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If "ifs" and "buts" were candied nuts....
bifur 3 Reviews 3354 reads

...but she didn't, did she? She may deserve sympathy, but no praise.

The Georgia gal that was reported missing 3 days before her wedding has turned up in New Mexico and says she got cold feet (after initially saying she was abducted) Her fiance should get rid of this insecure, flighty, kook as quick as he can.  And the police should charge her with the cost of the investigation and search.

Hot Tub Tom3725 reads

It is kind of a messed up situation but at least they didn't find her floating in the ocean or buried in a land fill. I didn't think they were going to find her alive.

Looks like Ms. Wilbanks wasn't ready to pick a "chocolate" out of the box just yet...

"Abducted by aliens" might have been the better story...
Hell...It's New Mexico...

...where Starry starry nights and UFO's abound.



Interesting tat she went to Vagas.  Perhaps she has a past of being a provider there and was thinking of returning to the old hunting grounds  You never know!

numbnuts115080 reads

.....she quickly realized that the marriage was NOT going to work out. I only wish she had told her mom or a close associate that she needed to get out of dodge for a short while. They'll both be okay and will move on.

She ran out on her family and fiance and the hundreds of people who were coming for the wedding, leaving them all worried sick. She caused her fiance  --the man she supposedly loved-- to come under suspicion. And now all those who cared about her are humiliated. She wasted the time and money of the local police, the GBI, and the FBI, which could have been used on other, real cases.

Rather than a pat on the back, what she deserves is a swift kick in the ass and a large bill from the authorities.

He meant that if she had told someone she was leaving, they could have let everyone know, and it all would have been okay.  Sheesh.

...but she didn't, did she? She may deserve sympathy, but no praise.

I think anyone who realizes that they aren't ready for a marraige and gets out of it deserves FUCKING HIGH PRAISE for not ruining someone else's life.  She should have told someone, and was wrong to do it the way she did, and Numbnuts alluded to this by saying that he wished she had told someone.  However, was praising her ONLY for not going ahead with the marraige, nothing else.  If more people   followed her lead (and yes, of course it would be better to just not accept the proposal, but better late than never), there would be one hell of a lot less unhappy people in this world.

I agree she really messed up by liying to the police and making her family worry sick, but what does it say about her man? She couldn't even confide on him her reservation about getting married, maybe she tried and maybe he was and still is just one of those guy who never listen to anyone and thinks only about himself all the time, and probably he will cheat in a year or two with providers. Maybe this all around "great catch" guy was too full of himself.  

-- Modified on 5/1/2005 4:06:58 PM

I agree to the extent that this incident hints at something else going on behind the scenes. What it was, I doubt we'll ever know.


...at least in the longer term...
 Now how can I get MY SO to do the same...

 -- Deep 'ly scheming' Heat

hiddenguy2648 reads

This woman should be arrested and charged for all the expense and trouble she put the authorities and searchers thru.

Although it may have been foolish, rude, inconsiderate (plus 100 other things)of her to skip town without any message, she is not the one who reported herself missing.  He family did that, until she turned herself in and lied for about 4 hours, she did not do anything "illegal."  It's a waste of resources sure, and the next time somebody legitimate goes missing via abduction, the authorities may be more skeptical (which will be a shame in real cases), but she did not comit a crime in doing so.  Her parents, best friends, fiancee and others are likely out thousands for the wedding expenses, travel costs, bridesmaid dresses, etc, and they will not let her forget that for the rest of her life - that is punishment enough for someone who is obviously troubled.

He should dump her. If she acts this way with an upcoming wedding, what will she do with 2 crying kids? I hate to think of her with kids.

While it is no crime to take a bus to Las Vegas from Georgia, it is a  crime to make a false report of a kidnapping. Since New Mexico didnt charge her, Georgia sure cant, since stupidity is not yet a criminal offense.

just my .02

Big Squirter4369 reads

Maybe she is not a she but a he so his feet got cold while something else went south.

She is a loser in my book.  Like most said the guy should simply tell her good bye forever.

a wedding party of 14 bridesmaids and 14 groomsmen not to mention family and friends basically waiting at the alter unless he (the groom) was physically abusing her and she had no other recourse she should be held 100% accountable for her actions and be forced top pay restitution not only to police but to each and every member of the wedding party and her parents who spent hard earned money at her request.  Sorry but there is no excuse for this behavior unless she was abused or mentally retarded.

You are right. She is 32 not 22, not a milk behind the ears kid though likely spoiled as hell. At the very least, she should pay resititution to the the police, FBI... She makes me sick because in soap opera-esque fashion, she will likely only get a warning. I would suggest a fine of $100K (reward that family put up)and a day in jail getting mowed by lesbian biker chicks. Now that would be poetic justice.

Marie Blaze5337 reads

They should have checked her Blockbuster card to see if she recently rented a copy of the movie.  I am glad she was okay, but come up tell the truth.

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