TER General Board

It has nothing to do with LE
fortitude 2691 reads

It's just that many of the sites I've seen have suggested, or indicated that placing the $$ in an envelope was preferred, or the way the provider wanted it done.  It just seemed like the best way for me to do it, and that's what I do.  Maybe it just seems less mercenary, and maybe that's just in my head.

Ho provider has ever looked at the envelope and asked:  "What the hell is that?"

Or maybe some providers collect envelopes as a hobby.  LOL

MasterDebator4370 reads

Hobbiest and Providers,

what is the proper etiquette on when to give the donation (i.e. before the session starts or after session is over)?

thanks for the advice.

fortitude3850 reads

If you read the web sites of most high quality providers, they will specify that they wish the fee to be placed in an envelope in plain site at the beginning of the "date".  I usually leave it on the night stand on their side.  Many leave it there until the end of the date, but that's their choice.

Others will outright ask to take care of the finances right at the outset so as to get the business part of the evening our of the way.  The plain envelope in plain sight solves this as well.

Some providers, usually those you've seen before, won't ask or look and you may take out the donation at session end.  

I guess that the envelope on the night stand is the easiest and IMHO the best way to go on this.  It's just a clean and easy way to alleviate what could be something awkward that you don't want to get in the way of the fun.

-- Modified on 8/29/2003 3:46:03 AM

I always put the envelope in the bathroom, next to the flowers. That allows the lady to count the money, if she chooses to, without feeling awkward.

what if she doesn't feel like going out back to my outhouse next to my toolshed?

and what's this thing called "flow-ers" ? and just what would it be doing in the (living) room where i take my baths while watching TV?

Ci Ci4033 reads

Thanks, Rick.

Usually I stipulate to leave it on a nightstand. However, I think your idea is wonderful, although if you guys place the donation in the bathroom, an envelope probably isn't necessary (but thoughtful). I like the bathroom idea, since most of us providers will freshen up beforehand and this makes it less awkward.


Is there something wrong with putting cash on the counter?  Does putting it in an envelope change the legality of it in any way?  Just curious?  I have always just taken the money out of my wallet and handed it to the her, either before or afterwards, depending on her lead.

But I don't have a lot of experience here and am willing to change my habits if it's preferable.

ChrissyStone4221 reads

It's probably 50-50 (envelopes or not) with the guys who visit me. I personally don't care--whatever is convenient for the gentleman.

I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think an envelope makes any difference to LE. I know some girls like phrases such as "collge fund" written on envelopes, but from what I've read on these boards, that doesn't change the legality of the scenerio.

You could even tell her, "This is for your dying grandmother's medical bills"...but if any sex ensures afterwards, prostitution has occurred.

fortitude2692 reads

It's just that many of the sites I've seen have suggested, or indicated that placing the $$ in an envelope was preferred, or the way the provider wanted it done.  It just seemed like the best way for me to do it, and that's what I do.  Maybe it just seems less mercenary, and maybe that's just in my head.

Ho provider has ever looked at the envelope and asked:  "What the hell is that?"

Or maybe some providers collect envelopes as a hobby.  LOL

I set the cash (faned out) on the night stand right next to a towel and lotion no envelope ..... .02 worth

I've just felt that for the "relationship" feeling that I want, that is frequently tied to GFE (that nebulous concept), the actual exchange of folding green is rather tacky.  The envelope tends to separate the "business" of the business from the intimatacy that is about to (hopefully) occur.

shortly after arrival and initial greeting, I place a generic white envelope in plain sight. if needed, I will get up and excuse myself to the restroom to create the opportunity to do this. use of the envelope has nothing to due with legal issues or LE. this has more to do with showing respect or decency, and conducting the necessary business in a dignified manner. it helps create the illusion that the experience is not all about a business transaction if you can get through this without any discussion.
best regards, mr.man

SexyCurvesDC3594 reads

Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that make putting the envelope down difficult. Like, perhaps, being jumped by a horny girl whose hands are all over you immediately, kissing you passionately as you make your way to the bedroom... sometimes it can be difficult to think logically in such a situation. :)


fortitude4419 reads

Tamara, darlin', if that gal is you, then you'll have to remind me later to leave the envelope.  Any time spent in your arms, between your legs, or anywhere else in close proximity to you and your feminine powers, so discombobulates my mind (not to mention other parts of me)that it takes hours to recover.


PS:  Hope you are well.

-- Modified on 8/29/2003 7:46:57 AM

I've been jumped by that HS many times and there is nothing like it in the world! And I might add I will continue to over and over again. However, we always seem to get to the money.

Rick7773584 reads

Got to love you Sexy Curves.  No really.  Since I have never used envelopes I have to turn over a new leaf.  What kind of envelope would be really classy and my girls love me even more?

megapig2835 reads


I've been leaving a THANK YOU card in that plain white envelope and none of the girls will have me back!

Donation!   That explains a LOT!!!

I hate the business end of all this!  But i would suggest when you come in and set your keys, sunglasses, ect. down...  Set the envelope down under your stuff.  You just might accidently forget to take it with you when you leave.

I always have it in an envelope with their name on it and set it down underneath the flowers at the beginning of the date.

It seems a little less intrusive and awkward.  I've only had one lady count it.  Seems like courtesy to me.

I did her this story from a lady I see fairly regularly.  One of the "gentleman," and I do use that term loosely, threw the money down on the floor at her feet afterwards.

How classless can one be??

I will be sure to say hi if I am in DC.  GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

... and Sky is certainly one of the best!

SuperBowlKen3050 reads

At the beginning of the sesssion

Plain unmarked unsealed envelope (initials on each envelope if this is a doubles session)

Larger denominations

On the dresser or end table

Never discuss anything about it

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