TER General Board

Condom challenges
TiannaTemptation See my TER Reviews 42 reads

There is more than just the evil needle poke to consider with condoms from the “outside”.  

First, the integrity of the product:
How old are they, could they be expired?
How were they stored?  In the glove box of a car in the desert when it’s over 100 degrees?
Where were they purchased?  On some sketchy website that buys them in boatloads from China?

Some of the random brands you find don’t fit well or have irregularities, I prefer to stick with certain brands I like.  

Now this one might not go over well here, but there are certain clients who perhaps over estimate just a bit, as in they will bring a size just a little bigger than one that actually fits properly. Those run the risk of slipping loose during activity. Of course, too tight isn’t comfortable and can increase breakage risk.  

I have mentioned previously that the only brand that I have ever experienced breakage with has been Trojan.  Plus I don’t like the feel.  

Skyn are good to have for those with latex allergies but they do  smell funky.

Here’s something to talk about. I read a review recently where the guy said he brought his own condoms to the session and the lady declined to use them and said she’d rather use hers. Guy was surprised and irritated, said in the review he’d NEVER had a provider say no to him for that.  

Speaking for myself personally, providers primarily provided proper prophylactic protection, as per protocol. Which is to say, they always brought their own hats to the party.  

My first two or three forays into this, I brought condoms because I’d always been taught it was a guy’s responsibility to be prepared with protection. Each time, the provider said she would prefer to use condoms she had.  

One or two said something about safety. [Apparently there are lunatics out there who tamper with condoms and then use them with women?! WTF is that?] One lady said something about she hated how dicks taste after they’ve been inside one of the ones I’d brought. Pretty sure I saw my brand in the big bowl of condoms on the table by the bed though, so who knows?

I haven’t brought any to a session since, and I’ve never had a provider look at me and say “what the hell, where’s the rubber?”

What say you all?  
Who do you think “should” bring the covers?  
Is it common for providers to prefer to use their own?  
What’s the best way to get red wine out of cashmere?

that you have poked a needle hole through the condom while it's still in the wrapper, thereby cancelling the protection for her.  (You're probably still okay - Lol)   A lot of ladies will do an inspection of the ones I brought myself (which are one of the ultra-thin Japanese brands)  by holding the package up to a strong light, and/or running their thumb over the foil package to feel for any disruption in the surface, like a pin-hole.  

Red-wine from cashmere???  You can only get red-wine from grapes.  You get milk from goats.    

Seriously, I don't know if it will damage the cashmere because I've never tried it, but for removing red-wine from carpets or linen, sprinkle the stain with baking soda and pour white vinegar on it.  It will bubble and percolate while it's removing the stain.  Let is sit overnight to dry and then vacuum up or brush off the residue.  If there is still a light stain, do it again.  I have done this on carpets or linen napkins and tablecloths after parties for 20 years and it has never failed me.  

Actually that happened to me once when I was just starting out. It was actually my own condoms but I guess a guy had poked a hole in them while I went to the restroom! I didn't realize until after the date. Super scary and luckily nothing bad happened but now I'm wary of leaving all the condoms out.  

I actually will decline to use another guys condoms or lube but not because of that incident. It's because I'm super sensitive. I can only use non latex condoms and water based lube otherwise I get irritated after and I prefer the feeling of the brand I use. It's super thin and feels like nothing is there.

a legit reason to provide your own covers and not take chances.  There will always be douches out that that tamper with condoms.  It's good to be vigilant like you are.  There is no benefit to the wearer to poke a hole in a condom, so it's out of pure malice and evil that they do it.  

I've always read this kind of thing like the razorblades in the sandbox stories you see the news run every once in awhile, which is to say, it's likely just propaganda with just a littttttle truth mixed in to make it sell.  

But there are, no doubt, people who are that evil out in the world, just few and far between.

HA! True.  
You can get milk from pretty much anything with nipples.  

That’s a truly evil thing to do with the needles. I know how that should be handled but I’m guessing I’ll get smashed in the face with the ban hammer if I say it. I can’t afford that, I’m ugly enough as it is.  

To everybody here speaking to the effect that professionals bring their own, that’s always been my experience so I guess I’m picking professionals. Thanks all.

the baking soda and white vinegar on the wine stain yet?  I'm curious as to whether it works on animal fiber as well as other materials.

The goat got REALLY mad about the vinegar. I really didn’t get a chance to find out if it worked. I think I’m going to have to tell him he can’t drink anymore. At least switch him to white.  

I should probably think about getting a tetanus booster….

A brass hose nipple?

Posted By: Lt_FrankDrebin
Re: LoL milk from goats
 You can get milk from pretty much anything with nipples.

AllTheTimeBaby40 reads

I recently shot on a provider's suede shoe, and was she ever pissed!

I'm tempted to tell her about the baking soda and vinegar. Do you think that'll work?

I expect the provider to have them. I see a lady 1-2 times a month max. Most providers are seeing well more than me, and it's in their best interest to have protection on hand. 99% of the time this works out.

That said, there is that 1% of the time. I have had providers text me while I am in the car driving to them asking that I pick them up. TBH, I am a bit annoyed when this happens because we had a time set-up, and now she wants me to take a detour to pick these up for her. Idc about the cost, but I do care about the time. I'm a busy man. I often go from banging to an irl appointment for something else. I don't like the last minute requests.

But it gets worse. I had a provider once literally pull this on me during the deed. We kissed. We fondled. She sucked me off. I went down on her. She sucked me off some more. I said, "Let's fuck". She said, "Do you have a condom?" I was like really WTF?!? She claimed she never needed them because in Vegas they had them in the hotel rooms for her. She then offerred to suck me off to completion and owe me the next time. This was a hell no. First, no provider has successfully sucked me off to completion. It just doesn't do it for me. Second, owe me next time? She really thought there would be a next time after this? Don't ask why, but I threw my clothes on, walked 4-5 blocks to the nearest pharmacy, came back, and yes she was there waiting for me. And, we banged.

Those that are Professional will have them  
There are some run out or have clients pick up on the way there .
Unprofessional and unsafe.

Until that stupid sex tape caught up with me here. Damn that Nordberg for leaking it!! I sued him for that and won, you know. But he just… moved to Florida.

Am always harmed and ready,carrying my own ammo, so if she wants me to use her ammunition make she's got the ones  for my magazine. Not saying I got a big dick but I know what works best for my gun.

Professionals will have their preparations in place.  All of them.  
I carry condoms to each encounter for two reasons:  the occasional lapse of professionalism, and to have the type/size I prefer in case she only keeps Iron Grip or the like.

brownjack29 reads

I have yet to encounter a situation where covers were not provided.   That said, I always bring a supply.  Covers and I don't play well together, so depending on the circumstances, a lot of them can get wasted in a session.

It's also a question of being a gentleman for me.  As had been stated earlier, I take it as my responsibility as a man to ensure that we're playing safely.  For that matter, I always bring lube and breath mints too.

And, I have been told that the inside of covers tastes horrible.  So, I always offer to rinse off if the action is going from covered to oral.

I have never seen a provider in North America not have condoms on hand. I have brought a different type to try with one and she was okay with that.

Probably a good idea to bring your own just in case -- as others have mentioned.

One thing I've been told but have not seen mentioned. Some women have alergies/sensitivity to different brands/types of comdoms so that could be another reason she will not want to use the one you bring.

my Okamoto's and they always, so far, have been impressed!
I would guess if a client looks, acts or has a sleazy vibe, the provider would turn down his condom.

I am shocked that providers would not be property prepared & trust a total stranger with their livelihood. That’s a huge red flag 🚩 to me. You pick providers who clearly don’t give a fuck about theirselves. I refuse to use clients condoms they bring. Sorry not sorry. I always have a variety because you never know.

-- Modified on 2/28/2024 2:26:18 AM

Which, I vastly prefer Skyn elites or XL's, they're polyisoprene instead of latex, so, stronger, can be made thinner, more resistant to oils, better heat transmission, and they don't make lil'sauce smell like he's been sleeping in a pile of old balloons. Many of the pros have them, but, some don't, and that's always a tenuous ask in terms of using your own and it's not exactly alluring bedroom talk to discuss the benefits of polyisoprene. I bring them regardless, just in case.  

That is, however, one of the benefits of civvies (SB's), you always bring your own, they never ask questions.

PistolPetey26 reads

I've heard from a few ladies that they've stopped using them because in their experience they break more easily than latex condoms. I have seen many women who use them and I've never had an issue with them personally.

There is more than just the evil needle poke to consider with condoms from the “outside”.  

First, the integrity of the product:
How old are they, could they be expired?
How were they stored?  In the glove box of a car in the desert when it’s over 100 degrees?
Where were they purchased?  On some sketchy website that buys them in boatloads from China?

Some of the random brands you find don’t fit well or have irregularities, I prefer to stick with certain brands I like.  

Now this one might not go over well here, but there are certain clients who perhaps over estimate just a bit, as in they will bring a size just a little bigger than one that actually fits properly. Those run the risk of slipping loose during activity. Of course, too tight isn’t comfortable and can increase breakage risk.  

I have mentioned previously that the only brand that I have ever experienced breakage with has been Trojan.  Plus I don’t like the feel.  

Skyn are good to have for those with latex allergies but they do  smell funky.

All good points.  
Yes, I had a girlfriend who told me about a guy she had dated who always bought magnums. I guess buying them made him feel like a real man, but he didn’t need them. So it was floppy condom syndrome every time they had sex. She said it felt uncomfortable and weird, plus the distraction of worrying about it falling off or leaking. What a idjit.

to find a condom that fits and feels best to me. I almost always bring an unopened box with me and ASK if she is OK with me using them.

It's almost never an issue. If a companion says "no", it means no and we use hers. No problem.

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