TER General Board

Fair enough but it is exactly his use of the word "know" that I was pushing back on.
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 3067 reads
1 / 56

I pay attention to details. I love smiles! For me teeth is important. If you invest in your smile to me it shows you care about yourself. Many people don’t care about their mouth & it shows. I look at hands & feet as well. Manicured hands show me you care about yourself. If a person has good self care it’s a bonus when it comes to our first meeting, and the amount of quality TLC you may receive. If your hands and nails are dirty, or your mouth is not attractive to look at it could = YMMV.

holystonethedeck 87 Reviews 46 reads
2 / 56

The "reads" hardly seems to be accurate.

Ladies are not paid to overlook gross shit - or anything else that they flag as negative.

RespectfulRobert 43 reads
3 / 56

Sorry but hygiene should be VERY important when you are engaging in the intimacy of p4p. I want the provider to be squeaky clean and minty fresh and they should expect the exact same of us. You really lost me on this one.

Zeel 67 Reviews 49 reads
4 / 56

Since for me meeting a new person is not just a provider I am going to bang, I'm not looking at just sex appeal details. That said, my answer still applies to providers as well. I'm looking right in your eyes. I know within 30 seconds what kind of person you are when I make eye contact. I'm a confident person, so I'm not shaken by eye contact being returned. The effect my eye contact and glare has on you though will tell me a lot. While my contact is steady, it is also calm. If I get steady calm eye contact back, we are off to a good start. If I get unsteady contact, perhaps you are nervous, and that may be something we can overcome, but it leaves some questions that will need to be answered. But when I see the skin between your eyes just above your noise start to scrunch, I know we are off to a bad start. This for me is negative enegery. You might be angry. You might not like or understand why I am gazing into your eyes. You might want control. You have now flinched in a way that says you don't not accept my calm stare into your eyes.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 48 reads
5 / 56

I am baffled at your reply. It’s not in my job description to kiss a caca mouth. I think you don’t respect the fact that we are our own Boss. Do you refuse to believe that some of us have the freedom to be selective on whom we share our divine energy? You don’t respect women.  
I am the CEO, so I make the rules. I like all photos & posts, as I should because you clearly don’t appreciate a real woman who is an excellent provider on TER, and continues to participate on this board that constantly bashes females. You’re a hater that hides behind an alias. Let that sink in. I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. If you’re unclean & don’t care about your self don’t contact me. Pick a provider who shares the same lack of self care as you do. Perfecto! Your welcome. 😆 You don’t respect yourself if you don’t care about your personal healthcare.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 46 reads
6 / 56

I love eye contact! Good one Zeel. I also, look at eyes because it tells you right away when if someone is sincere. I read people and body language. They say when you meet someone new they judge you in less, than a minute.  

It’s a simple question. I am not sure why some guys feel the need to comment on this board if they’re not actually responding to the real question. I’m still confused at his response. Are you men all in agreement with his mind boggling reply?

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 39 reads
7 / 56

Why attempt to disrespect me? Rude. I know I don’t have horse teeth. I know your post has no value it’s just bs. I see how providers choose not to post, or want to not be apart of TER. It’s the constant disrespect you boys bring to the board. Lucky idgaf. 🤪 Try harder too diss me. I am a a strong woman. You’re the problem with TER. You disrespectful women bashing men are polluting TER. I’m sure you will be happy when it’s just all guys because you ran off all the females.

RespectfulRobert 47 reads
8 / 56

"you are literally paid to overlook everything you listed." Your words...just own them bro.

RespectfulRobert 49 reads
9 / 56

Speaking for myself, I cant tell what kind of person someone is within 30 seconds. Not trying to take you too literally and if I am, I apologize. But for me, people reveal their true selves over hours and sometimes many, many hours in many different situations. 30 seconds just isnt nearly enough time to know anything about a person unless they walk right in the door and are rude, demanding or mean and even then, they just might be having a bad day.  
Even body language experts will tell you they need to establish a "baseline" for the person by seeing their body language in previous encounters for comparisons sake before coming to any real conclusions and they always temper their comments by mentioning such. You cant have a baseline with anyone you have never met before imo.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 63 reads
10 / 56

Not me dear. It’s a statistic they tell young adults who are seeking employment. I worked for several schools & this is what they teach our children. I am not literally saying I do because I don’t.  

😁 Smile for me. I’m off to be a Super hero = Single Mom life. To much drama on this board it’s supposed to fun.

SEVENNY 83 Reviews 52 reads
11 / 56

Love the question (Ignoring the crazy poster)! First, I usually see her hair and her eyes.  Pretty hair is a turn on (short or long tho prefer long)  and at the same time I notice her eyes! Next I look quickly down to her feet.  I love feet so I am going to look at them pretty quickly. Bonus if they are bear and I see her pretty polish but I will also admire her choice of footwear (or not). Lots of guys like the "preview BBBJ" but I like to worship her feet first. (Hmmm, can you guess my fetish?)

Thanks for the post!

RespectfulRobert 50 reads
12 / 56

It's kind of like judging a book by its cover isnt it? The good stuff is on the inside, not the superficial things.  
People are much too complex to be able to accurately know a person in that amount of time and it's unfair to the person being judged. I try not to judge people on their first day or their worst day but I dont always succeed in that as I an human. Knowing a person is just much more nuanced and complicated than that.  
Enjoy your day!

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 64 reads
13 / 56

I love feet! I keep my feet nicely pedicured. I care about a females feet because if I feel, like it’s a reflection of how they care for their vagina. I don’t eat pussy if the entire package is not pretty to me.  

Tbh I started doing my hair for all my dates & noticed how much it makes a difference. My appearance score goes up when I do my hair. I always have my hair & nails done now it just shows you care.

I always look at feet.  lol. Thanks for honesty answering my post. I appreciate your honesty & participation.

-- Modified on 3/28/2024 6:25:00 AM

justsauce16 4 Reviews 47 reads
14 / 56

This is actually something that's been studied rather well. Subconsciously, when you meet a new person, you categorize them according to the people you've previously been exposed to in somewhere around a second. That doesn't mean you *know* someone, of course, everyone has at least some aberration from their mean, but realistically there aren't really that many different types of people, and being able to rapidly decide who you're dealing with is valuable for survival, which is why that propensity exists.
 So all that to say, yes you can Bobby my man, you can't help it, because for thousands of years your ancestors relied on being able to figure out if someone was going to share their food or hit them with a rock, and they were good enough at it to get laid and perpetuate their role in the human comedy, leading to you.  

I've found that most people who say "I don't judge", are either bad at it, or, what they really mean is "I judge the hell out of you, I'm just not a dick about it".

RespectfulRobert 50 reads
15 / 56

Now maybe he meant it in a way that I misconstrued or maybe he would phrase it differently if given a chance as I cant speak for him.  
But I don't fundamentally disagree with what you are saying as yes, we size people up in seconds, but that often turns out to be faulty after many more interactions and dealings with that person. First impressions can be lasting ones but hardly fool proof. And if you look at my other post, I admit to being human as I am sure I judge quickly on occasion but I try and fight that as best as I can.  
Actually I think we are essentially saying the same thing here and it's more semantics or minor variations in opinion. Thanks for your take.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 47 reads
16 / 56

What in the hell is this nonsense?!?  

The only things I am getting paid to do is overlook if you are an ugly toad stool, if you are boring as fuck, if you have a micro penis, if you cannot get or maintain an erection,  or if you are the worst lay ever.  
Hygiene?  NO. That is not being shallow at all, that is being a good provider that wanting to remain healthy. Bia and I are 100% on the same page with this one.  

I am NOT going to kiss you if you have obvious rotten teeth, tooth decay, gingivitis, or plaque buildup.  
I am NOT going to let you near my money maker with your hands if you have long and dirty fingernails.  
I am NOT going to give you a foot massage if you have long crusty toe nails and layers of dead skin.  

You seem to be conflating being attractive vs. someone being squeaky clean. I don't give 2 shits if you are the former, but you better be the latter if you are wanting to have sexy fun time!

helixir 41 Reviews 50 reads
17 / 56

All that bitterness over a post on a fuckboard.  
Now where have I seen that before?

Zeel 67 Reviews 48 reads
18 / 56

My answer does not change. Knowing what kind of a person someone is does not mean knowing everything about them. People are much more complex. However, what you see is the first 30 is often more telling than what you will see for quite some time in other ways. When you first look at me, more often than not, that look is you, it is natural. But when you first speak, that may not be you. What we say when we first meet people is hardly telling of who we are. People have relationships for years, and not until after they are married for years do they sometimes finally see who someone really is in all their complexity.

We both love to put on a show for people and want to believe things about people that are not always true. I try to catch you when you are pure and I'm not quite caught up in wanting to believe anything about you. I'm an observer by nature. I was born this way. My pops tells me when he first saw me in the room with other babies, every one was crying or sleeping but me. I was just looking around and observing this new world. To this, that is how I walk into a room. I'm not saying a word. I'm looking. I'm sizing up the people, the place, and anything else my eyes can see. My eyes can peer into your soul. And when they do, it will tell me something about you. No, it won't tell me everything that makes you a more complex person. But it tells me enough to know if I want to learn more about you. And, that is what my point was and still is.

justsauce16 4 Reviews 50 reads
19 / 56

Practically though, how many different people are there really? I bet if you were honest with yourself, you'd land the same place I've landed, which is about a dozen, maybe two dozen if you're being generous with how much they're allowed to cross over.

Anything outside of that is deep into the realm of subjectivity and likely isn't actually useful to consider in most cases.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 50 reads
20 / 56

lol I look for the quickest exit in case of an emergency. I observe the room looking for possible threats because the World is dangerous. I have self defense insurance also because shit happens. I highly recommend it.

Link below. ⬇️ Are there any other members here? Just curious because I also have jewelry insurance. I like to be prepared. I was shocked when I did a poll on estate planning & basic health and life insurance, wills & trusts, so many people are not prepared. Life happens.

yesyes36 12 Reviews 54 reads
21 / 56

Whenever I meet a person for the first time, I pay attention right away to how they position their shoulders.  Are they carrying themselves proudly, with an upright posture, shoulders back and square to me, or are they carrying their shoulders in a slumpy manner, down and rounded like they are trying to go unnoticed.  From there, it's their eyes, their mouth and then their hair.  

I like eyes that sparkle and are bright and attentive.  I like smiles for miles with bright, clean straight teeth, and I like hair that is natural, soft, well groomed and that frames their face perfectly.

So, for me and in this order...1) shoulders...2) eyes...3) mouth...4) hair.  If those all pass for my taste, I will make the effort to spend enough time to check out all of the other interesting features and attributes they possess.

Throw your shoulders back and smile for me!

yesyes36 12 Reviews 51 reads
22 / 56

I never sit with my back to a door.  I threat assess every room I enter and every venue I visit.  I put on my "cordless hole puncher" every morning just like I put on my socks and belt.  It's been a part of my morning routine for 40+ years.  I try to avoid places where I can't carry and I am always on the look out for anyone that may pose a threat.  This goes hand in hand with what I look at and look for whenever I meet someone for the first time (see my other response in this thread if you care to know).

I'm 61 and retired five years ago.  The bulk of my assets are in trusts, I pay for health and life insurance for those I care for the most, my will is up to date and I have a financial plan that should carry me nicely through however many years I am blessed to have left.  I consider these things to be a big part of being a responsible person who owns their shit.

I try not to "judge" people, but I will damn sure make an assessment fairly quickly after we meet for the first time.  And yes, there is a difference between making an assessment and making a judgement.  As assessment is cursory and tends to be short-term.  Judgement is long-term and more often than not, final.

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 53 reads
23 / 56

Things I look at:
*  Smile  
*  How clean he/she is (Yes I said "HE/SHE")
*  If He/She put the $$$$ into my Cash App or on the Counter (I've been ripped off once before)
*  The time He/She actually showed up.....Compared to the exact time He/She was scheduled. I stick to a  
    schedule so that I can make money.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 46 reads
24 / 56

So what you see may not actually what you gonna get.  Might be close yes, as photos  might  be dated, that's  why it's important to keep updating  photos at  least every  few years.   Both party  
 reserve the  right to terminate the date if what advertise  is not what shows up.
A majority ,or 100% positive  review  that includes the physical feature might be the best bet.

I am a boobsman, body types vary depending  on my mood. Teeth and smiles counts too. Stuff like body odor and attitude, you cannot tell from photos. And don't forget that some of the most measurable  blow jobs are from people with no teeth 😁🤣😆.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 45 reads
25 / 56

You really don't have the "anonymous" accounts figured out yet?? LOL

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 56 reads
26 / 56

Everyone should chew sugar free gum containing Xylitol.  It's been shown to significantly reduce plaque and tooth decay.  Plaque is produced by oral bacteria called Streptococcus mutans.  That bacteria picks up the Xylitol thinking it is glucose but can't use it.  That blocks it from using glucose so without energy they die.  
So if you kiss a lot, you could be getting Streptococcus mutans from the people you kiss.  If you chew Xylitol gum you can kill off that bacteria.  
Xylitol can also prevent ear infections, yeast infections, increase collagen (anti-aging for skin) and protect against osteoporosis.

impposter 49 Reviews 67 reads
27 / 56

A friend of mine put xylitol gum in his ear and it did not prevent against ear infections.

Posted By: lester_prairie
Xylitol can also prevent ear infections, yeast infections, increase collagen (anti-aging for skin) and protect against osteoporosis.

Zeel 67 Reviews 38 reads
28 / 56

Absolutely not for me. I prefer to keep moving around. Artwork, not people, are meant to be pressed against a wall. Unless, of course, it's in the heat of passion and your getting ravaged by a suiter.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 49 reads
29 / 56
holystonethedeck 87 Reviews 62 reads
30 / 56

Hydrogen peroxide is both an anti-bacterial and an anti-viral and is highly recommended as part of a daily oral hygiene regimen.

It also whitens teeth.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 46 reads
31 / 56

Pepper spray and a stun gun  comes in handy too.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 50 reads
32 / 56

Why are you here . You have no reviews, never dated anyone,  yet you're here talking crap  to   well established people  on this platform. TER need to stop basic from  posting .

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 39 reads
33 / 56

Some will not date you if you stink.But ,yes some will if they are  in desperation for one reason or another.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 41 reads
34 / 56

Not all providers gonna overlook your  grossness and fuck you because  of the money, whatever that may amount to - and probably not much  .Maybe those who are addicted to drug will.
And if that's the mentality you have regarding all providers  in this  business,  shows you're a messed up guy.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 35 reads
35 / 56

What are you trying to turn this board into.  If disrespect is all you have to offer go F yourself. Not gonna sit  here and let you ghettorize this platform.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 65 reads
36 / 56

It's teeth ARE important, or tooth IS important.  Part of the confusion is when they invented the toothbrush in Arkansas, that's what they named it.  If it had been invented in California, it would be called the "teethbrush."

James_Stance 47 Reviews 47 reads
37 / 56

This is perfectly fine. Just make sure you give every dollar back he gave you for the session. Simple, problem solved.

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 39 reads
38 / 56

His hands are clean…

Sorry, your comment about dirty fingernails in your money maker reminded me of a song.  

Yup, overlooking things, like the stuff in your first paragraph, that’s pretty much what we pay you ladies for. Especially the ugly part in my case. Sometimes I gotta pay extra because of that.  

Also, who wants a foot massage from a provider anyway? Is that a thing?

Silkstalkings 327 Reviews 46 reads
39 / 56

in a hotel room I check the bathroom or closet so her bf/daddy or shady ass girl friend doesn't Rob Me!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 46 reads
40 / 56

A CEO can make the rules for the people who work for him/her, but she cannot DICTATE rules for customers.  Customers will go where they get good service and value for their money, compared to your competitors.  With that said, you do have the right to refuse customers that you don't want to do business with, and that is really what you are saying.  With some customers, regardless of the business, there is a tipping point where the things you have to put up with are not worth the amount of business you are getting.  I will put up with antics from a million-dollar customer that I will not tolerate from a $50,000 customer.  So, while you have the RIGHT to refuse service to anyone, if the money is good, you are likely to put up with more "broken rules" than you would if it was a random one-hour customer.  In other words, if a guy offers you $5000 for an overnight and pays a deposit of half upfront, are you really likely to pass if it's going to mean you have to teach him how to use a toothbrush and mouthwash, and how to wash his butt-crack effectively?  The term "Whoring" is often strictly about money and has nothing to do with sex.  

-- Modified on 4/1/2024 9:29:50 AM

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 38 reads
41 / 56

In America, Canada, Britain, and many other places,some people get judged based on their  skin color more than anything else. As matter of fact  some people stigamtize an entire group without  regard to any exception .  
Some people need racism to survive, because  it gives them everything they own. They achieve this by denegration, and how one group is better that the other  based on some bullshit narrative (the goal is to  elimating the competition) . A narrative that started years ago also used  to justify atrocities like slavery,holocaust etc.  
Those thoughts and behavior are still with us today (2024) mostly  in   subtle forms, through  redlining, denying of loans, gentrification, medical racism, denying  true history,  deny or water down atrocities  etc.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 38 reads
42 / 56

Totally agree with carrying. Hardly want to go states that makes legal sellf defense difficult . Even in tough gun law states make sure you have quick access  to that lock box.As they say " better to be judged by 12 than carry by 6 ".

Asslater 36 Reviews 43 reads
43 / 56
WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 35 reads
44 / 56

Take a shower, scrub your ass and balls, brush you damn teeth and go to the dentist before you go to a session. Simple, problem solved!

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 46 reads
45 / 56

I do offer full body sensual massage. Not a part of the body I spend a lot of time on normally, but if they are that BAD (yes, some are!) that will be skipped.

robp4444 11 Reviews 40 reads
46 / 56

Lay, Lady, Lay.  Prime period.  One of them.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 41 reads
47 / 56

look in one place because its hairy feet.  

divadiamond See my TER Reviews 53 reads
48 / 56

My first reaction happens is on the phone call.  I can tell a lot about a new client by talking to them.  I'm getting really good picking up their attitude.  When they come to the door, I look out the peep hole.  I scan their energy field and see if they are good people.  If not, I don't open the door.  If I detect heaviness or a down feeling they don't get me.  That rarely happens but it has.  I scan for appearance and body movements.  I'm a fun upbeat human and seek the same in clients.

On the phone, I listen carefully if a new client is pushy, demanding and arrogant.  If so, I shut it down immediately.  If you think a hooker is here to give you everything you want, you are wrong.  

Waves of Love, Zoe Zane aka Fetish Diva Diamond
San Jose CA

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 29 reads
49 / 56

I do a lot of FBSM but I always would just as soon she not do my feet. And no mine are not THAT BAD, just a preference. Maybe I’m weird.  

“Well, men are supposed to have stinky feet.”
—Vicki Vallencourt

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 28 reads
50 / 56

I believe Prime Period was an all female punk rock group out of Eastern Europe.

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 42 reads
51 / 56

Wait a minute. I gotta make sure I’m understanding this right.  

Are you saying you let guys get all the way to your door and then turn them away based on your instantaneous perception of personality or even mood? Did I read that right? Customers would get blacklisted all to hell for that kind of time wasting.  

This is like a standup comic getting the bouncer to eject anyone who wasn’t already laughing their ass off as they filed in and sat down.  

Obviously you have to turn away anyone you believe to be unsafe. Of course.  

I’m fine with you not seeing anyone who is pushy, arrogant, or demanding, because I’m none of those things and I don’t blame you for not wanting to deal with that.  

But did I read that correctly that if someone LOOKS LIKE they’re feeling a “little down”, you turn them away at the door? Somebody might be feeling a bit down and go play with a provider and it makes their day a lil better, helps their mood, lets them forget their troubles for a spell. That’s like your whole JOB!!

I almost always head out to an appointment happy and super excited. And sure, me showing up for an appointment already in a great mood is the most ideal, and that’s when my most fun sessions happen. But if I go see someone when I happen to feel a bit “down”, that doesn’t mean I think I’m going to get “everything I want” from her. It means I need a lil pick me up or a distraction. More likely, I was in a good mood when I scheduled it, then had a bad day or didn’t sleep well but wasn’t going to cancel like a TIME WASTER.  

Doesn’t mean I’d be a bad client. It means my day is about to get a lot better! A woman smiling at me can perk up my day real quick. Especially if she’s gonna get naked soon. But she’s not my “everything” she’s the reason for my goofy grin for the next couple hours. Simple as that.  

I agree, anyone who thinks they can get “everything” from someone, like a SO, is a codependent fool. Anyone who thinks they can get it from a provider is a total moron. I’m just curious how you know that’s what they’re thinking through the peep hole. Codependency / unreasonable expectations is a good reason to not see someone AGAIN. Thinking you can know it from a quick glance seems unrealistic. Especially if you already had a phone conversation and didn’t pick up on it then.  

Somebody being a bit down when they show up can still have their head on straight about what all this is and isn’t.  

Someone could easily look “down” in the peephole just because they’re trying not to be grinning like an idiot walking up to your place. For YOUR sake. A bunch of grown men giddy as a schoolboy coming and going from your place might not be the attention you need. I always try to look casual, bored even, approaching a residence incall. At least until the door opens. Because people ignore that.  

If I misunderstood your comment then please disregard. Also please consider explaining.  

BTW, I really like that you have a phone conversation before meeting. I enjoy that when it happens. Very few providers do it and I think I understand why. But the ones who do, it’s made me feel more comfortable with them and reinforced the decision to meet them. It always seems to make them more comfortable as well. Nothing wrong with realizing during the conversation that you don’t click and declining to meet. I took exception to what sounded like a snap, game time decision that was NOT safety related.

robp4444 11 Reviews 29 reads
52 / 56

Well of course.  I could not find any Prime Period in my searches, so I'm not sure who you were referring to.  I was referring to Dylan, of course, and merely suggesting it was one of his many prime periods.  And yes, I know "prime" means "first" or "best"; but in a career spanning so many decades and styles it's possible, I believe, to have several peaks.  That's what I was alluding to.  What that has to do with Queen Bia's original post is peripheral, but she mentions it right there in her opening statement (the dirty/clean hands thing).  I was just riffing on your riff.  Just good clean fun.

Taniatonsorial See my TER Reviews 40 reads
53 / 56

thing I notice. I love thick brows! Clean, tidy nails are also a huge plus.

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 17 reads
54 / 56
Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 17 reads
55 / 56

First I notice things from sites & Phone calls. I would never post stupid shit about people (Just because I'm not getting sexually aroused by the person). Posting false shit on a site like this. Everyone has there own prospective when it comes to who they like both sexually and non-sexually. I think the assholes who need to post such stupid shit.........Like posting close up photos of someone with a smart ass comment.    

Gus_n_MollyPugs 1 Reviews 19 reads
56 / 56

In that order.....(1) eyes really are the window to everything else, and if you know what you are doing, by making eye contact, looking deeply into her eyes when you converse....you can get a good idea if she is being truthful.    Not 100%, but its a pretty good guide....

(2)   In addition to my wheelchair, I am hard of hearing so I must try to read lips to compensate for my lack of hearing;  I have thus developed an intense fetish for all things lips (with tongue and mouth close behind.)    An inside joke I have had with friends, and the few women I have actually had long term relationships with....is that one important  "sex toy" or sexual aid that works for me is that Bullhorn that Police and Firemen utilize.....imagine a woman on top riding me with a police bullhorn in her hand, saying all the wonderfully, imaginative, filthy things I need to hear at a very loud level.....the Hotel management would no doubt be knocking on the room door saying....."Ah sir, could you Puhhleasssse turn down the  volume on the adult pay perview???   Sir.....?...."

(3)   I enjoy a woman's soft skin, with as little makeup (preferably NONE) as possible......

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