TER General Board

He pieced together . . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 35 reads

every snipe that anyone's ever taken at anyone else here and is passing it off as his own thoughts about you and Jake, but this time without the paragraph breaks.  There is nothing new or original here that hasn't been posted before (just not by him), except perhaps  where he refers to you both as "a couple of grown ass men."  I thought you and Jake were more boob and pussy men, like me, but maybe I haven't been paying close attention.  

You are correct, its all over the place and a little confusing, but if you read one sentence at a time, then pause for a drink of coffee while your brain digests that, then read the next sentence, it is possible, with a little patience, to get through it in one morning.  

I have a hard time to explain what I ask but i think you will understand.

I have seen many posts where guys talk crap to crazy hookers. I have seen many thread where guys talk crap to hookers that while not crazy they just dont agree with opinions. I have seen many thread where guys just say hooker too old, too fat, too ugly...again just a obvious personal opinion and all entitled to opinion so easy to understand.

All of above sort of easy to follow and understand.  

BUT what I do not understand is guys talk crap to guys. It is obvious some guys will say anything they can to put a way down or say crap about another guy. Also obvious that some guys just jump in and attack anything another guy says. Even if it has little to nothing to do with the topic of thread. To me it look or seem this is a long time battle between about 10 guys that never end.  

So i want to know, is it just life so boring that this feud never end. Is it the nature of troll board that this has always been and will always be? Is it argument that started long ago and just never stop. For those of us that do not have forever years experience to know why always same people argue or talk crap each other, someone, everyone please explain.

It would be nice to know and understand who fuck with who also and why. No need keep secret and make so many people just guess. So question is simple.

Who is the two people that you think always argue and why? Best to say why.  Help those of us that just cant follow the crap sling without little history lesson.


I have no idea..but you do have one fine ass..

It takes a while to catch up to all the back stories about the characters. We have all sorts of posters here, we have suckups, assholes, trolls, stalkers, idiots, genuinely "nice" people and every other character trait you can think of.

I am sorry, but it would be impossible to list every back story and petty feud that goes on here in a single post, or even a dozen separate posts, but speaking strictly for myself sometimes what looks like a "fight" is simply board banter between friends. My frequent "debates" with that idiot Jake are a prime example, Jake and I are actually IRL friends, even though we are often at odds with each other on the boards. Now OTOH, let's look at another idiot "ElTorro" he is truly a no class, woman hating, idiotic POS and I mean every word of the insults I send his way.

I know it's sometimes hard to tell the difference between banter and actual animus, but hopefully you will stick around long enough to put all the pieces together. You are a smart girl and it won't take you long

I will say that the genuinely nice guys may start out that way, thinking that they may actually engage in worthwhile banter and commentary, but it's just not going to take long before he starts talking like the rest of you fuckers and throws that nice guy attitude out the window.

Sorry not sorry.

How long has he been here? He seems to get along just fine with the assholes and the "nice guys" alike. Let's look down the list of the most active posters here. Mick is pretty nice, so is fearghas, Impposter, perfect storm and Sheila. That is 6 of the top ten posters that are almost always "nice". I will stipulate that CDL, myself, and DurhamDrew can often be asshole and ElTurdo is a worthless troll with no redeeming qualities, but he is the only one in the top ten posters here.

I have tens of thousands of "nice" posts, I also have "a few" not so nice ones. lol

so go fuck yourself.

(Sorry, I just couldn't resist. lol)

With "almost", that throws that theory out the window. Yea, I'll grant you there are some decent folks, but we all have our moments. Including me.

Now, go get some rope..fucking fucker

Still sorry not sorry

He said Mick was "pretty nice" but I don't think he wants to go furniture shopping yet.

GA, your words are always so refreshing! U always know how to be the perfectly charming, asshole and I adore u for it (sic)!😉

I have been told I can say "go fuck yourself" in the most charming way when I want to xoxo

"Can't we all just get along?"

No, actually you are the Rodney King of TER because of how often you get your ass beat. lol

Guys compete over everything: jobs, cars, sports, money, and in this case escorts.  Some guys are generally trying to be helpful here, others are just looking to bust balls. There are five or six I have on ignore, cuts down on the clutter by probably 20-30%.  


When a guy comes to work, he walks by his co-workers and says g'dmornin' or hi, or just nods.   Then he see a guy and says: " Fuck you asshole."   to which the guy replies:  "Go fuck yourself."   This guy is his friend.

And so it is on here.

As GG points out I am always nice to everyone because I think you're all a bunch of assholes.   (Oops, did that just slip out?)

between men and women.  Guys will say rude things to their friends, but they don't really mean it.  Girls will say nice things to their friends, but they don't mean it either.  

It's like if a cop calls you Sir, he is really calling you arsehole!

Skyfyre62 reads

Any public forum mirrors to one degree or another microcosm of real life. So just as in real life you have nice gentleman, a-hole jerks and everything in between.

The anonymous nature of the Net also tends to bring out the worst in human nature. That is because no one is accountable and responsible for what they say. Otherwise meek and timid people in real life becomes nasty a-hole jerk in cyberspace because they know they can get away with it unlike in real life when they would have the crap beaten out of them.

Which is why pretty much any public has its resident a-hole jerks and bullies. Generally speaking the longer the existence of said board the more of these cancer get accumulated.

Any idiot can make a quick scarcastic comment or insult, but it takes a sense of class and requires effort to write something helpful or useful to the reader.

That do both, so are they idiot-savants?

-- Modified on 10/21/2017 10:53:25 AM

-- Modified on 10/21/2017 10:56:07 AM

And if you  can't say anything nice..dont say anything  at all...🕺💃

Some guys here like to argue that they have a bigger dick only here they brag that they have a higher hibby IQ, know what's best, or can't help but make fun of other hobbyists. Relate it to locker room banter. Above all,  no matter what is said here, guys should never take the banter personally.  

For some tbough, they have nothing better to do with their time and they think they are gods gift to the hobby.  

Take everything on this and other boards with a grain of salt.


First thank you so many responses and explanations.  

I think some responses for sure correct but not apply to question. Of course some people are nice, some are not so nice, some are nice on some topics and not so nice on other topics.  

But what I am looking at is the consistent attacks on some guys by certain other guys no matter what the topic or the comment. I see that Jake and Gag kidding each other most of time. So i understand Gag comment on that.

I think many if not most fully understand my question, and I respect most dont feel to point out what the reality between some of the guys that no matter what one says the other will refute and argue. I just find it difficult sometimes to understand why one person has so much drama ALWAYS for another person. Its like I wonder did the one guy steal the ATF of another, did one guy do a bad review on the ATF of another, I simply dont have history to understand why some are constant battle with another.  

I dont think the real answers will come out. But I do thank each of you for contribute your thoughts as safely as you feel you could post.  


And so they feel threatened by anyone who "has the audacity" to live outside the box they put you in. It's just in their nature to want to compete with everything you think, do or say that is not an extension of their thoughts and attitudes. So then they try to change you so that you become a replica of them, and when they see where they can't control you, they start an aggressive smear campaign to change the way other people see you, but anyone with half a brain can see what their true intentions are. I know that your question is in regards to me, Jake and Gag. Those two pendejos have a problem with themselves first and foremost. They're petty, insecure, and full of envy. They can't stand the thought that someone out there is actually better than them, and as such they're always comparing themselves to others like a couple of bitches. They're pretty much acting like they have a pussy between their legs, like leave that bitchy stuff to the females, bro. Real shit! Even a self proclaimed male chauvinist like myself can admit that the girls here are more well behaved than the guys, at least from what I've seen so far. Could this be a reversal of the gender roles? Only blue pill simps and SJWs could have made that possible. In order to carry out their smear campaign, they actually go out of their way to seek the validation of providers who really don't give a fuck about them, but they're too stupid to see it. People like that are energy vampires who live on social media for the sole purpose of being a troll, and to discredit other people's opinions every chance they get, because they're jaded with their pathetic lives, and are uninspired to change their situation at home. Either that, or they're trying to get the approval from strangers on the internet that they never received as a child from their cold, distant parents. Could this be why they're stuck in a perpetual adolescent state of mind for a couple of grown ass men who are damn near 60 years old? Finally, if you disagree with someone's opinions on the internet, the smart thing to do is to just ignore them and keep it moving because no matter what, you can't stop them from speaking their mind. I've been studying people like that for years, and the thing to remember is that they'll always find fault with you, no matter what you do, and they'll keep moving the goal post. It's impossible to please them, and it's not like I was put on this earth to please motherfuckers like that anyway, so pleasing myself is my first priority. One would have to be pretty fucking stupid to lose night sleep raising up their blood pressure over the opinions of others, and I sure am glad I'm not like that. I can't even imagine what it must be like being that stupid. Get over yourselves, people are not going to change for you. I wouldn't know how to trigger them if they'd just kept their mouths shut, but now that the fools have revealed their weakness to me, I find great pleasure in triggering them, then sit back and watch them lose their minds over it, lol. Have you ever studied the way ants behave when you step on their anthill? What they're displaying are signs of psychopathy and narcissism, and I'm not saying you shouldn't see them, but you should definitely consider their behaviour as a major red flag just in case they try to book an appointment with you.

Opinionated about other people here.  But then you are dismissive when you liken it to stepping on an anthill and watching the ensuing pandemonium.  I'm not understanding how you are connecting the dots.  Can you explain more?

support of GaG's and Jake's assessment that the thread he started was a cut and paste job that he tried to pass off as his own work.  He said he was able to write correctly when I questioned him about it, but now he's back to the wall off text.  He's making it difficult for us to give him the benefit of the doubt on the other thread he started.  

modified to correct typos

-- Modified on 10/22/2017 11:20:44 PM

I speak, or at least understand most dialects of moron, but giant blocks of text just hurt my eyes too much to even attempt to read.

Since it is obvious that you were actually able to wade through it, perhaps even in it's entirety, could you help me and PS out a bit and offer us a translation to what he actually said? lol

every snipe that anyone's ever taken at anyone else here and is passing it off as his own thoughts about you and Jake, but this time without the paragraph breaks.  There is nothing new or original here that hasn't been posted before (just not by him), except perhaps  where he refers to you both as "a couple of grown ass men."  I thought you and Jake were more boob and pussy men, like me, but maybe I haven't been paying close attention.  

You are correct, its all over the place and a little confusing, but if you read one sentence at a time, then pause for a drink of coffee while your brain digests that, then read the next sentence, it is possible, with a little patience, to get through it in one morning.  


I thank you for the reply. But I must comment of a few parts if you don't mind.

I am sorry that you, Gag and Jake MIGHT fall into the category I am talking about. But, I was not specifically thinking of any of you individually. I apologize if somehow I make it seem like that. I think there are many others who fall into this category and not just 3 people.

I do find your reply with a lot of hypocrisy. You say in the one part  

"People like that are energy vampires who live on social media for the sole purpose of being a troll, and to discredit other people's opinions every chance they get, because they're jaded with their pathetic lives, and are uninspired to change their situation at home"

Yet you follow later say "I find great pleasure in triggering them, then sit back and watch them lose their minds over it, lol."

Since indeed you do not follow your own advice "Finally, if you disagree with someone's opinions on the internet, the smart thing to do is to just ignore them and keep it moving because no matter what, you can't stop them from speaking their mind. "

You are I think saying that THEY are the one way and YOU are the same. If you feel and know smart thing to do is simple ignore and move on, why do you not do that. They do not do it also also. Then if they dont do that and you dont do that arent you just same as them with no distinction?

I hope i have not offend anyone. I was thinking there must be a reason that about 10-20 people seem always ready to drama each other. I think I see now from response, no real reason. Seems only valid reason stated is people will be as they are. Some are fucked up, some are idiot, and some just see it as a way to enrich daily life with no risk getting a personal interaction. Seems a little bit waste of time you could be fucking.

Just my opinion


You can't (or at least I can't) fuck ALL DAY LONG. but you can talk shit on the internet all day. lol

I think the biggest difference is that "some" people take this stuff VERY seriously, while others are just having fun. Now there are some serious subjects that deserve serious answers, and I think you will agree that when someone has a genuine concern and needs advice from someone who has been around for a long time, I am usually among the first to lend a hand, but I will confess I have a rather low tolerance for "stupid", there really are some really dumb people that find their way here every day, and "someone" has to say something. As you have undoubtedly noticed I am often that "someone" lol

As for the board "feuds" who even knows how some of them started. I know at least a few of the feuds here on GD actually started on other boards, many of them over differing politics started on the P&R board, that just seem to spill over onto this board. TER is hardly unique in this, the internet is often a very impolite place to be.


Thank you. Finally I start to understand a little more. I never even consider areas like politics that will cause drama. I think you correct that if drama start there it carry over and i never even thought to think of that. Thank you. I am sure politics opinions will not be only place, and you reference other boards. I never considered that also.

Makes a little more sense to me now.  

Thank you all,


over jealousy.   It may be that some guys get to see a certain girl more that someone else also likes, or could be politics or religion, or that some guys hobby more than others,  or something else as GaG says.  I can say from my own experience that it is easy to get baited into taking some of this stuff way more seriously than it should be taken.  The safest course to follow when posting is to either offend no one or offend everyone.  I think GaG and a few others pull this off better than anyone.  When you selectively offend a person or a certain group of people, that's when the feuds sometimes start.  

"Those two pendejos have a problem with themselves first and foremost. "

Claro que si !


but I will stipulate to one thing "soy un pendejo"

It would be pointless to argue otherwise. About as pointless as to argue that Turdo is anything but a VERY fucked up individual. lol

What's fucked up you starting shit over someone opinions on a board..Get off my ass and keep crying to admin..Hooker crying about opinions on board.Opinions don't pay the bills.

but although you are every bit as dumb as "El Turdo" we quit talking about you a long time ago.  Actually the only time you were even mentioned was to compliment you for not using so many words while being stupid.  


Lets see, no posts out of you for over 10 days and then a flurry of over a dozen posts just this morning, it sounds like somebody just got off of another well deserved TO. lmao

You can tell that the gender roles are reversed when women actually want to fuck, and men want to bitch about their feelings all day. lmao!

I DO ignore them for the most part, but I have every right to defend myself if malignant pieces of shit are always coming onto my thread looking to derail my topic and start trouble every chance they get. They really do have a SICK obsession! I only triggered them so I could get to study them and see exactly what breed of animal I'm dealing with, and then there's always the entertainment value of watching the fools running around like a chicken with its head cut off over something that's none of their fucking business in the first place. Apart from that, I really just stick to the topic at hand. I don't even read some of the garbage that they post for attention. It takes up too much energy, and some of us actually have a life outside of TER, unlike those rotten sons of bitches who somehow always manage to find the time to live on TER all day, everyday while living off my tax dollars. Why don't they go collect their section 8 vouchers and leave me in peace?

So says the guy who rides the bus because he can't afford a car. ROFLMFAO


You're a funny guy. Please don't ever leave this place.

They call me a troll, yet I think it's pretty obvious who the REAL troll on this board is. I only wanted to prove that point!

I don't think you're a troll.   Don't ask me what I DO think you are.  You won't like the answer.

" I don't even read some of the garbage that they post for attention."

The ignore function works well. It cuts down on the clutter. I've been on TER since 2000, there have always been (and always will be) guys trying to reinvent the hobby mouse trap.


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