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I would love to see the references these ladies give you, when you try to see someone else eomteeth_smile
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 216 reads


Today i watched a few you-tube videos on sting operations interesting i hate how they do that to folks. Last week i  went to see a provider an kinda searched the room smoke detectors checked the television for any type of funny wire hook ups checked under the bed an checked closest an even looked for hidden recording devices an checked everything with a flash light to make sure no hidden camera's etc before i began to sit down with the provider. Is it good to be cautions or am I'm overly reacting, after watching those stings on you tube i don't want to come across that S*** ever! trying to prevent a sting as much as possible, The provider Didn't  seem to be bugged by this extensive check i did.. she simply said do what you have to do.

place pin-hole cameras in the walls, and then record sex in rooms and put it on the internet.

I'm in an industry that deals in these items and I can tell you that the cameras today are so tiny, and don't even need wires, that you'll never detect them.

Stay out of cheapo motels, especially the type where the door faces the parking lot and the bathrooms are on the opposite side of the room.  They have service corridors on the other side of the bathroom where employees can lurk and set up cameras, etc.

You don't want to become the latest You Tube sensation.

then yes, you are being too paranoid IMHO.  I have never done any of those things that you described, and hope I never do.  If you do as I suggested, you should not have to do those things either.

Trust me, that provider was probably thinking the same thing I just said, even though she didn't tell you.  I'd bet money, that's what was going through her mind while you were searching for LE evidence.

C'mon Truck, relax and enjoy.  How can you have any fun being so paranoid?  I sure as hell could not.


Thanks for honoring with the all caps, babe!  Feels like the 21-gun salute.

-- Modified on 6/7/2012 5:00:29 PM

yes i hit the caps lock button with my pinky thats completely crooked and stuck out the side, its funny,  cant bend the dam thing either with out a nasty popping noise, never got it set when i broke it as little kid, it hits every possible key caos lock especially-----------------if you see the gnaly thing youd understand, its groos and completely bent permanently wrong dam way.

Sorry for the memory lapse.....lol


They have these sub-atomic cameras that are invisible. Also heard that sine the DoD turned over a spy satellite to NASA with night vision and concrete penetrating capability, NASA is going to use it for hobbyists and providers.

HookerCops401 reads

If you were caught up in a sting operation. you were going to be arrested the second you walked through that door regardless of what you said or did from that point on.

It's kind of like refusing a sobriety test and breathalyzer when you get pulled over for a DUI. You can supply the cops with less evidence, but it's not like they are just going to let you go either.

Not after the incall door is locked. It's to late,  once you're in the room, as HC mentioned if it's a sting or the lady is LE, you're going to get arrested, even if you haven't said a word, or dropped the donation down on the dresser. LE is there to arrest you no matter what. The DA figures it out later whether they have a case.

Ask the gal to dress up nice for you...walk in to the unit and tell her you need to "inspect" the unit for surveillance equipment.  Spend an hour doing this...leave the donation for the lady and quickly depart from the unit.

Oh...that's what you did already.

Does paranoia run in the family?

The whole point of booking a provider is to have fun and get away from the everyday BS.

If the hobby really makes you that paranoid, maybe you shouldn't be playing?

they r sexy though1    remeber if you dont discuss solicitation or hav hand to hand transactions, your good, camera or no camera, . if you pkace a donation on a dresser with out discussing it, itl get thrown out court, u can always say money? what money? xo-

You can hope it might get thrown out...you can even pray it might get thrown out.

But it's NOT getting thrown out...sorry :(

Posted By: Truck21
Today i watched a few you-tube videos on sting operations interesting i hate how they do that to folks. Last week i  went to see a provider an kinda searched the room smoke detectors checked the television for any type of funny wire hook ups checked under the bed an checked closest an even looked for hidden recording devices an checked everything with a flash light to make sure no hidden camera's etc before i began to sit down with the provider. Is it good to be cautions or am I'm overly reacting, after watching those stings on you tube i don't want to come across that S*** ever! trying to prevent a sting as much as possible, The provider Didn't  seem to be bugged by this extensive check i did.. she simply said do what you have to do.

I look for outlets that work well...it helps with the Hitachi Wand :D

If it's a sting, you're going to get arrested no matter what you do or say. They'll let the court figure out if you're guilty or not, as far as they're concerned, you knocking on that door is enough probable cause for an arrest.
What you really need is to do your homework before you knock on that door. If the provider isn't screening you, that should be a huge red flag. Cops don't screen. They don't care who you are, what you do, or who you've seen. They just want to get you there so they can arrest you. They don't care how much money you offer either. So if they accept a low ball offer, again that should be a red flag. Remember that all they care about is getting you to the door. If they aren't asking you any questions, then you should be paranoid.


as a reference.

Sheesh :D

Just had that goofy rant gal...she finally had that thread taken down.

But just in the last week....plenty others qualify for that honor as well.

and didn't find anything....YET :D

But rumor has it that a gal or two can sometimes be found underneath my desk.

But that's a good thing :D

If you haven't found anything yet, that just means you aren't looking hard enough. Smash all those light bulbs, they like to hide listening devices in them. Rip out all the smoke detectors, they can hide cameras. Smash all the mirrors, could be a camera there too.

Posted By: ChgoCPA
and didn't find anything....YET :D

But rumor has it that a gal or two can sometimes be found underneath my desk.

But that's a good thing :D

But if she's a cop and it's a sting you were done for the minute you entered the room.

Worry about who you are seeing before you get there, not after.

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