TER General Board

I don't begrudge the hookers that get thousands of dollars for their services
GaGambler 258 reads

Nor do I look down on the guys who pay those exorbitant rates unless they are guys who really can't afford it, but think they are really getting "something superior" for their money, and then I just pity them for their stupidity.

OTOH, I used to have people think I was crazy for giving hookers the "ridiculous"  amount of $3-400 hundred dollars for an overnight date in places like Costa Rica back about ten years ago when you could find a lot of chicas more than happy to accept a hundred bucks. Three hundred dollars was just so little money to me, usually a lot less than my bar tabs at the time, I just never really paid any attention to the money. The chicas would never demand that much from me, I just usually gave them that much because it made them happy, and by extension it made me happy too, and I never missed nor cared about the money.

Now keeping that thought in mind, there are a lot of guys who think the same thing about a few grand. A guy who makes Ten million a year is making $200,000 a week, do you think that guy really notices that he paid some girl a few thousand bucks for a good time?

Now as for myself, I have been broke too many times in my life to not expect value for my money and no one can convince me that you are "getting value" at two grand an hour, but I will admit, on nights where I am playing five grand a hand for myself and betting a hundred bucks a hand for the dealer and doing this for hours on end, I too have ceased to recognize the value of a buck and have thrown away a LOT of money that I would never do under normal circumstances. Not to mention I drink, and I drink a LOT sometimes. lol

I recently ran across a provider's ad in which she was asking for a donation of $2000 an hour. The previous high I saw
was $1200. Being new to the hobby (4 months) I was wondering what is the highest rate you would consider & what
is the highest you have paid. What service can be offered that can make up the difference from $300 to $2000?  Could for her if she can get that amount.

Your willingness to pay it.

million dollars a pop.  

When asked why, he said that he only has to sell one.

GaGambler259 reads

Nor do I look down on the guys who pay those exorbitant rates unless they are guys who really can't afford it, but think they are really getting "something superior" for their money, and then I just pity them for their stupidity.

OTOH, I used to have people think I was crazy for giving hookers the "ridiculous"  amount of $3-400 hundred dollars for an overnight date in places like Costa Rica back about ten years ago when you could find a lot of chicas more than happy to accept a hundred bucks. Three hundred dollars was just so little money to me, usually a lot less than my bar tabs at the time, I just never really paid any attention to the money. The chicas would never demand that much from me, I just usually gave them that much because it made them happy, and by extension it made me happy too, and I never missed nor cared about the money.

Now keeping that thought in mind, there are a lot of guys who think the same thing about a few grand. A guy who makes Ten million a year is making $200,000 a week, do you think that guy really notices that he paid some girl a few thousand bucks for a good time?

Now as for myself, I have been broke too many times in my life to not expect value for my money and no one can convince me that you are "getting value" at two grand an hour, but I will admit, on nights where I am playing five grand a hand for myself and betting a hundred bucks a hand for the dealer and doing this for hours on end, I too have ceased to recognize the value of a buck and have thrown away a LOT of money that I would never do under normal circumstances. Not to mention I drink, and I drink a LOT sometimes. lol

GaGambler222 reads

She did look like a hot little thing. Of course I am sure she is "much too old" for me now. lol

but if I were in a casino, either on a big winning streak so the money didn't matter, or on a losing streak so the money still wouldn't matter and someone with her look was around for a couple of grand, yes I probably would have gone for it.

I will say that to consciously book a thousand dollar an hour girl, sober and with premeditation like some guys do, is unlikely to ever happen with me. Drunk and in a casino is another matter, I make no claims as to having any common sense under those circumstances.

...which made me shudder and move along quickly.

I typically spend in the $400 - $600/hr range, tho I did splurge once on an $800/hr gal.
Was it worth it?  
It was no different than the $400/hr date that I had had the week before.
Lesson learned. But I did get one more item out of my bucket list :)

If they are paying me, why would I refuse? This won't last forever for me. Making money when I can.
I maybe wild and naughty but I am financially smart too...
Sweet naughty kisses,

Frederica De Nere

GaGambler189 reads

I would never pay your rate, but I am 1,000% sure you couldn't possibly care less that I wouldn't.  

and I COMPLETELY agree with your reasoning. Once upon a time I used to think $100,000 a year was real money, and I was willing to work my fucking ass off to make that hundred grand. but at this point in my life I would starve to death on a paltry hundred grand and I would laugh anyone out of the room who thought they could pay me so little for my time.  

You don't owe anyone an apology for making bank, (and yes I noticed you didn't make one. lol) I bet you even OTM would agree a hooker should "make money while the sun shines" and someday when you are "up there" in age, as a "rich old broad" you'll be able to return the favor and hire yourself a boy toy or two instead of having to peddle your as in your old age. lmao.

But never that deep!  Why?  Discretion, Scheduling, and just because I could.  Time is money for me, and I thought that a higher rate would cut down on cancellations.  Doesn't always work that way as someone else's money is always greener.  Live and learn, and I am happier now because it frees up time and funds for a favorite lady.

GaGambler238 reads

but for those of us paying, most of us figure out rather quickly that is hardly the case most of the time. Well outside of some certain minimums and maximums of course.

I like to compare it to wine in a restaurant. You are rarely going to get a bottle of wine worth a crap in a restaurant for less than about 50 bucks a bottle, but OTOH, the difference between a $200 bottle and a $2,000 is almost imperceptible for 99% of us. The same with hookers, try going sub $200 hr in most markets, or below about $300 in cities like NYC or LA and you are rarely going to be happy, but there is no discernable difference between a lady who charges $5-600 and one who charges $2,000 no matter how hard she tries to dress it up.  

I still maintain, if you really don't care about the money, and the girl "does it" for you, do what you want and who gives a fuck what the rest of us think about it, but any guy who really thinks he's getting a "higher quality" girl just because he paid five times as much is only fooling himself, but doing wonders for the economy.lol

Read my thread about the SAME girl using multiple personas offering the SAME service at DIFFERENT prices. Notice how many guys turned in their man card in the thread. Gag called it "trick logic."

And I think we are in agreement.  Anyone that does it for you is worth it, regardless of the rate.  I never claimed the service was better, just the potential ancillary aspects that I thought would be better.  Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice....nope!

I think we can agree that ignorance is bliss. I thought it was worth it when I was clueless. Once you find out that other guys got the same thing at 3-400 that you paid 1K for there is nothing to be happy about.

And I would not be happy about paying a G when someone else paid less.  Then again, if I had a good time, I might have to compliment her successful marketing.  This isn't the NYSE where everyone should get the same price.


She's simply trying to attract certain clientele; execs, athletes, celebrities. At some point there is a ceiling on the services we are offering.  

What I would expect as a client for 2k/hour: she's highly educated, speaks several languages, is cultured & well-traveled, educated on current events/business, immaculately dressed in high-end clothing, exceptional grooming, well-versed in all facets of sensuality and kink.

is $1000/hr.  The most I will pay today is $600/hr., and it must be extraordinary for me to repeat at that rate.  Every single time I ventured over the $600 mark, it was not worth it.  There is nothing a woman can do for me at $2000/hr that I can't get from an experienced $3-600/hr escort.  I've paid my dues and its really not easy to take advantage of me anymore.  

That rate.  It's the experience.  Girls have gotten 500 just to walk around in heels naked while the guy finishes himself.  I've gotten them. Not everyone wants the same thing.  It was funny because he had a reputation for doing this so every ho within a 20 mile radius would blow up his phone to get an appointment with him.  And this is all because hoes love to put out given a choice.  (Rotfl).  But, I got 1200 just to hang out with somebody last month.  Not everyone wants the same thing.

wrps07249 reads

Do the math. For $2000 you can 5 appointments for $400/hour or 6.6 appointments at $300/hour or 10 appointments for $200/hour.  You have to ask yourself is one pop as good as 5 pops or more at those lower rates ? If your body can handle it 2 pops in a hour.

Its funny how these high rate value questions keep coming up time and time again. If one can't afford the rate or pop value ratio is too much leave it alone.  

Someone charging that type of rate probably has a sugar daddy sponsoring her for most of her expenses, imho.

... for any kind of date with a provider is $800.  I've done that twice, once for 3 hours with arguably the best provider in my local area, and once for a whole weekend with my ATF.  

Those dates, and others I've had with ladies who charge $300-400/hour, were so great, I just can't conceive of getting enough value for paying $1000+ per hour.  But my hat's off to providers who can get that much for their services in this wonderful world of free enterprise.  

As someone stated earlier, there is a desired type of clientele that the provider may be seeking. In turn, their clientele is expecting a certain type of experience for that starting price point. I cannot speak on behalf of the provider you are alluding to but I imagine their multi-hours are heavily incentivized as well.  

Either way, the services may not vary greatly but it is the environment and the experience that is most likely the difference.

I think often at that rate men are paying for a perception. Whether that perception becomes a reality is a topic if it's own...

My main girlie friend is 240. Sometimes under an hour sometimes 2 hrs plus. It usually depends on her schedule.  I am very happy with the rate and tip her when I can.

But, being a slow learner, I sometimes crave some variety. I've had some "so-so" dates from BP. And been disappointed a few times also. (And thought, I should have just called my first gal) no more BP.

I can pay 2 to 3 and have a great time.
ALL the reviewed ladies I have met thru TER have been awesome. In the 3 to 4 range.

I've recently been looking to possibly "upgrade" to some 5 to 6 ladies, but can't bring myself to spend most of my budget for 1 hour of play time.

The most ever was in Vegas and it was 850 for 90 mins plus....  It was excellent.
 (No regrets or buyers remorse)  
I save up, and won't go untill I can afford to do it right.

Also in Vegas I've had 2 girls at the same time for 6, and they stayed 2 hrs the first time, and 3 hrs the next time.  With everything I could ever ask for on the menu. (Outstanding!)

When I see ads where the rates are over 4 or 5, I just keep scrolling and wish I had a bigger hobby budget.

When I see a great looking gal is running a special, and it's closer to my limit, I will sometimes go for it.

I will do 2 per visit 4x a month = 8 without hesitation

Or 3 per visit 3x a month = 9 (more realistic)

But 5 or 6 just doesn't get me enough bang for my buck. I need to fuck more than twice a month.

I'm not cheap, but I have been broke.

Happy hobbying!!

...and many of them are quite pricey.

OTOH GM sells a lot of reasonably priced cars.

In a free-market economy, the consumer gets to make the choice and spend to the level of their comfort.

NO, I'm not making the crass comparison of women to objects -- but we are talking pricing and marketing strategy for businesses, so there is some overlap in the approaches used.

JakeFromStateFarm154 reads

They are well made but over-priced, handle like crap and depreciate like Weimar money.  They are made for dentists and lawyers who want to drive stolid, boring sofas.

That's exactly the point I was making -- consumers (clients here) get to make a choice about how they will spend their available money and decide what performance level they seek.

Seems analogous to the topic at hand, eh?

Everyone plays in the sandbox that they can afford to play in. Some guys pay too much and can't afford it. Some guys pay too little not realizing there may be better or More expensive yet still affordable options where they are, yet complain about their 50 dollar specials.  

Personally 250 to 350 an hour is my usual range. Sometimes I wander less and sometimes more. 500 was my highest.

Been discussing duo options for between 500 and a thousand.

Play responsibly and have fun.

A woman has the freedom to set her rates (among other things) as she chooses. Any man has the freedom to choose her or not, based upon his own set of criteria. There is absolutely nothing right, wrong or otherwise to consider about them and their choices.

I make my own choices as I wish, and I am quite happy about it.  There is simply no need to compare myself to anyone else.  

To each, his/her own.

A gal who charges that high amount, you have to wonder if she really wants to be doing it. In other words, it will take that much to get her interested. Some women you have to promise to marry them. Looking at it that way, 2000 is cheap. Most I've paid is 300. The most fun I've had on a regular basis was only 120.

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