TER General Board

Bizzaro Superdude, like wimen, think Lex kool... funny,.... make wimin laff... that good. lol
Bizzaro Superdude 2081 reads


Tig Ole Bitties5333 reads

Rant one:
Why do hobbyists continue with the stupid questions? They go to my website where my rates are posted repeatedly. They see my ads clearly stating my rates then they email me asking how much. Or even better they ask me what do I do? Then they saw things like on your website you took a picture of your ass. Does that mean you do anal? Are you effing kidding me?

Rant 2: They ask me if I have kids. Why the hell are you asking me stuff like that? Do I ask if you have kids? Are we here to discuss our personal buisness or to enjoy each other's time together? What the hell is up with that?

I don't know. YOu buy them books, send them to school and all they do is tear the pages out to make mysteries. It's so simple!

imsomebuddytoo3633 reads

I would regard Rant One types as LE. If not, they are just stupid, don't know how to play the game, and aren't worthy customers anyway. Perfect use of the Delete button.

Rant 2 - more stupid people. Refer to the delete button again.

I love using email for communication with potential customers as it allows you to choose only the ones you're interested in.

...they don't ask you things like, "Which one is the left mouse button".

You know what the really scary part is: they're all eligible to vote. That's got to scare you no matter which side of the aisle you're on.

Bizzaro Superdude3370 reads

I work in kinda the pubic sector....   and as a part of my j.o.b.  have forms that really, really, really, really, really, very, very smart people are supposed to fill out, to git money from my organization....   we have a space that says "In what county is your company located?"   most frequent answer???  altogether now.... U.S.A.  argh...

There are other stuff... but hey, what can I say?  so, what size are your nipples, and do you lactate.... maybe that is why they asked about the kids.... Lactation is kinda a turn on for me... but then again, I am just a big baby!  

With respect to the other questions, maybe you attract the inquisitive type... enquiring minds want (need) to know....

followme2265 reads

I agree that there is no reason to ask , when the answer/info is clearly stated on your web site.
But i do have two questions....why are you using an aliase?, and why not give a link to your site? And just how Tig are those Bitties?
Ok that was three questions......hopefully not stupid ones....

Thank You

she expected to get blasted for being honest about her frustrations. She expressed many of my same beefs. We spend a lot of time and money to put together a website that is comprehensive, gives you all the information you need and affords us some protection. You know what I'm talking about. And then someone writes,,,,,,,,oh, Anneke, do you do anal? DELETE.

...anal because I'm uncomfortable with providers who insist on playing with my butt.

followme4125 reads

OK I see your point about the alias.....but I also feel she should not be blasted for being honest, especailly since her post was not rude.
this has been expressed before....so let me ask you Anneke, are most of the "stupid" questions from what you believe to be "the TER regulars" or from those who seem not to read these posts?
Now I could be wrong here (and it would not be the first time) but I think that most Ter guys are with the program.
There is nothing wrong with a reminder to read and comply with the info on the web site....but my point is (well I think I have a point) maybe you gals  are preaching to the choir...but then again maybe not...tell us.
As someone said you are dealing with the public,true, but come on we should all know there are questions that you just do not ask.
And it seems to me that all the gals, who post and advertise, here have all the necessary info on their site.

One more thing....I still want know how Tig Those Bitties Are !!

Thank You

Karrie2157 reads

are  the  e-mails  that  say "Hey, let's get together"

and  that  is  it.
No  name
No  information
no time requested

Then  once I  got an  e-mail  from  one  of  those  I  ignored and  deleted. calling  me  an  inconsiderate bleap, bleap,bleap,,  for  not  responding  back.  When  in  9  different  e-mails  all  he  typed  was  Hey let's get together...


Men  we  love  you,  but please be  mindful  of  women’s  websites.

Karrie I have to tell you those shirts a fantastic.  where did you get them?  I know somebody the "I suck  You lick" one would be perfect for.  You should come to Memphis with the FedUp shirt.  Get a hotel near the airport and you'd clean up from all the FedEx pilots.

To be fair...

Oftentimes a provider will have listed at TER in her reviews one price...at several other places they advertise another price and on their personal site yet another price...that doesn't include the special you might be running that week and only advertised on your local board here

You can see why some guys might ask...even if he didn't see the special for all he knows you are having one right now but he missed it

I agree with the rest of your rants though

justmytake2262 reads

You are in business dealing with the public. Most of the guys that have been around know better and would never write such "crap"
However, deal with the others, or find something else to do.

This is also the reason I dont post my phone number and delete emails with stupid questions like these.

I saw a commercial for an old movie the other night and the line they played was of the female star explaining that it was better for a girl to be really pretty than really smart because most men can see much better than they can think.

I guess the guy's are just looking at the photos on your site and their thinking ends right there.

Sorry, but if you've been dating us awhile then you must realize how most of us "think".  I could never work with the public like you do...I'd have to blow my brains out from all the morons.

marilyn monroe in gentlemen prefer blondes?

people ask me why I like rich men
I ask men why they like pretty girls

Some times girls change their rates whenever they feel like it.

So, what is your rate and do you do Greek and how are the kids?  Only kidding....  There are a lot of idiots out there....  That is why god invented the "delete" button.  MA

Think about your customer. He is being made stupid by his needs. It is not that he wants to be insulting, (ok there are a few who do), but he is nervious or scared. Think about his questions. its like going into a candy store and asking if the candy is sweet. That is a given.

Have empathy and compassion about what he is asking and you will have your reply. Do you have to answer any question? no!!!,  but you do have to choose how you read those questions and how you reply. Make it great for you and it will be for him too.

when you read his e-mails, do you make them mean bad things or good? Do you read them like he is nervious and excited to meet you or he is a stupid asshole. Which seems more exciting to you? Imagine he wants to meet you! he wants you! how are you going to make him feel. Like a stupid asshole or...

I'm sorry you have to put up with us dumb ass men in order to get paid, but maybe its how you look at it that will make the difference for you.

just my .02 not the truth.

Jadie3240 reads

A lot of these guys may not be so much interest in seeing you as to just having cyber sex with you. It is cheaper than phone sex.  Just don’t reply to these time wasters.

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