TER General Board

I wouldnt think anything of it if you were respectful...
RiverStark See my TER Reviews 52 reads

Many of us get a large number of contacts per week, an it can be quite difficult keeping up with that and emails/texts/etc can fall through the cracks. I can't speak for anyone else, but if someone send me an appropriate message that's more than "hey, what's up?", and I don't respond, it wasn't intentional at all. Sometimes a second attempt is warranted, sometimes not.  

I doubt she intentionally did it.

Hi everyone,
I'd like to know what hobbyists and providers feel about the following.  Hobbyists who contact providers the way they ask to be contacted via their email, or through TER or P411, with polite, respectful messages regarding meeting them and those providers who never even respond to them.  Do you just write them off?  Do you think it's disrespectful to serious hobbyists?  Do you write them again?  Do the providers have a "responsibility" to be as courteous to the hobbyists who they ask to be courteous to them when they contact them?  I find this disconnect to be more prevalent recently and growing than in the past and would like to hear from both hobbyists and providers on what they think the basic "civility" should be between both providers and hobbyists -- or am I the only hobbyist who feels this has become an annoying, unprofessional, and  increasing happening.  Thanks to all on both sides who respond.

ROGM55 reads

Move on and find another one. There are plenty of other girls to play with.

Julian748 reads

If you contacted the provider in a courteos manner and received no response, it is a sign that the girl is unorganized and/or unprofessional. Why not simply find someone who's more willing and prompt?

But yes, this is why you have a list of girls and need to update it often so when you get blown off, it's really no biggie.

I think sometimes guys have a tendency to think the gals are this 24/7, 365 "store" that is always open for business. In many cases, they are just individuals with no other help and p4p is just a side gig for them.

At your job, I am guessing when someone goes on vacay or calls out sick, their responsibilities are re-routed and someone else picks up their duties.

Now imagine there is only one person in the entire organization. Thats the way I view the girls. If they don't get back to me, I assume they are busy, dealing with a personal issue, maybe sick, maybe taking a long break from the biz, only seeing regs, maybe my info went to spam, etc etc who knows?

If it is a girl I really want to see, and she blew off my first attempt, I will email/text her 3-4 days later and if no response then, I write her off, for now at least.

I have circled back months later and eventually did connect with many girls who didn't respond initially. But with the list I mentioned that I am always updating, this is a never really a concern if any individual gal never gets back to me.

The guys I feel a bit bad for are the ones in towns where there are literally only 4-5 girls that are of high enough quality to see.  

In NYC, I don't have that issue, and maybe I take it for granted at times, as I believe NY is the best and most diverse p4p area in the entire U.S.

...who just happen to be terrible at keeping track of anything. Other providers are rude callous twats who don't care about you, me or anyone but themselves and don't give a shit if they leave you hanging. Either way I rarely follow up with anyone who decides not to reply to a courteous email or text. Fuck 'em. There are just too many more out there that are good at that part of the job. I used to send a second email or text but I don't even do that anymore. One strike and they are out.

For starters, I don't respond to emails that:  

- Ask explicit questions  
- Ask anything that can be found in my website and/or ad
- Are one worded introductions such as "Hi, Hello, or Available?"  

My instructions on booking an appointment are clear as day on my ads. If you don't want to book an appointment, then why contact me?  

I know this may seem rash and off putting, but it's simply how I run my business. I don't wish to hire a personal assistant, and I prefer to send most chit-chat straight to the trash.  

Otherwise, I take pride in providing exceptional TCB skills when a gentlemen is serious about getting knee deep in me.

souls_harbor51 reads

I made a p411 request and it wasn't responded to for a month.  She wasn't the first one to say that she doesn't always get the p411 email notifications.  I've emailed direct to some that haven't responded.   Some have responded eventually saying they didn't notice my email the first time.

I think they get a lot of email and maybe misread it or skip over it for some reason and then never come back to it.

I would say because of this there is nothing wrong with sending a second request.  

Speaking for myself I will respond to a pm,P411 appt request,or email within 24hrs.Most of the time it is within a few hrs.
I will acknowledge the message and let a gent know I will verify him and get back to him or ask for screening info if not provided.The only time I will not respond if it is explicit message .If you reach out to providers and do not hear back I would say to give at least 24-48hrs notice.
Some providers have day jobs,on vacation,etc...and cannot respond right away every lady is different.

But if you are sending a courteous appt request in the manner the provider requested and no response I would follow up one time.If no answer I would move on if I was a gent.
I do think it is courteous to respond in a timely fashion but this is also a two-way street.
I have had gents reach out to me on P411 or here by pm requesting an appt and I get back to them within a hr or two sometimes in a few minutes.Just to not receive a response back from the gent.I think that is rude....but hey what can you do?
Just my .02

Lots of other fishes in the sea..Charlie tuna, and little mermaid..

Some of the more popular ladies have a hundred or more messages sitting in their queue. It's impossible to respond to all of them, and some guys get lost in the shuffle. Hey, this is a popular activity. But like you said, there seems to be an increase in the number of ladies who leave you hanging. Courteous messages are traded, references pass muster, sessions are set up, and then total silence without an explanation.  

A whole wave of the internet ladies I used to see have moved on with their lives. When they started, customer service was a high priority. Could it be that many more from this next generation of internet escorts have lost that sense of service? Don't know what the answer is. Luckily, one can still find a hidden gem amid the silence.

EzekielKarl35 reads

Complete radio silence doesn't bother me nearly as much as a provider who responds initially and strings you along for a time before inexplicably cutting off contact before the appointment is set up.  The former at least never gets your hopes up while the latter can be extremely frustrating.  In either case, though, I think it's important to avoid taking it too personally.  Some providers receive nearly constant requests for their time and managing it all probably gets to be overwhelming.  And it's always a possibility that your references took to long to respond or said something that the provider finds troubling.  Such difficulties are a part of this hobby.  If you are really having trouble scheduling with the providers you want to see, maybe you should consider casting a wider net.  If your references are good, you will get responses.

Have not had the issue with the vast majority of providers ongettinga response.
Usually start with P411, give my handle on TER, and offer references if they want more while telling them it will be the same providers and usually no issues.
Only issues end up with those with other jobs that can not fit into the times I can work out a cover .

I just finished an industry trade show. Lots of leads to follow up on. Biz cards left with messages to call or email. Guess what, most won't respond to my follow up email or call.  
Just the way it is. I never take  biz or hobbying calls or emails no replies personally  

However, I will circle back and contact again at a later time.

but I work way too damn hard to get business myself to ever "beg to pay for pussy"  

That said, I don't seem to have the problem of getting hookers to respond to my inquiries that some of you guys seem to have and I can't ever remember being "strung along" by a hooker who ostensibly was interested in my business. I think any guy who is running into this problem on a regular basis needs to look inward for the cause of his problem and not blame the girls who for some reason don't seem to want his business.  Maybe her definition of "polite and courteous" is much different than his?

a provider's age. The younger providers don't seem to have the same business dependability that the ladies in their late 20's and up. Some just think that "My dance card is full on the 25th so I will just delete his email" rather than respond with "I would love to meet you but I am busy on the 25th at 8pm, is there another day/time that would work for you?".

I have met a lot of very young women who have their shit together and plenty of old broads who have not, nor will they EVER get learn to be responsible and not act like a complete flake.

Why is it "some" old people think that only old folks can act responsibly?

Because I work during the day so it can be hard. You find that a lot with the low volume girls.

Many of us get a large number of contacts per week, an it can be quite difficult keeping up with that and emails/texts/etc can fall through the cracks. I can't speak for anyone else, but if someone send me an appropriate message that's more than "hey, what's up?", and I don't respond, it wasn't intentional at all. Sometimes a second attempt is warranted, sometimes not.  

I doubt she intentionally did it.

With her emails and that of others girls that she may book for. And then after the booker saw your email,  and your request she decided that you're weren't "worthy of her time. Or your date and time crossed path with a regular coming in and he's booked her for a longer date, so she blew you off. Or she got ahold of your reviews and you weren't worth the risk...shit there could be alot of reason but fuck it, move on.

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