TER General Board

Face-in versus face-out
100ProofOfLV See Agency Profile 24 reads

We have had both for years and there has been no difference in the amount of books for either.

Fellow companions who aren't face-out, what has been your experience? Were you previously face-out and if so, how do you feel obscuring your face has affected things for you? Do you ever consider returning back to not concealing your face? Do you think whatever level of protection that is provided by not being face-out is worth it?

Currently I do a light to moderate blur of my face depending on what venue I'm posting a photo on (social media, ad/ review site, my personal site). Sometimes I just blur part of my face. However, in reality, I want to start blurring my face much more heavily where it's even harder to make out my facial features. Thinking about that, I realized one reason why I hadn't already been doing so was because I was taking into consideration possible clients who might be mistrustful and assume a companion is "hiding something" or blurring due to nefarious reasons.

I also want to open this up to clients. If you've ever booked a companion who isn't face-out, what other factors informed your decision to do so?

I assume she is hiding something, because that’s the only reason to blur her face. But I do not assume what she is hiding has to do with looks. I assume it has to do with not wanting to be recognized by someone who knows her outside of her escort life, be it a family member, neighbor, or someone at her civie job.

Since I rely on reviews, a blurred face doesn’t bother me. Reviews will bring out if the face is an issue. Thus far, I haven’t walked in and got hit with an ugly face surprise. All the blurred faces that I have booked have turned out to be beautiful.

We have had both for years and there has been no difference in the amount of books for either.

No I don’t want anyone disrespecting me in front of my kids. Privacy matters. Long ago before I created lives idgaf, but now I do. Do you.

Search TER for prior posts OR just do new search on google for which facial features are most important for facial recognition. (The results seem to vary over time and the how experiments are done.) Post your search results for us!
The last I recall, eyeBROWS were the #1 distinguishing feature. Then eyes. I think that ear LOBES were high on the list. And so on. That way, if you want to minimize the blurring, start by blurring the features most important to recognition first.

Posted By: LenaDuvall

Fellow companions who aren't face-out, what has been your experience? Were you previously face-out and if so, how do you feel obscuring your face has affected things for you? Do you ever consider returning back to not concealing your face? Do you think whatever level of protection that is provided by not being face-out is worth it?  
 Currently I do a light to moderate blur of my face depending on what venue I'm posting a photo on (social media, ad/ review site, my personal site). Sometimes I just blur part of my face. However, in reality, I want to start blurring my face much more heavily where it's even harder to make out my facial features. Thinking about that, I realized one reason why I hadn't already been doing so was because I was taking into consideration possible clients who might be mistrustful and assume a companion is "hiding something" or blurring due to nefarious reasons.  
 I also want to open this up to clients. If you've ever booked a companion who isn't face-out, what other factors informed your decision to do so?

and I was not disappointed.   What I could see of the rest of their bodies plus their reviews and sometimes board postings gave me confidence that I would be making a good choice.

I understand the need some people have to keep confidential, especially with all the technology out there to find people on the internet.

The vast majority of the ladies I've seen hide their face and I've never been disappointed.

I don't really make judgement on whether face is shown or blurred. Sometimes the face in person matches what I may have imagined; sometimes the lady is actually older the I would have guessed, but the body is what was represented, so no foul. On occasion, I have gotten a surprise when the eyes are gorgeous, or an awfully cute nose.  

If the lady is hiding face/neck tattoos that could be a deal breaker!  

A whole other place lol

I’m sure a number of providers have nefarious reasons for not showing face, but there are far more that just don’t want to be recognized.  

I’ve met several who are face in and haven’t been disappointed yet. The factors for this are reviews, and the fact that I’m older than I’ve ever been. As I keep getting even older, looks seems to be declining in importance, compared to the rest of the package.  

Not saying looks aren’t important at all, it matters a lot to me. It’s just that attitude, personality, and service are becoming more important-er than they used to be.  

I’ve been disappointed with attitude, atmosphere, skills more often than looks.  

I’m very lucky because to me, every woman is better looking when she smiles. Doesn’t mean every smiling woman is instantly a ten, but they are more beautiful than when they’re not smiling, to my eye. I say that makes me lucky because usually when they see what I look like they start to giggle, which makes them smile, and we’re off to the races.  

If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything.
—Marilyn Monroe

There was a wife who told her husband that she loved his sense of humor about all.

The husband retorted:   "I thought you loved my prowess in bed best of all."

"There you go again honey; you're a riot."

LoL the poor bastard better not take her to a drive in. He’ll probably spend all night trying to figure out which car she’s in.

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