TER General Board

HAHAHAHAH!@@!@!! You gots the fire in the belly for sure! YES! -e-
skarphedin 1243 reads


leemadbury3374 reads

Did my first creampie with a providor.  Risky but was incredibly hott!

not something to be bragging about here.  Start thinking with the big head.


My back got a sunburn and dark tan after falling asleep at the beach. I'm talking blisters.  

I'm never ever ever going out in the sun again without at least SPF 50.  Better to stay in shaded areas when out doors though,  cuz our sun just isn't fair.    

Remember,  train wrecks existed before there were trains.  

Are train wrecks fair?  What if creampies didn't actually taste like  apple pie,  can I get my money back from the store

I certainly concur...

Probably also means the provider has done bareback with SEVERAL other hobbyists. Sounds like somebody who loves the jizz up inside of her to take that risk and isn't going to stop. Cool when it's your SO not screwing 10+ different guys a month... Not cool when it's a provider.

I'd rather jump out of airplanes or race the car around the speedway for a rush.  

Better odds of not dying a slow, painful death.  

Highly advise you get a Civvie SO if that's what really turns you on.  

Best Wishes!

Posted By: swimtrekr
not something to be bragging about here.  Start thinking with the big head.  

And you can play Russian roulette and win for a while too, but when you lose!

This is eating at me. I don't impose my integrity on others, I just don't think it's my business to do so. And, if this was the last provider you were ever to see, and you didn't announce it, then we'd be none the wiser. But, it's up to each and every one of us to be good stewards of our hobby, and I ask you to reflect on your actions and tell me if you think you are being a good steward? This is a beautiful world, for us and the providers, if we all play within the rules. Would I like to have vaginal sex without a condom and be able to orgasm inside a woman again? Hell yes! But, I don't wish to endanger myself, any provider I see or any future hobbyist or provider because of my stupid mental block. I'll get over it some day, until then I'll have fun within the parameters of the rules of the game. It sort of disappoints me that you got likes on your posts, because we now know that you have unprotected vaginal or anal sex with anybody and everybody, but we don't know who liked your post.

leemadbury2139 reads

I'm guessing that 90% of the people on this board have an std including you dooshbag!

This board is for those who actually have questions about the biz.

You seem like a fun tool that wants to play.  We like to play...but on a different board.  

Come on over and make the same post and let's have some fun  LOL

Posted By: leemadbury
I'm guessing that 90% of the people on this board have an std including you dooshbag!

JackDunphy1699 reads

I was thinking "John" if the cute little cream pie turned out to be a boy and Madison if his little white pile of DNA pudding turned out to be a girl.  

Madison Madbury. Hmmmm....yeah I like that!

I'd also like to extend the invite over to the GD as well.  

He's a nail and I hear there are a few hammers over there just dying to meet his acquaintance. LOL

He strikes me more as the dude on Maury...but he's always denying that he's the baby's Daddy.

We haven't had the old BBFS thread for a while.

Should be a grand old time  ;)

Posted By: JackDunphy
I was thinking "John" if the cute little cream pie turned out to be a boy and Madison if his little white pile of DNA pudding turned out to be a girl.  
 Madison Madbury. Hmmmm....yeah I like that!  
 I'd also like to extend the invite over to the GD as well.  
 He's a nail and I hear there are a few hammers over there just dying to meet his acquaintance. LOL

leemadbury2009 reads

Why r you such an asshole?  Im just telling what I did.  You dont have to agree but dont be dick about it.

Posted By: ChgoCPA
He strikes me more as the dude on Maury...but he's always denying that he's the baby's Daddy.  
 We haven't had the old BBFS thread for a while.  
 Should be a grand old time  ;)  
Posted By: JackDunphy
I was thinking "John" if the cute little cream pie turned out to be a boy and Madison if his little white pile of DNA pudding turned out to be a girl.    
  Madison Madbury. Hmmmm....yeah I like that!  
  I'd also like to extend the invite over to the GD as well.    
  He's a nail and I hear there are a few hammers over there just dying to meet his acquaintance. LOL

We can discuss in depth why I am an asshole.

This is the newbie board and it should be respected.

You are the Father  LO

GaGambler1804 reads

yes, we can't be breaking any of the furniture in here, but I would love to see this same thread on GD

leemadbury1859 reads

ohhhhh im soooo scared

Posted By: GaGambler
yes, we can't be breaking any of the furniture in here, but I would love to see this same thread on GD

Guess that you're ill equipped to play on the board specifically designed for trolls like you.

Anytime you find the balls to go at it...seems like many want to play with you.

Don't be scared!!!!

Posted By: leemadbury
ohhhhh im soooo scared  
Posted By: GaGambler
yes, we can't be breaking any of the furniture in here, but I would love to see this same thread on GD

I am a friendly hooker and we can possibly chat

Don't be afraid, no-one will rip you a new a$$hole, really, we are all so much fun to be around. Just ask Tobi, another really friendly hooker.

Let's see if the troll takes the bait  LOL

Oopss...did I just give away that this is a trap?


Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Don't be afraid, no-one will rip you a new a$$hole, really, we are all so much fun to be around. Just ask Tobi, another really friendly hooker.

Hahaha me too.  

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I am a friendly hooker and we can possibly chat

...but this was not a smart move.  

  On the other hand, a cream pie can also be anal, so..........
  No risk of children, but plenty of other std's can be had.

 Hugs, Kisses, and Keep Safe!

ThePeopleRule1496 reads

Posted By: leemadbury
I'm guessing that 90% of the people on this board have an std including you dooshbag!
Me:  10 years of hobbying  including trips south of the border,
tested periodically.

Results: always negative.

We would love to know who's giving out BBFS like an Unhygenic Std clinic!!!   GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!

He posts his shit, and when people respond, the  best he can come up with is:
"fuck off"
"Fuck you shithead"
"Fuck you asshole"
"Fag" (he used that one three times! How original!)
"Fuck u"
"fuck off asshole"
"your mother"

At least  admin moved this thread from the newbie board over to the GD (where it belongs) but this troll isn't even fun to play with

They keep it simple.  

I did lol @ "your mother."

Posted By: perfectstorm
He posts his shit, and when people respond, the  best he can come up with is:  
 "fuck off"  
 "Fuck you shithead"  
 "Fuck you asshole"  
 "Fag" (he used that one three times! How original!)  
 "Fuck u"  
 "fuck off asshole"  
 "your mother"  
 At least  admin moved this thread from the newbie board over to the GD (where it belongs) but this troll isn't even fun to play with.  

GaGambler1776 reads

I know it's fun sometime to play "whack a troll" with a new idiot, but this one is already old and tired before his very first day is over. In twenty four hours most of us will forget he ever was here.

let alone she let him bang her without a rubber. I call that a Liar  


-- Modified on 7/2/2014 9:18:01 PM

-- Modified on 7/2/2014 9:19:46 PM

Anonymousfun. Last year's SPOTY winner. Not only are his posts stupid, but he is always grumpy.
I think someone pisses in his cheerios every morning

...poster.  If GaG says it, it MUST be true.  And even if it's not true, GAG will keep saying it over and over and over until people believe it.  Because that's just he way he rolls.

Come on PS, let's hear your opinion.  Do I have any fun here?  Do I cut up and laugh with anyone here?

Answer a certain way and I'm sure GaG will appoint you to the SPOTY committee.  It must be quite lonely for him since he's the only member.

Just yesterday you said CPA was the leader of the wolf pack.

Now it's GaG?

Hey...can you post here for DA what you called GaG.  He thinks you're not a bigot.  We all know you are however.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...poster.  If GaG says it, it MUST be true.  And even if it's not true, GAG will keep saying it over and over and over until people believe it.  Because that's just he way he rolls.

Come on PS, let's hear your opinion.  Do I have any fun here?  Do I cut up and laugh with anyone here?

Answer a certain way and I'm sure GaG will appoint you to the SPOTY committee.  It must be quite lonely for him since he's the only member.

JackDunphy1397 reads

A race baiter and cop hater yes, but def NOT a bigot! :D

Nobody comes close to af in grumpiness.  
I refuse to get involved with your feud with GaG, but to answer your question, I see you have fun on the boards. I have seen you post sarcastic comments, crack jokes, and laugh.:)

That's what I think too of BPS-"I see you have fun on the boards. I have seen you post sarcastic comments, crack jokes, and laugh.".... A great sense of humor & he like Asians unlike some people (look at the posters way below).... I like anyone who likes ASIANS!!! 😁😁😁😁😁😁!!!!

Not sure about his nazi posts that CPA keeps referring to cuz I haven't read those. I obviously don't read every single post on TER, ain't nobody got time for dat.

Apparently, he claims almost everyone on K-girls board hates him. Then again, I almost never visit that board so I have no clue what went on... and don't care either.  He obviously likes kgirls in order to be spending so much time on that board (and the origin of his handle as well)  

The few years I've known BPS, he never struck me as a grumpy kinda guy. More like friendly, insightful, and fun

Even though the same national origin, KA people who grew up here are an entirely different sub species,  starting with the fact that it's two different subcultures branched off where technically can fit in both worlds but are really a part of neither,  hence their own subspecies. most speak ten times better English than k.  

They also can speak a merged language called Konglish rofl

GaGambler1538 reads

That's "Fresh OFF the Boat" for those of you unfamiliar with the term.

The same thing holds true for every ethnic group, including white people with their roots in Europe. I will grant you that most, or at least many Americans fail to grasp the difference between the two, but keep in mind many Americans consider all latinos "Mexican" it doesn't matter if they were born in Honduras, Argetina, or right here in the good ole USA, Latino equals Messican to them. lol

Since my interviews in chicago they felt that it's more appropriately belongs in that area...  Lol...  Idk...  Well it was sweet for him to send a message!!! 😁😁😁😁😁!!!

C'mon the possibilities are endless if he does.


-- Modified on 7/2/2014 10:13:39 PM

ROGM1801 reads

Posted By: leemadbury
Did my first creampie with a providor.  Risky but was incredibly hott!  
That's Awesome. If you're willing to accept the Risks and she's OK, then a Creampie is alot Fun. I've been doing Creampies with the Girl I'm seeing for well over a year without any problems.

How'd it go?

Posted By: ROGM
Posted By: leemadbury
Did my first creampie with a providor.  Risky but was incredibly hott!  
 That's Awesome. If you're willing to accept the Risks and she's OK, then a Creampie is alot Fun. I've been doing Creampies with the Girl I'm seeing for well over a year without any problems.    

Whom as a Husband & Kids.... Wow, so the hubby get sloppy seconds... What a great marriage his provider has... Oh, I forgot he Also HATES ASIANS.....

My money is on ROGM slurping up that baby batter.  

Guess he likes cream.

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
Whom as a Husband & Kids.... Wow, so the hubby get sloppy seconds... What a great marriage his provider has... Oh, I forgot he Also HATES ASIANS.....

ROGM1539 reads

For those of you claiming you don't like BBFS, that's fine. But for those that like BBFS, let them enjoy it. Why hate those that like BBFS?  Perhaps Jealousy, Envy or wish you could partake in BBFS, but can't for whatever reason? You don't hear me flaming those that use Protection. You Anti - BBFS people should get over yourselves.

Did your hooker pal miss her kid?  How about her husband?

Are you still getting 50% from her?  Or are you taking a bigger cut now?

Posted By: ROGM
For those of you claiming you don't like BBFS, that's fine. But for those that like BBFS, let them enjoy it. Why hate those that like BBFS?  Perhaps Jealousy, Envy or wish you could partake in BBFS, but can't for whatever reason? You don't hear me flaming those that use Protection. You Anti - BBFS people should get over yourselves.

Free bare back sex I assume was included since he was the chauffeur ....   Are we sure you are not the actual HUBBY of thus Mystery provider who's pimping her out ????    

I'm bewildered by all his posts about his MP, she's married, he's met her hubby & kids, he bbfs's her & among other things, he takes her on a PROVIDING TOUR via car across the country & he does it out of the GOODNESS of his ASIAN Hating heart...... Oh don't forget she's super cheap in her fees w/lots of discount just for him!!!!        

 I call this:  BULLMOTHERFUCKINGCRAP!!!!    It's like the BBFS gloaters, it's my something you really wish, want & desire but never actually happens other then in ur DELUSIONAL MIND!!!! Or you're watching too much porn & incorporating it into your everyday life!!!!

-- Modified on 7/2/2014 10:01:29 PM

that enjoy life and want to keep living will use protection.  Most hobbyists just don't want to be with a provider who likes BBFS with clients.

leemadbury1590 reads

Well said my man!  Bunch of hypocrites on this site.

But LOL at baby batter! Still grossing me out to think about it though!

Steph xoxo

The BBFS clan sticks together.

Just like the four whoresmen.

leemadbury1751 reads

It's great my man

I'm pretty sure my parents did it at least a few times given the number of my siblings.   The OP seems pretty proud of his feat, but really, is it that monumental of an event that you have to brag about it?  He's totally vague about who he did this with, so there is certainly a question about whether he actually had sex with another human being or did he just fuck the neighbor's pooch and views that as a major accomplishment.  Inquiring minds want to know!  I wonder, did he use a leash?  Got to include the BDSM crowd in this discussion because it is germane to all sex stuff.

Full disclosure:  I've had bareback sex.  My offspring are genius.  Yes I am a proud daddy.  

And lastly,  Go fuck yourself you fucking fag who fucks himself.  It's kind of a leitmotif on this thread and should be included in this composition. I dunno, its just art.

-- Modified on 7/2/2014 8:48:04 PM

Next time another ass hole tries this shit respond wit "good for you" and leave it that.

Why else would you be thanking him for his post?

You'd think he'd be more supportive of his fellow dumb-ass, Fungus.  But no.

But skarp gave you an 8/10 on the OP....he's lucky I wasn't part of that judging as I have more stringent rules on giving out 10's for anything.

Nope...you'll need to expand your replies to engage the lemmings.  Those single syllable gutteral noises you make just don't work for CPA.  And GaG had called you out earlier as being forgotten within 24 hours.  He is right as usual...so you had to show up this AM and post a couple of more hoping that the lemmings still remember you.

Start a new OP that has a nice story behind it.  Really throw in tons of "facts" and engage the lemmings.  Otherwise you're just not fun to play with.

See the page who has some fine parting gifts for you.

Posted By: leemadbury
HaHa shows ya how stupid you losers r

So full of shit your eyes are brown. You will have to try harder to shock the bullshit proof.

It may not be true...but there is one very well reviewed provider in Chicago who has at least 3 reviews where the reviewer has claimed BBFS was allowed.

So it does happen.

Which is scary.

leemadbury1549 reads

You never barebacked a chick?  You have no  idea what your missing.  I'm sure you have barebacked a guy.

bonordonor1741 reads

His real name is C. P. Madbury, IV. He apparently comes from a long line of creampies. This was his mother or grandmother before him.

-- Modified on 7/3/2014 6:55:08 AM

I've had a couple of drinks and when I clicked on your response and opened it up... about puked all over my computer.

Please post a "Might be Disturbing Warning" next time... Lol!


Seriously, that "disco bush" was something that can't be unseen.

Posted By: lvchi4u
I've had a couple of drinks and when I clicked on your response and opened it up... about puked all over my computer.  
 Please post a "Might be Disturbing Warning" next time... Lol!  

leemadbury1300 reads

That does look familiar--your mother?

Of shooting thick Penicillin into somebody's Glutes with a .12 Gauge needle who thought not wearing a condom when having sex with a provider was worth it.

The biggest, most macho guys would scream in pain as the thick medicine was plunged into them and they would swear they would never do it again after getting one of those shots and then having to take antibiotics that would turn their stomachs for the next 30 days.

Sigh... miss those days. However, I Don't miss the cases of having to tell some people in complete pain with blisters all over them that they have Herpes and breakouts would happen for the rest of their lives because there is no cure for that virus. Certainly don't miss the cases when I had to break the news to them that they were HIV Positive.

Especially the ones with wives and kids who let their little head do the thinking.

Always sad breaking that news for the pain they would be going through for the rest of their lives for a few moments of pleasure

leemadbury1591 reads

You should know I'm sure you have every STD

I guess you didn't take into consideration that the OP started his thread on the newbie board.

That takes a number of trolling points off.  And when he got moved here...lamest of lame.

Maybe he'll create a new brown envelope today and try the "I've fallen" thread?

leemadbury1637 reads

Yes that is right

Posted By: ChgoCPA
I guess you didn't take into consideration that the OP started his thread on the newbie board.  
 That takes a number of trolling points off.  And when he got moved here...lamest of lame.  
 Maybe he'll create a new brown envelope today and try the "I've fallen" thread?

Looks like lee is posting single syllable gutteral replies to each and every post here  LOL

I'm trying real hard to get him to expand on his story telling skills...needs to add some creativity.  I think perfectstorm has already listed his replies...and they are the lamest of lame.

I'm afraid this troll thread will go down in the 2014 annals close to the Mendoza line.

At least here you tried to engage...poorly, but at least some effort.

Now...let's try something more creative.  Shall we?

Posted By: leemadbury
Did my first creampie with a providor.  Risky but was incredibly hott!  

leemadbury1189 reads

Ok.  I will fuck your Mommy and let you know how it goes.

Guess you're into necrophilia?

Posted By: leemadbury
Ok.  I will fuck your Mommy and let you know how it goes.

You've now been busted for using the same lame troll post twice, then playing faux tough guy with some of the weakest retorts ever.  You got no brain and no game.  Bad combination in this place. Then again, maybe you like being batted around? There's always room here for another Pinata.  Just ask your pal Rod

Personally I'm hoping he doesn't wait until 2015 to post again.

Steph xoxo

Sooo since he tried posting about it o  the Newbie board, I wonder if it means he's done it with yet another lady, or just the same pathetic attempt to troll of his older?

What say you?

Steph xoxo

You and your kind.

Yes, please DO write a review, so us gals can avoid trusting her reference like the plague. "Oh, you've seen Jane Doe of USA? Thanks, I'll check with her and get back to you." DNSDNSDNSDNSDNSDNSDNS!

What the fuck.


HIV can take 6 months to show up. This ain't 1975, dad. You don't just go get some super anti-biotics and be good as new. You die.

He showed up at the hookers place, came in his shorts after she looked at him but had to make up some big old macho slice of shit to try and impress this board...hang on he tried it on the newbie board first, that ought to tell us all how fictional this shit is. The post got moved here so his lame attempt was like a gnat bite on an elephant.

Just another inadequate loser trying to look big.

Still, even meant to shock, it's a weird fictionalization revealing something putrid about whoever whips up such a board persona.

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