TER General Board

I agree
Sojourner7 42 Reviews 1040 reads

She is gorgeous. I am still hoping for a meeting sometime when she gets back to Chicago for a visit.

IWin2795 reads

I am just trying to figure out the posting of reviews ....This stems from a provider who, when having a less than perfect review posted, is able to get it removed. The posted review is sub mitted honestly as to the experience had, yet if it does not please the provider, she is able to get it taken down..... furthermore the provider has indicated that if a favorable review is not posted, she could/would use my info that she obtained through screening to retaliate... any thoughts?

juneBUGs1255 reads

I feel your frustration. The EXACT same thing happened to me with a REPUTABLE errr..2 REPUTABLE providers.

All my bitching and complaining went UN-heard and all my quesioning un-answered.

sad but true.

Sad but true fact that a provider may have a bad review removed..

I ask if one feels compelled to write a review to please do so, good or bad.. If it is honest there should be no fault..

This bring up a point that has been mentioned over on the Suggestion board. A section in the review for provider comments (non flame style of course)
This way in the event of a 'poor' review a provider could give her side. After all there are two sides when their are two involved.. So it really is not out of the question for TER to look at that..
It may actually bring a new and exciting section unto itself.. With more 'poor' reviews being left on board and the providers rebuttals to them.. I myself would like to read provider responses to their reviews.. I would love to add my own to mine..

Sad but true to many want others to believe that every encounter is at least an 8.. We all have 'bad' days..

That would be an excellent feature. The only problem would be that, could the provider be sure of who was reviewing her?? Unless the experiance was unforgetable,good or bad, how could they be sure on how to respond if they are not sure if it was gent #1 or #2???

I would love to read the other side of the review though. Sometimes I wonder if bad experiances are due in part to the reviewer or not i.e. something he did (too aggressive) or didn't do (bathe) ....lol

I think that a "provider's comments" section would be a great addition to the reviews.

I have read some reviews and then when I go back to re-read, some of the reviews were gone.  For whatever reason, reviews do and obviously can get removed.  It is my opinion that TER heavily favors providers over hobbyists and if there is any discrepancy, TER would side with the provider, perhaps to gain favor?  We've all heard the rumors and accusations.....

I would assert that TER heavily favors hobbyists to providers.

There are tons of providers who have to live with their 5 scores and such because of some pissed off hobbyist. However, there are MANY fake reviews that seem to get posted by either men seeking vip status or to get paid by less than reputable providers to ruin their competition, etc...

Furthermore, the fact that this site exists in the first place to review women for the benefit of men should be a clue that the reviewer holds a lot more clout around here. However, as with anyone, if you are not reputable as a reviewer, eventually that comes to light and you too will get banned.


Reviews make the service credible. While TER cannot police the veracity of every review, all one needs is a pattern of reviews to determine some level of truth. Good providers show well, even when the occasional a-hole tries to muck things up. It's really win-win... Most ladies don't get seen without services like this and I agree that it should in part serve both interests. As to one being partial over the other, I doubt it. TER needs both to sustain it. I am willing to bet that since you've become a regular poster, your phone rings more often because of someone's interest was garnered on these pages... See, you win too.

I don't publish my number. It already rings with my friends calling all the time. If I posted it on the net, oh Lord, I'd never have a break. lol.

Honestly, I guess it's helped, but I've been utr for a while so I get regular emails all the time that have nothing to do with TER... they're repeats I've had for a while.


Hmm I am curious to see what some other members who have been members for a long time would have to say about this.

Review guidelines state that if a positively reviewed provider gets a negative review that the burden of proof rests with the reviewer. That goes for providers with a bunch of good reviews. I guess this is to protect providers from vindictive claims, not sure what to tell you though. They clearly state this though as their policy, I am sure positive reviews for a ripoff provider would be treated the same way under this stated policy, as they would assume that the ripoff provider is posting false reviews.

Maybe its just a mistake, I wrote a review once, a good one, my most recent one, that was never posted but they still credited me with 14 days VIP. Not saying TER is not capable of what your implying but I would want to make sure there is no other explanation.

-- Modified on 2/12/2008 12:16:28 PM

IWin1175 reads

The numbers posted, were NOT bad, just MY interpration of the "number" system... what's wrong with ATTRACTIVE 7, HOT TIME 7 , etc????  Just when a provider ONLY wants 9's or 10's she can manipulate the system?  I thought this site was to help give the "Hobbiest" some guidance when seeking a quality provider, NOT a site to build the ego's of the providers??.....looks and performance are ALL open for interpration to each individual... You may see the vision of your dreams across the room, yet someone else may not even take a second look..Thanks for listening... I hope these types of situations can be smoothed over

You are right to be frustrated, all I am saying is that you should exaust ever other option before jumping to conclusions. I think you mentioned writing TER. Maybe you could try again. TER is only the best review site because they are trusted so I dont know what would provoke them to do what your claiming they are, again not saying your wrong.

Was the girl you saw a high rate, high volume girl. I am sure 9 and 10 are very important to the income potential of some girls, but your right, they should earn them and not doctor ones out that are not earned.

I would imagine that if TER was doing something fishy like that that this though forum post will not survive very long.

I never had any of my reviews removed
Mine are 99% real..there is one that never happened and was absolutely ludicrious!!
But I left it there...
even so it was upsetting to have a fake bad review posted about me
All the rest of my reviews provide a realistic view of what it's like to enjoy an experience with me
Some providers may have asked the MOD's to remove certain reviews for their own reasons
I trust in the MOD's judgment in such manner's

I believe there is an option for free VIP membership for the hobbiest for two review submissions a month
That may be one "cause" for inaccurate reviews?

I never had any of my reviews removed
Mine are 99% real..there is one that never happened and was absolutely ludicrious!!
But I left it there...
even so it was upsetting to have a fake bad review posted about me
All the rest of my reviews provide a realistic view of what it's like to enjoy an experience with me
Some providers may have asked the MOD's to remove certain reviews for their own reasons
I trust in the MOD's judgment in such manner's

I believe there is an option for free VIP membership for the hobbiest for two review submissions a month
That may be one "cause" for inaccurate reviews?

WHY would you leave a "positively ludicrous" review alone?? If you know it is fake, have it removed. Somewhere out there, some guy got free VIP days by lying about you, and he might even be one of those jerks who uses the fake reviews he's written as a way to get in to see other ladies because he knows he can't get a decent reference from a woman he has seen.

Additionally, on your side of things, if this review is "positively ludicrous", presumably meaning he said you did things you don't do - now you have guys showing up expecting something you don't deliver. Its a no-win for you, and for any women who are under the impression that his reviews are real and agree to see him because of it.

TER996 reads

Just one of the many emails we get every day:

Please read from bottom to top.

By TER Customer Support - 2/9/2008 5:57:21 AM
The 7 is for your looks not your performance. He is complementing your service and gave you an 8 for it which is not inconsistent with his review or with your other reviews.
Thank you for the support,
--TER Support Staff
By ******* - 2/7/2008 5:22:28 PM
Well, I did say it was inconsistant. That is in your list. I had said that he goes on in the review how wonderful everything was, how great I am, how much he enjoyed things, how special he felt ect, then gives an incongruent score of 7. That is inconsisitant.

By TER Customer Support  - 2/7/2008 12:08:46 PM
I am afraid we can not take the review down without a valid reason. A list of valid reasons is posted on our review FAQ page here:
None of which apply to your review. Once he sees his review was unapproved for no legitimate reason he'll contact us and since "Because she did not like it" is not a legitimate response, we'll be accused of being unfair and taking sides.
Thank you for the support,
--TER Support Staff
By ******* - 2/7/2008 6:36:41 AM

Well, I feel he was a 'jadded' man. If you look at another review he wrote, he did give a lady a 3 and 4 or something close/or less than that. I feel being jadded, he took it out on me!
I don't think 7 is good. I also know I am at an 8 in appearance at my worst. I'm a student actually, and I try to stress on my website, that I am interested in forming relationships with my clients and long term friendships, even going so far to state that 'I'm not compatable with shallow superficial' types. I pride myself on the friendships I form with my fellows, and I select them carefully. Funny, because I only see gents on TER now. Denver is a L.E and Pimp infested region, and I only see my good friends I have known for years, or out of town gents, or highly recomended local men. I even have had one client friend for years, who tutors me through my algebra if I need help with some of the chapters! That's the kind of friendships I form with my men friends. I just dont think that the 7 is a good representation, nor is it fair to the other members who have gone out of their way to post the great reviews they have on me, and they do it so I can continue with school, and I treat them dearly, and yes, I'm about an 8/9 in looks.
And yes, you are right. In the review he raves on about how wonderful I am, and how everything engaged in was great, and I made him feel special.
I'm really blaming myself for poor judgement. A jaded man who I thought I could somehow 'make feel better' about this hobby, that he got burnt and somehow in my 'make it better' willingness, I made a bad judgement, that ended up burning me.
Can't you please take it down. I do appreciate the diplomatic way you state that beauty is in the eye of the beholder to present your case to me, and I understand your point, but, if you look at a girl in this area who is named '*****' and see her pictures, she is definatley a 7 or even 6 and she has gotten two  8's on appearance. I'm not trying to insult her, I'm sure she is a fun loving girl, but my presentation is a lot above hers. I have flawless skin, not because I'm bragging or lucky, but because I have a dermatoligist and do quarterly skin treatments to maintain. I've also had my lips permanently plumped with silicone (the safe kind approved by the F.D.A BTW, so it's safe). I take pride in my body, working out every day, and as I stated, I go to school to complete my degree (not as a way out of this business, but because I love learning and I want to work in the field of economics), and on top of that, I vulunteer tutor for middle school math students. I'm not really heavily focused on the emphasis of physical attributes, but in this business, one has to at least have a standard of appearance. I'm just concerned that now I wont get any business.
Please consider removing it.
By TER Customer Support  - 2/7/2008 4:00:51 AM
He gave you 7 for appearance not performance. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it is a personal matter. People have different opinions which should be respected.
7, is a very good score, he says you are attractive, what is wrong with that?

Thank you for the support,
--TER Support Staff

By ******* - 2/6/2008 1:21:25 AM
I would like to dispute this review:

It is inconsistant with my other reviews, and terrible score of 7. This is unfair, and inaccurate. All my reviews average 8.5-9. This reviewer states in his review the multiple acts engaged in speaking quite highly of the experience, even stating that he will 'see me again' yet gives an appearance score of 7.
Please can you remove this review. It's unfair, and not appropriate, and not warrented.

She won't get any business because of a 7????????????????????????????

G....I can vouch to her she will LOL if she needs a testimony! HAHAHAHAHA

IWin1266 reads

What if you went on someones 9-10 recommendation on looks.pics may be old and photoshopped.... met with her.... and to YOU she was only a 6-7?  Would you continue or leave?  This is the delemma

and if it is above a 5  - at least it is partly positive.

There is always room for improvement...


in fact, you'd think they base their self worth upon the reviews. I know I'm hot. Whether anyone else agrees is really not my concern. It's a blow to the ego I'm sure to get a lower score, but fuck it. If you let your ego control your business I imagine you'd have some major problems.


She had me until the lip injections!  :)

Its not just the number ratings, we guys also read the description of the girls.  

I would never give a bad review unless she really deserved it.

I always thought what your rated, is what you get. I didn't know that we could have it removed other than it may have been a BOGUS review. I'm just lucky to have met and been given such high ratings to even START with. I'm not in the best of shape therefore I don't expect a GORGEOUS rating.
To each his own. Ask Support about it. Maybe they have a clue as to why...?

anabangbang1360 reads

if the reviewer uses language which is meant to be mean or insulting.

some providers know better than others on how to present the argument to staff which will grant them success in having a bad review removed.

an argument such as, i'm prettier than her so my scores should be higher,  isnt going to get anywhere but if the guy said she looked like a dried up old flabby hag, then the provider could argue that he was just being mean and get the review removed,
thats how i understand it anyway..

The lady has to show why the review is false and support her claim. She can't just have a review taken down because she doesn't like what a guy wrote. TER does a thorough investigation to confirm that the review is indeed false based on the supporting evidence and IP addresses involved before removing any review.

I would suggest writing Staff at the same time you sumbit your review if you feel that she might try to have it pulled and explain why you think that way. If you have a solid review history and everything in the review supports that you have seen her (i.e. you have described her location and practices as all the others have) it makes it a lot harder to have her pull it "just because".


Cheyenna646 reads

I believe one reason a review can be removed is if it has something in it that can  be proven to be untrue. I am not saying you guys did an untrue review, I am saying that I am pretty sure that is a reason they can have it removed. I have never had any taken down and I know we all have off days and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so you just kind of roll with the punches per se.

ANY provider could try to use your screening info to retaliate. That would probably be the end of her career in this biz and cause for broken knee caps, lol... and I hope that very few would actually stoop that low. I cannot fathom someone being that bent on revenge, but lord knows, it must happen on occasion because there are some NUTS out there.

My reviews are fine and there are some 7's. I do the best I can and I am confidant in that. If it equates to a 7 for some, so be it. The reviews are for your entertainment and to get a rough idea of how someone might be in person. I am thankful for each review and the time that someone took to write it.

Perhaps the little lady who whined about a 7 needs a bottle of midol?

ha ha ha

Carry on gentlemen and thank you for the time you take to hobby carefully.

Wow. That's almost embarassing to read. Look at so and so, I'm prettier? My lips are plumped?? Oh my goodness. If only we all had so little in life to worry about as getting a 7 that should have been higher. Whatever. Get a life.

As far as ladies having the ability to have reviews removed, I had no idea they could unless it was an obvious case of either the provider writing a fake review, then TER would remove it...or if it was an obvious bad review meant only to make her look bad.

By the way, TER, I have one review that says my hair was kind of messy, can you remove it please? I know my business will suffer.

unfortunately if a hobbiest can make a case that he did in fact see the provider and requests that a review (even if unfair) is his honest opinion, if the date happened the review stands.  by the same token if you show proof about what you say is happening (like the provider's emails stating she will out you) it is unlikely that ter would allow her to operate in that fashion.  if you tell ter you wrote a review and it is real ( and not your retaliation for nc/ns or some other strange thing) they will listen to you, and not take it down, trust me.

I saw your photos.  Wow.  Who would give you a bad review?

She is gorgeous. I am still hoping for a meeting sometime when she gets back to Chicago for a visit.

Tell him to get in line!  Email me when you come to Chicago.

I recently submitted a review of Italian Sonya in Las Vegas.  I gave her a rating of 6 in Appearance and stated that she was “quite a bit older” than she appeared in her pictures.  I also stated that she was “very pleasant”, that her performance was “amongst the better ones I’ve encountered”, and gave her a Performance rating of 9.  

Now, I just received an e-mail, supposedly sent by a friend of hers, which contained threats against me.  



Actually, I double-checked my calendar, and it turns out that we actually met in November, rather than December, of 2007.    However, if I were the least bit worried about her calling my office, I would not have provided that information in screening.   And, if she wants to send thugs after me, bring them on, too!

My review also pointed out that she had the highest ratings on TER.  Now, I’m beginning to wonder if those high ratings may have also been obtained through extortion.   I thought TER was here to help protect hobbyists and providers alike from this sort of crap!  If an honest review can’t be posted without threats, why do we bother?

"the provider has indicated that if a favorable review is not posted, she could/would use my info that she obtained through screening to retaliate"

This provider needs to be outted immediately. Any provider who uses confidential information used in her profession as a basis of threats and blackmail needs to be known and blacklisted by all possible clients/hobbyists. I understand that lots of guys would let that slide in case she actually did contact family members and that sucks. I would not have any problem with that and would let everyone know on this board exactly who it was within the hour of her threat.

Sorry to all, but that statement has probably raised my ire here more than anything I have read on these boards in the few short months I have been here.


Use the Reviewers Only Board, with an alias if you think wise, and report this person.

Only one problem with that, mrfisher. If he were to get on the reviewers only board he would need 10 reviews (which I think is totally bogus). I will never be on the reviewers board ever, because I will never have seen 10 different providers.

Start back channelling the information. Send it along in a PM to the people responding on this board and anyone who PM's you for the info.


you're the first to be worried about being outed yourselves and at the first hint of an unsubstantiated rumor you start screaming to out the poor lady, whoever she is.


Having a client's life ruined by having an angry provider drop a dime on him to his wife, and a provider having spurrious rumors spread about her.

Bear in mind that there are several sites for providers to report client misbehavior (or spurious rumors as the case may be.)

The point is, good providers are injured when a bad provider outs clients to keep them quiet about that providers questionable behavior.

It behooves us all to find a way to eliminate that.

and with details.
I am surprised at you. Poor lady?
We should ALL be outraged at this type of conduct.

that there's a lot of credibility issues around these boards with people immediately jumping to out each other over b.s. I hear the stories from males and females. I get emails from you guys telling me what other providers did to you (why is beyond me, though), I read what the provider's account is on the boards often as well and while I sympathize for those of you who really do encounter problems, often times, it's just total high school type crap that could easily be avoided.


*agirl*905 reads

Who said that really happened? Don't be so quick to believe that. All we know as fact is what support posted. I think he/she is full of it.

No slander needs to go on here. If he is indeed a man, he should contact support and they will investigate the alleged threats. I'm sorry, but it just sounds like bs.

-- Modified on 2/12/2008 8:21:44 PM

my2cnts903 reads

I believe the staff when they say they don't give in to demands of review removal.  What I have seen though is many average or bad reviews removed if they are on a popular indy or agency that has a strong presence (ie posts a lot) on TER.  Why are they removed when many of them simply read as factual and not slanderous?  Your guess is as good as mine.  Reviews are part of this hobby but seems some ladies take them to heart way too much.  

For example I've talked with many guys who have seen one particular lady in NYC.  She rarely gets anything anymore except 9's and 10's.  Yet they've told me that they have had less than stellar times with her but don't bother to post those reviews because a. some were never approved when they should have been and b. if it does actually go up, she'll harrass them via PM.  

My advice for guys looking to review a popular lady: if the review is bad or average, don't post anything that's specific, be general.  And also make sure you never tell any lady your TER handle.

Hmmm... you boys and your attempts to keep your ter handle secret. lol. Some ladies ask for it as part of their screening. Furthermore, it's not that hard to dig up on here. We women have wiley ways. ;)

Either way, from my stand point, there's got to be a level of trust between the both of you to hobby in the first place. If you contact me and tell me that you don't want to give out your handle, I'm going to question why and then I'm going to start wondering if you're someone who causes trouble on the boards and I didn't want to particularly see because of that, someone who routinely writes mean reviews of ladies, stalks ladies on the board, is on DNS lists, etc... Then when I got your handle later, I'd most likely read your reviews to see your personality and how you conduct yourself. Often times what I've noticed is these guys who are so tight with the TER handles write some mean stuff about the ladies and don't want that to be known upfront or they're on some dns lists out there by their ter handles.


I have had trouble getting fake reviews removed.

For example, one recently, I could tell his review was fake, well he actually few days later changed the screen name on it & added that I did a body rub on him & changed the text.

Guess he forgot to write that before. I don't do body rubs so it just gave me more confirmation that it did not happen.

Why we take it to heart is so many people read it & believe that person's opinion. Like if I lose five pounds, I am all of a sudden "way too thin', etc and you will hear about it forvever.

Not you, I mean me, lol

People tend to focus on the negative things they read sometimes.

Why not tell your TER handle? If you are gentleman, why should it matter?


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