TER General Board

Is it me or are hobbyist getting a bit risky?
Chanel72014 See my TER Reviews 4899 reads
1 / 45

This is more then a PSA. I've been getting text messages and calls from random potential clients that seem promising until they ask the dumb question of, "unwrapped?" Now I get tested every 2 weeks cause I do amateur porn but most of you guys aren't. Half of you guys hardly know you doctors first name. Why ask dangerous questions when you'll get a rude answer. This is for the guys that ask this asinine question.

goodtimes11 6 Reviews 55 reads
2 / 45

I must admit I would love to see the text messages you ladies get in at week. And I love to be a fly on the wall lol.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 65 reads
3 / 45

risqué, but not risky.   From what I have observed, the blame for this increase in risky sex falls squarely on the shoulders of Father Time.  Providers get older, they start to lose customers to younger girls, so they open up their menu to get a competitive edge back.  Then some of the younger girls learn how the older ladies are getting the customers back, and they decide to match the offer.  Customers that don't care if their dick turns black and falls off then EXPECT risky menu items from EVERY girl.  Its Capitalism and free market forces at work.  If providers went on strike for uniform menu standards, or else long-term health benefits to deal with the aftermath, they could probably cut down on the traffic for these kinds of services.  Just my 2 or 3 cents worth.  

GaGambler 104 reads
4 / 45

Do you REALLY expect any of the guilty parties to chime in with "why" they ask such asinine questions? Do you even think any of them are even going to admit they even ask such a question, much less why they do it?

BTW BBFS does happen in P4P, there are more than a few providers who offer it openly. Why a guy would have unprotected sex with a hooker who offers it openly to EVERYONE is beyond me.

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 92 reads
5 / 45

Yes they are taking more risks, wanting uncovered sex, I always say no. I practice safe sex, also com. And Greek uncovered, I do neither but if you do great be safe Xoxo

micktoz 41 Reviews 96 reads
6 / 45

.... everyone that caught HIV. Now that meds have been developed so it's not a a death sentence, high risk people don't have the fear button pushed as often.  
It's the same as it being useless having someone who was hooked on narcotics and is now clean, trying to tell a teen, not to do drugs. The teen just says, "Look, you are okay. I will be too."

"it won't happen to me" is the state of mind.

We all do it to some extent. Just some more than others.

If you are being asked, answer and don't take it personally.

GaGambler 72 reads
8 / 45

I started having sex in 1973 and I had sex with my first hooker in 74, by the end of the seventies I had fucked hookers in a half a dozen different countries and I have no idea how many non hookers, keep in mind those were the years of "sex, drugs and rock and roll" lol but It wasn't until around 1980 or so that I used my first condom.

As for drugs, I did enough drugs during that time to last me several lifetimes so like you said, I am hardly in the position to lecture others about their drug use, except of course to completely disassociate myself from anyone I deem to be an addict. Junkies are the most selfish, least trustworthy people on the planet and I don't want them anywhere near me. That's one lesson that was beaten into my head after having been around enough of them.

2648667 31 Reviews 92 reads
9 / 45

I understand (or I think I do) why you don't like being asked that. I don't see why you would discourage the general public from asking via text and email. At least now you know you don't want to book with them, easy peasy. Would you rather they wait to ask when you're in the room with them? Clients who want BBFS are going to try for it at some point; that's not going to go away. I'm not excusing stupid behavior, it just seems like every text you receive to that effect is a quick and simple screening taken care of. Done, done, on to the next one.

I agree with Mick, try not to take it personally. I'm sure this is easier said than done, but like any other job try to not take this shit home with you.

Just my half cent.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 60 reads
11 / 45

Don't try to tip her.  I got in trouble for that once.  

micktoz 41 Reviews 88 reads
13 / 45

...... checks my prostate. "Aren't you glad I have small fingers?"

Chanel72014 See my TER Reviews 109 reads
14 / 45

I don't take it personally but when it's asked multiple time and your providers friends seem to not know the answer that's why they have these boards to express this, unless y'all live those whack ass threADs. I feel it needed to be openly discussed and a lot of men and women need another sex Ed course.  

Funny how no one said anything about testing though. 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Chanel72014 See my TER Reviews 54 reads
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I meant Risky, possibility of failure, danger and loss and catching anything that is dangerous and doesn't have a cure is Risky.

micktoz 41 Reviews 76 reads
16 / 45
ToniLove See my TER Reviews 65 reads
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Block their asses and don't waste your precious energy on them.  To many GENTLEMEN out there that wouldn't even consider asking let alone participating in bbfs  
Responding rudely will only piss some off and before you know, you have a fake review or some bs.  
Ignore, block, NEXT! ☺😎

Adrienne Baptiste See my TER Reviews 61 reads
19 / 45
stucaboy 100 reads
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If you are boning some skank bare back, do you really think that getting tested a few days later will somehow help you?  You will have what she has and you will have to deal with it.

Getting tested might be a great idea if your are taking a piss and feel like you are holding a Flame Thrower.

Just be aware that someone can be tested at noon and an hour later go BBFS and give you a very nasty surprise if you happen to be number 2 or more on her list.

NanaRaven 78 reads
21 / 45

I always think maybe those people who just want bbfs with any hooker either has some mental issue or they are already std carrier so they don't care?! Lol

micktoz 41 Reviews 88 reads
22 / 45

You are assuming something not in evidence.
I get tested quarterly because I want to. I never said I did BBFS with anyone, did I.
 All I did was answer the lady who said that there was no mention of testing by anyone.

I do engage in  uncovered DATY and I do enjoy BBBJ with all the ladies I play with.  So, I think testing is appropriate.
In the time I've been doing p4p, I have not had a positive reaction from any of the test

Have fun!

micktoz 41 Reviews 67 reads
24 / 45

Shit, people believe the earth is 6000 years old. That life was created and that the Darwinian  theory is impossible. That man enhanced global warming isn't happening and that there is a sky fairy.

Why is it such a stretch to understand that there are people who believe it can't happen to them. Or they just choose to ignore the possibility because fucking is more important at that moment.
Belief systems are not facts, though most people seem to think they are

Oldtimemonger 88 reads
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If she does porn and the guy is tested within two weeks, it would be lottery odds of getting HIV. All transmissions on porn sets have been from passive anal sex.  

Many of the guys asking are older guys who grew up in an era when BBFS was the norm. I dabbled in it with call girls in the late 80's and never used condoms.  

I'm not advocating indiscriminate BBFS but why would a tested monger be riskier than a tested male porn star.

-- Modified on 9/20/2017 9:18:43 PM

2648667 31 Reviews 89 reads
26 / 45

I'm sorry, I got lost somewhere. Who doesn't know the answers?

Anyways, you wanted a discussion, obviously that's your right, I thought your OP read more like a vent than an attempt to educate, that's all.

You're right, it needs to be discussed and a lot of people need education on the subject. I didn't say anything about the foolishness of p4p BBFS and the importance of testing because I didn't see a need to go that far in stating the obvious.

2648667 31 Reviews 83 reads
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Well, what did she do when you asked to be strapped down and gagged? LoL

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 64 reads
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that made me believe in global warming.  I have to admit I was skeptical until I got inside these two.  

ROGM 69 reads
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A lot of guys like going BBFSCIP, including me. I'll admit it. But I never asked a provider I'm seeing for the first time if she'll go BBFSCIP. If the next few sessions are great and we get to know each other, then I'll ask if she'll go BBFSCIP. Using this way I get more Yes than No.

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 67 reads
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Then there is a good chance that you just might see some of the text messages/emails that they receive.  Some of these ladies have a deliciously wicked sense of humor with the responses they send.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 55 reads
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Advises NOT to eat Jalapeños with genital warts on your tongue.  So if you're doing DATY, you have to get tested so you minimize the possibility you might have to give up something hot in your mouth besides pussy.

Bendadick.Cuminsnatch 71 reads
32 / 45

They're either getting the drug for free or cheap, and they think it makes them invincible.

"getting a bit risky" ?
They've always been risky. It's been that way since before you were born.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 57 reads
33 / 45

list to be a kidney recipient, they will realize Truvada was not worth it.  

LilyofMontreal See my TER Reviews 66 reads
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It is not the providers who are affected by Time as the theory of someone mentioned and then they offer bare.

It is the older gentlemen who ask way more,actually ,only the older ask because the young are used to condom and do not get all flaccid whenever they put one on...

Or the even worst reason I got from a (ex) regular when he explained to me why he was asking and getting bare from others ladies and trying to convince me (as if):'' I am 70 anyway, I do not care  if I get something..'' ,well I am not 70 and I for one care very much !
 I had to stop seeing him as he was pressuring me and didn't see how dangerous his behaviour was...

The bright side when people ask in first contact email is that allows me to make sure it is also the last...

GaGambler 92 reads
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but I have seen too many members of the OTHFBC who spent years getting 7's and 8's for performance all of a sudden start getting 10-10 reviews. Now I am not claiming that all of them have started offering BBFS, but "something" is going on with these old broads.

I will agree it's better for you hookers without a death wish that the johns that don't care about their health tell you up front rather than trying to pressure you into it when their raw dick is hovering a mere inch away from your pussy and you are on the virtual precipice of being raped.

LilyofMontreal See my TER Reviews 54 reads
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I respect your opinion as of course I do not meet  ladies ,but still I find it would be incredibly stupid to accept bare and when I get request for it I admit falling into a lecture mode and I tell the gents that if they were to find a lady who says yes to run the other way......

EastCoastAshley See my TER Reviews 68 reads
37 / 45

Received a request along the lines of your post. Signed on here to post about it. New England location, guy with a Ter handle.  
PM me if you want his info...

GaGambler 121 reads
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A lot of people here tend to drop into "lecture mode" and that goes for the hookers and the Johns alike.  

Rather than lecture to people who don't want to hear it, it's a lot more practical to chalk it up to "you can't fix stupid" and just move on about your business. Unless of course you'd like to try my approach, which is to ridicule the stupid people, get a few laughs at their expense and then go on about your business. lol

ChristineGFE See my TER Reviews 69 reads
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Hi All,

I really do not understand why there is so much surprise in people asking and people doing BBFS.  

I do not participate in BBFS, and doubt ever will. But I get a few request a month for such in the US. In Asia I used to get several request a week.  

I read the one post saying as providers get older, in order to compete they must consider or discreetly offer such. I have no idea if it is valid or not. In Asia it is the young providers who discreetly offer that service. Perhaps what we see is a reverse competition model. In Asia competition is far more than in US so to even make a small living or start in escort business, some simply must offer.  

For those that request it I jut say no. I keep a little private list of those that wish and try make sure I do not meet them at another time. There is no need be rude to them. Why bother, they are just trying to find what they want. I get more enough stupid contacts about legitimate things to worry get mad about something everyone know takes place far more often than anyone admit.


MiMi See my TER Reviews 71 reads
40 / 45

The majority of hints I get for BBFS (rarely do I get an outright request) don't come from reckless youngsters looking to get their dick wet.  They come from older gents who have an increasingly hard time keeping an erection with a condom on.  At a certain age, it seems to me that the drive for intimate sexual contact can outweigh the health risk - especially if sex at home has stopped and the wife no longer shares the risk.  (I am sympathetic, but the answer will always be no.)

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 65 reads
41 / 45

a lot of my friends that have that problem see providers that offer the FC option.  I prefer it too even though I have not yet experienced that issue.  When used correctly you still  get plenty of "feel" without the risk.  I think providers that put the FC option on their website or in their scheduling email with the client will get fewer "hints."  Just my opinion from talking to guys with sensitivity problems and from the times I have used FC's myself with providers.  

SCBaileyT See my TER Reviews 62 reads
42 / 45

Im an old "hooker" and I don't offer it. Id not compromise my health or that of others for ratings and dollars. Id rather be poor than in poor health or put someone else at risk. The day I have to put myself at risk is the day I retire.  

I don't offer text as a means to contact me or have a phone number up,, so perhaps that is why I have never had to deal with this and have seldom been asked for BBFS in all the years I have been escorting. However, I would say that the texts, phone calls and e-mails, asking for it, serve as a screening method. The more a guy reveals about himself in e-mail exchange or with a pre booking phone call, that aids me in deciding if I want to see him or not, the better.

That said, I think FC is the way to go for anyone older or those who just want the feel of no condoms.  

Also, had a Dr. tell me that the seniors have a high level of STDs. So  the senior crowd with ED t is doing damage to community of both hobbyists and general population, but I would agree that if ladies get competitive to the point of feeling pressured for review ratings and their dollar, that they, young and older, will concede and create more risk for all. This is a sad and selfish truth.

MiMi See my TER Reviews 68 reads
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I have to say that my few attempts to use the FC have been sort of comedic fails, but you have inspired me to keep trying.  

SCBaileyT See my TER Reviews 77 reads
44 / 45

I'd consider the people who are asking for BBFS in texts and phone calls to be pre screening themselves and would have done me a favor. If I were to get an e-mail asking for anything before screening someone I simply ignore the e-mail, if it's after an exchange of e-mails and it were for BBFS, I'd ignore them, too. I find it selfish.  

Speaking for myself, I've seldom been asked for BBFS throughout the years but have been asked and it has been when they are already at our session. I have no trouble saying no though and ratings for the exchange of BBFS is not an option on my menu. I'd have preferred they had eliminated themselves prior to meeting with them,however.  

I get tested and have not had anything that is communicable in all this time escorting, and since I am into fitness at a level that puts my BP in an athletes range, Ive no intentions of compromise.  

A Dr. upon asking about my sexual activity and opening up about my being an "old hooker" told me that the senior population has a lot of STDs. She was not talking about hobbyists, but the general population. I'd bet that the company they are keeping does not even know about FC's.  

Risking heath for profit is just not part of my personal health care. Sadly, for some it is, but just move on and ignore those who will compromise themselves and community.

SCBaileyT See my TER Reviews 58 reads
45 / 45

Still Moderated on this particular board and didnt realize it.

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