TER General Board

Luv-Kit2 5096 reads
1 / 63

A buddy visited an AMP and was caught. He was detained and allowed one phone call. Unfortunately, that call reached a voice mail, and he was ignored overnight. He was detained for a good 15 hr before he could get bail.
Dumb question: Who should people call in such a bind? Certainly not their wife or sister. :) And lawyers will give you voice mail treatment at 8 PM.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1007 reads
2 / 63

Mine has a 24 hour answering service that will get either him or a stand-in 24/7.

That's what you want to have.

Dr Who revived 819 reads
3 / 63

Maybe you have his/her cell number and can get them to respond...but the "good lawyers" I know aren't available 24/7.  But then they aren't cheap either.  Plenty of "hacks" around who hang around lock-up looking for losers who end up there.

@OP...my recommendation is for some fool who was dumb enough to get caught up in a sting to call his wife/SO/best friend to come down and post bail...and arrange for a competent, trusted attorney to handle the case.

Or do as mrfissure suggests and call Tony @ Attorney's_R_Us and hope for the best.
Posted By: mrfisher
Mine has a 24 hour answering service that will get either him or a stand-in 24/7.  
 That's what you want to have.

scoed 8 Reviews 643 reads
4 / 63

Best to do your homework on a lawyer before your need one. I memorized his number. Never ever deal with LE minus a lawyer when your the defendant. Most quality law firms have a 24 hour number. That is who you call.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 758 reads
5 / 63

a lawyer on retainer is just plain stupid.  Dumb shit mostly happens to dumb people.  As Fish says, make sure you get one with a 24 hr answering service.  If they're already on retainer, then attorney client privilege also extends to their staff and answering service, so you can leave all info and not worry about being outed.

Dr Who revived 523 reads
6 / 63

I guess you and mrfissure have the same tools handling your "retainers"   LOL

When you're in lock-up...just call a friend/spouse to post bail and then find some "decent" attorney to handle the case.  Preferably one that's not using a 24/7 phone service.  Please find some competent accredited attorney's.

And why the hell is it best to do homework on a lawyer before you commit a felony/misdemeanor?  You do realize that discussing, even with an attorney, that you plan on committing a crime isn't likely to garner you a professional.

It's really not all that difficult.
Posted By: scoed
Best to do your homework on a lawyer before your need one. I memorized his number. Never ever deal with LE minus a lawyer when your the defendant. Most quality law firms have a 24 hour number. That is who you call.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 556 reads
7 / 63

A best friend will be in jail next to you.

Dr Who revived 521 reads
8 / 63

Yep...you must be a friend of El Chapo  ;)

Sure...let's bring an officer of the court into your intent to commit a crime  LOLOLOL

Why in the phuck would you, or anyone pay some lawyer a "retainer"?  For what?  Why?

You paranoid tools are hilarious  ;)

BTW...ask a competent lawyer about attorney/client privilege.  And make sure you comment about your discussions of an intent to commit a crime.  Good luck pal.

Did you watch a lot of Perry Mason?
Posted By: coeur-de-lion
a lawyer on retainer is just plain stupid.  Dumb shit mostly happens to dumb people.  As Fish says, make sure you get one with a 24 hr answering service.  If they're already on retainer, then attorney client privilege also extends to their staff and answering service, so you can leave all info and not worry about being outed.

JackDunphy 564 reads
9 / 63

Attorney's_R_Us fucked me when Bob Sugar screwed me with that lemon Bentley he sold me.

I am thinking about asking DJT for help. He would proly know a bit about Bentleys and fucking people over.

Dr Who revived 624 reads
10 / 63

Plus they tend to specialize in misdemeanors.  ;)

I thought you were a big time business owner?
Posted By: JackDunphy
Attorney's_R_Us fucked me when Bob Sugar screwed me with that lemon Bentley he sold me.  
 I am thinking about asking DJT for help. He would proly know a bit about Bentleys and fucking people over.

BluesGuitarMan 583 reads
11 / 63

I don't understand all the peeps in here who think their shit don't stink!

It's a bad luck story. Getting caught does not necessarily mean the guy was dumb.

Millions have visited AMPs and millions more will. Some will get caught- it's a luck and numbers game.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 546 reads
12 / 63

Or brother? Or cousin, Or good friend? Where were you? Why didn't your buddy call you? I can see not calling the wife, but you should have someone you can count on who would be available and who would answer their phone and who would bail you out. If not, call a bail bondsman. Their phone numbers are all over the place.  Call a lawyer the next day after you are out. I really don't see the need to have a lawyer on retainer.

JackDunphy 534 reads
13 / 63

Trump is great for small business like me. Except for the guys he fucked over when he filed bankruptcy.

I need to overlook that. :)

Dr Who revived 424 reads
14 / 63

Maybe you need some more paranoia in your life to fit into these boards?

And what is wrong with paying in advance for something you'll likely never ever use?  What have you got against a lawyer making a living off the fools of the world?

I'm sure that if these guys ask for their retainer/s back...they'll get their money  LOL

Oh...a fool and his money.
Posted By: perfectstorm
Or brother? Or cousin, Or good friend? Where were you? Why didn't your buddy call you? I can see not calling the wife, but you should have someone you can count on who would be available and who would answer their phone and who would bail you out. If not, call a bail bondsman. Their phone numbers are all over the place.  Call a lawyer the next day after you are out. I really don't see the need to have a lawyer on retainer.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 532 reads
15 / 63

If you are a big business owner, executive, politician, celebrity, etc., then you probably already have an attorney on retainer and if you don't then you should. The average everyday Joe has no reason to have a lawyer on retainer and the majority of hobbyists are average everyday joes. They are not "just plain stupid."

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 641 reads
16 / 63

There was only one responder with multiple negative responses.  Give him a break, he does not know better.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 419 reads
17 / 63

Pay deposits to escorts? Or are the ones who say never pay a deposit? :D

Dr Who revived 354 reads
18 / 63

My only reply to the OP was quite cordial.

I guess giving out horrible advice from multiple uninformed mongers is a better option for an OP who is actually seeking some intelligent advice?

Why not ask TERAdmin to move this thread to the Legal board.  They'll give you a +2 if they move it.

And then you can see some reviews.

Thank your for your support.

Do you also pay some lawyer money in advance for a crime that you're about to commit?  Please...you can tell me...I won't share that with anyone  LOL
Posted By: Foodyguy
There was only one responder with multiple negative responses.  Give him a break, he does not know better.

Dr Who revived 514 reads
19 / 63

I've been reading about that for years now.

Guess he should have paid more than the $ 500 retainer.   $ 500 just doesn't go all that far anymore  LOL

I'm not even sure it'll buy you a BBBJCIMNQNS
Posted By: perfectstorm
Pay deposits to escorts? Or are the ones who say never pay a deposit? :D

BluesGuitarMan 474 reads
20 / 63

Posted By: Foodyguy
There was only one responder with multiple negative responses.  Give him a break, he does not know better.

JackDunphy 420 reads
21 / 63

The air can be a bit thin up on that high horse of yours. ;)

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 350 reads
22 / 63

Actually I do not pay any retainers, deposits, etc.  My main claim was that at that point there were not multiple negative responders just one.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 503 reads
23 / 63

Posted By: Dr Who revived
  $ 500 just doesn't go all that far anymore  LOL  
   I'm not even sure it'll buy you a BBBJCIMNQNS
^^No, but I think it gets you Greek.....receiving that is.

JakeFromStateFarm 611 reads
24 / 63

My deal with him is I have several frozen lasagnes stored and ready, should I get busted.  All I need to is trigger the shipment of one said lasagne to mrfisher's Fortress of Solitude and he will call with his best advice.  Then he will thaw the lasagne, eat it and go to bed.
I know I sleep better at night, too.

Dr Who revived 279 reads
25 / 63

Maybe next time add something of value to the thread.

Or just continue your whining as you do so often on P&R.
Posted By: Foodyguy
Actually I do not pay any retainers, deposits, etc.  My main claim was that at that point there were not multiple negative responders just one.

Dr Who revived 589 reads
26 / 63

The $ 500 only gets you a reach around.

We can confirm that with the TS crowd.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 604 reads
27 / 63

a business owner and I have three attorneys on retainer, corporate, tax and criminal.  And no, I don't discuss potential crimes in advance.  That's even more stupid.   Not surprised only you would think of it.  You're making shit up because you have no experience with attorneys.  

Dr Who revived 543 reads
29 / 63

You really are quite the narcissist.  

Yep...I just mill around the mall all day ogling cute young things.  No experience in the real world.

The only lawyers I ever heard are on TV.

Say hi to all your attorney's on retainer for me.  I'm sure they laugh at your utter stupidity.  Are their names Larry, Moe and Curly?

Please go make up some more shit for the class.  You're quite the entertainer  LOL
Posted By: coeur-de-lion
a business owner and I have three attorneys on retainer, corporate, tax and criminal.  And no, I don't discuss potential crimes in advance.  That's even more stupid.   Not surprised only you would think of it.  You're making shit up because you have no experience with attorneys.  

Dr Who revived 462 reads
30 / 63

I'm not sure that those flip-phones with the 30 minute a month plan will work when you need it.

And damn...you don't want to end up having to eat jail food....do you?

You should contact CDL about "borrowing" his litany of attorney's on retainer.  He got them with a Groupon.  What could possibly go wrong?
Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
My deal with him is I have several frozen lasagnes stored and ready, should I get busted.  All I need to is trigger the shipment of one said lasagne to mrfisher's Fortress of Solitude and he will call with his best advice.  Then he will thaw the lasagne, eat it and go to bed.  
 I know I sleep better at night, too.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 548 reads
31 / 63

You never have any constructive advice from your own hobby experiences like most guys here.  You just like to stir the pot and make negative comments.  You're the one who is entertaining because you're just a lurker here and don't know shit about hobbying, legal issues associated with hobbying, or how the business works.  Can only conclude you're a total phony.  Unless you can prove you're a real hobbyist, you're not worth any more of my time.  Go ahead and have the last word, its what a little shit like you lives for.  

impposter 49 Reviews 484 reads
32 / 63

Posted By: JackDunphy
Attorney's_R_Us fucked me when Bob Sugar screwed me with that lemon Bentley he sold me.  
 I am thinking about asking DJT for help. He would proly know a bit about Bentleys and fucking people over.
At least you steered clear of his 1978 Ford Pinto. I think he called it a classic.  

I was going to sue Bob.Sugar for selling me a warehouse full of his Manual on Hookernomics that I was going to sell on amazon and ebay at a profit. As soon as he cashed my check, he released the new edition and trashed the old edition about not being useful, not even as toilet paper.  

I contacted law firm after law firm after law firm and they all told me that they couldn't take my case. Bob.Sugar was already a client of theirs and to take my case against him would be a conflict of interest.

Damn you Bob.Sugar!

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 419 reads
33 / 63

I am not on the P & R board often.

You seem to be a real source of garbage.

JackDunphy 651 reads
34 / 63

He even asked me to write a chapter on negotiating.

Let me know if you ever find him. He destroyed my life.


JackDunphy 512 reads
35 / 63

Now he is a total asshole, I cant deny that, but a real hobbyist asshole nonetheless.

And btw, he doesn't have to prove shit to you. He only has to prove shit to me and he is no little shit either.

Please go back to the old, care free, fun loving CDL. This persona change of yours is troubling.

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 401 reads
36 / 63
scoed 8 Reviews 562 reads
37 / 63

Second you never ever discuss illegal activities with you lawyer until busted or at least under investigation for a crime. Doing so is not wise. No dumb shit that is not how you do your homework. You look up trial results and areas of expertise. You check reviews. Never mind your clueless.

ValuedCustomer 531 reads
39 / 63

screening the damn phone line that he's given you after you gave him the really big retainer.  Then the answering service calls the associate at 4 AM who then bails your ass out.... without disturbing the really good lawyer.  

And if the associate fucks up, decides not get his/her ass out of bed - it's his/her ass....  Sucks to be an associate...

And yes --- it REALLY ain't cheap.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 425 reads
40 / 63

I will always strike back.  There are three of me on the boards:  Sometimes humorous, sometimes informative, and sometimes controversial.  I'm surprised a veteran with your experience and eye for detail would not have noticed the three types of posts I do.  Not to mention if you knew who I really was, you would have a good laugh on that score alone.  That's why I remain completely anonymous in my hobbying.  No provider, booker or other hobbyist can link CDL to my real ID.  

-- Modified on 1/30/2017 9:37:33 PM

Luv-Kit2 406 reads
41 / 63

He did call his cousin and wasted that only phone call.  
I was in Hawaii and wouldn't know how to help him anyway.

Posted By: perfectstorm
Or brother? Or cousin, Or good friend? Where were you? Why didn't your buddy call you? I can see not calling the wife, but you should have someone you can count on who would be available and who would answer their phone and who would bail you out. If not, call a bail bondsman. Their phone numbers are all over the place.  Call a lawyer the next day after you are out. I really don't see the need to have a lawyer on retainer.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 554 reads
42 / 63

So I'm not sure why would need yours! Maybe ya'll should have a lasagna cook off and I'll be the judge!!!

Steph xoxo

bocabuster 19 Reviews 348 reads
43 / 63

Good criminal defense attorneys get their business after hours.
They know what their business demands are and the successful ones have lawyers on call 24/7

STPhomer 176 Reviews 333 reads
44 / 63

In cases like that you don't want a " good " lawyer ....you want motherfing Saul !

FatVern 349 reads
45 / 63

Was to a provider who wouldn't be as big of a target as an AMP.

ThePeopleRule 449 reads
46 / 63

Posted By: perfectstorm
A best friend will be in jail next to you.
Perfectstorm is in Hawaii.  Those words of wisdom might be credited to the fellow below.

JakeFromStateFarm 287 reads
47 / 63

I stole his lasagne recipe the last time I visited The Fortress of Solitude.

GaGambler 564 reads
49 / 63

There are a LOT of us who can attest to the good Doctor's mongering chops. To claim he is a "phony" is a weak and specious defense against his "mostly" accurate attack on your statement about keeping an attorney on retainer. Or at least having a criminal attorney on retainer, specifically to be on call if you get popped on a simply charge of solicitation. I like you CDL, but that statement was beyond dumb.

Now if you want to attack the doctor for being pompous, condescending or just for being a dickwad, I not only won't stand in your way, I might even join you, but to claim he's a "fake whoremonger" is a complete falsehood and a sign you know your own argument is weak.

AbbiMinx See my TER Reviews 443 reads
50 / 63

This is a pretty good question. I've often wondered as a provider if I should have an attorney on retainer. However, when I made an appointment with one, they said I couldn't put down a retainer due to the fact that I hadn't committed a crime, and that planning to commit a crime wasn't something I could put down money on either. Granted, I was upfront with my work.  

He said to just memorize their number in case of emergency.  

Anyone know if this is actually the case? Do I need to word things differently next time with a lawyer? Or just do as they said and have my own backup cash and their number in case of emergency?

NoYellowEnvelope 505 reads
51 / 63

A relative of mine did that awhile back when he got his concealed carry license.  He wasn't planning or even thinking of doing anything unlawful, but he thought he'd line up an attorney who had a strong case history in that area. So he talked with the attorney and he agreed he'd represent him should he ever need it.  There was no retainer involved, but my relative knows exactly who to call if he needs legal help quickly.  As far as backup cash, most attorneys take credit cards too.  :)

GaGambler 650 reads
52 / 63

call a bail bondsman. Like PS said, their numbers are all over any jail in the country. Solicitation is a misdemeanor, the out of pocket cost to get out of jail is no more than the cost of the session you were planning on having.  

First goal, get out of jail. Second goal, get a good attorney to fight for you. The only real benefit to having a lawyer on speed dial is if you are being questioned and not being caught up in a sting where you are immediately arrested. A good lawyer can "possibly" help make sure you aren't arrested in the first place, but most prostitution busts are stings and you are immediately taken into custody. In those cases your best bet is to STFU, call a bondsman, and call a good lawyer in the morning. Once you've been arrested, booked and charged, there really is no urgency to get a lawyer on the case "right now". You do need to get competent counsel quickly, but it doesn't have to be right that minute.

Keep in mind, Bail bondsmen make money by getting you out of jail, they are the most likely to not only answer their phone, but to get right onto the task of getting  you out. Anyone else you call will simply be doing you a favor and possibly not be in any big hurry about getting around to it.

One last suggestion, I almost always carry enough cash on me to bail myself out of any minor charge. For most misdemeanors you can simply pay the ten percent to the county, just like you would a bondsman. If your bond is $2,500, a paltry $250 will get you out.

As.Good.as.It.Gets 347 reads
53 / 63


scoed 8 Reviews 572 reads
54 / 63

Posted By: GaGambler
call a bail bondsman. Like PS said, their numbers are all over any jail in the country. Solicitation is a misdemeanor, the out of pocket cost to get out of jail is no more than the cost of the session you were planning on having.  
 First goal, get out of jail. Second goal, get a good attorney to fight for you. The only real benefit to having a lawyer on speed dial is if you are being questioned and not being caught up in a sting where you are immediately arrested. A good lawyer can "possibly" help make sure you aren't arrested in the first place, but most prostitution busts are stings and you are immediately taken into custody. In those cases your best bet is to STFU, call a bondsman, and call a good lawyer in the morning. Once you've been arrested, booked and charged, there really is no urgency to get a lawyer on the case "right now". You do need to get competent counsel quickly, but it doesn't have to be right that minute.  
 Keep in mind, Bail bondsmen make money by getting you out of jail, they are the most likely to not only answer their phone, but to get right onto the task of getting  you out. Anyone else you call will simply be doing you a favor and possibly not be in any big hurry about getting around to it.  
 One last suggestion, I almost always carry enough cash on me to bail myself out of any minor charge. For most misdemeanors you can simply pay the ten percent to the county, just like you would a bondsman. If your bond is $2,500, a paltry $250 will get you out.
One issue civil forfeiture. The cops can and often will take your cash as property used to commit a crime you know " prostitution money". Good news they take Visa. Both the courts and the bondsman.

I personally prefer a lawyer as cops are good at getting people to talk both before and after arrest. I been arrested a few times in my youth and STFU is key but when cop is sitting across the table from you filling out forms being quite knowing your in trouble is damn hard and a lawyer is the fastest way out of that. You don't need a criminal lawyer on retainer just one willing to send someone to your defense ASAP. That is were the homework comes in. But a bailbondsman is also an excellent choice. Friends, family can be hard to reach or leave you hanging like in the OP experienced.

Luv-Kit2 567 reads
56 / 63

Hey, thanks to all for many good info, some news to me. These ideas should be documented in a book, such as GaG's 10% bail, Scoed's VISA, FatV's call to indie provider, etc., etc.
Will any of you more talented in writing pls pen that book "Hobby for Dummies"? It'd be great contribution to the community.

darmody 22 Reviews 409 reads
57 / 63

You pay on the off chance you get caught. That's if you want to bother paying a retainer, which I don't think is necessary or a good idea for hobby-level charges.  

Outside the hobby, there are plenty of people who plan to commit crimes and keep attorneys on retainer to protect them. Lawyers accept their money. No one pretends they're co-conspirators, or anything.  

(Well, maybe mob lawyers and drug lawyers, but they're still part of the legal system. They're like any other lawyer unless and until someone catches them doing something illegal.)

scoed 8 Reviews 475 reads
58 / 63

Having one vetted who agrees to represent you should you need it and having number memorized is an excellent idea. (Your phone can be seized as evedence. Also having money for bail and attorney fees which can be quite expensive.

wholewheelofchz 6 Reviews 329 reads
59 / 63

He most definitely IS the "old" CDL. I'm not sure when was the "young" CDL.... some time in the (18)50's? Clearly, it well predates my less than one year of membership in this forum.  

In all seriousness, perhaps his poor choice of words was the word "retainer." No one should be paying an attorney if they don't have an actual case they need help on.  

However, I think it's inarguably sage advice to know a good trustworthy lawyer to call in times of trouble, and it sure would behoove us all to find that special someone BEFORE we're in need of that 1 am phone call.  

As to the issue of privilege: attorney client privilege won't protect your statements to a lawyer that you intend to commit a crime. No doubt. So just phrase it in the past tense.

e.g.: "I was arrested once at a massage parlor on vice claims -- which I deny, btw -- but in any event I found myself sure wishing I knew the phone number of a competent criminal defense attorney who is available to pick up the phone 24/7. If that's you, can I have your card?"

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 565 reads
60 / 63

First off, there is some really good advice on here and some really bad advice. Bocabob gets it right, as do some others.  

First, we're not talking about a really good white shoe lawyer - we're talking about a really good criminal lawyer, and more often than not a really good lawyer means a lawyer who has a good relationship with the prosecutor's office - perhaps someone who just left the office.  

And yes, good criminal lawyers have 24/7 answering or will answer their cell 24/7.  And believe me when I say that any lawyer - whether you're a provider or a hobbyist - who takes a retainer from you  prior to being called is NOT a lawyer you want to use.  Don't tie up money you will hopefully not need.  At the time you're arrested have access to enough for a REASONABLE fee - this is misdemeanor stuff and should not cost an arm and a leg.  Lawyers will want to get paid up front upon representing you, but they don't take retainers - that's for divorce lawyers.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 434 reads
61 / 63

Except for the part about me being old. FYI, I AM younger than a lot if the guys here.  Well, maybe not a lot, but at least a few.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 377 reads
62 / 63

Being in the gutter. Try it sometime. You might like it.

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