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Don't worry, they got their money's worth. In between BBBJs, I taught them about tekhelet blue...
HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil 1380 reads

and the Jewish origin of the Vulcan Salute.

What is the real purposes of this?

Religious, aesthetic, and  health reasons in the case of men and boys with phimosis or chronic inflammation disease.

-- Modified on 8/8/2014 10:04:33 AM

...it keeps the hand from sliding off!

It is basically just another way for Jewish mothers to torture their son's, in addition to giving them girl's names and pressuring them to become doctors and lawyers.*

* I once sessioned with a Jewish doctor named Loren and a Jewish lawyer named Kim. True story.

(Edited to correct two typos.)

-- Modified on 8/8/2014 4:40:04 PM

They said you were nice as well  ;)

How many men remember this "torture" you speak of?


Posted By: HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil
It is basically just another way for Jewish mothers to torture their son's, in addition to giving the girl's names and pressuring them to become doctors and lawyers.*  
 * I once sessioned with a Jewish doctor named Loren and a Jewish lawyer named Kim. True story.

Posted By: Dr Who revived
They said you were nice as well  ;)  
 How many men remember this "torture" you speak of?  
Posted By: HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil
It is basically just another way for Jewish mothers to torture their son's, in addition to giving the girl's names and pressuring them to become doctors and lawyers.*  
  * I once sessioned with a Jewish doctor named Loren and a Jewish lawyer named Kim. True story.
How many raped with a date rape drug remember it? None but they where still raped. How many guys remember the torture and mutilation of their most private of parts, yet it still happened. Just like if you cut off a limb or something. We mutilate millions of baby boys mostly to make doctors and Rabi's money. No major health organization recommends or condemns the practice for health reason.

So...do you remember getting this horrible mutilation (circumcision...not the date rape that has nothing whatsoever to do with this topic)?

Your own personal issues with it are yours...own it.  

And don't include me in your "we"...I only had one kid circumsized  LOL   I can't take credit for the millions you're alluding to.  So I guess it's also a conspiracy...to make money for the health care profession and certain religious sects (don't really answer this...it'll end up on the P&R board and I have no interest in debating this topic)?

It's a mohel...NOT just a rabbi  ;)   Google the Seinfeld episode and maybe you'll break out a grin?  You do know what comedy is...right?

Sheesh...take a chill pill and relax.  Just don't pass out...  ;)

For that matter, how many very young children consciously remember physical, sexual, or mental abuse, period? Is it okay to hurt people as long as they won't "remember it?" Some philosophers and early childhood psychologists would make an arguement that "pain" is internalized and leaves a scar on the psyche, AND also AFFECTS FUTURE BEHAVIOR, even if it is not consciously remembered. Many modern physicians and sexologists are currently making a case against male circumcision on the grounds that it reduces the future sexual pleasure of both the man, as well as the pleasure experienced by his future sexual partners.

Things to ponder.

I'm sure if you and scoed babble long enough to two of you will find someone else to buy into your garbage.

Can I send you some t-shirts as well?  It's for a good cause!  Let me know and I do have a PayPal account for you....and say "hi" to my brothers.  

Posted By: HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil
For that matter, how many very young children consciously remember physical, sexual, or mental abuse, period? Is it okay to hurt people as long as they won't "remember it?" Some philosophers and early childhood psychologists would make an arguement that "pain" is internalized and leaves a scar on the psyche, AND also AFFECTS FUTURE BEHAVIOR, even if it is not consciously remembered. Many modern physicians and sexologists are currently making a case against male circumcision on the grounds that it reduces the future sexual pleasure of both the man, as well as the pleasure experienced by his future sexual partners.  
 Things to ponder.

If this thread was moved to the Politics and Religion Board, I would cheekily ask if the proceeds from the sale of those tee-shirts was helping to finance the bombing of the LAST REMAINING UN school in Gaza, since we are talking about the humane treatment of children, and all.

Then I would post a picture of the infamous IDF tee-shirts, that feature a cartoon of a pregnant Arab lady in the middle of sniper scope cross-hairs, with the text "1 shot 2 kills." I would probably also quote from the Book Of David and juxtapose it with a link to the recent article where an Israeli Iron Dome operator says a sudden gust of wind blew missile into sea when defence system failed and it was the "Hand of God" that prevented the rocket from striking its target. I would wax philosophic about Endtimes Battles and likely also make some comments using the word "apartheid."

Then you would call me a crazy, doomsday-prepping, ancient religious text obcessed, anti-semite.

I would whole-heartedly agree with you on the first three counts, but not the fourth.

At that point, I would call you a feeble-minded, Zionist (albeit atheist,) genocide apologist.

Then I would do a double's session with my half-Jewish roommate, "on the down low" so her all-Jewish, ex-client, boyfriend didn't know she is still seeing people. With any luck, the client we would see together would be one of my many Jewish regulars.  

And then, when I was doing some AGRESSIVE prostate massage on him WITHOUT ANY LUBE, please know... I would be thinking of YOU! XxxOo

Did you like my brothers?

I trust they covered your rent and car payments.

No need to reply...I already know the answers.

And thanks for buying all those t-shirts.  I won't tell anyone.

Posted By: HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil
If this thread was moved to the Politics and Religion Board, I would cheekily ask if the proceeds from the sale of those tee-shirts was helping to finance the bombing of the LAST REMAINING UN school in Gaza, since we are talking about the humane treatment of children, and all.  
 Then I would post a picture of the infamous IDF tee-shirts, that feature a cartoon of a pregnant Arab lady in the middle of sniper scope cross-hairs, with the text "1 shot 2 kills." I would probably also quote from the Book Of David and juxtapose it with a link to the recent article where an Israeli Iron Dome operator says a sudden gust of wind blew missile into sea when defence system failed and it was the "Hand of God" that prevented the rocket from striking its target. I would wax philosophic about Endtimes Battles and likely also make some comments using the word "apartheid."  
 Then you would call me a crazy, doomsday-prepping, ancient religious text obcessed, anti-semite.  
 I would whole-heartedly agree with you on the first three counts, but not the fourth.  
 At that point, I would call you a feeble-minded, Zionist (albeit atheist,) genocide apologist.  
 Then I would do a double's session with my half-Jewish roommate, "on the down low" so her all-Jewish, ex-client, boyfriend didn't know she is still seeing people. With any luck, the client we would see together would be one of my many Jewish regulars.  
 And then, when I was doing some AGRESSIVE prostate massage on him WITHOUT ANY LUBE, please know... I would be thinking of YOU! XxxOoo  

As for pain, you have a point, although I have no idea if you're right about remembered pain.  But last spring I attended my first Bris.  At the beginning, the Mohel told the gathering that while the child would cry it wasn't really feeling pain because the nerve endings in the foreskin had not developed.
Also in attendance was my niece, who's in Pediatrics.  I asked her if that was true and she replied, "It's bullshit."
Still, I seem to have recovered nicely.

They are not chopping of penises. Female circumcision would be removing the clitoral hood NOT the clit.

I have no dog in this race, but I must say I strongly prefer a cut penis to an uncut one...if I have to get up close and personal.  

How does a cut or uncut penis effect my sexual pleasure? With a condom on I can't tell the difference and if you are really talking pleasure I would be worried if I was with a partner with no tongue.

She was going on quite the roll.

Always fun to watch posters reply with completely unrelated topics they need to bloviate on.

But considering how many branches are getting torched I didn't want this thread to end up somewhere that I don't play.
Still missing that email addy.  I've got a great story to share with you.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
They are not chopping of penises. Female circumcision would be removing the clitoral hood NOT the clit.  
 I have no dog in this race, but I must say I strongly prefer a cut penis to an uncut one...if I have to get up close and personal.  
 How does a cut or uncut penis effect my sexual pleasure? With a condom on I can't tell the difference and if you are really talking pleasure I would be worried if I was with a partner with no tongue.

staysafeladies at gmail dot com. Send me an email now and I will reply.

Except maybe a woman who truly enjoys sucking cock.

The view up at a woman's face when she is O'ing from DATY is beyond compare. Yummy

Please excuse me...hic... My Bourbon glass needs refilling.

For me, your dick is only for you. I get nothing out of it. I guess that's why I am just not as fascinated or enthralled about a dick as some women.  

But a good tongue lashing, yeah, that's some thigh crushing goodness right there.

"The WHO's Type Ia is the removal of the clitoral hood, which is rarely, if ever, performed alone. More common is Type Ib (clitoridectomy), the partial or total removal of the clitoris and clitoral hood....

Type II (excision) is the partial or total removal of the clitoris and inner labia, with or without removal of the outer labia. Most women who undergo FGM experience Types I and II. Ethiopia, Eritrea and Kenya practise mostly Type 1, and Benin, Sierra Leone, Gambia and Guinea in West Africa, Type II."

I'd have to read more about FGM to know how they compare, but circumcision destroys all of the mucous membranes, and with them all of the really sensitive male sexual anatomy.

péineas855 reads

Funny post, but the truth is that:

"Male circumcision reduces the risk that a man will acquire HIV from an infected female partner, and also lowers the risk of other STDs , penile cancer, and infant urinary tract infection.
For female partners, male circumcision reduces the risk of cervical cancer, genital ulceration, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, and HPV. Although male circumcision has risks including pain, bleeding, and infection, more serious complications are rare."

God said to Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, but when Abraham went to do it, God said JK, what are you some idiot?

So Abraham said, well, what the fuck do you want me to do and God said go cut your foreskin off for all I care.

So Abraham did it and then God said, What a putz!

So, we Jews do it to remind ourselves what putzes we are.

I might be a little rusty on the details, it was a long time ago I read this.

It's genital mutilation, through & through. There is no reason to cut off someone's foreskin, and men who do have a foreskin will tell you that it's filled with nerve endings that provide a great deal of sensation & pleasure during foreplay & sex. It's always baffled me why female circumcision is supposed to be so horrific, yet male circumcision is considered "clean" in the US. Europeans, not so much.... though they're further ahead of us in a lot of social areas, this one included.

I've seen a number of botched circumcisions and I find that very sad. That's not even mentioning the way that religious circumcisions are performed, and those who get genital herpes from the Rabbi because of the way they're done.... :-|

I've also seen a number of men who were never taught to properly clean their uncircumcised penis, and because of this it's very painful when they get hard as their foreskin cannot pull back over the head.  

THAT is when infections happen - as long as you clean yourself properly and pull the foreskin back & clean around the head & underneath, you won't get infections. It's pretty simple, it all comes down to proper hygiene.

Yeah. I feel strongly about it in case that wasn't apparent LOL.

Stop spreading you misconceptions and misinterpretations.  

As well...I need to sell these.

How many can I ship to you?  I take PayPal  ;)

It's true there is no real need for circumcision as long as the person knows how to clean himself.  But so few do it just removes one more possibility of infection.
You also cannot compare circumcision with a clitorectomy.  The former has an actual purpose while the latter is simply mutilation to encourage fidelity by making the sex act less pleasurable for the woman.  I was circumcised in the hospital and, believe me, sex feels great.
Last, while circumcision is a Jewish religious rite, virtually all gentile men in this country have been circumcised in the hospital, too.
In a perfect world there'd be no need for it.  But it's an imperfect world.

...from circumcisions.  However, it is only a small percentage of ultra-Orthodox cirumcisers who perform "blowjobs" on newborns, increasing the risk of transferring genital herpes.


Actually, circumcised men have a REDUCED risk of genital herpes and HPV.


Just my personal opinion, and people who disagree are welcome to disagree. No skin off my... eerr...

If someone wants to be circumcised, let them make their own decision to do so. If it's a religious rite, then cool. Do whatever you want with your own body.... when you're old enough to make that decision for yourself.

Justifying that it's done in infancy so they don't remember the pain or that it's done because some people don't learn proper hygiene is a list of BS excuses the way I see it.


I personally don't get it. If as a secular or non-Jewish parent you're considering circumcising your child why not consider teaching them proper hygiene instead. It's a helluva lot cheaper, less invasive & a lot fewer potential complications.... and a lot less painful.

After seeing penises that are quite literally deformed as a result of botched circumcisions, it's just not something I can be on board with anymore. I don't give a crap what someone decides to do with their own body, but I personally abhor the practice of circumcising infants.

Yep. I feel strongly. But nobody needs to agree with me. Just voicing my opinion, 'cause the internet is important & all.

Just curious how often you've seen hospital bills to make that comment.

How many t-shirts are you in for?

Posted By: DeLaine
Just my personal opinion, and people who disagree are welcome to disagree. No skin off my... eerr...  
 If someone wants to be circumcised, let them make their own decision to do so. If it's a religious rite, then cool. Do whatever you want with your own body.... when you're old enough to make that decision for yourself.  
 Justifying that it's done in infancy so they don't remember the pain or that it's done because some people don't learn proper hygiene is a list of BS excuses the way I see it.  
 I personally don't get it. If as a secular or non-Jewish parent you're considering circumcising your child why not consider teaching them proper hygiene instead. It's a helluva lot cheaper, less invasive & a lot fewer potential complications.... and a lot less painful.  
 After seeing penises that are quite literally deformed as a result of botched circumcisions, it's just not something I can be on board with anymore. I don't give a crap what someone decides to do with their own body, but I personally abhor the practice of circumcising infants.  
 Yep. I feel strongly. But nobody needs to agree with me. Just voicing my opinion, 'cause the internet is important & all.
-- Modified on 8/8/2014 6:43:34 PM

I think it's cruel. And based on ignorance.  

For those concerned about some of the issues brought up here, please see this fantastic series on circumcision. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/moral-landscapes/201109/myths-about-circumcision-you-likely-believe

It is a clitorectomy along with the labia done to prevent her from experiencing sexual pleasure to stop her "wandering" from whatever nasty POS guy she was traded to.

If she just had her clitoral hood removed, same as removing a guys foreskin, that would be a true circumcision.

And I'm sure there are people here who won't agree with me, and that's fine.

...but the way I see it personally, there's no point in doing either one. We evolved this way for a reason and while we aren't perfect machines, we're pretty damn close. The foreskin keeps the head of your winky from getting bonked around, and also has a shitton of nerve endings that go all sorts of crazy during sexual activity.  

I just don't see the difference between male circumcision and cutting off a girl's clitoris & labia.  

Sure, female circumcision is done with a dull knife or shard of glass when they're old enough to remember it which is fucking awful for a number of really obvious reasons... but we'd still think that were horrific if they were doing it in a hospital setting instead of in a field somewhere in Africa.  

To me, that's the only difference. They're both practiced because of cultural pressures based on antiquated beliefs and have no practical benefit.... the only thing that makes them different is that one of these options is considered 'normal' in western culture.

hotplants1622 reads

Putting aside the reasons why either procedure is done, the specifics of how, or the cultural/political/historical influences surrounding it, does not change the fact that circumcision removes foreskin. It does not remove the penis.  

And, without getting into the loss of sensation, or any other negatives that might happen when the foreskin is removed, a man is still able to experience sexual pleasure and achieve an orgasm after circumcision. That would not be possible if he no longer had a penis.  

A clitorectomy is the female equivalent of removing the penis. This is not a subtle distinction.

-- Modified on 8/9/2014 6:01:00 AM

Both penises and clits have a foreskin. The clitoris's "foreskin" is called a clitoral hood. If one were to remove the clitoral hood, that is a female circumcision. She still has her clit and can still enjoy sex.  

The term female circumcision that directly relates to a enfibulation AND a clitorectomy is GROSSLY misnamed, hence your confusion.

Even the reasoning behind the two is so far left and right. The female version is to prevent her from enjoying sex, the male version is for religious reasons and cleanliness (right or wrong) BUT the defining moment here is he can still enjoy sex and keep his penis.

And I also make sure that I protect it with Vaseline at least once a day. Hell, the damn thing completely runs my life so I might as well take good care of it. No doubt about it, I'd fall on my sword if that damn thing didn't work anymore.

Growing up in the Bible Belt of the USA it was a sign of faith.  You had to choose on your own to accept God into your life, but the birth doctors made sure your dick could get into Heaven too with a circumcision.

Asked my Mom about it once, she said it was never even mentioned as a choice in our small town (3,000 people) and all boys were circumcised at birth.  No forms, no questions asked of the parents, just snip the tip after you pop out.

Wish I still had mine, but instead have to live with a part of MY body forever stolen by someone else as a demonstration of THEIR faith.

I just enjoy watching them grow out of there hood ... Like a turtle poking its head out of its shell..

And even when washed still have a smell that a cut dick does not have. I am more likely to wrap an uncut dick  that I can smell.

This is probably because you're most used to seeing cut ones. British women typically think just the opposite. :)

At all. And do not like the smell either. I have a very sensitive sense of smell and there is a distinct odor from an uncut penis even after washing. I am not going to argue this point with anyone as they will not change my mind. I respect those that like them, I am not one of them.

It's not an argument, just an observation. If you're born in a country where it's "normal" to see a foreskin, that's what you're used to and it's nothing. But if you're born in the US, you're used to cut, and uncut is weird. And theres nothing wrong with that- it's no judgment! :) You like what you like but you cant disengage that preference from the larger geographical/cultural picture. And yes, both (natural) male and female genitalia produce "smegma", which is a combination of sebum and dead skin cells. Smegma is important for natural lubrication and protecting against infection. The smell is a natural body smell, and as someone whose spent an enormous amount of time between women's legs, being with an uncut man is not much different. It doesn't bother me at all now, but I do remember being put off by it on my first go- both with women and with uncut men!

Smelled the smell I get from an uncut dick. I think the two body smells are very different to begin with, pheromones and all.  

Sorry to say that what others do with their genitals is none of my business geographically or culturally. And if I were to get all up in arms it would not be over circumcising a dick, it would be against the removal of the clitoris. If we were talking about penis removal, then sure I would be just as upset about that too.

not only am I on the large side especially in terms of thickness but I am un-mutilated as well  

but then, I am European,  from a country where circumcision was rare in my generation, and which is reputed and not without good reason to produce some serious size

We are not at all suited in this playing field but I do like you or should I say your board persona. We can have more of a cerebral encounter than the physical.

this may be hard to believe the way so many characters act around here


I don't have a "board persona" -

I'm just me, for better or for worse.....

-- Modified on 8/8/2014 8:18:58 PM

Does that mean that IRL you speak with extended ellipses and no full stops?

in English, but then again,   English is my fourth language,  so I make do and hope to manage to be understood....

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
And even when washed still have a smell that a cut dick does not have. I am more likely to wrap an uncut dick  that I can smell. [/quote

 There are plenty of guys that don't wash themselves properly uncut or cut. I dates a guy who was uncut and his was pretty normal looking and when hard looked normal. And he was more sensitive because of it. He never smelled bad or anything negative with the myths of an uncut penis.

  I have read somewhere that it is declining a bit? Circumcisions that is.

The airbag ripped my eyelid off.
Anyway the doctor told me they needed a skin graft to repair the lost lid.
He said my foreskin was the perfect texture, and type to graft in!
I said go for it Doc!!!!

Now I'm Cock Eyed... 👀😝

Many people here have mentioned reasons for circumcision which are based on relics from a bygone time. There is not one ounce of logic in any of those reasons in the 21st century.  

There is a fantastic article series on Psychology Today that deals with each of these myths one by one, with plenty of science to back them up.  

In particular, I've seen how people think babies will never remember it. Here's an excerpt:

Myth 4: Even if it is painful, the baby won't remember it.

Reality check: The body is a historical repository and remembers everything. The pain of circumcision causes a rewiring of the baby's brain so that he is more sensitive to pain later  (Taddio 1997, Anand 2000).  Circumcision also can cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anger, low self-esteem and problems with intimacy  (Boyle 2002, Hammond 1999, Goldman 1999).  Even with a lack of explicit memory and the inability to protest -  does that make it right to inflict pain? Ethical guidelines for animal research [recommend to "minimize pain and stress"] whenever possible* - do babies deserve any less?

I'll see if mrfisher has time on his schedule to get the interrogatories started....along with his associates Mr. Fissure  and Mr. Fister.

I also suggest that Erin Brockovich be brought in to assist.

You have a compelling argument...maybe even ACA will get behind this movement?

Can I get some good drugs to help with my apparent PTSD?  Do you have any kids...just curious.

And now you're British?  Of course you are  LOL

After this crusade...what's next on the agenda?

Are all shrinks nuts?  I have a hunch they are.  Is yours?

Posted By: SoftlySarah
Many people here have mentioned reasons for circumcision which are based on relics from a bygone time. There is not one ounce of logic in any of those reasons in the 21st century.  
 There is a fantastic article series on Psychology Today that deals with each of these myths one by one, with plenty of science to back them up.  
 In particular, I've seen how people think babies will never remember it. Here's an excerpt:  
 Myth 4: Even if it is painful, the baby won't remember it.  
 Reality check: The body is a historical repository and remembers everything. The pain of circumcision causes a rewiring of the baby's brain so that he is more sensitive to pain later  (Taddio 1997, Anand 2000).  Circumcision also can cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anger, low self-esteem and problems with intimacy  (Boyle 2002, Hammond 1999, Goldman 1999).  Even with a lack of explicit memory and the inability to protest -  does that make it right to inflict pain? Ethical guidelines for animal research [recommend to "minimize pain and stress"] whenever possible* - do babies deserve any less?  

Guess you just wrote it for effect?

Posted By: SoftlySarah
This is probably because you're most used to seeing cut ones. British women typically think just the opposite. :)

It was a statement about British women. It was not an "I" statement.  

But I do have a lot of British in me. Quite regularly, in fact. ;)

for medical reasons. He says the level of pleasure is much less after the procedure.  

For uncircumcised guys the foreskin covers the head of the penis thereby keeping it very sensitive. The foreskin too has very sensitive nerve endings that enhance sexual pleasure

so great that it sent him into therapy to cope with it.

His sexual confidence was also horribly dented.

It was partly based on this experience that I made the decision that my son would be circumcised.

Obviously, it's something that any thinking and feeling person would consider very carefully.

Back when I was born during the late Baby Boomer wave, it was considered to be a hygienic issue, and that being cut reduced infection and STD risk.   It was a routine procedure that almost all newborn male babies underwent back then, myself included.    

Note that this cannot be compared with female circumcision, which is a brutal and barbaric procedure whose sole purpose is to permanently damage or destroy the victim's ability to enjoy sexual activity.  Male circumcision does not seek to destroy his ability to procreate, but rather is a crude, but effective way to improve male genital hygiene. I have no problem with the fact that I underwent this, and do not consider myself to have been destructively mutilated or victimized in any way..

Wish I was cut though maybe it'll be easier for me to cum.

morecoffee1323 reads

Too much alcohol inhibits ejaculation.  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Wish I was cut though maybe it'll be easier for me to cum.

just like any other guy with a social life,  I occasionally get hammered....  But not totally trashed to the point of blowing chunks.  Lmao

noagenosage1529 reads

Some wag interpreted this famous line from Hamlet to be divine justification for circumcision.

I said, "Not just no, but HELL NO!!"

For this reason, and others,  he is now my former doctor.

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