TER General Board

Around 2000, I went to a party in a private room above a restaurant...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 312 reads

...in Newport Beach.  The parties there were renowned for having the most beautiful women.  That's what got me to drive 50 miles to go there.  What they said was true - I have never seen a gathering of prettier, sexier women, before or since that party (that includes multiple TER M&Gs).

The girls were in their 20's and so were the guys.  My wingman and I were about 40 so we didn't have much of a chance.  The only guy our age who did well was Peter North...he was there on a busman's holiday.  You can't imagine how many chicks want to fuck a porn star.

About ten years later, I saw a DDG provider who grew up in the OC.  I mentioned the legendary parties at the restaurant and she said she went to them as an underage girl with a phony ID.  Turns out, we were both at the same party!  Of course, I had no idea if I ever talked to her at the party or if she rejected me, but ten years later all it took to fuck her was a few Benjamins.  Not a doppelgänger - the same person.  There's a lesson or a moral in that story somewhere.

Whenever I get rejected by the women I approach in my civie life, I usually respond with, "I'll see you on bp, but you won't see me, lol." And then I walk away. It's actually a pretty good rebuttal line if I do say so myself, but I wasn't just saying it to be smart, it was inspired by actual events where I did in fact encounter my rejector's escort doppelganger as soon as the next day, and this was totally unplanned so you can just imagine my utter shock and confusion. The resemblance was so uncanny to the point where I had to ask her if she and the other girl were twins, it turned out that they weren't even cousins. Since then I firmly believe that every stuck-up bitch has a doppelganger out there who is either a pornstar, or a prostitute, perhaps even both. I find comfort in the fact that if I live long enough, at some point or another, I will eventually encounter the doppelganger of the girl in the streets who never did give me the time of day, so with that said I don't even approach civie girls anymore, and have basically just decided to sit tight and wait my turn. So now I'd like to hear from the men to see if any of you have ever had a similar experience and how it all went down, and also from the women to see if you've ever been told by one of your clients that you have a civilian doppelganger, or better yet did you actually run into her yourself, and how did it make you feel? Finally, do you think it's poetic justice than an ordinary guy totally gets to nail the doppelganger of some hot broad he doesn't stand a chance with? And how do you think the civilian girl would feel to know that we used her doppelganger to cheat our way up the sexual hierarchy?

-- Modified on 5/20/2017 11:33:20 AM

FakawiTribe284 reads

Bitter much?
Did it also ever occur to you that said women have no idea that you supposedly banged their "doppelganger" and couldn't care less if you lived or died?

Lol you're pathetic.

GaGambler272 reads

and somehow I do believe your first sentence

"Whenever I get rejected by the women I approach in my civie life, I usually respond with, "I'll see you on bp, but you won't see me, lol.""

That sounds just like what a loser like you would say to a woman who is smart enough to see you for the bottom feeding low life that you are, No offense meant of course. lol

There are guys who fuck hookers because they want to and then there are guys who fuck hookers because they have to. I think everyone knows into which category you fall.

I hope when you said "no offense meant" that you meant no offense to other "bottom feeding low lifes.

So a woman turns you down for a date and that's your response? See you on BP. Talk about a being a real class act.  Wonder how you'd respond when a provider reads this post and decides you aren't the kind of client she's willing to meet.

Absolutely no game with civvie girls if that is how you react to rejection.  In my experience, most civvie girls who may initially reject you can be persuaded to reconsider if you engage them with humor, wit, and charm.  The same techniques work in being offered OTC by a provider. Providers want to hang out with guys (or gals) who are fun and entertaining when they're off work. Women are attracted to confident guys who don't have fragile egos. Sounds like that's not you.

JakeFromStateFarm228 reads

he actually hates women.  My guess is the smart ones (and the hot ones) instinctively know it and send him packing.

I don't hate women, I hate feminists and their hypocritical double standards about gender equality, which is really just a pretext for female supremacy and dick envy. If a woman shows up and do what she's supposed to do and doesn't cause me any trouble, then we cool and she got nothing to worry about, regardless of whether she's a civvie girl, or a provider. Why is that such a hard construct for you blue pill simps to understand? Are you so blinded by your pussy worship that you can't see this unalienable truth? How can I hate women when it was a woman who gave birth to me? How can I hate women when it's a woman who's gonna give birth to mines?

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Re: But here's the thing, cdl, ElTwato not only has no game,
he actually hates women.  My guess is the smart ones (and the hot ones) instinctively know it and send him packing.

I simply don't bother with civie women anymore. All I'm going to get in the civie world is a member of the OTHFB club, I don't find them attractive, so why waste their time or mine.

Civvie women is a commercial gym. There are usually dozens of recent divorcees 35-45 that are getting themselves in shape to go back in the market. The only caveat is you have to be in relatively good shape for your age, but otherwise age is not usually a deal breaker for these women if you have some decent game left.  Many are sex-starved and will spread their legs after a cup of coffee after a workout and then a nice dinner a few days later.

GaGambler207 reads

Russ freely admits, he' not in shape, unless we are considering "round" a shape. He admittedly has ZERO game and has no interest in "living off the land" lol

You also have to be interested in "recent divorcees 35-45" who haven't quite got themselves back in shape yet. I think I will join Russ in taking a pass. Every once in a while I will flirt with women like that, but only on a "catch and release" basis, just to see if "I've still got it" The bad news is one of these days in the not too distant future I will find myself unable to even attract even the forty somethings. I guess I better not go broke if I want to continue to enjoy young pussy as I inevitably age.

"not quite back in shape?"  The women I hit on the ones that already got there and just show up a few times a week to maintain what they achieved.  No one has more disdain for fat women than me, unless they can show they have medical condition that PREVENTS them from being thin, in which case, they get a smile and my sympathy, but I still won't fuck them.

I would have to agree with you. A second gym has opened in the small town I live in and part of the "tour" that I took was to scope out the availability of women in the age range you referred to, as they are usually getting back into the dating pool.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: The best hunting ground for . . .  
Civvie women is a commercial gym. There are usually dozens of recent divorcees 35-45 that are getting themselves in shape to go back in the market. The only caveat is you have to be in relatively good shape for your age, but otherwise age is not usually a deal breaker for these women if you have some decent game left.  Many are sex-starved and will spread their legs after a cup of coffee after a workout and then a nice dinner a few days later.

I gave up on civi women when I turned 45. I finally realized once I had my own business and a boat, that didn't make me more attractive to hotter women. Improving myself didn't matter in the looks department, so I finally gave up. I never settled for a woman in my life. The hot girls I always wanted never wanted me when I was young and they still don't now. The same fat and less attractive girls who wanted me when I was young still want me now.  

 I've been banging escorts since 1996 since I was 27. Thanks to the hobby, I always get the girls I desire. When I was young getting rejected by hot girls my age, I still bed hot girls. I found another way to get what I wanted and meet my needs. Having game never mattered. The women my game worked on were the women who had a high level of interest, which were never 8's 9's or 10's. So when I got rejected I just said something indifferent and smiled, then walked away with dignity. I'd always end up booking with a pretty woman so in the end i always got what I wanted

Posted By: russbbj
Re: I don't get turned down by civil women anymore
I simply don't bother with civie women anymore. All I'm going to get in the civie world is a member of the OTHFB club, I don't find them attractive, so why waste their time or mine.

It's a horrible comeback line. First of all, because how do you even know they know what BP is? Before I started hobbying, if you had referenced BP to me, I would've said, "Huh?" Despite the fact that I have more or less known of the existence of backpage.com for a long time, that acronym wouldn't have clicked in my brain more than 9 months or so ago.  

Secondly, let's assume they know what BP is. Even if they don't look down on guys paying for it--which is a good possibility--they probably will look down on you for having to pay for it to get with a girl like them. It's about as devastating as responding to rejection with, "Yeah? Well, I know this pornstar who looks like you, so I'm gonna jerk off to her later. And there's nothing you can do about it!" Okay.  

Thirdly, assuming she doesn't look down on guys having to pay for it, why would she care if you saw a girl like her on BP, specifically? What, is that like checkmating her, or something? "You thought you had me beat by turning me down, but I'm two moves ahead, sucker!" That's not actually her, so what does she care?

It's like banging someone that looks like your girlfriend after your girlfriend dumps you. Most girlfriends would react to that with "Ew," instead of, "Drats! He got me!"


You can't cheat your way up the sexual hierarchy through prostitutes. You get to be with girls out of your league, yes, but your sexual status stays the same.

If you have enough money, there are NO girls out of your league, civvie or otherwise.  

And from his own description, that might be Russ.  If so, he's being modest about not scoring.

JakeFromStateFarm198 reads

I won't blow it by saying where.  But he's really too hard on himself.  He's an ordinary but decent-looking guy who at least dresses well.  He's not old, or fat, or ugly.  Perfectly nice fellow, but could hold his liquor better. Shhh! Don't tell GaGa.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Good analysis, but I would point out that . . . .
If you have enough money, there are NO girls out of your league, civvie or otherwise.  
 I wholeheartedly disagree with your preposterous  statement.  

The truth I've seen, if you have  game, confidence and patience without exhibiting cockiness you will find there are very few girls not willing to play in  your league.  

   Most women looking for a man in her life want a clean, civilized, independent, optimistic, emotional, smiling, caring man, who will listen to her,  hear what she says, give her reasons to laugh, never cause her to cry, and readily converse civilly with her friends and family.
    There are many, many civilian  women who feel contempt toward guys who flash cash, brag about their cars or home when looking for love.  
  I have no doubt there are millions of women who can't be bought.
 The beautiful Gal who works  in the bank usually doesn't want to hear how much the obnoxious blow hard in the bar has in his account.  
 Most civilian women not on drugs are repulsed when a guy acts like  his money can buy her love.  

I've seen  rich guys "so they said"  turned down hundreds of times and Hot stripper goes home with  broke sad sack with no car or drivers license.

How many times does the stripper end up  with the rich guy who asks for her hand or  dinner outside the club?  
Rarely except a paid  hour at a time. lol

I couldn't help but notice "most"  of the rich guys I see in my travels have extremely unattractive wives ?
Of course some of those guys married her for her money.

 I've been in  strip clubs thousands of times, I've often seen well to do attorneys, a loopy shrink or a  trust fund dork, futilely attempt to pick up a stripper,  using his  dullard, no game money and stocks rap.  
  I've never seen a Hot stripper with an attorney in the day light unless he was representing her in Court for a future sex fee she will likely never pay.  
  I thinks it's  a low down dirty trick when a stripper promises to get the attorney off  when he gets her off in court.
When she's found not guilty, suddenly  her schedule is never compatible with his or she doesn't answer his phone calls.  
Most hookers won't admit it when they have a broke BF at home who promotes her job as long as he gets his allowance  and they go on nice vacations, compliments of her hard work.


   In  defense of Hookers and strippers with broke BF's, they usually  grow out of participating in  the support a  sick puppy adult syndrome by the time they are 25.

   There's an extremely large  difference between rich and poor.  
   The vast majority of  beautiful women are with guys in the middle income range.  

    They could get rich guys if they desired but they know they would be bored to tears with most of them.

excuse and justification from a guy who has never had real money, so you have no idea how women react until you've been in the other guy's shoes.  You're just speculating about what goes on in women's minds.  And OF COURSE women are going to tell a guy with no money that money doesn't matter, because the guy without money they are with is the "bookmark" until what they really want comes along.  As soon as a guy with real money takes an interest in them, they will dump their handsome, confident (and all the other qualities you listed) boyfriend to be with the well-off older guy.  I've seen it happen to younger guys all the time regardless of whether they're with civvie girls or providers.  

GaGambler184 reads

and I would often ask myself  "Why is that hot girl with HIM?" All these years later I got the answer to my question. lol

I know some people believe that some guys are so fucking repulsive that it doesn't matter how much money they have. To those people I have a two word answer (no, not THOSE two words. lol)those two words are "Donald Sterling". lol

JakeFromStateFarm175 reads

Have you ever done that before?  I can't recall a single time.  What's next?  GIFS?  There is hope for you yet.

...in Newport Beach.  The parties there were renowned for having the most beautiful women.  That's what got me to drive 50 miles to go there.  What they said was true - I have never seen a gathering of prettier, sexier women, before or since that party (that includes multiple TER M&Gs).

The girls were in their 20's and so were the guys.  My wingman and I were about 40 so we didn't have much of a chance.  The only guy our age who did well was Peter North...he was there on a busman's holiday.  You can't imagine how many chicks want to fuck a porn star.

About ten years later, I saw a DDG provider who grew up in the OC.  I mentioned the legendary parties at the restaurant and she said she went to them as an underage girl with a phony ID.  Turns out, we were both at the same party!  Of course, I had no idea if I ever talked to her at the party or if she rejected me, but ten years later all it took to fuck her was a few Benjamins.  Not a doppelgänger - the same person.  There's a lesson or a moral in that story somewhere.

as well as wounds all heels.

(Hey, it's early.)

Hey, good for you man! You actually did better than me by nailing the genuine article, and not just some carbon copy. It's even more poetic justice when the civvie girl who rejected you ends up becoming the escort who has to service you someday. Bet she never saw than one coming. Your story may have inspired me to pursue a new objective, although I don't think such an encounter can be orchestrated, unless someone tips me off in advance. I think the moral of the story is that karma is real, and that the line between the civvie world and the hobby world is thinner than most people realize, which means that any girl can crossover at any time, and all it would take for her to transition is that infamous pink slip that most people get with their severance package.

GaGambler182 reads

You really aren't a very nice person, are you?

Did you,
A) Have your lunch money stolen as a kid?
B) Get rejected by all the cool kids?
C) Get shot down by all the hot chicks?
D) All of the above

No need to answer, everybody here already knows it was D. You wear it just as plainly as that giant L tattooed on your forehead. lol

That's okay, you don't have to cosign it, my internal validation is good enough for me. You really are an arrogant douchebag if you think you can determine my backstory based on what you see on TER so quit trying to psychoanalyze me. Oh, and by the way, you aren't any more nice than I am, so cut the bullshit.

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: I don't have any proof of this, and it's only a wild ass guess, but
You really aren't a very nice person, are you?  
 Did you,  
 A) Have your lunch money stolen as a kid?  
 B) Get rejected by all the cool kids?  
 C) Get shot down by all the hot chicks?  
 D) All of the above  
 No need to answer, everybody here already knows it was D. You wear it just as plainly as that giant L tattooed on your forehead. lol

That hurt my brain just trying to read it.   And by the sounds of it , you are a jerk, and THAT is why you are rejected!!!


Posted By: ElTorro

Whenever I get rejected by the women I approach in my civie life, I usually respond with, "I'll see you on bp, but you won't see me, lol." And then I walk away.  
I don't see any logic in your lashing out scorn when rejected
I do have a strong suspicion you are either  joking or extremely stupid around women.
  I've never copped a tude or insulted  a Gal when she turned me down.  

Occasionally a Gal who turns me down the first time I ask, will change her mind, months or perhaps  years later.
She might have her sights set on another guy who isn't looking for a Gal like her.
When she finally gives up on him I'd rather she remembers me as amicable not as the jerk.  

  Same thing with breaking up, there's no point or good in expressing ill will words toward her, regardless how hard  she attempts to coax me with scornful words into losing control and curse her with hateful reciprocity when she's walking out the door.  
  Once again when  I keep my cool, she might change her mind at a later point in time or introduce me to one of her friends.  :-D

 Not when you burn the bridge of forgive and forget.  

  As far as I know only a couple of my ex GF's truly despise the thought of me after we departed.  
After I told her we were done, both of them extraordinarily beautiful,  said almost the identical words while exhibiting clear signs of a  nervous breakdown.
   "Guys don't break up with me I'm always the one that leaves"

  After those two traumatic GF experiences I started looking for left wing Gals, very easy to do since I was living in DC at the time.   Nothing I dislike more in a relationship than seeing my GF cry about something I did.  
 When I became  weary of her I would turn on the best of Rush Limbaugh.  
   I have no problem with rejection, and I'd always  prefer she leaves on her own without telling her to get out. :-D

Always trying to shame a brother for thinking outside the box. So women have the right to reject any man she pleases and we should just sit there and suck it up, but the moment I rebound her rejection with a witty comeback everybody starts running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I tell you the double standards are real out here.

JakeFromStateFarm145 reads

It was blindingly stupid.  Which, of course, you'll never get.

GaGambler113 reads

As for "El Torro" he's no better at Spanish than you. If he meant it to be "The Bull" it's El Toro" not "El Torro" of course in his case it's more accurately "El Mierda de Toro", which kind of gets back to your ElTurdo theme. So as far as I am concerned, ElTurdo it is. lol

-- Modified on 5/25/2017 4:08:29 PM

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