TER General Board

If you've never gotten a client from there in 5 years, close it and don't look back - eom
Fridays117 27 Reviews 455 reads


Okay...this is really weird. I want to know if any of you have had this problem.

Like most providers, I have profiles on the widest number of sites possible - about 15 at the moment. (Any site that will take me, really.) I recently started using my Seattle number again, and I took a moment to re-visit all the sites in my rolodex and update all the profile info, change up the photos, etc.

...then I got to [cannot mention site name].com

I have had a profile on that site for 5 years. I haven't received a single client from it, ever. But they refreshed the design, and some girls told me it was pretty good now. So, I tidy up my info, upload some new pics...and they refuse to activate my profile - which had already been active for five years - because I have 3 X's in my email address: [email protected].

Their concern (they say) is that the X's are "bad" in some way; they trigger adult warnings or something. Which I can *kinda* see...but I have had no issues with that email on any site (including TER) since I began using it, almost SEVEN YEARS AGO. I have a private mailing list with a few hundred clients on it, and people know to contact me there.

Meanwhile, a quick perusal of the site show other emails addresses with "sex", "escort", etc in them. WTF?

They are actually suggesting that I get an entire new email address - just for their site - or they won't re-activate my profile. I find it hard to believe that my email address is such a threat, and I really don't need *another* email address to check...especially for a site that has never gotten me any clients, ever.

Has anyone else heard of such a thing?

-- Modified on 9/2/2014 11:36:27 PM

Set up another account, and set it to auto-forward to your primary email.  Not only does this bypass their silly censoring, it will give you an automatic heads up if you do get some inquiries from the site.

If you do that, make sure to set up something else that you receive regularly (like receipts for payments to one of your regular advertising sites) so that it doesn't get closed for inactivity.


I have control over my website's domain, and I could set up a forwarder...but it's kinda the principle at this point. It struck me as so bizarre a request - especially for a site that's never gotten me any clients. I've just never ever heard of such a thing before. And the only reason I acquired "sweetjessicaxxx" is because "sweetjessica" and "jessicarivers" was taken.

While I totally understand the "xxx" that goes on with filtering and spam and whatnot... that wasn't the gist of what he was saying. I'm sorry I can't really say specifics, or copy any of his messages - TER does not allow me to mention the name of the site - but they were concerned about law enforcement because another site they used to manage, my[insertcolor]book.com was shut down by the FBI apparently.  

Any decent mail filtering protocol *should* understand the difference between [email protected] and [email protected]. To this day, I've had my "xxx" email on every site that advertises me (including TER) and I have yet to report a  single problem, and I get mail all the time.  

Not to mention, a perusal of the site reveals other providers with the words "escort", "gfe", and "sexy" in their email addresses.

To update everyone, I added a forwarder to my website, so [email protected] forwards to [email protected]. The site then activated my profile... and then another admin lectured me about changing my INTERNAL email that they use to the new one as well. So it's not just having it in public view, it's apparently having it at all. Then, yet another admin went and rewrote parts of my ad I posted to remove "questionable references" - even though it is the same text I am currently using everywhere; including big sites like Eros and TER.

My feeling is that they are just paranoid. And if they think that the FBI is going to takedown their entire site because of some Xs in an email address, then they are REALLY REALLY paranoid.

While I understand the concept of telling them to fuck off since they've never given me clients...the site does look better, and I have a few provider friends who say it has given them a few referrals...and I honestly need to cast as wide a net as possible. Since the banks crashed, my business has as well, and I need all the help I can get.

I cleaned this up a bit, but I decided to post the entire message I received form the site admin about their policies, just for general interest:


Dear jessicarivers,

There have been some recent changes to our policies regarding posts that appear in public areas of the site. We realize that many entertainers who have joined the site recently, and some that are long-time members, may not be aware of these changes, so we are notifying each entertainer equally and do not make any exceptions to these policies for any reason.

One of your recent classified ads was edited so it could remain published and in compliance with our new terms of use:

[url omitted]

Please be sure to edit any other posts so that they are in compliance with the following policies:

Listing or making any reference to rates, donations, tips, specials, etc. is not permitted, and all instances must be removed. We also no longer allow links or references to other websites to be posted on [website ommitted]. Instead, you may share such links and information in an auto-reply message that will be automatically sent to all consumers who send you a private message. The Auto-Reply link appears in your [website ommitted] Inbox.

We ask that all users refrain using any content that may be seen as sexually explicit when posting or reviewing on the site. References or acronyms, such as GFE, PSE, FS and HE, for example, are no longer allowed, nor are the terms "Escort," "Courtesan" or "Provider." Instead, we prefer the “Companion” and/or "Entertainer." Terms such as Incall/Outcall are also no longer permitted, however, you may say “my place,” or “your place” or other similar substitutions.

Any explicit usernames, profile names, email addresses, etc. must not be used and will be removed when encountered.

Nudity of any kind or other sexually explicit images, watermarks containing links or mention of websites and low-resolution photos that appear blurry and pixelated will be removed from publication when encountered. If no suitable images are available for use as a default photo, your profile will be removed from publication until one can be uploaded.

We will soon be offering a private album feature that will allow you to publish nude photos if desired. You’ll be notified when this feature is installed, and we hope it will offer the best possible way to advertise, while still remaining safe and appealing to a wider audience.

In general, please bear in mind that the idea of advertising with [website ommitted] is to offer “Dating with Benefits” and try to avoid emphasizing “services,” “appointments,” “sessions,” “fetishes” and any other discussions that may suggest that you’re promoting a transaction instead of companionship.

These terms and conditions apply to any posts on [website ommitted], including but not limited to Profiles, Classified Ads, Forum entries and any activity exchanged among users, such as reviews and PM exchanges.

Our aim is to ensure the safety and security of all [website ommitted] members while also enhancing the value and exclusivity of our membership.

We know that you do your best to keep your profile and ads within the guidelines and ask that you read any feedback we provide, as it is our goal to keep things as easy as possible for everyone, while staying within evolving parameters.

Your cooperation and understanding is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to your continued participation in the [website ommitted] community. Please let us know if we may be of further assistance.

One other option, depending on how strict they are on it:  Gmail ignores dots in email addresses (e.g. [email protected] is the same as [email protected]), so you could write your email address as [email protected] or something like that. (Suppose it depends on how stupid the person and/or filter reviewing it is...)

They may have scripts (or employees) that will try and correct addresses by adding a "." before the xxx.  This has been a fairly common problem since the ".xxx" domain was created.

Skyfyre431 reads

That's probably one of the first thing email software everywhere look for to filter out spam from porn sites. It's so old-school obvious! hm come to think of it maybe that's why you never get an email response due to that...

Skyfyre280 reads

Hmm talking about paranoid to the extreme of ridiculousness.  

Oh well their site their money they have a right to be as ridiculous as they want.

Maybe that's why you never got a reply or lead from the ad there which now is going to be even worse! Imagine worse than nothing, LOL.

Don't know about other hobbyists but I have absolutely no use for such vague, useless, bland, boring... fuckboard/site. There are plenty of competing sites out there that are a lot more brave, brazen, down-n-dirty, in-your-face "fun"!

Have to wonder what the purpose of the owners of that site? making money? be a window-shopping site? a web site for practicing coding? cause it sure sounds lame to the max...

tell them to fuck off, and disassociate from them.  Jumping through their hoops ain't worth it.  You don't need them, since they have not provided you with any clients.


-- Modified on 9/3/2014 5:58:15 PM

Their rules.  

May have so etching to do with their design as in, to filter out x's in certain strings. Not that difficult to do

And a site we can't mention wouldn't allow "absolute and total."

Weird little things sometimes.

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