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I see them as a plus...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 26 reads

First of all, it tells me that she has more on the ball than providers who don't care about such things, and therefore is more likely to be more professional than those who don't have their own sites.

Next, you get more information on the person from these sites, and more up-to-date information especially on her rates, and even more recent photos.

At one time each gal having her own site was de rigeur, but sadly reliance on these mall sites has become the norm.

For those who actually read the entire website prior to booking a date, do you care if the website has a professional domain?

Thanks for reading my post.  

😊 Smile for me!

-- Modified on 3/16/2024 5:46:08 AM

I’m a simpleton, I see the pictures, I read the ad and if it works and I like I make contact .
Easy, que no?

What do you mean by a professional domain? Are there amateur domains?

I read sites. I’ll read the whole site before contacting, unless it’s out of control. But I don’t understand your specific question.  

A website can be a good glimpse into her personality and professionalism, but I can’t say I’ve really considered domains. Should I?

Since you don’t know allow me to help educate you. A free website will have advertisements on it with the name of the website used to create the content. For example: Wordpress, squareonline, wix

In order to not have advertisements on your website you need to pay about $200 for the removal of ads, and a custom domain. You obviously never noticed, so it’s not a deciding factor for you when booking a provider.

Many people will see it as an investment. If a provider charges high end rates why not invest in your business? I have a provider friend who will never pay to advertise & pay for a professional website, or domain. Everyone is different. No judgement.

Come on man. What she means is: I’m home alone and need to ask another unequivocally pointless question so she can feel like she’s interesting you know she’s the female CDL

That would imply a level of awareness into the vagaries of both the escorting and web-o-sphere industries.  
Both a Rolex and a Timex keep about the same accuracy of time.  So it would be a status thing for those in the know.  

brownjack15 reads

But, I also understand that it probably means that the rates are going to reflect the professional presentation.

So, I can tolerate a few pop-ups if the girl matches my preferences, the rates are within my comfort range and the provider is well reviewed.

That said, often when ladies invest in a professional domain, they feel obligated to create/fill as many pages as possible.  So, buy the 'discount' domain, and then share only that information that is needed to represent yourself well, to explain what the client can expect from you and explain to the client what your expectations are of him.  Then, in one paragraph tell us what sets you a part.  It shouldn't take five paragraphs.

First of all, it tells me that she has more on the ball than providers who don't care about such things, and therefore is more likely to be more professional than those who don't have their own sites.

Next, you get more information on the person from these sites, and more up-to-date information especially on her rates, and even more recent photos.

At one time each gal having her own site was de rigeur, but sadly reliance on these mall sites has become the norm.

RespectfulRobert19 reads

I think that is the pertinent question. I have yet to have a single guy in over ten years tell me that was a reason he wouldn't see the girl.
Personally, I find no difference with the ability to get rates or recent photos regardless of domain status. I only care if the pics are accurate, can I afford her, can I verity she is not LE and if we would be a good match personality and sex wise.  
So whether or not she owns her own domain, speaking for only me now, is irrelevant to those questions but I cant tell you your opinion is wrong of course.

I see it as a plus, but other factors influence me more strongly.

"...do you care...?",  not, as you put it, would it be a deal breaker.

I am pretty sure Bia is referring to purchasing a domain name, such as providerX.com. This is registered to you as long as you continue to pay the fees to maintain, and can be  mapped to your website so when entered in a browser will direct the user to your content.  

( Technically a “professional domain” would indicate a domain name ending in .pro.)

There are three main reasons I purchased my domain name:  

1) It doesn’t matter where I decide to host my site, the address the user sees and uses is always the same.  
2) The name is easy to remember and you don’t need to think about it. What could be easier than name.com?  As long as you remember the name, you can always find me.  
3) No annoying ads, pop ups, etc.

-- Modified on 3/17/2024 2:47:56 PM

The concept of a 'professional domain' is a holdover from mid-late 2000's SEO blogger nonsense. Sure there was a point where a .info would get downranked by google and nobody would find your site no matter how good it was. Those days have come and gone at this point.

The only reason to care about a specific TLD is when you're trying to make your domain memorable. That's a tenuous use, and not generally applicable here, being that most of your traffic is going to come from a link in an ad, but, for the sake of argument, if your working name was "Queen Foo", registering queen.foo would be an ok idea.

Realistically though, I've seen plenty of 'premium' TLD's around, and, I really can't help but think "man, they're wasting a hundred bucks a year on that .xxx registration", and, further down that vein, the websites in question are rarely good, hell, most websites are the same crappy DIVI template, or some WIX monstrosity, occasionally squarespace which is the best of the crappy websites to be sure, but the point is, buy an el-cheapo TLD, and then put the money into making your website work well. Not 'make it pretty', screw that, pretty is fat, and bloated, and slow, I mean make it function well, load fast and cleanly, and give people the information they need with as little friction as possible.

TBH, the website doesn't matter for a guy like me. I rely on reviews on TER. If you are well reviewed and have a craptastic website, I don't really care that much. I will consider seeing you based on your reviews. Every once in awhile, I may TOFT. But when I TOFT, that's when I may scruntinize other things. Activity on Twitter, especially with no professional photos, goes a long way. Some posts that show me who you are help too. These matter more to me than your website. A well crafted ad on Tryst with activity on Twitter, and you're in the conversation. Not sure a professional website adds much to my decision making.

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