TER General Board

I recycle them.
scriptfixer 18 Reviews 916 reads


In the past, I've always just wrapped it up in toilet or tissue paper and tossed it in the garbage. But the last provider I was with said "give it here, I'll just flush it."

Is that the normal way to get rid of it? Do high volume providers not like the idea of several used condoms being left in the hotel room trash bucket?

I always flush mine along with the wrapper. I sure wouldn't want to leave any evidence in my room.

I would hate to be the maid that had to empty a trash can full of used comdoms!


-- Modified on 1/26/2008 9:07:41 PM

When I travel, I bring a trash bag of my own and carry the evidence out myself and dispose of it. Better that than leaving it behind for a maid to wonder about, or having the plumber in my bathroom :)

Cheyenna365 reads

If I am not home I trash them in a dumpster not with anything else in with them that could be incriminating. What if you get a clogged toilet and they found out there were a bunch of condoms there...??

I don't think it's fair for the maid to find them (and know your business.) In a big hotel, I wrap the condoms and wrappers in a newspaper and dump them in the trashcan in the elevator lobby.

Well, you could collect them, and when you have 365 of them, make them into a tire and call it a Goodyear :)

I hardly think the trash is going to be "piled up with comdoms" at the end of the day..lol  

If I dont flush them, I wrap them up in a wad of TP and toss them in the trash.  I personally dont care to walk in a restroom and see condom wrappers laying in the trash, but then if you see them, at least you know they are being used...right?????

Why is it so many people think there is going to be oodles of condoms in the trash???  So what if you see 12 condom wrappers in the trash after your session...do you automatically think those 12 are from the beginning of the day??  Or maybe from a few days before you got there???  

If you take a chic home from the bar, what do YOU do with the condom???  

Heck...on an outcall appointment it is not uncommon for me for to take the wrapper, wrap it in TP and toss into my bag and when I get home, I throw it away.  I do this for the client in case he over looks it and someone who doesnt need to see it and ends up asking "what the heck is that"?  I think it's called "descretion" and is quite curtious I think for the provider to this.

Neurosexy4677 reads

Dear DFW Sophie:
I must say that I like your style,diplomacy and tact when disposing your prophylactics. You should be commended by the community at large.

I always flush them when I do out call and the ladies I see for in call always flush them as well.  It has nothing to do with "high volume". It's just a simple act of discretion.

There is a long time MP in my area that is likely to be closed down because their sewage backed up.  When the city dug up the pipes and looked inside, what do you suppose they found?


I think the best thing to do is to wrap it up in a wad of toilet paper or a tissue and put it in the garbage can (I doubt very much the maid is going to unravel it to see what's inside.), or to take it with you and start your Goodyear collection.

when she, with a delivery that would do anyone proud, told me to give it to her so that she could put it in the fridge for later sale to a sperm bank when she needs the money.  I have to admit that she got me for a second until she couldn't stop herself from laughing.  She told me that she used to do this to every client just so that she could see their faces, but one guy got so mad that she now tests their sense of humor first during the session.

BTW, even though I knew she was joking, I still made sure to flush it. No need for anymore little Rays running around. LOL

"Presumed Innocent" with Harrison Ford. Good flick to watch.


I gotta try that one with some of my favorites who I know have a good sense of humor. They'll love it.

lilli1193 reads

sheesh, i can't believe there are still folks out there actually doing this. not only is it a disgusting waste of water, but it's a plumbing nightmate not to mention an eco-hazard.

i always remove them from the gentleman myself, and toss it in the garbage. even if i used a hotel (which i don't), i'd just wrap it in tissue and toss it. trust me, the maids really don't give a dang.

They do smell very bad after a short time.
The best thing to do is use vanilla scented little bags.
You can get them from any grocery store.
Wrap the condom wrapper and condom and tie them up inside these little scented trash bags and then throw them away.
It is discrete and the bags are very thin and small so no worries about making too much garbage.
California is supposed to have biodegradable bags so you could tie them up in those each time and then throw them out.

-- Modified on 1/27/2008 10:28:30 PM

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