TER General Board

Few reasons not to....
AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 224 reads

Unless it is an Emergency or she went to jail, there isn't a reason for her not to let you know something came up and has to cancel.

One thing I really don't agree with with most of you guys, I don't think it is even ok for her to answer you back a few hours later, let alone a week, to apologize.  

Unless it is a real good reason, I do not understand why you guys will give her a second chance (or more).

She disrespected your time and lacked honesty to even tell you what was going on.  

I doubt any gal doesn't have her phone with her almost all of the time, especially when an appointment is coming.

I read about a guy who was talking to her 30 mins prior and then doesn't answer when it's appt time. Why would you even forgive her and try again when she decides to get back at you a week later?

Like I said, if it isn't the two listed above, there isn't an excuse. I am of the mindset that if anyone does it to you once, they can do it again.
Posted By: keystonekid

Toying with a different strategy after another NCNS.  Anyone that's been in the game a long time, do you have less problem (with prearranged visits where you are fully verified and a time and place agreed to) when you choose a visiting provider than with a local?  I've generally stuck with locals but other than some favorites, rethinking my strategy.  

...and I attribute that at least in part to them having to be reliable to ensure that they recoup their travel & boarding expenses. The only NCNS that I have had so far was from a local flake. And the few cancellations that I had were also from locals. For this reason I will generally seek out touring gals over locals. I think that some locals get complacent and will more readily blow off a confirmed 1 hr appointment in favor of a longer one, with little to no concern for the client who booked the shorter session first. All I gotta say about that is: Karma, baby.

-- Modified on 4/16/2017 11:47:43 AM

I've had more touring NCNS than local NCNS. I think it's because SOME touring Providers deliberately overbook to make sure they make a profit on their trips.  
I have been NCNSed by touring Providers in both NYC and Boston.
It has been discussed that touring Providers know their likely cancel rates for different cities. ("I love the Willoughby guys! Always reliable to prebook! I hate the Podunk guys. 50% of my prebooks never show up." hence, she overbooks.)  

Posted By: lopaw
Re: Personally I have had much better success in general with visiting providers...
...and I attribute that at least in part to them having to be reliable to ensure that they recoup their travel & boarding expenses. The only NCNS that I have had so far was from a local flake. And the few cancellations that I had were also from locals. For this reason I will generally seek out touring gals over locals. I think that some locals get complacent and will more readily blow off a confirmed 1 hr appointment in favor of a longer one, with little to no concern for the client who booked the shorter session first. All I gotta say about that is: Karma, baby.  

-- Modified on 4/16/2017 11:47:43 AM

EDIT: I have to add a carriage return, then a period . and another carriage return to create an artificial  linefeed to separate paragraphs that the new / beta is unable to do on its own.
EDIT: The picture is of a nice gentleman from Willoughby who doesn't cancel.

-- Modified on 4/16/2017 11:45:07 PM

You are traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind and body. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination and realization. Next stop, the TER Zone!

Submitted for your consideration. T-Zone similarities? Just a coincidence?

I have always prebooked with touring ladies and have not encountered a NCNS. They seem to appreciate the advanced booking. I've even booked a few months out. I'm very selective on who I want to meet, so I do my research. This is probably another reason why I don't experience NCNS.

As for local ladies, I've not encountered a NCNS either.

vs, about 4 with local ones.

So, I don't think that is the issue.  I do see a lot more local gals than travelers, however.

DatyRookie375 reads

I see more local vs touring ladies, but both cancel and even ncns.  It's rude as fuck, but it happens. Check on them once after to see what happenrd, but don't hound them. Many ladies have families and other stresses. One lady told me that they have the best of intentions,but sometimes the day of they don't feel like going through with having some guys dick in them. Especially a dick that they have no attraction to. There is a side to the hobby that men don't understand. Yes, there should always be mutual respect and communication, but this hobby has an emotional, psychological, physical, and mental strain , for both men and women.

If a hooker is tired of having strange cocks in her...maybe SHE needs to find a new way to pay her bills.

Posted By: DatyRookie
I see more local vs touring ladies, but both cancel and even ncns.  It's rude as fuck, but it happens. Check on them once after to see what happenrd, but don't hound them. Many ladies have families and other stresses. One lady told me that they have the best of intentions,but sometimes the day of they don't feel like going through with having some guys dick in them. Especially a dick that they have no attraction to. There is a side to the hobby that men don't understand. Yes, there should always be mutual respect and communication, but this hobby has an emotional, psychological, physical, and mental strain , for both men and women.

GaGambler242 reads

Nah, this time you have a VERY valid point. The rookie really is a shameless and clueless BSU, not to mention he's kind of dumb to boot. That last statement "but this hobby has an emotional, phsychological, physical and mental strain, for both men and women" is about as dumb as it gets and is truly SPOTY worthy.

I have been doing "this" for decades and the only "strain" I can think of that it's had on me is fighting the overwhelming urge I get from time to time to break into my "happy dance" at the thought of all the pussy I am getting compared to the average guy. What a maroon.

Guess they didn't realize what it means!

As for the "emotional" blah blah blah strain.....I'm sure that DR has compiled hundreds of thousands of personal statistics on which he is basing his moronic comment.  I don't have the heart to tell him that most of the hookers can chew him up and spit him out in regards to taking care of themselves.

What team is Maroon on?  Oh yeah...he's with Edmonton now.

DatyRookie365 reads

No gambler, you are too numb to understand that your very own heart and mind is calloused and desensitized from decades of paying for pussy. You are in capable of having normal relationship with a woman without paying her for sex. You repeatedly talk out of your ass and drink your own kool  aid.  

Any moron who does not think that there is a price to pay for playing in this under world is in denial and only fooling himself. There is a reason you pay to play as long as you have, because you have a problem.  

You and your board presence and number of posts does not mean shit to me or anyone.  

I suggest you find other hobbies old man. Don't you have a life outside the hobby?

You are the poster child for sexaholicsanonymous and old men who wear loafers with sweat pants. Take a look in the mirror. You should be proud of the legacy you are leaving behind for loved ones. Thousands of posts on an anonymous escort review board.  

Your decades of mongering does not make you a better man than an average guy, just a bigger walking atm, bigger addict, and a bigger mark.

Kind Regards

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Are you sure you aren't just mad because the Hawks got crushed AGAIN???
Nah, this time you have a VERY valid point. The rookie really is a shameless and clueless BSU, not to mention he's kind of dumb to boot. That last statement "but this hobby has an emotional, phsychological, physical and mental strain, for both men and women" is about as dumb as it gets and is truly SPOTY worthy.  
 I have been doing "this" for decades and the only "strain" I can think of that it's had on me is fighting the overwhelming urge I get from time to time to break into my "happy dance" at the thought of all the pussy I am getting compared to the average guy. What a maroon.

-- Modified on 4/16/2017 5:49:53 PM

GaGambler274 reads

The second is " can you bench press 400 lbs?"

and lastly, "haven't you been tied up in a NY barn for the last couple of years?"

Yes ladies and gentlemen, hookers and johns, we have a new front runner for BSU.

DatyRookie339 reads

Hello addict.  

You can bench press 400 pounds? On an anonymous review board you can bench press 500 if you want to. WHO GIVES A FUCK you meat head.  Not as impressed with you as you obviously are with yourself. Neither are the ladies. Vanity.

Snails ha! You must love crabs.  

Lastly, you still need to get a life and find other hobbies. How many times have you swiped your atm  card to get cash for your sexual gratification? Decades?  You might be the world's biggest fool. Ha!

-- Modified on 4/16/2017 6:40:03 PM

JakeFromStateFarm322 reads

The questions GaG asked were not actual questions.  They were hints/reminders about a long-departed poster here who was considered perhaps the biggest suck-up and idiot ever.  So GaG is simply suggesting you look like, in time, you could fill his shoes.
Here's another hint. But you won't get it.

DatyRookie357 reads

You are in dire need of a reality check.

Sounds like you are drinking the hooker kool-ade.  Try and take a step back to reality.

You are in the "Twilight Zone" thinking that hookers aren't well aware of their surroundings.  And tools like you are such easy marks to separate you from your money  LOL

Don't you have an Easter Bunny to play with today?

Posted By: DatyRookie
You are in dire need of a reality check.

DatyRookie261 reads

Hookers know what they are doing. I know this you nut  sack ball sucker. That's not point. These ladies don't enjoy your sex as much as you think they do. Ya it can be fun and money can be good,  it's a Job for them too and like any job it can be stressful and sucks (no pun intended) at times. You never have stress at your job? Need time away or never call off? Why the double standard?

for every decent and cool guy out there, there is a rude, smelly, asswipe like GaGambler that the ladies hate dealing with.

Or maybe a link to these stats?

I get it now...some hooker told you all of this and now ALL hookers need your protection  LOL

Stop while you're behind!!

Posted By: DatyRookie
Hookers know what they are doing. I know this you nut  sack ball sucker. That's not point. These ladies don't enjoy your sex as much as you think they do. Ya it can be fun and money can be good,  it's a Job for them too and like any job it can be stressful and sucks (no pun intended) at times. You never have stress at your job? Need time away or never call off? Why the double standard?  
 for every decent and cool guy out there, there is a rude, smelly, asswipe like GaGambler that the ladies hate dealing with.

...as some of us have sadly discovered. No respect or communication, despite attempts to make sure everything is ok and to put closure to the matter. Karma will catch up to bitches like that. And of course hobbyists are just as guilty of being thoughtless and inconsiderate. It definitely works both ways.

And believe me - I'm a woman who understands this hobby very well. I get that there are some days where shit just doesn't mesh and you can't make an appointment. But there has to be at least an attempt to contact the affected recipient to at least let them know that you aren't dead or in the hospital. Common courtesy. Some people seem to have never learned that basic concept.

Posted By: lopaw
...as some of us have sadly discovered. No respect or communication, despite attempts to make sure everything is ok and to put closure to the matter. Karma will catch up to bitches like that. And of course hobbyists are just as guilty of being thoughtless and inconsiderate. It definitely works both ways.  
 And believe me - I'm a woman who understands this hobby very well. I get that there are some days where shit just doesn't mesh and you can't make an appointment. But there has to be at least an attempt to contact the affected recipient to at least let them know that you aren't dead or in the hospital. Common courtesy. Some people seem to have never learned that basic concept.

Unless it is an Emergency or she went to jail, there isn't a reason for her not to let you know something came up and has to cancel.

One thing I really don't agree with with most of you guys, I don't think it is even ok for her to answer you back a few hours later, let alone a week, to apologize.  

Unless it is a real good reason, I do not understand why you guys will give her a second chance (or more).

She disrespected your time and lacked honesty to even tell you what was going on.  

I doubt any gal doesn't have her phone with her almost all of the time, especially when an appointment is coming.

I read about a guy who was talking to her 30 mins prior and then doesn't answer when it's appt time. Why would you even forgive her and try again when she decides to get back at you a week later?

Like I said, if it isn't the two listed above, there isn't an excuse. I am of the mindset that if anyone does it to you once, they can do it again.

Posted By: keystonekid

You're right.

The first time I was NCNS'd, would've been a TOFTT as far as TER, but I had verified her otherwise. Never heard from her again, so she can GFH (go fuck herself). Next one had a few reviews here, seemed okay. Next day she contacted me. Sort of apologized, didn't really explain herself, offered to make it up to me. I saw her like a dipshit. She didn't "make it up to me" the way one might think. No discount or even 10 extra minutes or anything. Lesson learned.  

The only other time was a lady on tour. We were texting about 90 min prior to appointment, seemed like it was gonna be fun. Get to the hotel and she's a ghost. She was hit by a sudden illness and rushed to hospital. The next day she's in a hospital bed 3k miles from home and she texted me. I guess I couldn't prove in court that her story is true, but let's just say there is further confirmation and if it is BS, it's a helluva conspiracy just to dupe little ol' me. I believe her story. Her I would schedule again.  

Anyways, you're right. With a NCNS, unless there's a damn good reason for it, she's just not serious or professional and not worth trying again.

You seem to be way overthinking this. Keep it simple!

Just do you, deal with others with respect and courtesy... move on from the rude and disrespectful.  

I've only had 2 or 3 NCNS in the past 5-6 years.  All closed the loop within a few days with some form of communication. No difference between touring or local gals.  

If you experience a lot of NCNS... you may be repeating a mistake somewhere in your approach.  

Just MHO.

Yeah, strategy.  NCNS's aren't uncommon in my area.  I've had a few calls ahead of time or last minute cancellations over the years, I never quibble with that.  Always respectful.  Not sure what else I can do, other than consider the topic of this post--or stick with the few I really trust--only problem with that is our schedules rarely align, they have busy lives and I have limited time without much flexibility on meeting times.  

...some cancel but always with at least 24 hr. notice.

I don't ever think about seeing touring ladies. I did see one lady that toured but I met her at a M&G before I knew she wasn't local.  

I know an NCNS will likely happen at some point but so far in 7 1/2 years it hasn't happened.

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