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I enjoy kissing, so I prefer minimal makeup
rtpexplorer 7 Reviews 720 reads

I don't think makeup enhances a lady all that much; I prefer to see the real woman, not the made up image. Besides, makeup tastes terrible. When I'm kissing a lady, I want to feel and taste her skin, not her powder.

The effects of makeup?  I mean, there's a distinct art to makeup and it certainly alters the visage from what you might normally see.

Where do you anti-Aldo-effect folks stand on great makeup?  And does that also apply to hair extensions, highlights, clothing etc?  Do you expect upon arrival to see the same makeup as you saw in a professionally staged photo shoot?  This assumes the makeup did not include appliances (fake body parts) or the like to create a Princess out of a Prickly Pear.

My vote is all for whatever they think makes them look best, just stay in the ballpark on photos, and include a selfie or shot from a friend's camera so we get an idea of who we'll really be meeting.  Glamour shots are great and sexy, but I'm not going to meet you at a glamour photo shoot -- so a normal photo in advance does wonders for ensuring I'll stay once the door opens.

Too much photo touch ups show a girl whom the actual girl can NEVER look like no matter what. I see your point but it's two completely different things. First is almost a downright scam while  
make up can enhance the real thing and she can really look it in person.  

I most prefer a girl who can look pretty without two inch layer of make up...  but whatever makes them pretty IN PERSON,  I'm fine with

I agree 100% in your response.  I prefer my clients to let me know what kind of attire along with there preference for makeup and/or perfume (i.e. light to none).  If a barn needs a little painting...then paint it :).  Pictures whether selfies or professional should have some paint so you dont look tired/washed out.  Either way the end result in pics should be representative to how you appear when greeting client at the door.

If she doesn't show up looking like the pictures she posts, that's misrepresentation.  
And as far as makeup is concerned, everyone can't do the no makeup look.  
Some providers look like death without makeup. Others can get away with it : )

I request no make up for appointments. If the provider has a fit about it we both decide to cancel the appointment. I found one one in particular was pretty ugly without the makeup. She also turned out to be a drama queen when I cancelled.

You are less likely to have the door open and have your libido drop.

And none of my photos are edited except for lighting.  It's more vanity that keeps my photos true to life.  I know I'm hot!  

Posted By: sympathyforthedevil
You are less likely to have the door open and have your libido drop.

Before each appointment, I put on a sterile eye bandage and bleach my remaining tooth.

If that's true?... We have met.

I was playing along with the lady's joke... as if I mingle with gals whom wear eye patches.

Posted By: inicky46
Thanks for playing.
Now wipe your shoe.

89Springer1437 reads

making these zingers, my gut hurts from laughing.

BTW, your grandmother says "hi".

-- Modified on 9/14/2014 8:40:55 PM

We can still rock the same makeup when we meet with clients. I think most guys prefer that we at least put the effort in, anyway.  

Besides, I look like I'm 12 without makeup. It's not cute.

Is 42 fair?  What if 12 doesn't sell? What then?

Where was the punch line? Was it that you're implying she's 30 or that she's 42?  

You do realize she's a college girl and therefore most likely under 30.

I few threads down she said 30 yrs ago about something right after that I read the reply where she said 12.

Than I realized they were both posts from Tobi. There mow you too can write lame jokes

Posted By: Tobi Telford

-- Modified on 9/15/2014 6:08:30 AM

The more you think about it,  sex isn't fair...  What if sex didn't exist? What then?

all is fair in sex and whores

We've been through this neither of us want to meet. Except that we agree with this notion... and be civil.

I personally like the nomakeup look with minimal make up if the girl can pull it off but if she can look really hot with better make up that's good too.  It would be awkward to see a girl sleep with make up on though.  

I wonder of the guys who like no make up also like seeing a girl with no cloths on when the door opens. lol  

For me, its nice to see how the girl looks in different in different settings,  like wearing a dress,  then evening cloths,  then no cloths,  and then seeing make up come off during action,  then no make up...  
It's part of being a normal human female imo.

Same on the age thing!  Without adding a little enhancement in the form of contour,  my cheekbones disappear and i look like a round faced little baby girl.  Don't get me wrong,  I love my face without makeup and am happy to go out or meet a friend without any,  but I prefer to wear it.  Why look okay when you could look amazing???

I'm definitely not the type to sleep in my makeup or sneak and put some on on overnights,  either.  

Posted By: Tobi Telford
We can still rock the same makeup when we meet with clients. I think most guys prefer that we at least put the effort in, anyway.  
 Besides, I look like I'm 12 without makeup. It's not cute.

Looking young makes a provider hot. Go for it and try it out and let us know the results with no make up. Make sure you have some extra lube to help lol.

This confuses me. Are you suggesting I put lube on my face?

Posted By: DaveMogal
Looking young makes a provider hot. Go for it and try it out and let us know the results with no make up. Make sure you have some extra lube to help lol.

Lube is for your vagina....

YA DON'T SAY!!! All this time I thought it was for cleaning grout.  

In all seriousness, I didn't understand what lube has to do with makeup. Still don't understand, actually.  

Posted By: DaveMogal
Lube is for your vagina....

I see some ladies who seem to want to look "like a whore should" rather than look their best.  

I do not like heavy cakes of makeup, thick black goop around eyes, weighted-down eyelids, and colors-not-found-in-nature all over cheeks.  Red lips, OK ... but please hold the rest.  

Besides startling me at the 'reveal', heavy makeup leads to much awkwardness during the festivities when the lady is so protective of her makeup that she can't fully participate in the contact sport scheduled.  

And the ladies I'm thinking of are often cute young asians who would probably facially fascinate me without a trace of makeup.  

So my vote is:  As little makeup as you can stand for yourself, please.  

Photo retouching just causes noise in the information flow that advertising should contain, so I'm not in favor of that either.  

But I disagree with the premise that lots of makup always, or usually, or often, constitutes an improvement in a woman's sex appeal.  For me it's the opposite more often

But what can you do besides leave?

I just haven't encountered that much. There was one woman who had extreme makeup, but not like that. She was a blonde with dark green eye shadow. But it was kind of a costume, not just overdone.

Panthera12841 reads

Make up doesn't hide rolls of flab and cellulite like Aldo can and does. Anyone who has been around a while understands that most providers will be wearing little or no make up when that door opens. It is not deception for them to answer without make up when you expect it to be so.

a little bit is good. Evens the skin tone, adjusts the lighting cleans up the shot but there is such thing as overboard as well.

I shoot most of my own pics and they are me.
I blur my face adjust the lighting and even my skintone. Thats about it...

I don't think makeup enhances a lady all that much; I prefer to see the real woman, not the made up image. Besides, makeup tastes terrible. When I'm kissing a lady, I want to feel and taste her skin, not her powder.

So much for the Japanese Gesha role play. Dammit! LOL

Posted By: Courtney.Ova

make-up for a photo shoot she should wear similar make-up for her dates.  Camera angles and carefully posed photos can hide more than makeup.

As a Pro Photog my goal is to make images of the model in the theme and style she wants to be portrayed in. For her to appear as she would look in the best possible way on her best day. If her image style encompasses a thought out wardrobe, professional hair and makeup, being relaxed and comfortable, she's done her part. As the photog I need to understand what is technically necessary to create the images using the location, lighting, shading, angles, posing and my experience and creativity to achieve the desired results. There are too many nowadays who  think this can be done with software altering everything digitally using green screens, Photoshoping body sculpturing by enhancing, be it adding or removing body size, It easily recognized and those results are obvious and give the craft a bad name. There is no substitute for true craftsmanship photographing a beautiful image.

IMO, the make-up one wears in their pictures, should be a similar representation when they show up in person (except for the eye shadow color possibly different). I personally do not do professional photo shoots and all my picture are done usually at home, no touch-ups, no photo-shop, no special lighting or effects, and the same make-up amount I wear when I meet someone...so what you see is what you get.  

But I know some ladies may use "stage make-up" for photo shoots because it looks better in pictures, or have their make-up professionally done for a photo shoot, which probably wouldn't be repeated for an appointment...in those cases, make-up tricks may make the lady appear different in person.  

Posted By: numpty88
The effects of makeup?  I mean, there's a distinct art to makeup and it certainly alters the visage from what you might normally see.  
 Where do you anti-Aldo-effect folks stand on great makeup?  And does that also apply to hair extensions, highlights, clothing etc?  Do you expect upon arrival to see the same makeup as you saw in a professionally staged photo shoot?  This assumes the makeup did not include appliances (fake body parts) or the like to create a Princess out of a Prickly Pear.  
 My vote is all for whatever they think makes them look best, just stay in the ballpark on photos, and include a selfie or shot from a friend's camera so we get an idea of who we'll really be meeting.  Glamour shots are great and sexy, but I'm not going to meet you at a glamour photo shoot -- so a normal photo in advance does wonders for ensuring I'll stay once the door opens.

You better have them at the appointment! Civvies even live by this code and they don't make money from looks. There's nothing worse than discovering a gorgeous girl on social media, only to meet her in person and realize she uses makeup apps to glam up her photos.  

Now, there comes a time when you can introduce the "not so made up" version of yourself to a companion and they will appreciate it. That is a-ok, but if you barely can apply eye liner I think its very deceitful for 100% of your portfolio to have your face make up by a professional makeup artist if you can't deliver that consistently in real life. Some guys have a bit of a fetish for the woman can can glam up without assistance so this really matters to them. Much like guys have a fetish for women who are into designer items that get let down when they show up and realize the lady borrowed her friends Jimmy Choos for the photoshoot.  

In our world, we use our photos to design our websites and can't really say "just got my makeup done by a professional" in the comments like we would if we were posting a photo on social media. This is the only reason why I understand the OP. If you have a good mix that shows you without the glam makeup done by a pro, I say that its fair and at that point the viewer can see that you present variety :)

I have several photos on my site that are from my porn shoots. In every porn scene I am heavily made up in "stage" makeup. I love the different looks that I can achieve from professionally done makeup. Now in the photos from my personal porn site I rarely wear makeup (I can probably count on one hand the number of times I wore makeup during a shoot for my site...and that's out of over 500 scenes). I make it a point to inform visitors to my escort site that I don't wear makeup. Heck I'm not any good at applying makeup. I would hope that clients that see me don't expect me to be in the makeup seen in my porn scenes.

Epsilon_Eridani1064 reads


never heard of that phrase used in photography. I've been doing photography for over 30 years.

in the case of this type of business, less is better. with the right amount of lighting and a great camera, there's no need to go over the top in photo shoots. piling up makeup isn't going erase all of the "deficits".  

I prefer the "all-natural" look. if your photos looks like they have been heavily photoshopped, I cross that name off.

And there aren't any coverups or touch ups. He sent me a disk if pics and I just pick from them and post them. Plus I did my own hair and makeup. It's as I wear my hair and makeup every day.

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