TER General Board

If that's true, then why would you live in DC?
Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 957 reads

I've been to DC several times over the past few years, and the place is booming!  Doing as well or better than NYC, LA, Chicago, South Florida, and Vegas in terms of what I see, and I've been to all these places in the past three years.   Maybe those pesky Republicans aren't that bad after all...

Says would "respect the fact that sex workers are human beings, too." Article in the Washington P0$t newspaper. I would guess that the District's Republican manor lords in US Congress would shoot this down if the bill really is introduced and passed over the likely heated objection of local bible thumpers, but still a nice start.

Decriminalizing would do wonders for safety in this industry.  The unfortunate truth, in my opinion, is as long as religion exists this will always be tough battle.

GaGambler710 reads

I think we can all agree that the Church is a VERY VERY powerful force in many countries, yet look at Latin America, their isn't even a hint of separation between Church and State, yet legalized prostitution seems to coexist quite nicely with the Church.

I am not saying that religion doesn't play a major part in our backwards view of prostitution in this country, but IMO the feminists are every bit as guilty as the Church in keeping it illegal.

the DC black church is a major conservative player in anti-gay, anti-transgender, for example. I fear they would oppose decriminilizing prostitution on grounds of "god hates it" and "it threatens marriage".

GaGambler929 reads

Try living in the actual "Bible belt" like I do.

I am not claiming that religious pukes are not a HUGE obstacle, just that they are not the only obstacle to legalizing what goes on between two consenting adults. No one is more "anti everything" than the Catholic Church, yet legal prostitution is the norm in most Catholic countries, so it's not JUST religion we have to fight on this issue.

We could call it the church of monger's.  

Hell, I don't know, we could call it just about anything, and as for our service it could be hookers taking tythes for blowing guys, I'm a poet and didn't know it.

So we may fall prey to categorizing sex trades, building biased ideas on who's a "real" hooker/john vs who isn't by the way they practice our hand book, or fit into a group/agree with everything the leader says lol.

-- Modified on 8/13/2015 12:51:17 PM

Bob.Sugar715 reads

Want to nominate anyone in particular?

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
So we may fall prey to categorizing sex trades, building biased ideas on who's a "real" hooker/john vs who isn't by the way they practice our hand book, or fit into a group/agree with everything the leader says lol.  

-- Modified on 8/13/2015 12:51:17 PM

And I second the motion. Passed. Now here are the licensing rules:

(1) Annual skills re-certification (by me).

(2) Still working on the rest of the rules

Bob.Sugar586 reads

This is a serious leadership position...and if it's going to be a successful tenure I need to know more about how you will lead all the minions here.

For example...will you require all the women to give BBBJCIM to any of the men that demand this...without payment...and no screening?

Will you exclude fatty's?  This is very important to know.  

What are the expected dues to be a member?  Are they tax deductible?


Posted By: dani987x
And I second the motion. Passed. Now here are the licensing rules:  
 (1) Annual skills re-certification (by me).  
 (2) Still working on the rest of the rules

All you need to be a legal monger is enroll in the federal monger list with just your full name, SS#, address, employment history, and of course five years of tax records and monger receipts. I hired TWO gifted high school kids to construct a hack proof database and they already know that if the data leaks they get no holiday bonus. Provider enrollment is equally easy, plus of course that skills certification.

Bob.Sugar677 reads

I wonder if he babbles "oh god oh god oh god" during sex.

Or if the gal is babbling that...how does he reply?  I'll bet he tells the gals to insert russ in place of god.

I'm also concerned that russ may not be in favor of marriage.  And as the leader of this new church, wouldn't he be expected to trot out his wives and 187 kids to show how virile he is?

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Crucial part of sex work. Professional cock sucking.  

I don't know what BBhimself says pre-shoot, but I just yell out my name when I am about to jizz.

May sound egotistical but it's my money,Bob, so fk you. LO

Bob.Sugar679 reads

If we're going to be electing the head of this new church of hookers/mongers...I don't think that calling out your own name will be allowed anymore.

I did hear a rumor that new members will have small chips implanted in them to track their every move.

Are you nominating yourself for this prestigious position?

Posted By: JackDunphy
I don't know what BBhimself says pre-shoot, but I just yell out my name when I am about to jizz.  
 May sound egotistical but it's my money,Bob, so fk you. LOL  

I promised Tobi I wouldn't use the "N" word for a week, and I am only 24 hours into that promise.

Think she will "N" word with me if I can make it through another 6 days?

If I get the position, can I add her to my "staff?" LOL

I am absolutely not the religious type. I believe we are born, we live (hopefully respecting everyone else's thoughts/feelings/lifestyles along the way) and then we die, end of story. Why does there have to be an eternity? Just who the fuck do we think we are that every other life form on our planet dies and becomes worm food, except us humans. Have we really evolved?

Oh and..... Wait for it.....

Fuck marriage!

Enjoy professional cock suckers. Women only for me though. I'd like to think that I don't have any prejudices but I am not gay/bi or curious so female only for me, and I like them a lot.

I am a deacon at Our Lady of Enduring Penetration

Bob.Sugar694 reads

off your ass and into the basket?

My friend Nick thought it'd be a good idea to generate the cash we'll need to sell our ideals to the world.

Posted By: rrasha88
I am a deacon at Our Lady of Enduring Penetration

Bob.Sugar605 reads

I'm in.

Are there cookies too?

Posted By: rrasha88
Our Glutes for Glory revival meeting.

Skyfyre773 reads

Your example of the Catholic church is right on. But the same can be said of the feminists. There are plenty of feminists in European countries but yet prostitution is either legal or decriminalized there as well.

The real sad truth is that WORST and MOST guilty of this is in the mirror: it's ourselves. It's the uniquely American attitude and culture when it comes to all things about sex.

The unique American attitude and culture about sex is SECOND only to the Arab world in term of being so pitifully BACKWARD and RETARDED. It has not progressed one day since that ship filled in Pilgrims landed in America. It is STUCK in time. It is one of the most SHAMEFUL thing about being american and we deserve to be laughed at and look down by the rest of the world for it

GaGambler779 reads

So why should we be surprised that next to the Muslims we are the next most sexually repressed people in the world?

I will say, that in our hemisphere at least, most of the pressure to "recriminalize" prostitution comes from the American soccer moms aka "feminists" from the left than it does from the religious pukes of the right.

Is that the same "Catholic" Church that's always paying out hush money due to their priests molesting little boys??
Do as I say, not as I do. No problem Father. I like  "of age pussy".  

Posted By: GaGambler
Try living in the actual "Bible belt" like I do.  
 I am not claiming that religious pukes are not a HUGE obstacle, just that they are not the only obstacle to legalizing what goes on between two consenting adults. No one is more "anti everything" than the Catholic Church, yet legal prostitution is the norm in most Catholic countries, so it's not JUST religion we have to fight on this issue.

GaGambler675 reads

When the Catholic Church is more enlightened than we are on an issue, it's really time to look in the fucking mirror at ourselves as a people.

Scula743 reads

I always wonder why guns who kill are legal , drugs who also kill in many instances are legal, LGBT now legal but a man who want a piece of pussy will be arrested and prosecuted????

Not following the point there. Did you mean legalization?

GaGambler776 reads

Hookers can call LE if they are ripped off, assaulted, etc. Johns can call LE in the case of trick rolling, theft, etc. As is stands now, all parties are scared to call LE if victimized by a low life hooker or a low life john.

In most countries I go to where p4p is not illegal, hookers are free to call the cops if a john refuses to "pay for services" just like any other business can call the cops on a deadbeat customer. It's also common practice for hotels to make hookers not only sign in, but actually leave their ID at the front desk and can only pick up their ID after the john gives the ok and tells the front desk that he isn't lying there in a pool of his own blood.

There are HUGE advantages to legalizing/decriminalizing P4P

Dicriminalization and legalization are two vastly different things.  

Why would the police get involved to help a hooker if it were merely decriminalized? They may, they may not, as they just may look the other way and shrug their shoulders.

Legalization is a different matter and LE would be obligated to get involved by law.

Dicriminalization, as practiced in other countries, may not be practiced here the same way. That is my point about the devil is in the details in the legislation.

Until a law is passed, AND we see how it is enforced or not, AND we see its reall world affects and application, we have no way to know if it would be safer or not.


-- Modified on 8/13/2015 2:28:14 PM

...is that it would create a 2-tier system of hookers; those who are licensed/legal, and those who are not. So LE would still be trying to bust those workers who aren't licensed/legal/whatever, and still trying to bust johns trying to see illegal hookers. Decriminalization however, holds that all workers/johns have equal protection under the law.  A hooker could call the police if a john shorts her, attacks her, robs her.  A john could call the cops on a hooker who tries to rob, blackmail, etc. Decriminalization levels the playing field, since people can be held accountable by a a third party (not that LE involvement is the answer per se, but it does give both parties an opportunity for recourse).  

It would also create a whole slew of regulations as to time, place, and manner in which those who engage in p4p could do so.  In countries where it is legal, women have had issues with things such as zoning; 2 or more women occupying a space is considered a brothel in a lot of jurisdictions where sex work is legal, and brothels are commercial spaces and therefore have to adhere to laws and zoning pertaining thereto.  

Just some food for thought.  For further analysis of legalization vs decriminalization, just compare the laws in Rhode Island and Nevada.  Sorry, but if legalization means a 5pm curfew, being escorted into town by a man and being boarded up in a whore house for 2 weeks in, i'll take being a criminal.

I just have my doubts.

As far as legalization, on that we are agreed. So many problems arise there and there is no way I can see any legislature getting that right without massive complications and hassles.

Ultimately, for me, it just comes down to my utter lack of confidence in our elected officials to get this thing right. Once we go down the dicriminalization road, somebody will bring up legalization, tax raising, etc and will use dicriminalization as a mere stepping stone for legalization.

I can just see some politician saying the revenues gained will go towards anti-sex trafficking, more money for public schools, less STD's, and before we know it, p4p gals are getting taxed and sued for not FKING some black dude based on anti-discrimination part of the law. And all that money will end up in some slush fund and squandered anyway.

All I am saying is be careful what you (plural) wish for. It may be something quite different once the politicians are done with it

. Real harm happens in this world in the shadows of privacy. I know women who where trafficked. Women from the US on US soil. I have seen news stories of sex worker with serous STD's continue working infecting their clients. I have seen the aftermath of a friend who is a sex worker that was brutally raped by a client and I know of other cases. I read stories in the news about casino hookers drugging and rubbing their "clients". I have been robbed myself. I am 100% convinced shadows ether from it being illegal thus unregulated or just being unregulated but legal is a bad thing. Shadows also known as it being to private is a bad thing when mixed with business and sex work is a business. There is no unregulated legal businesses in the US and their is good reasons for that.

I do agree sex work in the form of sex workers being able to work independently without reprisals from the law if she does a few small things. Commerce in this nation is taxed. Sells tax, income tax, and more is required by law foe the betterment of society. New roads don't build themselves. In order to tax them businesses are required to have business licences. Sex work should be no different. It would make trafficking more difficult. Now there is a privacy concern here and sex workers face a social stigma most other professions don't. To balance that out the private real info should be not public but sealed for LE, court, tax, and similar legit government use use only. Only the business or stage name and licence number should be public. Now the only other regulation should be mandatory STD testing. Other professions have mandatory health screenings, like truck drivers, because their health affects the safety of others. I would require it of the clients but I don't see any way of doing so. Sex work is a business that will never go away. It is time we act like it and treat those who engage in sex work as the micro business owners they are. With respect and full police protection. We need to balance the sex part that needs privacy, and the work part which is commerce that must be public of sex work. Failure to do so will cause bad end results of abuse.

Next point everu thing you point as a problem you point to is true of every business in the US. Why should sex work be different than an other commercial endeavor? There are other systems than Nevada's for legalization.  That system does sick and not in a good way.

Skyfyre585 reads

I don't have the best answer. Neither do many of us. However since we're so backward our society there are plenty of examples by those who already progressed so we can learn from.

Plenty of decriminalization and legalization formats exist right now in many parts of the world.

All we have to do is examine each and everyone and analyze them to come up with the best possible solution!

We don't have to re-invent the wheel. It's already been done by others. We'll just need to improve it.

Like I said, no brainer.

GaGambler791 reads

I am basing them on the way things "really work" in many different countries where legalized/decriminalized prostitution is not a theory but the way things work, and by and large it works pretty damned good, without any of the problems that people who look at the Nevada template seem to think are inevitable with legal/non criminal prostitution.

Of course cops are going to get involved to protect a law abiding hooker from being robbed or raped, that's their job. The thing preventing hookers from going to the cops today is fear of being arrested themselves. The same thing with johns being "trick rolled" they are so embarrassed about seeing a hooker in the first place the vast majority of crimes against tricks go unreported.

No matter how badly we fuck up either legalization  or decriminalization it most definitely will be safer than what we have now for ALL parties concerned.

Skyfyre563 reads

"Why would the police get involved to help a hooker if it were merely decriminalized?"

Sorry but that is patently absurd! The police would get involved whenever a crime occurs -regardless of whether there's legal or illegal activities going on.

Are you saying just because prostitution is illegal now a john can shoot or stab a prostitute and the cops would "look the other way and shrug their shoulders"?

What Ga was pointing out was that had the activity been decriminalized whenever a crime occurs there will be more victim willing to come out to cooperate and help the cops. And by helping the police catching the dangerous criminals the community as a whole would be safer. You obviously missed the point.

The worst fight is the one that isn't fought.

If this legislation fails to pass, it will be local city government controlled by Democrats who are to blame.  The voice of the anti-human trafficking groups will be loudest in putting this down publicly, as usual, with full support from the media.   Not that it matters...the politicians will keep the hobby alive in DC regardless.

Any law in the District must be approved by Congress (where DC does not have a voting member).

I've been to DC several times over the past few years, and the place is booming!  Doing as well or better than NYC, LA, Chicago, South Florida, and Vegas in terms of what I see, and I've been to all these places in the past three years.   Maybe those pesky Republicans aren't that bad after all...

This is incorrect. Congress an overturn DC laws, but they don't have to approve them. Look up "DC Home Rule"

How many times have we been jerked around by seemingly great legislation? Whether it Obamacare on the Left or the Patriot Act on the right?

I really don't want congress or local govt wading into this pool.

It isn't perfect the way it is now but if want to make it worse, let the "gumint" grab a hold of it.  

It will be some POS, legalese prose that only attorney's will understand and won't even agree on and the peeps in the end take all the unintended consequences up the ass without any KY.

No thanks, Dani.

where you can smoke it in your house but you cannot legally buy it......... And the US Congress is still intent on recriminalizing it...... Just the same, nice start means nice start. The odds that this particular 'proposed proposal' gets off the ground are slim, but gotta keep on pushing.

What real benefit of this do you see? So you can TOFTT and not worry about LE?

I am not mocking you, just trying to see what you feel needs to be "fixed."

Screening will still need to take place by the girls and guys will still need to do research because screening and research are based on the quality of the "product", if you will, and the hope that a John, who by the verification process, acted nonviolently in the past, will hopefully continue to do so in the future.

Neither have to do with the legality of the industry or the possible dicriminalization of it.

I guess I just don't really see the upside of all this.

"shamed". Admittedly it's a wonderful rush when that door opens, I enter, it closes, and a team of cops & video journalists don't come tumbling out of the bath nook like clowns out of a mini-car, but I'm sick of my burner phone and keeping track of secret passcodes. Some day I want to build something really big in NYC and name it "Dani987x Tower" without fear that someone will dig up the dirt. And get back my old Governor job.

GaGambler704 reads

Jack would be able to go up to a hooker, ask her exactly how much she charges and what he can expect for his money without having to speak in code, or wait until they are naked to ask her if she truly enjoys BBBJCIM. He could also negotiate his rate in person just like they do in other countries where they don't consider price negotiation "haggling"

Bob.Sugar525 reads

It's the one's that claim that "no negotiation" is allowed are the odd ones here.

Haggling in person is better however...most people just hate that conversation...but for those of us who have been doing it forever...it's just natural.

I doubt I'd graduate from the Tobester's school in 4 years either  ;)

Posted By: GaGambler
Jack would be able to go up to a hooker, ask her exactly how much she charges and what he can expect for his money without having to speak in code, or wait until they are naked to ask her if she truly enjoys BBBJCIM. He could also negotiate his rate in person just like they do in other countries where they don't consider price negotiation "haggling"

...is WAY overrated IF (big IF) you do some basic research and follow common sense.  

In this biz you can bring your risk down to virtually zero.

I don't know of a single John or gal who ever got busted who first said "I swear Jack, i screened thoroughly."

Imo and experience it just doesn't work that way.

It may relief some angst, and that would be good, but I think that would be about it.

GaGambler730 reads

Only then will you truly grasp why I continue to tout the benefits of legalizing what we do.

Picture going into your local "meat market" full of young hotties. You know, the kind of place where you can only wish that you could have anyone of the ladies parading about, much less anyone of them you wanted. Now picture yourself in that same meat market and now you really can have any woman in the place you want. AND picture being able to negotiate with whichever woman you pick out of the crowd without being looked down at for being a "haggler"  

If you would just try it one time, you'll be hooked and you'll wonder why you ever felt the way we do it here comes even close to the way they do it in other places.

I just have serious doubt it would happen here like it does there.

If you are making an academic point, and saying "Jack, if I can bring that here, to the U.S., would you be in?" of course I would say yes.  

But the reality of the situation is you can't as I think a US politician will fk it up, fk it up bad, and the reality will be something worse than it is now.

A risk I dont want to take.

It's you I trust. It's the Dems And Reps who will tinker with your knowledge of how it should work, and destroy it.

Those fkkers I have no faith in. LOL

From what you have said in the past they charge $100-$150 in CR. That is at least half of what I'm paying here, and there is no stress of haggling. Have a drink, say come with me baby, have fun, go back to the bar and as Inicky said once "lather, rinse, repeat". You can't take it with you when you go, might as well have fun while spending it.

Bob.Sugar686 reads

I get that many like you simply prefer to just pay what is asked...no problem.  Most people disdain confrontations.

I trust you've never been a buyer for anyone...let alone yourself.  I can tell you that you'd get whacked so fast working for me, you wouldn't have a clue as to why either.

But I grew up haggling, err negotiating.  It's just a part of how I do nearly everything.  Life is a constant give and take from where I live.  Doesn't make it right, or wrong.  Simply how I operate.  Apparently others operate this way as well (actually most of the world does).

If anyone is offended at getting a counter-offer...I move on.  But rarely have I found that most people will not be happy to entertain counter-offers.  They may not be very good at it...but will play along.

Posted By: russbbj
From what you have said in the past they charge $100-$150 in CR. That is at least half of what I'm paying here, and there is no stress of haggling. Have a drink, say come with me baby, have fun, go back to the bar and as Inicky said once "lather, rinse, repeat". You can't take it with you when you go, might as well have fun while spending it.

I too haggle daily. It is how business is done. I don't do it in this world as I am here to relax and it is somewhat frowned upon. But outside of the US haggling is more common. And in the legal brothels where haggling is more the norm I engage. I hate overpaying. But the point is I see why in one's time off one may just skip it. It is work and the stakes just aren't that high.

-- Modified on 8/13/2015 8:29:20 PM

GaGambler772 reads

and rather than getting better service due to your "generosity" you get worse service due to your "stupidity" The rationale is if you are too stupid too negotiate a fair deal, you are too stupid to do anything about it if you get bad service.

I often negotiate with hookers "south of the border" only to give them full price after they have agreed to "My" price. The amounts of money involved really aren't important enough to matter to me, but I don't want to get treated like a "gringo estupido" so I negotiate a "fair" price" and then usually just give her the price she asked for afterwards.

Let me explain what I'm looking for in our sport, I want to have my fun with as little stress as possible.  

Playing in this world utilizing TER, I know fairly well what to expect from her (menu/performance) and I know how much her time is worth to her. So the easiest part of our time together is making sure the envelope is correct, I don't tip so it's right from the start.  

I despise negotiation, I don't have to do it for my work and I sure as hell don't want to do it when I'm having fun. I see women that I can afford, and I have stress free fun. Besides, I want her at her best, I don't want someone going through the motions because I'm being a cheap bastard.  

I know her rate, it's in the envelope, now make me happy.

Hey if insulting the woman is what get's you off, go for it.

Why is it dudes like you, the ones who never negotiate, are always so sure that for the people that do, their hooker "goes through the motions."

Why don't you think a girl in this biz can be a professional? Do you think less of them, that they can't take a less than advertised fee, and still be a pro and offer great service? Seems that way.

I rarely ever pay full freight, and I don't recall me ever thinking a girl just tanked a session on me. Not every session is great of course, but over 90% of them are.

Girls are really capable of making biz decisions with out resorting to shitty customer service.

If you don't want to negotitate, no problem, don't do it.

But to try and think you could possibly know how the hundreds of high end hookers act in the sack after they, by their free will, took a lower rate than what they would charge YOU, is the height of ignorance.

GaGambler811 reads

Am I really going to have to get a copyright attorney to protect my interests?

Some how I think russ is waist deep in bourbon already, and to borrow a phrase from a mutual friend "tell me I'm wrong" lol

L.Guapo527 reads

I have occasionally said things like, "Thanks for playing."  And actually, I don't even recall GaG using "lather, rinse, repeat."

GaGambler558 reads

I meant it in the sense of getting laid several times a day.

I know of cases where a provider or established hobbyist was flipped as part of a deal help the cops bust others. If has happened more than once. Sadly being busted isn't the worse thing that I have seen happen. I know of two escorts that was raped that didn't report it because fear of LE turning on them. One of these women is my wife. The ability to report without fear of arrest I'd huge. Pimps use the legal status of sex work to control their victims.

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