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Divorced but wear the ring to remind me of why I am there!
BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 867 reads

seriously, keep the ring with me - to remind me... it helps... of course I don't wear it - took it off the day the papers were signed... and keep it on my key chain.... it do help.

sleepydasher2366 reads

Hope this isn't too dumb a question or one that generates a "you scum" response, but what do you married guys do about wedding ring when visiting a provider- wear it or take it off.  I doubt the providers care, would be interested to know.  I've taken mine off each time but I've feared losing it or forgetting to put it back on and showing up at home without.


I absolutely leave it on.

I love my wife dearly.    And while it may seem contradictory or even a "slap in the face of my marriage vows" - if a lady asks, I tell her I love my wife dearly, wouldn't want our marriage to end, BUT I do not receive the sexual gratification I need.  In fact no where near it.

If I didn't see the ladies I'd probably blow my marriage with some Civie who would want me to marry her.  Than I'd marry her and then she'd stop putting out and the vicious (and expensive!) cycle starts again.  Unless of course I'm either dead or too old to get it up!

I usually leave it on for the same fear of spacing out after the session and coming home without it on. There are some times when the small chit chat with providers that some ask about it, which I find really annoying, but for the most part I leave it on.

When I first began to hobby, I used to always take it off right before I met with the lady because I felt wrong blatantly flaunting it in front of the provider...(see even Hardy has feelings)..I thought somehow she would think less of me.

But over the past few years, I have just left it on. I can't decide whether it's now because 1. I realize that the provider doesnt really care at all what my situation is, 2. I have done this so many times, the guilt is long gone and it just doesn't matter or 3. My fingers have become so fucking fat and swollen I couldnt get the ring off even if I tried.

Life as we know it is over.  First you tell me that she's not in love with me, and then you become human.

Yup, leave mine on too.  Pretty much the same reasons, except the last.  I just tried, and it comes off.  But I'd lose it.

Steve312692 reads

then I realized I was the only one I was fooling.  

The risk of losing it or forgetting to put it back on is too great. Keep it on.

most gals can spot the tan line 50 yards away.

As a sparky (electrician) I had the perfect excuse to never wear a ring, it was too dangerous around electricity and machinery.

My dad was also a sparky and he NEVER wore a ring ever.  I'm not sure if he even had a wedding ring ever.

I kept mine in the draw and I would put in on when the (now ex) missus and I would step out on the town, but that was it.

To tell you the truth, I hate the way it felt on me.

-- Modified on 9/28/2007 12:43:11 PM

I am an electronics technician. I don't wear my wedding ring for this exact reason. The last thing that I need is a perfect low resistance gold connection between me and power.

Warren BT489 reads

when wearing it on your little schmeisser will do a lot of good......LOL

The Only One1793 reads

You answered your own question in a way.  How are you going to explain loosing it or showing up at home without it?  Gee Honey, I was so distracted after passionate sex with a gorgeous redhead that I forgot to put it back on.

Wear it.

#1 You won't loose it.  (See above)
#2 You aren't kidding anyone but yourself.  Providers already know that men are cheating scum.
#3 Many Ladies will regard you as a safer date.
#4 Ladies will know to go easy on the perfume, the nails, and the love bites.
#5 Really sharp Ladies will check you for tell-tale signs like stray red hairs before seeing you off.  
#6 Really, really sharp Ladies will suggest you shower before you leave and use the unscented soap.

women go for daily fashion & emotional changes, hairstyles, etc for 2 reasons - to convince the SO at some level that he's already getting strange stuff, and 2ndly to monopolize his dough, ie spend it before it's too much temptation.

I like the visual changes, and don't mind reasonable costs - I expect her to pay 5X as much for her wardrobe as I do, no biggie.

Sucking the money is not so good.

Men get hyped into thinking they're cheating dogs, but it's no more true than with women, it's just different shit.  I dunno how many civvies I've seen who were really upfront that they were looking for $$$.  I don't mind them saying look, if you don't have bling, when are we gonna have time to play?  But if it's about money, you can at least make it a flat fee, and not go nuts when I see the competition, eh?

I've found that if the SO is doing her job in any half-assed way, I really don't want to look elsewhere.  I like good company, and am too lazy to sift thru all the prospects looking for a new SO.   But when she starts going nuts or ignoring me, and I start finding myself looking around, then that's nature's way of telling me it ain't working.

seriously, keep the ring with me - to remind me... it helps... of course I don't wear it - took it off the day the papers were signed... and keep it on my key chain.... it do help.

Just make sure you bring your money :)

And when you find a number 10 provider, give it to her as a tip.  That would help cut down provider inflated ratings in reviews.

Just tell the wife you lost it in a poker game.  Or if you are really wimpy, tell her you were robbed on the commuter train.  They'll believe anything but the truth.

On one of my first provider encounters I was told that she felt safer knowing that I was  happily married.  As she said, at least one woman thought I was good enough to keep.

LOL that's fantastic! Never heard that one before, but it makes a strange kind of sense.


-- Modified on 9/29/2007 11:13:30 AM

...for me. helps me with my fantasy: I'm not married and this is my girlfriend.

lotusling696 reads

I actually feel more comfortable with a married client simply because he is less likely to turn psycho/ stalk/ harrass me.

I do not mind him wearing his wedding ring within the confines of the hotel room/ my place. But if we were on the streets, I would think twice about being affectionate with him e.g. holding hands. I do not need the unwanted attention.

It is one thing to be wanton. It is another to be wanton in public.

For the first few years I just left it on and then the finger got fat and I couldn't take it off anyway.  Had the ring cut off and enlarged by 1/2 size and now slides off easily.  So easily that I'm afraid it would slip off so just don't wear it anymore when I hobby.

I want a man to be comfortable with his decision to meet me. If he feels the need to hide his ring, I wonder if he is feeling guilty and ask him about it. I've really made some deep connections with Friends just by being open about this very subject. In my experience, men are relieved that I'm not judging them, and open up more (in every way) when they see that I actually care about how they feel. It also gives me a chance to share one or two silly/insecure things that I do... Nothing helps a nervous new friend relax like seeing that I can laugh at myself.

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