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After 1969 at Woodstock, 1984 was right up there. eomred_smile
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 581 reads


Rolling Stone has named 1984 Pop music's greatest year.  Listening to their top selections from that year really brings back memories.  It was 30 years ago, but I still remember all the words to every song.  

It occurred to me that 30 years ago some of you may not have been born yet.  But even for the under 30 crowd, you probably have heard a lot of these songs.

Love them or hate them, but how could you ever forget them?

What do you think of Rolling Stone's picks and do you agree 1984 was the year of years for Pop music?

...or best years.  Musical taste is like assholes and opinions, we all have them and some stink, some don't.  There is no right or wrong.  It's about when you grew up, what type of music you listened to then and what you listen to now.

"off the charts" (pun intended) and, in my humble opinion, had the most singles that are played over and over and over across generations (and across musical genres, btw).  1984 was a truly great year for music, but I think it was named the "best year" as marketing for Rolling Stone -- there's more folks from that generation buying RS than those that still vividly remember the Woodstock days.

Nice post Jessica, and I hate to agree with WB over you, but in this one, he is right.

Despite the 80s killing most 60s-70s acts, there was some weird pop convergence in 1984. And for you Woodstock era folks, check those pop charts - a lot of the enduring music from that era barely dented the charts.

Posted By: cocktail-party
Despite the 80s killing most 60s-70s acts, there was some weird pop convergence in 1984. And for you Woodstock era folks, check those pop charts - a lot of the enduring music from that era barely dented the charts.
Music television played a huge factor in promoting popular music of the 80s and so on. I would assume they still do today, although the internet video channels have mixed it up a a bit.

Watch them live and you tell me, lip syncing has killed the music industry.  If you can't get up and belt it out you have no right calling yourself a musician.  And if you don't have a band behind or beside you, or at least a piano, guitar or banjo in your hands... technology has tried replacing everything and to me it's failing miserably! Unce unce unce!

You might be an entertainer perhaps but shaking your butt doesn't actually take too much talent.  It's called Pop for a reason, some have staying power but I much prefer the eighties when it was still a little grungy.  After that some alternative music I got into. Play me anything from the 20's to the 80's from almost any genre and I'd be more pleased than having to get through what they call Pop today. Not saying it all is bad, just a good majority.  

I enjoy looking at old Rolling Stones also, shows grit. Shows they're human. It's refreshing. /ran

There are a lot more styles of music worldwide that people are aware of because pop has borrowed from them or presented them in pop form. The artists today are doing a lot more musically interesting things than back then. There are failings and failures now just as there were in the day, and if you're always trying something new, sometimes you'll fail. It's hard to justify that to money folk, because for them music (or sex or religion or anything) is all about garnering money, but for the artists themselves, the good stuff, the great stuff, comes about through a lot of failed attempts.

So today, personally, I tend to fix on other genres, but since our lives are surrounded by what's popular on the media, the influences and the degree of talent out there has resulted on more complex and innovative stuff rising to the surface.

I haven't had my wake-up coffee yet, so apologize for being kinda rambleish. .

Posted By: anavictoria
Watch them live and you tell me, lip syncing has killed the music industry.  If you can't get up and belt it out you have no right calling yourself a musician.  And if you don't have a band behind or beside you, or at least a piano, guitar or banjo in your hands... technology has tried replacing everything and to me it's failing miserably! Unce unce unce!  
 You might be an entertainer perhaps but shaking your butt doesn't actually take too much talent.  It's called Pop for a reason, some have staying power but I much prefer the eighties when it was still a little grungy.  After that some alternative music I got into. Play me anything from the 20's to the 80's from almost any genre and I'd be more pleased than having to get through what they call Pop today. Not saying it all is bad, just a good majority.  
 I enjoy looking at old Rolling Stones also, shows grit. Shows they're human. It's refreshing. /rant  

I wasn't even in my mothers womb then.... 😝😝😝😝😝😝

There was some other chick who referred to herself as "I" the same way you do. Maybe the "I" she spoke of and the "I" you speak of are the same "I." So you were there, and you had a great time. At least if you were around me, or another manifestation of me back then, you had a wonderful time. Just like we're having a great time being around you or some other you today.

And I have the Midnight Special vids to prove it. There's a reason why punk happened!

PreInternet less went International, so when I got back I had some catching up to do. But by then, Disco was sort of taking over. It was what it was, not a high point for me. But life was good in other ways.

Personally, my heart will always belong to the alternative charts of 93-96. The first song I can remember jamming to was "Run-Around" by Blues Traveler.

The ass end is alt nation was 93-96. Then the boy bands took over. Ugh, the worst!

-- Modified on 9/18/2014 12:27:06 PM

Calling the local station and actually speaking to a DJ who would play what you requested even if it wasn't on the "only play these songs" list.  Having the arsehole talk over the last 5 seconds just because he could!  Ahh, the memories.

89Springer731 reads

that I have over 50 years of pop music groups somewhere in my head. Going back to Elvis, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, on through the Beatles, Stones, Springsteen, to The Cars, Blondie, Eurythmics, to Jonny Lang, Black Crows, Cheryl Crowe, Smashing Pumpkins, and on up to Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, The Strypes (check 'em out) and the garbage that passes for music now.

There's thousands of names and songs in my head. No wonder I can't remember where I left my car keys.

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