TER General Board

Don’t really care why?
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1074 reads

Don’t get into questioning a provider, what they use their money for? None of the provider I have seen have asked me either.  

Second, never seen someone with heavy drug habit as heroine use or would see one either hence a non-issue from personal POV

bananasnatcher1987 reads

if a lady is providing to support a drug habit?
I personally know a provider who does this to support a heroin habit.
Although in her ad, she is doing this to go to college....which is BS of course.
In my opinion, their is also a high rate of alcoholism.

I can only imagine how guys who see her feel when they see the needle sticks in her arms.
I can't tell anyone who they should see but I think that if you in fact know that this how she is able to afford her habit, seeing her will only expedite her death.
Drugs only take you to two places if you don't get help quick enough: jail or death by overdose.

I feel really bad for whoever she is and I hope that she gets the help she needs soon enough before is too late.

there are all types... Junkies alcoholics women too weak to fight for their lives.
ones who are users and ones who get used up.
Its a cash flow business. Selling pussy has always attracted all types. we are all feeding a *demon* of sorts doing what we do...
Some its a self destructive addiction others the addiction IS this business. Fast easy money is Damn hard to walk away from!
There are some very sadly damaged women here we have all been a witness to it here and there and all over this board.
Yet there are all very well adjusted functioning women who play here for what ever reason, but for the most part they are minimally damaged. Lets face it we are all damaged to some degree.
I have met many women in this business, some very sadly damaged others not so much. I've also met some very intelligent awesome women and men.
In my opinion if you feel you are contributing to her addiction well its up to your discretion to decide if your contribution is helping or hurting her. If she is truly an addict trust me if you don't see her, she'll see someone else.

and to some degree really you cant help an addict that doesn't want to be helped.

I know more well balanced women in this business than in my real life. they are just as broken but they don't play around.

I'll second that.  I will not knowingly see someone who abuses drugs, especially if needles are involved.  That's mostly a health judgement. I'm not interested in being exposed to HIV or Hep C.  I don't think any of the women I've seen fall into that category.  Partly it's a function of price point.  Women who can sustain a rate of more than a few hundred bucks are not women whose lives are driven by drugs. Loubies, maybe. Looks are also a casualty.

I agree its a health issue.
Price point is a factor to maintain a steady level that would be tough fighting and feeding an addiction.
we have seen several self destruct from time to time.

ismellturkey1078 reads

Drugs and Loubie's??? I'm surprised people are spending this wastefully at this point in time. Wait until Obamacare's here. The massive increase in # of providers will have ladies regretting their foolish spending habits.

My rate is low not because I'm here to support a drug habit, it's because not enough people will see me consistently at a higher rate. The cost of living is high so I do what's necessary.

I would hate for people to put me in this category based on my rate.

If I can interject here- providing my time and service for me is a way to meet men an fullfill their fantasies.  I'm still new and have had one call.  I'm not catering to men because I have to.  Now men have, since the dawn of time, have needs that are never fulfilled. Playing in the yard has allowed me to understand y'all.  To be honest I'm my own boss.  I've done the same thing for free my entire life without results.  Honestly FUCKEM and their attitudes.  You have got to be fun know what you want and be to the point dealing with a woman like me.  Again some of us are addicted to money and power others are addicted to pussy and others still addicted to drugs.  The hooker who needs a fix is no less than the trick who fixes her! Lol and that's the sense of it!

ROGM2044 reads

I've seen former Providers who used their Money for Drugs. My current Provider uses the Money to support her kids. How do I know? Sometimes after our sessions, she asks me to drive to the Grocery Store to buy Milk, Cereal, and Diapers for her kids. She showed me pics of her kids. 2 boys and a girl. I'd love to meet her kids. But their Father may object to that. They're not Married if that's what you're thinking. And No he doesn't know what she does for Money.

89Springer1023 reads

It's horrible that someone is so addicted to drugs that he or she has to do things illegal to support the habit.

If that's how it is, though, I would rather the woman engaged in prostitution than in a crime that harms others. She's not helped much either way, but society is

YouCantSeeMe1092 reads

you're both in for the drug possession and prostitution. Just be careful. Not that it isn't sad the ladies are stuck in addiction, but be careful.

I saw a provider that had arm socks on to attempt to hide her tracks. Although she gave me a really good blow job, I thought afterward that I can't see her again because I would feel like I'm enabling her destroying her health and life. I also wouldn't see a provider twice that I thought was being trafficked. It needs to be a mutual willing arrangement. This is my personal integrity, and I won't impose that on anyone else. I have my own crosses to bear and my own skeletons to confront, I don't need to contribute to any one elses. This may not be the forum for this, but what an awful thing drug addiction is. I have a difficult time feeling sorry for drug addicts because they all knew the drug was addictive before they tried it for the first time, but I do feel bad for them that their cross is such a burden.

Needle junkies with a brain don't need arm socks.  They shoot up between their toes, behind their knees, even under their tongue.  I've worked with junkies and I know. Lots of ways to hide it from the unschooled.  But you're right, it's intolerable to enable someone else's self-destruction. I will not knowingly do it.

Pink_tutu1006 reads

During my adolescence I struggled with depression - and unfortunately my arms are scarred because of that. But because of the scars I sometimes wear clothes that hide them - because it is embarrassing - but they don't have anything to do with drug use.

On the bright side she's skinny... But be careful of all the disease she may have caught being a druggy!!!  But SAD!!! There's a name for that CRACKWHORE!!!!

AnotherPerspective967 reads

Affluent suburban  Moms are a rising casualty from  heroin overdose . Their  bank manager , Dr,  and  attorney husbands  hooked on heroin are usually snorting or smoking  heroin and/or cocaine , not mainlining  .  
   A well funded heroin addict  can hide  addiction from their closest friends ,  until they overdose .  
  Heroin addicts  are not easily recognized like a  meth or coke head .
    If someone believes  they've never  met a heroin addict , sometimes calling themselves  dabblers , they were fooled .
Over 300  overdosed  dead in St. Louis in two years .  
 In my opinion  smoking or snorting narcotics leads to more hard core addictions than needles . Most of us don't enjoy  the nurse sticking needles in our arms .  The drug pusher will tell their victim , smoking heroin is not as addictive  as jamming a needle between your toes .  
  If someone  has  a suspicion their S.O.  or ATF  is doing hard drugs , take her on a week end trip , sleep lightly ,if she doesn't do a nod out when she's awake , or grind her teeth in 72 hours , she's probably clean.  
   If she's a provider or someone I recently met , and she's  offering   BBFS , I would be warned , she takes risks I wouldn't  want to be around .  

sername]Gemma Coreana

On the bright side she's skinny... But be careful of all the disease she may have caught being a druggy!!!  But SAD!!! There's a name for that CRACKWHORE!!!!

Pink_tutu1398 reads

WOW. If that isn't the most ignorant post I have ever read. Everyone has their issues, and if she is a crack whore... what are you? Oh just a whore. Ok.

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
On the bright side she's skinny... But be careful of all the disease she may have caught being a druggy!!!  But SAD!!! There's a name for that CRACKWHORE!!!!

We all have to make a personal decision as to whether or not we're gonna prosper that shit

Some people do it because they enjoy it:) and others do it because... They need to I guess.  That's why we have capitalism!  It's up to the customer to decide which service to take!

I have no doubt that there would a very increased chance they might be have something I would not want to catch (IV drugs)and /or have some personality disorder that could result in dangerous unpredictive behaviour as you often encounter Sith crack heads.   If I was a hobbyist I certainly wouldn't like to think I provided  and trusted my personal info to such an dependable person.  Very scary!

Don’t get into questioning a provider, what they use their money for? None of the provider I have seen have asked me either.  

Second, never seen someone with heavy drug habit as heroine use or would see one either hence a non-issue from personal POV

Everyone is in this hobby for different reasons. You have providers who may be recreational users or hard core. They may use their money for drugs, kids or bills. Then you have hobbyist who are also users or married. But everyone's life is their own to live and none of us live it for them. Everything in life has risk and how you live it is up to you. I just don't understand providers who sit on their high horse and criticize others. If you're life is that perfect then live it and let others live there's.

that is, human beings have this constant need for ego reenforcement. They have to feel they have better than someone else. The one judging another does it for the sole purpose of making themselves feel, they have a better life, better car, better house, better clothes, more money and the list goes on for ever. It doesn’t really which society, which country or which economic strata you are looking at, it is the same everywhere.

It is easy to criticize or judge someone else than trying to understand why.

-- Modified on 10/13/2013 3:45:04 AM

bananasnatcher802 reads

I'm trying to get her to go to detox, then rehab, but she is not willing YET. Some people have to hit rock bottom first. I just hope she doesn't OD and die before hitting bottom.

Just so you'll know, a user is at greatest risk from an overdose right after they get out of rehab because they're clean and no long have the built-up resistance to heroin.  I've seen many people die when they relapsed from rehab for this reason.  They simply didn't realize they were more susceptible.
FYI, did you know that some junkies call the period right before they go into rehab, "Pre-hab?"

see her all the way through the whole process just sending her to rehab is only going to make matters worse. As inicky mentioned, the hard work starts when they get of of rehab because they no longer have that constant support.  

They have extreme mood swings, all kinds danger to oneself can happen. Some folks have this misguided belief that, when someone goes to rehab they cured by some magic. If that is the case, it would be easy to fix the problem

Posted By: bananasnatcher
if a lady is providing to support a drug habit?  
 I personally know a provider who does this to support a heroin habit.  
 Although in her ad, she is doing this to go to college....which is BS of course.  
 In my opinion, their is also a high rate of alcoholism.
That is a very broad statement. There are far, far more providers using drugs (including alcohol) than most guys want to acknowledge.  As Nichole said, among them the degrees and reason's vairy greatly.  I am not judging anyone, just making a statement.   Some work to suppott their addiction, but for a good number they drink/use to allow them to work.

Bananna, props to you for trying to get her straight.  But it will never happen until she is ready and wants to.  Even then you are facing a very strenuous road ahead.  If you and she go there I wish you strength.  Fell free to write if you want to talk off line.

To the guys who have a difficult time understanding a woman sharing kids photos and the like, if you haven't been there you won't comprehend.  It certaily isn't for everyone of either gender.

-- Modified on 10/13/2013 6:14:00 AM

skarphedin1062 reads

All drugs are different...  

In this context (p4p) I would not see a heroin user because of Hep C.  

I refuse to have anything to do with Tweekers on any level.  

Other than that, it's a person by person thing with me...

In fact I had a review denied because I reported signs of drug use.

There's a popular poster on the Ohio board who uses drug refs and the mangina just "roll over each other" to condone her shit lol

Are you that naive?

Seriously, dude? Are you STILL fixated on that?

For those who aren't aware, months ago I posted a photo that said "can't we all just get a bong?" and he hasn't shut up about it since, instead repeatedly referring to me being a "drug user." You'd think that I was actively promoting booting black tar heroin or something.  

This is the least of his weird, "lol"-laced diatribes but still...good god.  

Posted By: OSP
In fact I had a review denied because I reported signs of drug use.

There's a popular poster on the Ohio board who uses drug refs and the mangina just "roll over each other" to condone her shit lol

Hear you, dear.  Just scroll down for your bong.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Seriously, dude? Are you STILL fixated on that?  
 For those who aren't aware, months ago I posted a photo that said "can't we all just get a bong?" and he hasn't shut up about it since, instead repeatedly referring to me being a "drug user." You'd think that I was actively promoting booting black tar heroin or something.  
 This is the least of his weird, "lol"-laced diatribes but still...good god.  
Posted By: OSP
In fact I had a review denied because I reported signs of drug use.  
 There's a popular poster on the Ohio board who uses drug refs and the mangina just "roll over each other" to condone her shit lol
-- Modified on 10/13/2013 6:55:01 PM

Is a girl(yeah......immature), who has been board active for 6 mos, acting like she fucking owns a whole state.

Thanks for the pretentious reverse screening :D

Posted By: OSP
Is a girl(yeah......immature), who has been board active for 6 mos, acting like she fucking owns a whole state.

Thanks for the pretentious reverse screening :D


Go see the church lady. Oops, she may a fire up 420 too.

Back_In_Black933 reads

But , heroin ? She has problems , and will and is killing herself ! Bad news . No drugs for me . Dont like them , not even pot !  

Posted By: bananasnatcher
if a lady is providing to support a drug habit?  
 I personally know a provider who does this to support a heroin habit.  
 Although in her ad, she is doing this to go to college....which is BS of course.  
 In my opinion, their is also a high rate of alcoholism.

89Springer982 reads

Alcohol is legal, but that didn't stop me from screwing up my life with it (or, I suspect, others on this forum).

Several states have legalized marijuana already.  Within the next 10 years you will see most, if not all, other states do it.

Ethical or moral issues aside your wonderful politicians will see an additional "revenue stream" and promptly legalize it to spend on "social programs"

Crisis25879 reads

What kind?  The soft recreational kind, the clubbing kind, or the down in the dirt nasty ghetto kind.

I wouldn't go see a provider that I knew was on heroin. If they care that little about themselves and their health how little does yours mean to them. And not only that but your safety, what kind of sketchy people are they hanging out with and what are they willing to do to get their fix. Aside from all that I don't like helping people kill themselves.

I have no time for drug addicts..............I come from a shit background never once did I think oh let me waste my day today getting high no you get off your ass and try and change your life.

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