TER General Board

Essential: TALK to the lady!
SolaLove See my TER Reviews 564 reads

While you've gotten great info here on how an overnight tends to run, all ladies are a bit different... and some of us can be different from our own "norm" when specificially requested.
; )

If you are interested in giving the overnight a try decide what YOU would like from the time, find a lady you know that you are compatible with, then let her know your thoughts.  (Don't be surprised if she asked for a premium if you are asking for an all night play-athon.)  It can be a nightmare when two individuals don't have the same understanding of expectations... and phenominal when both are on the same page!

I have never booked an overnight stay with a provider, but someday would like to give it a try. What really happens all night? A few posts earlier on the board talked about paying dollars to sleep, while others talked about the benefits of going to sleep and waking up with a beautiful lady. If I decide on an overnight stay, what can I expect or better yet what SHOULD I expect?

Turkana1285 reads

done it with maybe a dozen different providers.  What you really get is a sense of intimacy, of really getting to know someone.  

Personally, I consider sleeping with someone to be more intimate than sex.  When you - or she - is asleep, you're at your most vulnerable.  

In my experience, we'd frequently stay up late, either having sex or talking; then we'd go to sleep.  In the morning, we might or might not go back to the naughty.

IMHO, the point of an overnight is not all night sex.  It's something that works with a lady that you genuinely like and who genuinely likes you.  It's an opportunity to get to know each other better in a setting where you don't hear the ticking of the clock.  

But then, again, to each his own!

What happens between the sheets stays between the sheets.

xo lisa butler

meettheman699 reads

I bet in the morning the maids changing the sheets.

YourOnlySweetheart1098 reads

We met each other at the airport where he picked me up in a ridiculously hot black Mustang (oh my dream car). We drove to the hotel and bantered back and forth for the 45 minute drive.  Once we arrived at the hotel we immediately went to the room (he had previously checked in) and after I showered and felt refreshed we proceeded to engage in some friendly hide the weenie. We hid it in many different places and it was a delight to both of us. After going out for dinner we came back and devoured a bottle of wine and played another game of naked twister, plus hide the weenie.

Once we were both exhausted we fell into an easy sleep, cuddled together. Being a gentleman he woke me in the middle of the night with a kiss and a nudge and we engaged in a very tired yet fulfilling bout of hide the weenie again. Again we fell asleep and once morning arrived and both of us showered we had many more hours of playtime ahead of us as this was a weekend get away not just an overnight date.

Point is, do an overnight with someone you know, someone you like and are really attracted to you and talk about the boundaries before hand. I have been on overnight dates where a 2 am nudge would have resulted in me climbing into the other bed but when you're with someone you have great chemistry with it makes it so much better and you will enjoy yourself so much more.

Good Luck!

You should not expect a non-stop all-night-boink-a-thon and anyone who does is doing it for the wrong reason. Intimacy is not for everyone. Some guys don't want it and neither do a lot of ladies.  If you are going to do an overnight it should be with a gal that you have seen multiple times for multiple hours and that you already feel some compatibility with.  If you don't have anything in common with the lady or anything to talk about it's going to be a long and disappointing night.

Lastly, if you do find a gal that you want to do an overnight with don't be afraid to discuss your expectations with her.  If you really do belong in the same bed for that length of time the two of you should be able to talk openly about what is going to happen.

Have done overnights with a few atf's and it's all about building/sharing long lasting memories, becoming close friends you can communicate even after the hobby experience. Leads to some genuine caring on both that goes on even when you don't see each other. Constant communication just to know if each one is doing fine and greetings during special occasions, plus the excitement of meeting again after a long time of absence.

I've never done one either, so that may disqualify me automatically. But my expectation would be something like this. I would NOT do this with someone that I haven’t already met several times and had established a REALLY good chemistry with.

My assumption is that it would be something like 8pm-8am. As far as the sex goes, I would expect 3 rounds or "attempts" (2 the first night & a wakeup call). If the chemistry is flowing maybe more, do what feels good. Anything less than 3 on an overnight, in my eyes, wouldn't be worth the investment.

I would also plan some fun stuff to do that may include sexual games or exploration. It would probably include a meal at night & breakfast (whether you order in or have fun making it together). And by default you have a lot of time just to talk, get to know each other and eventually sleep (a little).

Some may chime in about the # of rounds to me isn't important. But it definitely is to me, for both of us. I would try to get her off as many times as she’s comfortable with.

because of where I live, I don't get to hobby often, so I have had two overnighters, and I agree it is not about keep the poor girl up all night trying to break it off inside her.  I hate to sleep alone and i like the feel of skin in the night.  

It can be rather expensive and I have learned to not do an overnighter with just anyone.  both of the two experiences were good, one just much more comforable than the other. It was much better with the lady I had meet before, althought beit only once.  

there was much more intimacy and I did enjoy her company all night, I never worried about a rob, I felt very safe.  anyway if you pick the right girl is can be a great time... just my two cents

so my overnights currently are for 8 hours.  so i arrive at 8p.m. this was his choice to have me there. Mind you we have never met first time seeing eachother, he books overnights to get to know the girl and is very shy.  
#1 do I get up in the middle of the night and say goodbye and leave
#2 do I politely ask him if he wants to pay more for me to stay until morning
#3 do I raise my rate and make it for 12 hours

I did one of the 3 and it seems to be ok but I just want feedback.

I would probably raise your rate & make it 12 hours. For me a pretty good portion of the fun of an overnight would be to wake up together. Better GFE IMO.

I don't think 8 hours leaves enough time for everything that I would expect as I listed in the previous post.

8 hours is not an overnight.   If you don't have time to play for a while, sleep, and then get up and play some more in the morning, it's just a long appointment.  The getting up together and playing is just as important as the snuggling while sleeping.

twelve hours is tough enough to fit everything you should do into.

shudaknownbetter401 reads

OK, I've never done an overnight with a provider...  but if I were to I'd want it to be a GFE.  What do I mean?  Well, the overnight dates I have had, a drink, dinner, sex, slept, maybe some nookie in the night, slept in, wakeup sex, shower, breakfast.  That's a lot more than 8 hours together & it should be.    7 PM for a drink...  departure, not before 9.  So I'm estimating ~14 hours.
I'd not consider this with someone I'd not seen several times & the affection has to be mutual.  I would consider it with an ATF of a year's duration.

There is a great luxury in not having to have an eye on the clock.

Nothing quite sums up the feeling of feeling a warm bum up against yours.

When my daughter is away, I love to entertain at my home by cooking a meal and making the place special, plus having breakfast together.

They are really mini-vacations.

wantbrain496 reads

I completely agree that the point of an overnight is not to have to think about the clock.  I enjoy a spontaneous morning boink as much as anyone, but to be fair to the lady the "spontaneous" involves shaving, teeth, grooming, etc etc so in the end just breakfast would probably be as enjoyable and more relaxed ... In any case, my overnighters usually mean booking an extra (adjacent) room, I'm a champion snorer and would never inflict that on any hapless young lady, so I leave her the option to get some sleep and quiet.  As for 8 hour "overnighters," in 8 hours you're just getting started ...

GaGambler801 reads

but rarely when in the states. I agree with the general consensus, it's rarely an allnight fuck fest. I like sleeping with a beautiful woman, and I love waking up to one even more.

My only overnight was the most wonderful experience I had in hobbying, primarily as others mentioned due to the intimacy and no looming near end to the session, all clock and rush off.

It was a first experience with a particular provider, but the chemistry was so strong by the time the appt came due to emails and phone conversations that we both felt comfortable.

The dinner prior was erotic with lots of teasing under the table.  By the time back to the hotel, 4 hours of making love, cuddling, talking.  Fell asleep spoon cuddled.  Awakened to five more hours of cuddle, talk, touch, making love.  Got booted by the hotel due to way beyond checkout.

-- Modified on 2/19/2008 10:25:27 PM

I love overnights...with the right people!  I agree with much of what people have written:


1) Should be someone you already know, trust and have good chemistry

2) Should have clear boundries set up in advance. If in doubt discuss it in advance!

3) MUST be about an excellent GF Experience!  This means having enough time as well.

Being the naughty girl I am...I love to travel, and some of my favorite people take "advantage" of this fact, even calling me last minute to join them for an overnight...in Chicago or other city.
However, USUALLY my overnights are well planned out in advance and often here in Minneapolis.

One point mentioned here which no one seems to have responded to is the "pay for sleeping" comment.  First of all, if YOU feel that way, then I wouldn't schedule an overnight!  If you want a dinner date and then a morning wake up only, then schedule that instead!  But, a 4 hour dinner date and a 2 hour wake-up typically are about the same cost as an overnight and you don't have a pretty lady falling asleep with you.  Note: If you are one to whom those dates seem long and you prefer quickies then this whole conversation is moot for you anyway.  I don't expect to play all night and actually insist on a good nights sleep and kept that in mind when I created an overnight rate. My rates are on my website, and everyone is different.

An overnight is whatever you choose, but usually it is involving dinner, perhaps outside entertainment, or just intimate togetherness...sleep six hours, and enjoy some friskiness in the morning before enjoying coffee or breakfast together.  In my case, Eight hours of awake time...and any 8 hour date with me would be about the same as my overnight rate.

Have I ever turned down an overnight? YES.  "I'm going to rock and roll you all night long" means my rate just becomes an hourly rate and I don't consider it an "overnight".  "All night long" to me means that I have to sleep much of the next day to catch up.

I even give fair warning if a first overnight does not allow me to rest that "next time" I will have my own room, retire for six hours alone, and come back in the morning and I have done that.

One thing I hear from ladies who don't even offer overnights is because they either don't get to sleep or once a guy realizes they do overnights, they say that they will get a LATE date scheduled
and then an "offer to stay over" free which does becomes awkward to say no resulting in some ladies just having a NO OVERNIGHT policy.

Hope this helps!

I was going to post a comment to the 'pay for sleeping' comment too, but got side tracked here.
I had 1 overnight date. It was the LONGEST and most EXHAUSTING night of my life!
Firstly...he took Viagra, which kept him UP ALL Night. ALL My efforts were useless with him. Maybe it was just HIM but he never ummm finished?
He kept losing his rigidity too which I found weird because I thought Viagra was to keep you UP and HARD?
I tried to sleep only to wake up and find him rubbing away at me, and trying to turn ME on!
Not a very pleasant experience for me and not one I would like to repeat.
'Paying for Sleep' Then don't have an OVERNIGHT! You want a provider there for your needs then you have to pay for the privledge of having her there.
But hey...it's your choice. Hourly would be your charge if you wanted to do the deed all night long. IMHO!

Looks like you had challenges that had nothing to do with it being an overnight Diana.  Viagra will only help keep a guy hard if he has some level of excitement going on too.  Maybe you just didn't do it for him, or he had crap on his mind or who knows, but yeah if you can't get a guy off it could be a LONG night! lol   Not really sure that your problems were "overnight" date related, but who knows. ymmv as they say.

While you've gotten great info here on how an overnight tends to run, all ladies are a bit different... and some of us can be different from our own "norm" when specificially requested.
; )

If you are interested in giving the overnight a try decide what YOU would like from the time, find a lady you know that you are compatible with, then let her know your thoughts.  (Don't be surprised if she asked for a premium if you are asking for an all night play-athon.)  It can be a nightmare when two individuals don't have the same understanding of expectations... and phenominal when both are on the same page!

We never did get around to playing Parcheesi. ;-)

I'm a bad, bad provider!  Next time, I'll make that Parcheesi game up to you... I promise lol!

6lover9655 reads

Unless I have some obligation very early I only do overnight dates. As others have mentioned no time pressure, the intimacy make it all worth while.

Since presumably the date is with a gal you already have some chemistry with when you end the date often depends on what the day after looks like for both of you and not so much on how much time has elapses. I have had overnights last from as little as 10 hours to as long as 16 or 18 hours. Amount of sleep has also varied depending on the circumstances.

If you have the budget it is well worth trying it out.

Casey-Lee421 reads

This has been a great thread for me to read as I am about to embark on my first overnight date!  I'm very excited about it as it is going to be in Vegas and I have never been to Vegas!!  I think he may be the one that has to worry about being kept up all night - lol.  I'm a big time GFE and can't wait to see what it like outside of the 1-2 hour spectrum.  We haven't met yet but I feel like we already know each other through many phone calls (he's from Ireland) and emails.  Fingers crossed this will the first of many great evenings like this!

Advice is always appreciated!!

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