my sexual appetite.

custombuilder 8 Reviews 77 reads
20 / 55

I'd call Dr Phil

NaughtyMaddy See my TER Reviews 100 reads
21 / 55

...what if your wife found out you were paying sex workers???? How the heck wouldn't you notice your wife missing for hours banging other dudes????  Secretly ???? Seems more like a secret cuck to me.

Posted By: Sheila Starr

And she was Secretly doing it on the side, What would You Do?

GaGambler 104 reads
22 / 55

"Most" hookers have a husband or BF, I don't know what the percentage of them don't know they are involved with a hooker, but the number is not an unsubstantial one.

"I" would notice, but how is some poor schmuck working a nine to five have any idea what his wife is doing while he is at work.  Some "housewives" get bored, others like the extra money, some do it for "revenge" and others are just "dirty little sluts" (my favorite. lol) The list of why a woman with a husband or BF would be a hooker is a very long one.

613spades 5 Reviews 87 reads
23 / 55

I would be disappointed she hadn't told me. I would hope she was being safe, wonder what she was doing with the money; hope it wasn't being used for something illegal or put our family at risk.  
     We would have to talk about why she was doing it, did she enjoy it? Want to continue? Have a goal?  
     I'd be hurt to learn that she hated it but thought she had to for our family or if she had issues like drugs, gambling etc.  
     If I married her I love her I would hope. I wouldn't see her being a provider as the death sentence of our marriage but I would need to understand why she wanted to do it, enjoyed it at least for the most part and that she would be honest going forward.  
      It's hypocritical of me to want or enjoy sex with more than one person and not give my partner the same option if she wants it.

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 80 reads
24 / 55

Wow you said it !   You Go Girl Xoxo

micktoz 41 Reviews 103 reads
26 / 55

That's the bigger question for me. Not because of jealousy, but I'd like to know if staying together is worthwhile.
I guess it's more about emotional infidelity, rather than sexual. I know some people don't know how to separate the two. That's a shame.

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 157 reads
27 / 55

Well if you can get the milk for free ,why buy the cow ?   But for me why give it away, if you can  make money too...in both cases you must really like Sexxxx..  I do.... XOXO

CountryBoyAtHeart 3 Reviews 84 reads
28 / 55

Can't really answer because I have neither a wife or girlfriend. But personally, I'd be bothered more by her keeping it secret than doing it with my knowledge.

souls_harbor 69 reads
29 / 55

... if she'd mind if I retired on her income.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 85 reads
30 / 55

Why do it - what need does it fulfill?  

Why hide it - why not talk about it directly?

I'd need to understand it before I would decide what to do about it. I'd be inclined to simply operate on the presumption that what is good for the goose is good for the gander and move things towards an open relationship of some type (assuming there remains a relationship to worry about).

Confusing monogamy with morality has done more to destroy the conscience of the human race than any other error.

MfSD 39 Reviews 77 reads
31 / 55

Depends on how much you earn. If you're earning a good wage, why would your old lady want to provide, why not some other type of work...unless it was only about the sex.


coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 78 reads
32 / 55

Was a provider from day one. That's how we met.  After she took my money for sex the first time, it would have been difficult for her to convince me she was not a provider.

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 72 reads
33 / 55

Kisses.. your a good guy, non judge mental, that's what loves all about..

GaGambler 72 reads
34 / 55

and knowing him, I doubt love had anything to do with it.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 42 reads
35 / 55

two dozen provider outside GF's,  love only entered the picture twice.  For me, it takes 5-6 months to get to that point.  Most, but not all,  provider "relationships" don't last that long, as you probably already know.  

GaGambler 85 reads
36 / 55

Shallow pig that I am, no matter how hot, no matter how skilled, after I have fucked the same woman a couple of hundred times it's really hard for me to stay that interested. I guess it must be a character flaw of mine. lol

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 63 reads
37 / 55

While I, like you, might BE a pig, I don't date pigs, so they are all pretty hot and very skilled, so for me, the longevity is determined by how much fun they are to hang out with, not how hot or skilled they are.  I can only fuck a few hours a day, so if the rest of the time isn't fun doing other things together, I'm going to lose interest pretty quick.  

SeductiveConcierge See my TER Reviews 76 reads
38 / 55

I have dated a few guys since I have been a provider.  

Gentlemen #1- Long term relationship. He knew from the beginning but didn't believe me. I had to show him my website to prove to him that I was.  He was only really jealous of one of my clients because we had a great friendship. He was always afraid that I was going to leave him for my client. We are no longer together and said client is still my FWB. Lol

Gentlemen #2 - He didn't know that I was a provider, he works long hours as well as I do. When are schedules matched he sometimes would pick me up from my day job and do lunch. Really nice guy, we just decided to be friends as commitment scares him after baby mama screwed up his life.  

Gentlemen #3- He found out I was a provider. He was searching BP for ladies with his buddies and came across a picture he had seen in my phone. Instead of him just outright saying he found it he beated around the bush for two weeks. Constantly asking me if I had anything I wanted to tell him. I am not in the business of telling on myself so I said NOPE! I finally made him spill what he wanted to say to me and he did not like my reaction. I broke up with him. He was very upset. It wasn't the outcome he was looking for. He just wanted to be closer to me and I told him my clients treat me better. It was a true statement. It's been two years and he still wants to be with me, but that will never happen.  

When I date someone it's supposed to be my relaxing time away from both my jobs. If it's not about fun, food, great sex and sports, I am not interested. I have so much going on in my life that I don't need anyone nagging me at all. I am happily single with a 60inch stuffed monkey to spoon with.  


Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 82 reads
39 / 55

Yes and I too, have been in a relationship more then once ,  working as a provider,  &  I have my kitty cat children, to snuggle with Meowwww

rsca 1 Reviews 58 reads
40 / 55

I may be in this conundrum as I recently came across several escort postings (Eros, City-Source, & an escorting web site) that feature photos (face blurred) of my GF.  I am well aware that the use of false photos is rife, as all it takes is a screen capture + cut & paste, but there are some disturbing clues.
1) Several charges to the parent company of Eros on our joint account.
2) The 'About Me' FAQ details coincide with hers: work, heritage, cuisine preferences, etc.
3) I was able to match up images from the photography team that took the 'New Photos' in her CS ad from their social media feeds.
4) Quite a few charges on the joint account str in the same part of town the P411 profile advertises her Incall locale.
5) Her TER reviews describe her sexual behavior to a tea.
6) She made her Instagram private and has not granted me access to it despite my asking more than once.  Quite a few of the older photos (gotta love the Internet archive) were on her Instagram when it was public, which I saw.
7) CS tweeted her 'touring' availability the same weekend her & I went to Vegas for a seminar for her work.
I even prepared a Power Point presentation detailing the points above + more, and am waiting for the proper moment to ask her the difficult question.  I may email the PPP to the escorting email to start, or hand her a portable drive with it.  I am also considering hiring a private detective to conduct a sting of sorts.
It is at this juncture I should mention that her & I began as a Sugar Daddy / Baby thing.  After 9 months, she gave me an exclusivity ultimatum & I agreed to it.  I should point out that if it was true that I would be disappointed but not surprised.  My main objection would be the sheer hypocrisy of her escorting whilst demanding exclusivity (which I have lived up to, btw) from me.
If true, her & I will have to have a very awkward conversation.

GaGambler 59 reads
41 / 55

I would look at this as an "opportunity" to renegotiate your deal with her.

I know hookers hate the very word "negotiation" but as anyone in the Sugar World knows, its all about negotiation in the Sugar Bowl, despite the efforts of the hookers who cross over into the Sugar Bowl to browbeat the more weak minded SD into being pussies like they are in the hooker world.

One other thing I forgot to mention, if she is your "Sugar Baby" to whom you are still paying an allowance AND if she is hooking on the side, she is hardly your "girlfriend" she's just an SB who's playing you.

-- Modified on 9/18/2017 4:36:22 PM

techluvr34 37 Reviews 45 reads
42 / 55

I mean it would be nice to have a sugar baby, but I could never trust someone I am paying to be with exclusively. Money is something that you cannot depend on as a foundation of an exclusive relationship, because if that person wants to be with you they will be with you without the influence of money.

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 47 reads
43 / 55

That's funny, pretend your someone else, make a apt. When door opens, What a Surprise Xoxo

scoed 8 Reviews 49 reads
44 / 55

And to be honest things between us was really bad for a long while. It wasn't the sex that was hard to take, it was the lies. I felt betrayed.  It nearly ended our marriage.  

Thing is I still loved her and when when I seen her eyes when she seen the papers, I couldn't hurt her like that. So we talked.  

To be honest things were bad before she returned to this world. I done some things than made her feel abandoned by me. She was hurting too, and much of her pain came from my self harm, and my equally real betrayal of her.

See when a marriage go as wrong as ours was it is rarely just one party that fucked it up. I was no saint.

We talked and we started really working on "us". We also developed rules for a semi-open relationship.  

It has been a bit over 7 years now and our marriage is as strong as ever. I count my blessings that when my wife and I were what looked like the end of our marriage we stopped and listened and worked on us.

I love her more now then I did when I said "I do". Not necessarily because of how close things came to an end but because it forced us to work on us, to be honest about our wants and needs, to communicate with each other, and to remember why we fell for each other in the first place.

ElTorro 15 Reviews 66 reads
45 / 55

After I blow up in a fit of rage, I might either break up with her, or become her pimp and help her manage her business, it depends on the kind of day I'm having. Incidentally, I just encountered an escort who told me that she reserves full service for her boyfriend who has not one iota of her being an escort, and it got me thinking, well what if I was the boyfriend? How would that make me feel if I found out? Women are complicated, and that's just another reason why I'm a MGTOW. The best movie to watch to see such a situation unravel would be "Confessions of a call girl (2007)" starring Tamala Jones. On the flip side, I never thought it would be such a major ego boost to fuck another man's bitch, especially one as smoking hot as she is. Does that make me a bad person?

Mommascomin 61 reads
46 / 55

if she's not willing to do it for love it measn she really hates those actitivies. and if you love her so much why would you want her to endure something she does not enjoy?

GaGambler 57 reads
47 / 55

I have dated a lot of providers and just because she does certain things "at work" doesn't mean she enjoys doing them, one thing that jumps into my memory is being "gay for pay" I had one hooker GF who absolutely hated doing threesomes, and she would interact as little as possible with the other girl when she had to do one. Now if you were to read her reviews, a lot of the clueless johns would go on and on about how much the girls were "into each other" but a lot of johns are kind of stupid, (something else we probably agree on. lol)

I would never dream of asking my gf to do things with me in the bedroom that she doesn't enjoy regardless of what she does for a living, unless of course she doesn't like giving blow jobs, THEN we'd have a problem. lol

A note to the guys, just because some random reviewer "claims" a hooker "loves" a certain activity doesn't make it true. Guys/reviewers delude themselves into thinking all sorts of things that just aren't true, like making a woman cum 13 times in the first five minutes.

scoed 8 Reviews 52 reads
48 / 55

Sex is best when everyone is having fun. If she doesn't enjoy something I can't see wanting her to do it, especially if I care for the woman.  

In P4P providers often do both acts and people they really don't enjoy as long as the client are clean, respectful and within her tolerances. And it is in the providers job description to act like they are enjoying it. If they are doing their job right the trick will think he pushed every right button even if she felt more discomfort than pleasure.

This doesn't mean she likes doing them.  And I must agree she shouldn't feel compelled to do them with someone who claims to care for her.

2648667 31 Reviews 51 reads
49 / 55

I know you know this already, but just to get it on here in this thread; just because some random reviewer claims a hooker "loves" some activity, that doesn't "prove" she actually even did it, let alone that she loved it.

I'm just saying, it seems like everyone is pretty focused on whether she hates it, which is legitimate, but stuff that never happened gets put in reviews all the time. I guess I'm talking more in general terms not specific to that guy's GF.

I'm not so deluded as some of these other guys. It takes me at least 11 minutes to make her cum 13 times. LoL

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 36 reads
50 / 55

You're in a session, and you ask the provider for something that was in her last review, and she says, "Oh, I don't do that with anybody."   (Usually in regards to FIV or CIM).    It makes you want to send a bill for reimbursement to the reviewer.  

2648667 31 Reviews 61 reads
51 / 55

They're all saying that in your case that's more of a YMMV issue than a not with anybody thing. A couple suggested a manicure and some pineapple juice, and you'll be good to go. LoL! Sorry, that was just too easy to pass up.

HaHa, I like the idea of sending a bill. Any clever reviewer who gets a bill would respond by saying "oh, you forgot this, it's supposed to go along with my review." And send you some salt.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 44 reads
52 / 55

I DO get a manicure, but I don't drink pineapple juice.  Too much sugar.  I will suggest raw celery (or juice) for those that don't want to consume all that extra sugar.  Similar results in taste, according to the ladies.  

Rickshaw17 28 Reviews 42 reads
53 / 55

My guess is, she is self-conscious about behaving a certain way with you and Less so with clients.  Sometimes it's easier to "act out" with a stranger.  

GaGambler 49 reads
54 / 55

We all do things for money we don't like. Is it that hard to believe that perhaps a hooker doesn't really like a dick up her ass, but that for money  she will tolerate it?

Believe it or not, there are hookers out there who actually hate sex, but it pays the bills. There are also lesbian hookers (I know a few) not "bi" but 100% lesbian who have ZERO attraction to men, but once again "sex pays the bills"

I know guys hate thinking that the hottie that pretended to love swallowing every drop of their jizz secretly can't stand the taste, or maybe doesn't like sucking dick at all, but the truth is "that's what they are getting paid for"

2648667 31 Reviews 40 reads
55 / 55

Hmmmm. That's interesting about the celery. Negative calories. I've eaten some watermelon almost every day for several weeks. No particular reason other than I just like it. Recently I've gotten a couple unsolicited "you taste good" comments. Obviously, ya never know if that can be believed, but if there's any truth to it I wonder if it's the melons. Would bring new meaning to the phrase melon head.

Somebody posted about a supplement along these lines but Gag kind of jumped up his ass. Celery is probably okay though.

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