TER General Board

How does the use of twitter boost an escort's reputability?
Bahamia 1417 reads

I've recently decided to delve into the twitter lifestyle. (yeah, I'm a bit behind on technology...with the exception of having an Ipad mini and a couple of 3+ year old laptops).  

I learned today, that so many well-known providers have twitters now. I almost feel like I've been living under a rock lol. Even though I signed up, something about broadcasting my day to day doings makes me feel less secure. I mean, some providers I seen were very bold in how they expressed what they did, including showing photos of their vehicles. All identifying information, that I think breaches security to a degree. In addition, I don't have a porn star career to catapult my way through social media universe either. I'm concerned I may not have enough fodder to tweet about, short of seeming narcissistic in the process...to keep people following me. Last thing i want to do is end up with a mediocre tweet feed lol.  

I like the idea of using twitter to boost business for me, and I've been reading lots of articles about how to use it, how to get more followers, and the psychological affects of using twitter and other social media. But, I just can't see how it will encourage a client to book me over reading about another provider's accomplishments.  Of course, I can do my own feed...but will it be any better off than simply having my own website and reviews

it may be that I would be in the minority,   but I value discretion and security above all else in choosing a provider.....    there are too many ways for LE to connect the dots when using social media - it's just not secure - and I've seen too many providers get carried away on social media, bragging,  and giving too much information (inadvertently or by subtext usually but often just by being too vain....)

I personally don't use that shit anymore due to the time it takes up.  I also haven't checked out a provider's twitter in about 5 months. Occasionally, I would read about a provider but I lose interest in seeing anyone's day to day life, selfies, shopping and shit. Like most mongers here, I like the action not reading about it.  
It helps me get an idea of where she's at or if she's still around though.  

And there are values for providers who are using it. I've invested in a social media startup in the past soley due to the traction it gets which tells me that people in general find it interesting and useful for them. We can not deny the fact that it establishes a connection between provider client, it is indeed a tool to facilitate and create their own brand. Celebrities, politicians, and many other businesses use it for a reason.  

It's really common among PS. Surprisingly though, as much as I'm paranoid about discretion and privacy, I haven't run into any security/discretion issues so far seeing well reviewed providers who also utilize twitter. Twitter has privacy settings and many do seem to utilize this and protect their tweets.  

As long as the provider isn't dumb or careless enough to list the hotel she's staying at or going to stay at, we're fine IMO. In terms of discretion, it's really no different from a provider who updates her website or posts on the board.

Did you know that your email is sent in the clear and anyone on same network and the network in transit can sniff out ALL the contents? Do you utilize PGP?  Pretty sure you don't.  

Do you use a private network to cover YOUR tracks? Do you cover your tracks every time you contact a provider?  

Regardless of Twitter,  LE can access your browsing records and call records and email when shit hits the fan.  It's understandable to be paranoid about discretion but people fail to realize the day to day things they do in the hobby are actually not all that secure either so it's pretty dumb to be singling out one social media that can actually help build a brand. Pro's and con's weighted here buddy,  not irrational paranoia.  

Do you really think a provider advertising on TER or MyRedBook  is any safer than discreetly reaching out to her clients through Twitter with no mention of escorting?   Like I said,  just another form of media.  

Dumb people will use it in a dumb way,  smart ones use it to build their brand.  The paranoid ones will always be paranoid while forgetting  that their own email is sent over clear text and their ISP knows about every hobby site they visited

I am aware of twitter being used in prosecution in quite a few instances including a few notable cases....    

yes you are right though -   every bit of hobby related communication is actually quite insecure...

Imo it is about the same as updating her website or blog or calendar.  She can control location update.  

Some of the ladies I visited have their tweets set to private only.  
If she never met you you can't read her tweets.

I has signed up but now I don't use it. I don't see the point. I am already out there online , I don't need followers and I don't need to post comments just to see who likes and retweets them. I spend enough time online checking refs, checking and replying to emails, posting my ads, perusing the boards. I don't want to be online anymore then I have too.  

 A provider in DE had gotten busted because she had posted on Twitter where she was at. Crazy I know.

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