TER General Board

I'm not a client...
LondonJames See my TER Reviews 297 reads

So, I cannot answer that for you because I don't know. One would think it depends on how much a person wants to meet. I've been very lucky to have a gent move business meetings and flights almost a week to ensure we could see on another when I arrived back in Dallas. It was sweet.

However, as a provider, I have been very accommodating to meet my client's schedule. I've woken up at 5am to accommodate a 6am appointment. All I ask for is a skinny vanilla latte. :)  

I'm curious, how far will you go? How far will you travel?


So how far will you go to be flexible and meet her schedule?

is that I can always find someone who is available to be on MY schedule.  After all, I'm the one paying, not her.  If I ask for a time, say 1:00p, and she's not going to be available until 4:00p, my next email says, "Thanks anyway, I'll try some other time."  About half the time, I will get an email back saying 1:00p will work out after all, which means the OTHER guy was flexible, so I don't have to be.  The other half of the time, I will simply move to the next name name on my list.  There's always SOMEONE available somewhere at the time that works best for me, so I don't have to be flexible at all.  

of perspective.  As long as I can count on other guys wanting to see a particular girl more than I do, then I know they will be flexible, so no need for me to be.  

So, I cannot answer that for you because I don't know. One would think it depends on how much a person wants to meet. I've been very lucky to have a gent move business meetings and flights almost a week to ensure we could see on another when I arrived back in Dallas. It was sweet.

However, as a provider, I have been very accommodating to meet my client's schedule. I've woken up at 5am to accommodate a 6am appointment. All I ask for is a skinny vanilla latte. :)  

I'm curious, how far will you go? How far will you travel?


and once chosen I WANT to see them. NOT someone else. I don't have a "list".

I usually book extended lunch or dinner dates, and I always prebook - at the very least a day or two in advance, usually a week or two. One exception - a date that fell through!

I'm also fortunate in that I can be more flexible than some... I usually set aside a large chunk of time for a longer date, and can be flexible by a few hours around the time I might prefer, if needed.

I think it would be interesting to differentiate between clients that CAN be flexible and those that WILL (or WILL NOT) be flexible, and why.

I always have to travel and hour or more each way to play, merely as a function of where I live. I have traveled up to 4 hrs. each way. I suspect that rather than flying her to me, I'd just as well fly myself to her if so inclined.

I live in a small rural town where a LOT of people know me and my business, so I travel a minimum of 2 1/2 hour drive one way to see reviewed providers in a slightly larger town. If I want more variety, it's a 4 1/2 drive to the Big City, where I can take a 3-day weekend and book some appointments around a work day.

Two weeks ago I flew 400 miles to meet with a lovely young woman for a 24 overnight date, where we had a great Saturday afternoon through Sunday afternoon.  A great 4 hour dinner in a highly rated restaurant, playtime when we wanted and then a late lunch on Sunday at a classic diner.  

Yes, we had met before and we clicked like I hadn't experienced with a provider in 25 years. So for the right person, yep -- I'll go to great lengths. As long as she is on the same page, we'll have a great time and the experience (for me) is worth it.

Posted By: LondonJames
So, I cannot answer that for you because I don't know. One would think it depends on how much a person wants to meet. I've been very lucky to have a gent move business meetings and flights almost a week to ensure we could see on another when I arrived back in Dallas. It was sweet.  
 However, as a provider, I have been very accommodating to meet my client's schedule. I've woken up at 5am to accommodate a 6am appointment. All I ask for is a skinny vanilla latte. :)  
 I'm curious, how far will you go? How far will you travel?  

...my availability is so unpredictable that it's very difficult to commit to MY schedule much less hers!

Strip clubs usually have predictable hours.  Providers don't.

and continuing to get worse. I wish I had Master Zen's ability to be able to enjoy extended play time but lately I'm lucky to know a couple hours out. Even looking for available now ads on 411 never seems to align for me.

DatyRookie221 reads

Posted By: MasterZen
So how far will you go to be flexible and meet her schedule?

time so I can be flexible. Normally I'll just say something like "Is X available in the Morning/Afternoon/Evening" on the day I'm looking for (generally same or next day). If specific time ends up not working I say thanks, next time them.

More often than not I'll get a block of time that I can choose from or the request for a specific time and that generally results in an appointment. After that the only accommodations I've ever had to make was showing up earlier if I wanted to (one I was asked to hold up for 10 minuets).

So basically this is a non-issue for me.

Posted By: MasterZen
So how far will you go to be flexible and meet her schedule?

Sometimes unavoidable things come up, I get it. I'm cool if we have to reschedule once. But only once.

things come up, but being played is NOT cool.

In my initial email, the one I give her all my info, I also request the encounter for a specific date.

Where would flexibility come into play?

JakeFromStateFarm273 reads

EMS is a self-admitted virgin.  Why "he" is here, god only knows.  Presumably he enjoys abuse.

Unless it's an all dayer, wouldn't date need a specific time?

Point being the customer shouldn't be expected to be all that flexible.

All of his posts are just hypothetical. All he knows about hobbying is what he has learned reading, not doing.

usually by email, I rarely set a time. I enjoy my ability to be flexible and want to get a feel for a woman before I actually feel her. I'll provide some general info about myself to develop some rapport and gauge her interest.

If we click, I jump in with both feet and look for a mutually agreeable time to meet. Of course my schedule is important, but I'm prefer finding a superstar I can repeat with and develop off the chart moments. I can find sex on demand anytime.  

The kind of women I enjoy most greatly appreciate that and more times than not I get more than I bargained for.

-- Modified on 4/9/2017 9:37:38 AM

It was great meeting you. Would have spent more time talking except for the distractions. Enjoy your evening?

-- Modified on 4/9/2017 9:43:35 AM

Good meeting you too! Like you, I had certain distractions - key to enjoying the evening as much as I did.

TriXXie did a great job on the party. Hope she did well with it and we have another soon.

Freda_Fuddpucker215 reads

I like this topic. :-)

If you need 12pm and can't even budge by 30min then say that right off the bat to save time.  Especially if you want same day.    

Come to think of it, just communicate flexibility yes or no in your first request no matter when you make it.  

if she wants an alternative time, she'll let me know.  Presumably, she is an adult; I don't need to give her permission to respond in a flexible manner. Further, if she decides for whatever reason that she doesn't want to see me, it gives her a graceful out without resorting to radio silence - and we both move on.

Posted By: Freda_Fuddpucker
I like this topic. :-)  
 If you need 12pm and can't even budge by 30min then say that right off the bat to save time.  Especially if you want same day.      
 Come to think of it, just communicate flexibility yes or no in your first request no matter when you make it.  

Freda_Fuddpucker233 reads

Plenty of people ask for a general TIME FRAME such as  "around noon or early afternoon".  

This request is much easier to fit in my schedule without the back-and-forth.

If you just say noon, but I can't see you then, I have to ask if 10 will work.  Wait for response.

No?  How about 2?  Wait for response.  

Why does this matter? Because while I'm waiting for your responses, someone else might step in to ask for a time that WOULD have worked for you but I booked him rather than waiting on you.  Bird in the hand.  

Then you respond and are aggravated when I tell you that time's no longer available.  

All that is avoided if you'd given me your window of availability upfront.

Tell me that 10 AM or 2 PM are options.  I'll let you know which one works for me - if either.  We don't need to play 20 questions with this.  I'll get back with you pretty quick about whether either will work...  If it doesn't work - well.... so be it - maybe we'll try it again some time.  And - if you book someone else before I get back with you - it happens.

It seems like fewer back and forths on average to me... because there is at least the possibility that you'll make it work the first time.  And if you have to come back with an alternate time - it's the same as if you picked a time in the "early afternoon" and had me confirm that.

Freda_Fuddpucker185 reads

I schedule people every day, every week so I know what has proven to be more simple and efficient for me.

I also know that while you may be cool with a lady booking someone else while waiting for your response, not everyone is.

Some men get rather pissy about it, in fact.  ;-)

I Have to travel similar to your situation, and fortunately I'm able to do that. Also like to Stick with those I like. When things click, connection, etc..., I'm sold so to say.  

I set aside large, or at least 2 days, chunk of time as well so that we Both can be Flexible. I'll go as far as it takes in distance and flexibility.  

Perfect example just happened. Just spent two days out of town to see a special someone, booked my stay days in advance, and let her know that I was working around Her schedule. I don't book for one hour times, period, so I told her whenever was the best for Her I was cool. I prefer later, evening dates so I just told her not to let me interrupt any other plans and let her set the range of time.  

I have no issues with that way of being flexible or distance because like you, I have to travel. I book a place and will roam about to eat, see things, etc..., until Our Time is ready. Seems to make things far less non-rushed and a better overall time in general.

... because as was discussed in a recent thread about when we like to "hobby", my windows of opportunity are narrow.  But within those windows I'll do what I can to fit the provider's schedule.  

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