TER General Board

Forgive me, I was bottle fed as an infant. LOL
Dr Who revived 4105 reads
1 / 76

I've read many posts written by those in that cult....but I'm not sure what the best way to actually convert to Manginaism is.

I guess the first step is to shamelessly tell all that I need to take 8+ hours to get ready for fucking a prostitute?

Or should I first go shopping to buy her something?

I've wondered also should I abstain from masturbation for only a week...or just a day.  That part is confusing as some here seem to jerk off just before seeing a prostitute.  And then they lament that they can't get off in a session and just want to cuddle and pay her to eat and stuff.

I know there are guys like my good pal WickedBrut who offered his help, then ran away.  So hopefully some of my good TER buds will give me the guidance I sorely need to become the best damn Mangina that I can be.

Oh...and ladies feel free to offer up your suggestions.  Seems like you have more experiences with this cult than most.

Happy Easter to my friends as well.  I'm waiting for Christ to show up later and make sure the the NHL commish isn't an asshole and give my pal Brent Seabrook a suspension.

OSP 26 Reviews 1737 reads
2 / 76

You have to resign yourself to allowing sufficient cuddle time. 55mins out of the hour to be exact.

Brent deserves a suspension dude. He led with his shoulder and would have gone airborn given enough space. I'll be in Chicago to make sure shit gets handled correctly. Since giving YOU charge of the Hawks post season, they've turned to shit. Last year we couldn't make it due to family illness. Mi familia primero

89Springer 2300 reads
3 / 76

Oh, wait. You have the sin thing covered, or at least blasphemy ;)

I'm waiting for Christ to show up later and make sure the the NHL commish isn't an asshole and give my pal Brent Seabrook a suspension.
From what I've been told about my Mangina status, buying a gift or wanting to spend time talking are two requisites to entry into the cult.

Sooo...YouWanna 2258 reads
4 / 76

The MAIN THING about a mangina is that he don't give NO FUCKS about the dudes. You need to be directing all these questions to your intended.  

Make sure that you tell her you love her.

Dr Who revived 1590 reads
6 / 76

Will she be open to going shopping for stuff that I'll buy her?  I hope so.

Also it seems that many of the mangina cult here are VERY concerned about the other non-mangina's here.  They post over and over telling them to stop being "angry".  Why are all those non-mangina guys angry?

It seems they're all pretty happy to me!
Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
The MAIN THING about a mangina is that he don't give NO FUCKS about the dudes. You need to be directing all these questions to your intended.  
 Make sure that you tell her you love her.

Dr Who revived 1814 reads
7 / 76

Wouldn't it be better to get that advice from the original Mangina King?

I'm sorry...but you seem angry  ;)

Dr Who revived 2181 reads
9 / 76

I just figured you're one of those that GaG was discussing.  That's why I want to convert...I want to be happy.

Don't you?
Posted By: GaGambler
Haven't  you seen the guys that start prepping days in advance for a "date"?

I have a feeling that WB might not really be prepping for a date tonight, I think he might actually be getting an early start for a date he has next week sometime.

and why is it that guys like you and me, who spend almost the entire day laughing our asses off, are always accused of being unhappy? Turdy does the same exact thing. The piñata call the stick "unhappy" Oh well, I guess when I actually start understanding these guys, that's when I need to start worrying.

0603450onThe 1783 reads
10 / 76

But you seem to be on your way with this thread. You already know my thoughts on this OVERTALKEDABOUT topic much like everything else on here.


-- Modified on 4/20/2014 1:34:04 PM

Dr Who revived 2189 reads
11 / 76

And considering that so many seem to think that the non-mangina guys are seriously angry I want to be a part of the "happy" cult.

What's wrong with that?

So if you put me to work, is that OTC?  Do manginas get more OTC than non-manginas?  That might sway my decision to convert ya know  LOL
Posted By: TaylorSteele
But you seem to be on your way with this thread. You already know my thoughts on this OVERTALKEDABOUT topic much like everything else on here.  

-- Modified on 4/20/2014 1:34:04 PM

0603450onThe 1839 reads
12 / 76

#1 sign of a mangina. Gentlemen who are precise, direct to the point, don't waffle, know what they want from word one and keep it simple...are not manginas. You, I'm afraid, are far too complex of an individual to NOT be a mangina lol. I hate to burst your bubble. Although you are still cute in my book, still no OTC time for you.  

So...I guess this thread is over then. Next.......................

-- Modified on 4/20/2014 2:00:47 PM

Dr Who revived 2470 reads
13 / 76

To exactly where that is in the Mangina  Handbook.  

I must have a very old version of this (I did borrow a copy from RodT).  No where is that written that being "verbose" causes a conversion to Manginaism.

So if I'm simple that would make me more of a non-mangina?  Seems that all of the current Manginas are really simple however.  They also want validation to be a Mangina...which is all I'm really seeking I guess.

I just don't want to be one of those angry non-mangina guys. They just seem to get OTC and all the gals seem to like them.  Not so much for those Mangina cult guys...seems that the gals find it pitiful.  

Wow...I may never qualify.
Posted By: TaylorSteele
#1 sign of a mangina. Gentlemen who are precise, direct to the point, don't waffle, know what they want from word one and keep it simple...are not manginas. You, I'm afraid, are far too complex of an individual to NOT be a mangina lol. I hate to burst your bubble. Although you are still cute in my book, still no OTC time for you.  
 So...I guess this thread is over then. Next.......................

-- Modified on 4/20/2014 2:00:47 PM

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 2056 reads
14 / 76

Or wait, is it?

Charlie Sheen, hookers, mangina.... #sigh

Let the roast commence.

Why are you picking on WickedBrut? He seems cool to me... Shrug

0603450onThe 2061 reads
15 / 76

yes in the 'Steele' Mangina Book....it clearly states in black and white...

#1 sign of a Mangina-those who speak or write too much upon detail.
    (they are very FAR from simple creatures)  
#2 sign of a Mangina-those who spew untrue facts about the author of the book lol  
   (3 a day CPA, really???? come on, I'm not a damn machine lol)

I'll list more from 'my' handbook when I feel like it, it is not currently for sale.  

But yes, you are a Mangina thus far. ;)

-- Modified on 4/20/2014 2:35:06 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1975 reads
16 / 76

Wouldn't you be if you were fat, bald and middle-aged like me?  Please show me the keys to happiness

inicky46 61 Reviews 1924 reads
17 / 76

I'd really be angry if I kept ending up on my back like this

AnotherDonJohn 2016 reads
18 / 76

I think you'll make a fine moderate- never a T-well.

Posted By: ChgoCPA
I just figured you're one of those that GaG was discussing.  That's why I want to convert...I want to be happy.  
 Don't you?  
Posted By: GaGambler
Haven't  you seen the guys that start prepping days in advance for a "date"?  
 I have a feeling that WB might not really be prepping for a date tonight, I think he might actually be getting an early start for a date he has next week sometime.  
 and why is it that guys like you and me, who spend almost the entire day laughing our asses off, are always accused of being unhappy? Turdy does the same exact thing. The piñata call the stick "unhappy" Oh well, I guess when I actually start understanding these guys, that's when I need to start worrying.

ValuedCustomer 1840 reads
19 / 76

Basically - the mangina has so much ego that he really thinks that a woman he pays to have sex with him really cares about him.  He has so much ego that he thinks his payment also includes  psychiatric counseling about relationships.  Psychiatrists charge about what hookers do -  not fair to ask a girl to do both.  IMHO - the hooker is probably a better deal - and, honestly, I always feel MUCH better after a session with a hooker than one with a shrink.... but I digress...

The mangina thinks of rescue - not understanding that the provider is doing the rescuing herself and doesn't need his wimpy ass to help out - other than to make sure the envelope isn't short.  She's doing fine all by herself as an independent business woman making her way in the world with what she has.  Respect that - I certainly do.  You are a paycheck, not a vocation.

Manginaism is expressed in a number of things including a desire for OTC and a general violation of personal limits.  But the central and defining characteristic is an ego the size of St. Louis.  

To convert fully to being a Mangina - simply believe that "its all about you"  and go from there- rather than worrying about the details.

To avoid it - which should be the goal of all mongers, understand the following very simple rules - which also apply to any professional - such as your lawyer, broker, shrink or plumber.  
1. She provides the service - you provide the money.  
2. Be clean, pleasant, and punctual.
3. LEAVE at the end of the session.  You wouldn't try for OTC with your plumber, now would you - why ask for it from a woman who just finished cleaning your pipes

Blowing Chunks 1890 reads
20 / 76

But does the number of posts DICK-tate a-DICK-tion?  
Or is it more about the contents when we post just perio-DICK-ly?
does this contra-DICK-t the statement above?

And I noticed a lot of angry posters here who are vinDICKtive which is inDICKative of non-mangina-ness.  
Do you think this personality trait is hereDICK from ancestors that were DICK-taters

JackDunphy 1860 reads
21 / 76

"My Long Trip on a Short Bus to BCS Status."  

Quite the page turner. ;)

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 1372 reads
23 / 76

The ones that act like egotistical dickheads are usually the worst manginas out there.

The normal, perfect client goes on with his life, ... You won't find him posting on the boards.

The tough guys are the ones who have some ego that will never be filled.. They come to us and talk and laugh at everyone else.. As if they are so cool.. And everyone else is such a loser. It's really funny to experience it from this side.

Off to pass out. Family time wears me out.  

JackDunphy 1837 reads
24 / 76

tells you just how BSC she is.  

Taylor is living proof that her mental instability only allows her to do 70 things in life anymore:

Fetching my slippers and 69. :D

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 1781 reads
26 / 76

The ones who post here that are always trying to impress .... Whoever it is they are trying to impress ......

If it doesn't apply to you, don't read in to it. :)

Dr Who revived 2085 reads
27 / 76

You should list out those who are not affected.  

Can't wait to see your list.

What about OTC...Does that make a dude mangina?  

Maybe he needs to tell you he loves you?

It's all so confusing  LOL
Posted By: Alyssa Marie
The ones who post here that are always trying to impress .... Whoever it is they are trying to impress ......  
 If it doesn't apply to you, don't read in to it. :)

JackDunphy 1770 reads
28 / 76

Can't wait to see the list either. Of course her guys are not JUST "normal"...NOOOOOO...her johns are "perfect" clients too! Btw, wtf is a "perfect" client anyway? Is it a guy that doesn't even set up a session at all and just sends her a check? lol

So funny, all these gals constantly telling us we have no clue what REALLY goes on in this biz? Yet at the same time they tell us they KNOW for fact certain which of their guys post and DONT post. Oh I'm sorry...I forgot. NONE of them post.

Reminds me so much of that uppity hooker that use to post here spouting that verbal diarrhea about her guys dont write reviews, as if she had any idea what goes on in reality.

Maybe they want to believe it so bad that THEIR guys are SO different. Maybe it makes them feel special? One can never really explain delusional rationale so I wont try with AM.

It's all so confusing indeed. lol

AnotherDonJohn 1837 reads
29 / 76

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
The ones that act like egotistical dickheads are usually the worst manginas out there.  
 The normal, perfect client goes on with his life, ... You won't find him posting on the boards.  
 The tough guys are the ones who have some ego that will never be filled.. They come to us and talk and laugh at everyone else.. As if they are so cool.. And everyone else is such a loser. It's really funny to experience it from this side.  
 Off to pass out. Family time wears me out.  

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 1653 reads
30 / 76

I went to sleep.. However, with the abnormal amount of people at my parents house and the various snoring going on.. It's not easy to stay asleep...

I don't mind reviews.
I prefer for my clients to show up.  
I can't really remember the rest of what you said...

I just don't like drama. Inflated egos. Bickering. That stuff.

What makes a perfect "client" ? One that just enjoys this and doesn't take it so seriously.

I'm hardly delusional. If we have met, you would know this. I'm actually super easy going, I enjoy life, I always want to be having fun.. I think my biggest fault to some is that I'm a Redskins fan, I kinda think that's an awesome trait, but to each their own.. I have never even spoken with you before on the boards, so.. I'm wondering where you even came to any of the conclusions that I just want a written check, and of the other nonsense.. I never said that you don't know what's going on.. I mentioned that some of the guys here that act all tough are the ones that crap talk each other when we meet.. Lay off whatever it is that you take.

Ciscodog 3 Reviews 1861 reads
31 / 76

Where have you been?

Posted By: FoxyNC
Or wait, is it?  
 Charlie Sheen, hookers, mangina.... #sigh  
 Let the roast commence.  
 Why are you picking on WickedBrut? He seems cool to me... Shrug.  
-- Modified on 4/21/2014 5:18:57 AM

0603450onThe 1986 reads
32 / 76

I do apologize but my books are strictly for 'mature' audiences only.

ValuedCustomer 2517 reads
34 / 76

So - if you are REALLY ready to give up trying to control the lives of providers (aka manginaism) - This is a very similar program to al-anon....  Stop the madness!!!

1.  We admitted we were powerless over hookers —that our lives had become unmanageable.
2.  Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10. Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
12.  Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to manginas, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

0603450onThe 2045 reads
35 / 76

I cannot imagine why a gentleman like you would post such obscene things continually on here, albeit a fuck board or not. I see this is your lil infantile playground to regress, however, don't you think you are a bit much sometimes. Even for me you are. How about this, feel free to post as you like, but you can more than be on your way and leave me be, unless you'd like to be coined the 'StalkerSteele' type......yet again. How many times is that now? Clearly find someone else to bother. You are nothing but a reoccurring thorn in my side and I happen to think roses are beautiful.  

And yes you are an angry lil man. It's in your words. How you don't see that is BEYOND me, but again, that's ok. I see it. You could always reread ALL of your posts, although that could take an eternity. It could shine a dim light on the 'kind' of bird you really are. No surprise to me which is why I will assume the 'dislike' factor is so high. It's ok. I can deal even though I shouldn't have to.

Perhaps you need to get laid. Aren't you due for another review anyway? Better get on it. You're slacking. Only 58. What happened, aren't you 'reviewing' gals or (whores according to you) anymore? That would be an injustice to this site, now wouldn't it. I'd certainly hate to think 'I' had something to do with it.  


-- Modified on 4/21/2014 8:29:51 AM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1983 reads
36 / 76

Geezk!  It was just a funny little card that I've posted a gazillion times before.  You need to not take it so seriously, doll.
And, no, I'm not angry at all, but if you need to believe I am, knock yourself out.
As for why I haven't posted any new reviews here, that's really none of your business and I decline to explain.  The less information you have about me the better.
And remember

JackDunphy 1504 reads
37 / 76

But it's you "passing out" and not remembering things. Signs of a bad drunk so detox may be an option.

But no time in your busy day to deal with me...in an argument...on a fk board...b/c we know you dont like drama, or so you said.

I am sure you have a "perfect" client on his way to see you soon so I wont keep you. The sign of any delusional hooker is to think they have "perfect" johns in their life. Sorry sister, no perfection in any of them but good luck looking.

And being a Redskins fan isn't a "trait", it's a decision. Kinda how you chose vodka last night instead of gin to get liquored up. Sheez...

But look on the bright side. You do have something in common with the 'Skins.  

You both get paid to suck

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 1516 reads
38 / 76

I didn't pass out from alcohol, I don't drink. I gave that up a while ago....
Some people pass out from exhaustion. Taking a red eye, running around with family and catching up with friends..

Why are you so passive aggressive? There really is no need.  

I really don't see why you had to come so aggressive on a post, but I guess that's how you choose to live your life. Not everyone agrees with how I choose to live mine, but I am happy and that's what matters to me. :)

hbyist+truth=;( 2014 reads
39 / 76

Posted By: ValuedCustomer
So - if you are REALLY ready to give up trying to control the lives of providers (aka manginaism) - This is a very similar program to al-anon....  Stop the madness!!!  
 1.  We admitted we were powerless over hookers —that our lives had become unmanageable.  
 2.  Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.  
 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.  
 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.  
 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.  
 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.  
 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.  
 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.  
 9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.  
 10. Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.  
 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.  
 12.  Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to manginas, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
I guess they made a mistake and spelled dog backwards.

GaGambler 1923 reads
40 / 76
ValuedCustomer 1942 reads
41 / 76

IMHO, AA or any of the various 12 step programs really aren't religious - though they do require faith in a non rational process.

Higher power is often substituted for God - and certainly it isn't necessarily christian, jewish, islamic, buddhist. pagan,  zoroastrian or hindu.  

If you are an atheist, a higher power (God) could be your subconscious.

It could also be Oprah, Scooby Doo or Judge Judy if you insist on a personification.   So - dog actually fits.  It only requires that you have faith.  

Regardless, the 12 step programs do work for a lot of people - so maybe some on this board could benefit from it  So, please, let's not make it harder for people who need treatment to seek it; a mangina is a terrible thing to waste.....  




-- Modified on 4/21/2014 11:29:46 AM

JackDunphy 1830 reads
42 / 76

And if I didn't have passive aggressiveness in my life, I wouldn't have any personality at all. LOL.

You seem to get what's going on here. Make a few posts, take a few shots, give it back some and laugh a little.  

We'll bump heads again I'm sure. LOL.

Take care, AM

0603450onThe 2061 reads
43 / 76

You are correct, a fuck board is a fuck board is a fuck board. I must admit for someone like yourself to spend as much time on 'said' fuck board and for only taking it as a 'fuck' board, tis an interesting thing indeed. Afterall, according to you, it is just a 'fuck' board.

-- Modified on 4/21/2014 11:53:36 AM

Dr Who revived 1872 reads
44 / 76

That would really be important to me.

We always have those at my other club meeting...you know which one too  ;)
Posted By: ValuedCustomer
IMHO, AA or any of the various 12 step programs really aren't religious - though they do require faith in a non rational process.  
 Higher power is often substituted for God - and certainly it isn't necessarily christian, jewish, islamic, buddhist. pagan,  zoroastrian or hindu.    
 If you are an atheist, a higher power (God) could be your subconscious.  
 It could also be Oprah, Scooby Doo or Judge Judy if you insist on a personification.   So - dog actually fits.  It only requires that you have faith.  
 Regardless, the 12 step programs do work for a lot of people - so maybe some on this board could benefit from it  So, please, let's not make it harder for people who need treatment to seek it; a mangina is a terrible thing to waste.....    

-- Modified on 4/21/2014 11:29:46 AM

JackDunphy 1920 reads
45 / 76

Never took you as a Girl Scout leader type. :D

inicky46 61 Reviews 2006 reads
46 / 76

We've lost count of the number of times you've flamed out, stomped off and returned a few days later.
Still, it's nice to see you adding pictures to your posts.  That one was deep.....deep

hbyist+truth=;( 2039 reads
47 / 76

Posted By: ValuedCustomer
IMHO, AA or any of the various 12 step programs really aren't religious - though they do require faith in a non rational process.  
 Higher power is often substituted for God - and certainly it isn't necessarily christian, jewish, islamic, buddhist. pagan,  zoroastrian or hindu.    
 If you are an atheist, a higher power (God) could be your subconscious.  
 It could also be Oprah, Scooby Doo or Judge Judy if you insist on a personification.   So - dog actually fits.  It only requires that you have faith.  
 Regardless, the 12 step programs do work for a lot of people - so maybe some on this board could benefit from it  So, please, let's not make it harder for people who need treatment to seek it; a mangina is a terrible thing to waste.....    

-- Modified on 4/21/2014 11:29:46 AM

But when they blatantly use God and prayer any idiot, including me knows what that means. If it is a higher power of anyones choosing, why label it something that mainstream Christianity uses every day?  

I do not deny they work for some people. I just hate the fact they think we  (the masses) are stupid when it is as clear as day, they are religious. If they are not, they should remove god, the bible and prayer from the meetings and slogans.  

To be truly non religious in the traditional form, that would have to be done otherwise, they are a religious group who lies. Not a surprise there.

-- Modified on 4/21/2014 10:05:14 AM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1601 reads
48 / 76
Dr Who revived 2068 reads
49 / 76

Elections coming up again...can't wait.

Dr Who revived 1429 reads
50 / 76

-- Modified on 4/21/2014 12:24:27 PM

0603450onThe 2556 reads
51 / 76

I wouldn't be posting back now would I..and consistently. Think about that. I do have 'another' life believe it or not. This is my 'union' break from reality when I can.  

And yes, I know, far too deep for you. Far, far too deep. But it really wasn't so much for you as it was for others who do read this forum (yes there are others believe it or not). I don't post for 'you' although I know you need to think that I do. It's ok. You'll get over me soon enough. You're clearly not my type. You don't want to know what I 'really' think of you now do you. I think not. As long as you and your kind stay in your neck of the woods (which is far far away from me)...we'll be all good.

-- Modified on 4/21/2014 1:41:42 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1679 reads
52 / 76

Oh, well, it's not the first time.  Everyone else here knows better.  Better get your poodle to come to the rescue.
And here's your bonus video.  I never get tired of it

AnotherDonJohn 2332 reads
53 / 76

Posted By: TaylorSteele
I wouldn't be posting back now would I..and consistently. Think about that. I do have 'another' life believe it or not. This is my 'union' break from reality when I can.  
 And yes, I know, far too deep for you. Far, far too deep. But it really wasn't so much for you as it was for others who do read this forum (yes there are others believe it or not). I don't post for 'you' although I know you need to think that I do. It's ok. You'll get over me soon enough. You're clearly not my type. You don't want to know what I 'really' think of you now do you. I think not. As long as you and your kind stay in your neck of the woods (which is far far away from me)...we'll be all good.  

-- Modified on 4/21/2014 1:41:42 PM

GaGambler 1550 reads
54 / 76

Have you ever seen the Penn and Teller episode on 12 step programs? I bet you will love it.

I will grant you, yes AA has done some people good, but I am in more agreement with Penn and Teller, and you for that matter, that AA and all 12 step programs are religious bullshit.

0603450onThe 2004 reads
55 / 76

you know who up there.....no comment. And if you check back while in your absence...I haven't had the last word for many of the latest threads even though they continue to poke and not so nicely of course. Someone's gotta mind the kiddie sandbox here. I like to every once in a while. Tis fun dealing with grown men who act like complete children. Are you no longer part of that bunch since you found your happy place? Congratulations btw. Hope it works out for you. Perhaps you could rub some of that on your 'buddies' here.

-- Modified on 4/21/2014 2:41:58 PM

Cataclysm 1782 reads
56 / 76

who drags you around by the ball, is jealous of.  

Seabrook is a cheap ass fuck and between him and hole-in-his-glove Crawford cost them game #2

Dr Who revived 1748 reads
57 / 76

Posted By: BrentSeabrook

Hey cataclysm...how 'bout you come out for the pre-skate tonight and throw the pads on and let's see if you can stop a BS (that is Brent Seabrook to you) slapper from 18 feet.  Heck...I'll be aiming for the Indian crest so it should feel good for you.

And then when we do our corner drills I'd like you to handle the puck for a moment.  OH, and don't look down for it either.  Remember, no refs are out there for the drill portions of this to help you out.

Corey said to tell you to go and fuck yourself...maybe you've inspired him however  LOL

Say hi to Shanahan for me as well.  He always was a pussy.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1810 reads
58 / 76

I'll promise not to post the Wicked Witch of the West melting again if My Little Meadow Muffin will stop endlessly repeat lines about "kiddie sandboxes" and "children."  It was fine the first three dozen times she used it but it really does get old.  I had hoped she had more creativity than that, but perhaps not.

Cataclysm 1463 reads
59 / 76

I don't get paid the big $ to stop those but if I did I could . It's funny how I called you buddy Corey's weak spot long before anyone else did last season and there are those even on this FK site who can verify that . If you remember I also said before the season your team will not repeat because of Crawford . The Hawks are the ones who Should have gone after Miller. If they had the NHL could have just handed them the cup . Instead your offense, yourself and DK have to work overtime again this year to carry hole in his glove Corey

hbyist+truth=;( 1795 reads
60 / 76

Posted By: GaGambler
Have you ever seen the Penn and Teller episode on 12 step programs? I bet you will love it.

I will grant you, yes AA has done some people good, but I am in more agreement with Penn and Teller, and you for that matter, that AA and all 12 step programs are religious bullshit.
I love these guys and this 1/2 hour makes so much sense and debunks the bullshit dogma AA spouts about being a disease. It is a CULT, just like RELIGION.

Dr Who revived 1436 reads
61 / 76

Posted By: CoreyCrawford
My pal Brent shared this drivel with me.  Funny how I seem to recall many detractors saying the same thing last year as well  LOL  
Would you care to put my Stanley Cup ring on for a few moments?  
I also seem to recall that I set a Hawks record last year for save percentage.

Fucking Shanahan is still a pussy.  I overheard Coach Q chatting with Mike Kitchen that we had to give fucking St. Louis a 2 game stake otherwise this would have been over in 4.

And Brent asked me to invite you to our party this year.  He said you'll love to eat more Crow  ;)  

Cataclysm 1749 reads
62 / 76

I don't care what the game is when somebody starts doing that it's over . Maybe not this series with STL being beat up but that's as far as they'll go.  

And for the record I'm not one of the thousands of band wagon jumpers from Chicago who became Hawks fans when they started to win. I still paid for seasons when they ranked in the 20s for ticket sales . I don't even live there and still pay for half of a set

Dr Who revived 2036 reads
63 / 76

Posted By: CoreyCrawford

Since you've never been in any locker room (other than to perhaps clean it up) throwing shit is quite common.  You should see the tape ball fights we have  LOL

Blaming a ref on being screened?  Clearly you were celebrating 420 yesterday.  It's the job of any offensive player to attempt to screen the opposing goaltender.  Hell...WE practice that shit everyday as well.  Tell you what though...I'll blindfold you and have Brent throw a few pucks towards you and see if you can react  LOL

I also know that CPA has been an avid Hawks fan as far back as the 1960's.  Those were the days when no one sold their tickets and the same dudes were at every game.  CPA has told the Team that he won't pay those asinine prices anymore since Rocky has us on TV every game.  I told him that's a really smart thing to do.  That way he has more money to pay for hookers.

And CPA also said that since the Hawks make the playoffs every year now that the laundry service on the payment of playoff tickets has lost its luster  ;)

hbyist+truth=;( 1714 reads
64 / 76

So - if you are REALLY ready to give up trying to control the lives of providers (aka manginaism) - This is a very similar program to al-anon....  Stop the madness!!!  
1.  We admitted we were powerless over hookers —that our lives had become unmanageable.  
2. Grow up and take responsibility for your shit and quit drinking
3. Made a decision to think for ourselves do what is right and not rely on the ROCK, TREE or TURTLE to fix the life we chose to fuck up.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.  
5. Admitted to YOURSELF, you made some dumb choices, now get off your ass and do something constructive about fixing it.  
6. Were entirely ready to have that ROCK, that TREE or that TURTLE miraculously fix the life we chose to screw up  
7. Humbly asked the ROCK, the TREE or the TURTLE to remove our shortcomings. Hmmm really????
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and apologize for being a fucking tool when drunk, drugged etc. In other words take responsibility for your choices and actions.  
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.  
10. Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.  
11. Stay away from booze and or drugs, get a job, treat others as you want to be treated and take a firm hold of your life. You are the one in it, you made and make the choices, now suffer the consequences, pull your pants up and carry on!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
12.  Having had a fucking clear and present thought as what the fuck I am doing, go forth and get a life, straighten out the shit storm you caused and act responsibly.  

Now that has been fixed here's some more. If alcoholism is a disease, why is it treated with faith and not science? Ask yourself this, do you go to church when you need your appendix out or do you go to the doctor? No other disease process is treated by faith like they want you to believe at AA.  

Oh and with a 5% success rate, they suck! More people kick bad HABITS not DISEASES on there own.

hbyist+truth=;( 1619 reads
65 / 76

I cannot stop watching BULLSHIT by Penn and Teller. It hilarious. Watching the one on the vatican right now.

GaGambler 1708 reads
66 / 76

see I always knew you were "one of us",  and just as soon as some dumbfuck calls you a "manhating bitch" it will be official. Welcome to the darkside. lol

JackDunphy 1578 reads
67 / 76
Dr Who revived 1579 reads
68 / 76

Two for the price of one.

We all know that Jesus was the King of the Jews.

But many think he was a Christian as well...gotta love the ignorant.

BTW...David Koresh sends his best  LOL
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Posted By: GaGambler
Have you ever seen the Penn and Teller episode on 12 step programs? I bet you will love it.  
 I will grant you, yes AA has done some people good, but I am in more agreement with Penn and Teller, and you for that matter, that AA and all 12 step programs are religious bullshit.
 I love these guys and this 1/2 hour makes so much sense and debunks the bullshit dogma AA spouts about being a disease. It is a CULT, just like RELIGION.

hbyist+truth=;( 1853 reads
69 / 76

Posted By: JackDunphy
And my fav episode...
But it was worth it, Now I am up actually working on projects I goofed off from for that time. I love these guys, so honest and hard hitting. Thanks for that link.

LeanMute 1554 reads
70 / 76
ValuedCustomer 1884 reads
71 / 76
keystonekid 114 Reviews 1911 reads
73 / 76

accusing hobbyists of reading too much into what YOU WROTE as well as none of us being perfect clients.  If you don't want us to read/believe what you post, then just don't write it.

Got to go, I need my beauty sleep so I can be a perfect client tomorrow for a lucky lady.

Cataclysm 1795 reads
74 / 76

because I didn't see it at quick glance in the yellow .  

Neither you , an old man, not Crawford a weak minded pussy, would last a day doing what a do.  

Word !

-- Modified on 4/23/2014 2:49:27 AM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1619 reads
75 / 76
Dr Who revived 1532 reads
76 / 76


Yep...you've got that right that I, an old man and Corey wouldn't last a day doing that  LOL

And tell the truth on your next post...you have been reading my stuff  ;)
Posted By: Cataclysm
because I didn't see it at quick glance in the yellow .  
 Neither you , an old man, not Crawford a weak minded pussy, would last a day doing what a do.  
 Word !

-- Modified on 4/23/2014 2:49:27 AM

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