TER General Board

Her no's could be that...sad_smile
FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 635 reads

Has it ever occurred to you that a weekend just might not be possible for her?
I mean. let's just pretend that she is um, warped enough to see value in your little pretend scenario...
(Hey I will cut you some slack, I am a SWF, at the end of the day, yes, I'd love a man's body snuggled behind me at night, someone to sip coffee with in the morning, to tell me the breakfast I cooked was wonderful, yada yada... even if it wasn't real "true love", I can see how empty it is without this...)
However, perhaps, she has a kid? An elderly family member she tends to? Maybe a dog she can't leave for more than 10-12 hours at a time?

Just saying in the real world, as a provider, yeah I wouldn't care about spending a whole weekend with a swell chap, however, logistically, All the reasons I presented, are a pretty real reality in my case (except my dog. She died. #sigh.) However, a weekend 99% of the time, just won't work for me, and I don't feel like explaining this to every guy who wants to book one. (Especially since I am sure she already does a lot of business working in a spa.... just saying.)

And that is just the scenario where she could stand you for more than an hour of her time, and honey there's guys I give an hour too, even if I COULD work out a weekend, sorry, it just wouldn't be worth it.
True story.

macai5233833 reads

We've all heard the no-nos about guys falling for providers,but can't the providers return the favor, even if it's not real.  If the guy is willing to treat the lady like a beauty queen and spend his money without limits, then why not  let him think you love him.  Isn't that what he wants.  It might be your ticket to heaven.

...her ticket to heaven, that's her ticket to the morgue.

#1 SPOTY, with a bullet.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...her ticket to heaven, that's her ticket to the morgue.

#1 SPOTY, with a bullet.

GaGambler1167 reads

He is also tied for the lead for biggest meltdown and leads the male category in that regard. Naturally BSC Taylor leads the women.

I am not sure what category you would put this moron's post about taking two days to recover from jerking off, it might deserve it's own special category, but this guy is certainly a winner.

GaGambler985 reads

and did you notice in another post he mentions that he used to "drive for an agency"???

Yes, this is definitely a rich guy that the women should be lining up to profess their undying love.

GaGambler1086 reads

I think the line to "take all his money" will be a very short one. Even women FOB will sense instinctively what a loser this guy is.

Guys who think they are in love can do inappropriate things.
Like show up unannounced, get jealous, and generally fuck up an escorts game.
Now times that by ten, and you can get an idea of how bad that could get.

You should know this stuff. :(

If you’re going to quote from the Stalker’s Handbook you should really provide the link.

Don't you know some of these guys are straight PSYCHO?
The male side of BSC "DOES" happen...
Just ask Nicole Simpson.

Reckon O.J. was mad she played him?
She got a "real fast ticket to heaven" along with all those gucci, fendi's, & pradas.
Wonder if they charged her extra for the ticket?

Here's your hooker home-work:  
Write 100x:
I will not play with fire. I will not play with fire.
I will not play with fire. I will not play with fire.
I will not play with fire. I will not play with fire.
I will not play with fire. I will not play with fire.
I will not play with fire. I will not play with fire.
I will not play with fire. I will not play with fire.
I will not play with fire. I will not play with fire.
I will not play with fire. I will not play with fire.
I will not play with fire. I will not play with fire.
I will not play with fire. I will not play with fire

GaGambler957 reads

The bad news is that it might get you there a LOT faster than you ever planned on. lol

Need to do a MFM.  

Posted By: macai523
We've all heard the no-nos about guys falling for providers,but can't the providers return the favor, even if it's not real.  If the guy is willing to treat the lady like a beauty queen and spend his money without limits, then why not  let him think you love him.  Isn't that what he wants.  It might be your ticket to heaven.

But if the only kind of love the client and provider can imagine is the get-married-have-kids-monogamy-till-death definition of love, then the problems are obvious and that's why all the above posts say it's not a good idea.

Posted By: macai523
We've all heard the no-nos about guys falling for providers,but can't the providers return the favor, even if it's not real.  If the guy is willing to treat the lady like a beauty queen and spend his money without limits, then why not  let him think you love him.  Isn't that what he wants.  It might be your ticket to heaven.

Robert_BadenPowell923 reads

Yes!  Unfortunately, many (most?) fellows hear "I love you" and assume it means the I-want-to-be-your-SO kind.  There's many kinds of love.  I love many people... family and friends, men and women and children.  My ATF often says "I love you", and I respond in kind.  We can do that because we both know exactly what we mean by "love"; we understand the boundaries of that love.  I have never told any other provider "I love you" because of the risk of that statement being misconstrued.  Yet I do love several providers whom I know well... as I love others I know who are exceptional people.

The "I love being with you" is something I share with one woman, but usually it's just easier to keep the words out of the pillow talk, because for most it would require a discussion beforehand. I love words, but not THAT much!

Posted By: macai523
It might be your ticket to heaven.
I am 99.9% sure that my heaven eligibility is not contingent upon how well I lead guys on during my lifetime.

Usedtobebetter730 reads

Some providers sense the client being emotionally needy and create and artificial GF/BF relationship to enhance the giving of gifts, etc.  In a business sense, this is moving from a transactional business to a relationship business model.
I'm not saying that it's right or good, I'm just saying that it happens.  There are providers out there who are looking to maximize income extraction from clients and emotional manipulation is one of their tools.

Posted By: Usedtobebetter
Some providers sense the client being emotionally needy and create and artificial GF/BF relationship to enhance the giving of gifts, etc.  In a business sense, this is moving from a transactional business to a relationship business model.  
 I'm not saying that it's right or good, I'm just saying that it happens.  There are providers out there who are looking to maximize income extraction from clients and emotional manipulation is one of their tools.
You are so right it happens.
Potential clients who are emotionally needy could very well play victim to this exact scenario.
Not saying all women/providers are hard-wired like that.... but yes, some indeed are.
Ladies, don't get mad, some men do this exact sh!t, too.

"That b!tch bought me those new Jordans. That ho thinks I love her!"


in what I consider to be the highest sense of the word - and in a way that is often not received or withheld between people who supposedly "love" one another -

They treat me with

a desire to please
a concern for my sexual wellbeing and enjoyment

yes - it is a service -

in my way of thinking,  "loving" someone in a practical sense of the word,
is not precluded by their being a transactional dimension

but I don't really believe in the middle ages ideal of romantic love that most
people refer to when they use the term....  

I don't need to be infatuated with a provider to enjoy my time with her -
actually I would rather not.  And on balance if she's got the right attitude
for the job,  she would not want that either....

emotional manipulation is not lov

89Springer1164 reads

If some guy (and many will) actually starts to believe the love thing, the woman is going to be in for hell.  

My favorite-so-far provider has used the "L" word a couple of times, and I stopped her.  I've told her that I love her character, Suzie Sucksalot, and that's how I separate it. Suzie does everything I want, is always nice to me, and always looks like we're heading out for a night at the clubs. I don't know the real person, Myrtle Frumelstein or whatever her real name is, and I don't want to. She could be a real bitch. She could be a head case. Don't know, and don't want to.

It's easy to develop feelings in this environment. Some feelings I think just can't be avoided. Why take them further than you have to?

You're suggesting she cross a very fine and dangerous line that can result in no good.  The bottom line is that this hobby is not about love.  More like lust (on his part), but do not forget that it's a business transaction for her.   Services being bought and sold.  If you think it's anything more than that, try forgetting to leave the donation for the girl you think "loves" you.

macai523986 reads

On my last 2 hour session with my ATF I told her m was short of money.  She charged me 40 less than the normal rate.  Then, as I was leaving, she reached under her outfit and gave me 20 more.

Connecting rich, old guys with golddiggers is not the purpose of this realm, but you may find some takers.

GaGambler1090 reads

He might be old, but he is far from rich.

I don't see much of an interest from any of the ladies here for, "old, grouchy, and broke" lol

Sooo...YouWanna1027 reads

End up all kinds of psycho. And the majority of us realize that once that red flag is thrown, there is no fixing it, the only safe option for us is to run.  

The guys who claim they love us never could because they DO NOT KNOW US. They are delusional, and projecting their own wishes onto an imaginary person. It sets relatively normal people up for huge amounts of disappointment, and I am serious when I say that the majority of the guys that get there are not stable enough to just be disappointed.  

This is not just a terrible idea on a human level (at it's base it is cruel), but it is also a very dangerous game to play, in which the girl is rarely going to make it out unscathed.

if they say they love someone they've only had sex with and have no idea about who they are as a real person,  they are delusional.  

this is the type that cause a lot of trouble for providers.

A couple of my favorite providers of all time had to relocate to other areas because some idiot thought he "loved" her -    

then he started trying to find out about her, pry into her personal life -

then he started causing drama

it was plain in every case that if he got his hands on her again it would not be a good thing....

I urge all providers - the money is not worth it -  don't feed this kind of thinking - the only people who will buy into it are potentially dangerous in the long - or not so long - run.....

macai523865 reads

If they are both pretending, then why not. This board has people who see providers outside of the spas.

Though, a rather benign example, still one which shows how, not only a guys train of thought, but his whole brain can jump the tracks. Fortunately, he did something totally unbelievably stupid before, or instead of something more directly threatening to her physical well-being.

...suit.  I haven't worn suits in 20 years so I Googled it and see that double-breasted suits are making a comeback.  It just goes to show that men are becoming just as stupid as women in listening to the fashion gods who decide what is and isn't "le dernier cri."

macai523975 reads

I am not going to do any of the bad things you talk about.  I just want an overnight with this beautiful girl who either likes me a lot or is the best actress I've ever met believe me, if this doesn't happen, I will go to a bar , cry a little and get drunk

CubaGooding_Sr1073 reads

Like offering a MP gal $1000 to spend the night with you in the MP? To have sex with you in a little room where some of the other gals sleep?

OR that whole overnight in a hotel where you wanted lots and lots of sex throughout the night.

That's a ticket to heaven? Yep I'm sure you have the ladies love fo sho with your approach.

LMAO at ticket to heaven!

macai523991 reads

yes, I agree that my prior statements were totally flawed.  But if we say that, in that hour the guy sees the provider, they are totally pretending, then why not pretend for the whole weekend.  No one is deceiving anyone.  They both know what's going on.

I think learning to enjoy this hobby for what it actually is is enough.  Actually wishing to be lied to in order to feed a delusional fantasy that an escort loves you? - something sad about that to me.

macai523995 reads

It's hard to believe but I once had a provider that I believed actually loved me.  There were many signs.  She accepted 50 in payment ( on our first meeting I gave her 200), she continually told me she loved me, we exchanged cell phone #s,etc.  So, maybe she was lying.  But I loved it.

macai5231151 reads

Okay.  A guy falls for a provider.  He wants a weekend with her.  She won't do it.  He  is extremely unhappy.  Instead of that, why not have the provider go along.  So it turns out great.  That's all he wanted.  He knows her love is not real.  He doesn't care.  To him, it's much, much better than the hour in the spa.

Posted By: macai523
We've all heard the no-nos about guys falling for providers,but can't the providers return the favor, even if it's not real.  If the guy is willing to treat the lady like a beauty queen and spend his money without limits, then why not  let him think you love him.  Isn't that what he wants.  It might be your ticket to heaven.

Has it ever occurred to you that a weekend just might not be possible for her?
I mean. let's just pretend that she is um, warped enough to see value in your little pretend scenario...
(Hey I will cut you some slack, I am a SWF, at the end of the day, yes, I'd love a man's body snuggled behind me at night, someone to sip coffee with in the morning, to tell me the breakfast I cooked was wonderful, yada yada... even if it wasn't real "true love", I can see how empty it is without this...)
However, perhaps, she has a kid? An elderly family member she tends to? Maybe a dog she can't leave for more than 10-12 hours at a time?

Just saying in the real world, as a provider, yeah I wouldn't care about spending a whole weekend with a swell chap, however, logistically, All the reasons I presented, are a pretty real reality in my case (except my dog. She died. #sigh.) However, a weekend 99% of the time, just won't work for me, and I don't feel like explaining this to every guy who wants to book one. (Especially since I am sure she already does a lot of business working in a spa.... just saying.)

And that is just the scenario where she could stand you for more than an hour of her time, and honey there's guys I give an hour too, even if I COULD work out a weekend, sorry, it just wouldn't be worth it.
True story.

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