TER General Board

Ah ha! Thanks for settling that one. I was just questioning the motive. eom
Ci Ci 2913 reads


Alias0075260 reads

Pun intended on the "release" part.

here is an article about it in Yahoo


and here is the site that Yahoo mentions which  is selling it (Although you can get it free on winmx.com kazaa, grockster etc)


;) Enjoy!

frankie2003a2071 reads

They did an entire "show" on one of the more reputable cable
channels.  It was a sit down interview.  The guy's agent and
no doubt hatcher of this scheme interviewed him.

It was the most boring and meaningless thing I've have ever
seen.  Watching paint dry would have been more exciting.  The
show made Princess Diana's former butler look like Mother


BobbyTZ2856 reads

Do you think he originally made the video out of the goodness of his heart?  No, it was shot to make money.  She got paid.  She was an adult.  No one forced her to do it.  She gets no sympathy here.

Ci Ci3891 reads

But do we really know if there was a signed agreement for release between them? There are many stipulations where this is a concern.  


Ci Ci2661 reads

Does this mean that if I were to become famous some day, that someone from the hobby would oust me?  I would hope not, because there would be some suiing going on. I think everyone is entitled to their privacy -- even certain things with actors/actresses should be private. It's a shame that their lives are on the front burner, or should I say "front page."


It's almost naive to think that you wouldn't run a high risk of being outed as a former provider if you were to become famous.
Thousands of people earn their livings digging up dirt on famous people, it's a huge business. Everything about their past and present lives becomes fodder for the gossip columnists and trash tv people to feast upon. I'm not saying it's fair, but it's true none the less.

You couldn't sue a sole either because it's true. Do the names Heidi Fleiss and Charlie Sheen ring a bell? Charlie's name became publically synonymous with call girls and he couldn't sue for defamation or anything else because he knew it was all true.

You could certainly sue if the story was fabricated of course.

Ci Ci3521 reads

I have no doubt this could happen, that's one of the reasons why I don't show my face. But if it did happen, I would hope that I could just admit it and act like it was no big deal. There's a fine line between justice in the courts and defamation of character after the face, but I totally  understand what you're saying.


A Spectator3463 reads

John Rutter will backfire on her big time.  I have seen her nude pictures in Celebrity Sleuth years ago.

From what I read in the news account, the video is just a behind the scene account of a photo shot with her posting in S&M setting, nowhere near those in the Paris Hilton tape.  For that, she tried to silence her photographer who had never tried to sell those tape all these years even after her "Something about Mary" and "Charle's Angel" fame.  Having law enforcement rampaged through his house, confiscated all his material, denying him his way of making a living and had the judge posting exception high bail (more than those of more serious crime) in order to intimate someone who in her younger days paid her money and gave her exposures (John Rutter is a famous and very good photographer.  Those photos were not hardcore, not even soft porn with simulated sex.) before she got famous is the mark of a celebrity thinking that she can destroy mere mortal just because they are in her way.

Shame on her!!!

p.s.  A friend of mine is a friend of John Rutter.  Once the criminal case collapsed as it would (the case is extra weak and the claim that John Rutter forged her signature is totally laughable and ludicrous), I won't be surprised that she had to settle big time with him on his countersuit.  She won't dare to face the jury with all those abuses and set-up she used to try to silence him.

-- Modified on 7/10/2004 8:39:40 PM

Live for the fortune, some people live for the fame... some people will do anything to for a fistful of dollars and never have any shame... She's got enough going for her to get past this... had this surfaced a few years ago, she would have been sunk... too bad, she seems like a nice person, a bit naive, perhaps even a little goofy for my tastes...I guess, but who among can say... "I've never..." Good luck CD, I hope the bastard doesn't make a dime.

Ci Ci2763 reads

ratings, at least in the magazines. Still, not very good etiquette, but then Hollywood never had etiquette where it counted. I know . . . I was born near there and lived there for years.


A Spectator2877 reads

such divas that they tried all kind of tactics to cover their past.  She and her handlers went too far this time, use strong arm tactics to silence a legitimate photographer and set him up.  When the truth comes out eventually in court, her image will suffer far worst than having those rather lame photos published.

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