TER General Board

It's definitely hard to let go once you get introduced to it......
Dr Who revived 602 reads
1 / 36

Over the years I have read from both guys/gals that they are retiring.  Some phrase it leaving this world.

But it seems that the louder someone yells this battle cry...the louder they are when they make their triumphant return to TER.

I get that some gals find a SD and delete an account...but then some of those same gals post here, apparently seeking some type of attention or affirmation.

And when guys post that they are done here...well, all too often they really didn't mean it.

So folks...is TER tougher to quit than crack (or your drug of choice)?

inicky46 61 Reviews 415 reads
2 / 36

Each has either been booted off (Tidwit) or melted down and left.  Many, many times. But they always come back.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 295 reads
3 / 36

And it would be more addicting and more fun actually if TER gave us free range to post whatever we desire as long as someone's personal info is not disclosed.  

Let the free market work.. If someone posts stupid shit he will get his ass handed to him. I've posted some stupid shit over years, but juxtaposed against some people's sane shit, it was still better.  

I miss the days before 2012 when Little Phil and GaG moderated the boards, and a certain dude from South Western state would just go apeshit on some posters lol..

-- Modified on 5/1/2015 8:05:12 PM

LtNeilBriggs 331 reads
4 / 36

goes by dadadadada or something like that. Can you tell me what kind of stupid handle THAT is? And why is he/she always so angry? Please help!

inicky46 61 Reviews 174 reads
5 / 36

First of all, do you have a post count for me?  You don't.  So you don't know.  As usual. And what I don't do is serially melt down and leave, then come back with a new handle.  Or, like Rod, to get continually banned for breaking the rules and making false charges. His latest attempt at that is now gone.
Give it up Minnie.  You'll never win. You're just not up to it.

-- Modified on 5/1/2015 10:44:28 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 119 reads
6 / 36

And no way will I give you the info about myself you so desperately crave.  
Good night, children.
PS: I don't hate you, Rod. You aren't worth the effort.

inicky46 61 Reviews 127 reads
7 / 36

And you have no clue about why.  As for who doesn't like me, you have me confused with someone who cares. You, on the other hand, seem to care a great deal.
And you are far out in the lead in terms of how many times you've been banned.
Thanks for making a fool of yourself.
Again. And again.  And again.
Don't you get tired of it
Apparently not.

inicky46 61 Reviews 80 reads
8 / 36
Arovet 62 Reviews 115 reads
9 / 36

I don't remember what happened on the board last week, much less Thanksgiving. You're quite sad.

Arovet 62 Reviews 258 reads
10 / 36
JamesDeenXXX 31 Reviews 195 reads
11 / 36

Over the years, I have gained some good information reading the boards, back channeling, and "staying in the loop" of things. Obviously we all enjoy it to a certain extent, otherwise we wouldn't be on here.  

I would definitely say it's "addicting" that's for sure

inicky46 61 Reviews 80 reads
13 / 36

Apparently not!  And from yours it's clear that you were the one running around here with your hair on fire frantically answering every post.
I really liked the one below where you screamed in all caps.
Guess I'm getting under your oh-so-thin skin.
Please stop stalking me.

LtNeilBriggs 146 reads
14 / 36

I may be new here but you always seem to be scrapping with guys and chasing them from thread to thread. Why is that?

LtNeilBriggs 145 reads
15 / 36

Why does he call you Minnie? Thanks!

LtNeilBriggs 97 reads
16 / 36

Do you still live with your mommy? I'd guess so. And I find it quite creepy you can recall a dress she wore 20 years ago? Is she wearing it today as she preps your PBJ sandwich? Did she cut the crusts off as you like? :-)

-- Modified on 5/2/2015 9:36:01 AM

LtNeilBriggs 98 reads
17 / 36

Do you always talk to yourself? It's odd.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 83 reads
18 / 36

He's the technicality Queen.

LtNeilBriggs 102 reads
19 / 36

Especially from someone chastising someone below about their quick replies. Do you live here? Minnesota? Too cold for me! Is that where you and mommy reside?

LtNeilBriggs 94 reads
20 / 36

Tell yourself more about the movie! Please?

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 106 reads
21 / 36

Would he  quit trying to win if he realized, his perception of  winning is showing how big a loser he is?
   I seriously doubt it.   Losers never quit losing.           :-D

    ..379 posts in 30 days  

Posted By: dadadadada
To know you're on here morning, noon and night, 365 days a year. Even Mr.Grant can count that high. He got to 115 lol.  
 Btw, your still such a child on here, it's freakin hilarious. Lil secret...noone cares about winning on here...but you lol.  
 I think your eye is beginning to twitch again. My advice? Calm down.  
Posted By: inicky46
First of all, do you have a post count for me?  You don't.  So you don't know.  As usual. And what I don't do is serially melt down and leave, then come back with a new handle.  Or, like Rod, to get continually banned for breaking the rules and making false charges. His latest attempt at that is now gone.  
  Give it up Minnie.  You'll never win. You're just not up to it.  
 -- Modified on 5/1/2015 10:44:28 PM
-- Modified on 5/1/2015 7:57:34 PM

LtNeilBriggs 86 reads
22 / 36

And no I think "their" is grammatically correct. When there's a break in Johnny Quest go upstairs and ask mommy!

-- Modified on 5/2/2015 8:06:24 AM

LtNeilBriggs 104 reads
23 / 36

I'm so sad! All I did was welcome you back from your fourth and latest suspension! What's so mean about that? Well, regardless, admin must not be angry with the welcome wagon as I never heard from them! I hope you get over your grumpies!

LtNeilBriggs 119 reads
24 / 36

Where did you go? Please share?! And isn't outing an alias a boo boo here?

LtNeilBriggs 76 reads
26 / 36

Isn't it against protocol here to try to guess who someone is? Yes I thought so. I wish HE'D try to explain his behavior here.

cocktail-party 212 reads
27 / 36

But it's easy enough to hop on for a minute when you're on the shitter or stuck waiting somewhere. I would not characterize that the same as being addicted. Is anyone really freaking out when they're not able to connect with TER (talking the boards here, not some pressing appointment issue).

And dear Dr., you weren't always such a sarcastic poster. Perhaps we can chalk that up to your own struggle with TER addiction?

-- Modified on 5/2/2015 10:31:21 AM

LtNeilBriggs 136 reads
28 / 36
LtNeilBriggs 76 reads
29 / 36

And why do they call you Minnie?

Dr Who revived 102 reads
30 / 36

Yeah...I thought so.

Can you ever tell the truth...ever?

Guess you do have VIP  
Posted By: RodTidweLL
Because she trashed a lot of ladies as well. It wasn't just me.Lol  
 I ddidn't even consider mhjohnny, but I find it funny how he thinks I worry about him and his poorly executed slamfests.  
 And to answers Neils question, no if that were true arovet and inicky should have been suspended a million times over. As I haven't had VIP consistamtly enough to use an alias.  
 I don't have VIP now

LtNeilBriggs 129 reads
31 / 36
toofuckingstupid 85 reads
32 / 36
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 71 reads
33 / 36

Posted By: toofuckingstupid

Dr Who revived 71 reads
34 / 36
LtNeilBriggs 71 reads
35 / 36
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