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Actually, I think you are mistaken.....sad_smile
MyLifeAsMe 8 Reviews 4104 reads

Actually, I think you are mistaken.....

Men are ABSOLUTELY visual creatures, no doubt. But it has been established here many, many, many times that the repeat visit to see an escort is SELDOM based on what she looks like (presumably a guy wouldn't have went to see her in the first place if he didn't think she were attractive).

And for me at least (and I suspect MOST guys) the decision to see an escort at all is based on A LOT more than the visual. Things like the tone / attitude set forth in the ladies web site, reviews that speak to her general demeanor, all sorts of factors are part of the decision making process.

Hopefully it goes without saying that in or "real" relationships with civilians, what a woman looks like is even less important. Again, I doubt if many guys date women who they find unattractive (I sure as hell don't), but if the only criteria you have for whom you chose to spend your time with is what ascertained visually, life is going to be both rocky and disappointing.....

I on occassion get clients "which are my regulars now"
(of all races)that say that they are not attractive to blackwomen..." But"  They are attracted to me. What do this mean?  Interesting enough..."don't you think"

-- Modified on 6/27/2002 8:09:41 PM

I think riker has nailed it...at least for me.  I've seen ladies of all ethnic backgrounds & have never felt that I prefered 'this over that.'  It's the individal lady in question, & not her heritage, that determines how attracted I might be to her...& that's based on qualities other then simply her physical appearance, which can be beautiful regardless.  

While I would be hard-pressed to think of the most appealing women I've ever known, for each is unique, either in or out of this hobby...I would indoutedly find that the list would include woman of all races--including those of mixed ethnicity.

riker and greywolf you guys are a sweetie..riker..don't forget..I got my eyes on U (smile)

It's unfortunate that there is so much distance between us:( I have no doubt we'd treat each other right!

-- Modified on 6/28/2002 10:52:58 AM

From Korea (temporarily):

Would you settle for me???  My mother lives in Richmond (and is convinced I am celebate at the age of 53, but she is 96 so what do you expect?)  Maybe one day I could tell her I was running really, REALLY late.


(My review will, of course, be written in the third person.)

Well don't like if Walt " your know Walt Disney "  He had given up a little too soon on his ambitious dreams. (see link below)

John.Galt4625 reads

Your photos are pretty nice in any case..

Kisses to you John-you can hang out with Anne and Me also.

-- Modified on 6/29/2002 12:01:38 AM

-- Modified on 6/28/2002 11:59:56 PM

anne5714 reads

Maybe it's that residual and neverending American racist thing (e.g., I like you, therefore you aren't _really_ black).  I tell you what, though... it's the middle of the night and I just looked at your webpage, and I'd jump in my truck and drive to DC for you in a minute...

Ah, well.. I'll be in DC next week, and I'll look for you around every corner.  I'm sure my companion will wonder (I was in NYC with him last week and looking for MyLifeAsMe).  Oy vay.

Sleep well, PerformancePerfect.  You are indeed drop dead gorgeous.


Thanks Anne..Do you have a site...I'm sure you are also..

You're the sweetest gal. It would be a treat to get a look at you.

anne4439 reads

As a newly independent provider (I used to work for the agency that got busted in Asheville), I'm in the process of putting something together.  If yall email me at [email protected], I'll send you some pics.  And Perfect... I could drive through Richmond on my way back from DC and meet you for lunch, maybe... I will have two dogs with me, so it would have to be a short lunch, but I think it would be fun to meet.  Riker, too?  *grin*

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

Hi Anne,

I sent you an email. Reply back asap...As far you stoping in Richmond for lunch. I know you can do better then that. Consider posting a stay in the local richmond area for a day. Take advantage of the opportunity. Being in the right place at the right time just might be a plus to you. Mabe riker will come also.


-- Modified on 6/30/2002 4:47:38 AM

I tell you what, though... it's the middle of the night and I just re-read your comment and I thought to myself "dam" I just might meet you halfway. We can even invite riker along and let him live out his fantasy.
"I see you" you see me"

-- Modified on 6/29/2002 12:46:32 AM

-- Modified on 7/1/2002 6:13:55 AM

I think it's not uncommon to say "I'm generally attracted (or not attracted) to ..."

and then we have our list, be it physical size, hair color, age range, ethnicity and so on. In the end it is the sum of the person that we respond to in total.


Hello Performance Perfect,

I think Riker and Grey Wolf hit it on the head!  

It's unfortunate that in our society, we still have folks with preconceived notions and biased opinions about people from other ethnic groups or countries.  

Good looks, an open/intelligent mind, positive attitude, a gregarious personality, and a good sense of humor goes a long way in dispensing off any preconceived notions, or misconceptions or myths someone has.

If someone doesn't want to take the plunge, its their loss ;-).


- blue thrills

"It's unfortunate that in our society, we still have folks with preconceived notions and biased opinions about people from other ethnic groups or countries."

True story...I know a guy who for whatever reason recently (as in this week) found himself "in play" for a VP position with a very well known, very large, very "blue" computer / IT company (yes, that one).

The executive search firm that had been engaged by said company to locate candidates contacted him. After about a week of dialogue and email exchanges, he was asked to come into the office to meet directly with the recruiter / headhunter he had been dealing with, along with the principal partner of the firm  (the executive search firm). I suppose the thinking was that since this was a pretty important position with a pretty important (and very blue...did I mention very blue?) client, the head of the firm wanted to see for himself who they would be recommending. Fair enough.

My friend arrives at the office of the search firm on time, and is greeted by the recruiter (who can afford a receptionist these days?), who introduces himself and asks, "How can I help you?” My friend introduces himself, the recruiter seems a tad bit surprised, but for the most part hides it well, and asks by friend to sit back down while he goes to track down the principal partner.

My friend then over hears a conversation to the effect of:

Recruiter -  "Joe Blow is here, are you ready to meet?
(Presumed) Head Partner - "Where is he?"
Recruiter - "In the lobby"

At that point an older, white haired gentleman comes out, looks around, and then disappears.

(Presumed Head Partner / Presumed White Haired Gentlemen) - "Where is he?"
Recruiter - "He's there in the lobby"

At this point the recruiter walks out with the white haired gentleman, and invites my friend into a conference room. The white haired gentleman does a less brilliant job of disguising his surprise, but recovers in the following manner:

Head Partner, extending hand for shake - "Hello Joe Blow, I'm Narrowminded Idiot, pleased to meet you.
My Friend - "Pleased to meet you as well"
Head Partner - "Nice tan you have"

My friend, being the master of the high road (and very much wanting an opportunity to work the very large and very blue I/T corporation) ignores this remark. Unfortunately, the Head Partner is simply amazed that my friend didn't see the humor in his joke, so he proceeds to tighten his handshake, pump wildly, and laugh loudly, in that "oh aren't we just such good friends that I could tell such an asinine joke and you not be offended manner" my friend is now pretty familiar with, having been down this road before. My friend doesn't take to bait however, so the interview proceeds, albeit a tad uncomfortably.

The next day, the Head Partner calls my friend at home, states they he MIGHT have said something to offend my friend, and offers an apology. My friend accepts the apology, but doesn't let the Head partner off the hook with any sort of false laughter or camaraderie. The Head Partner, being oblivious to the clue that he should now get his dumb ass off the telephone and get on with life, instead begins to justify his behavior be stating:

"You know, I just sometimes like to tell a joke when I am around people I know and feel comfortable with. I meant no harm...hell, I have lots of friends darker than you....har, har, har".

The head partner then again apologizes and states that the whole affair will in now why affect my friend candidacy (as though my friend were somehow responsible for all this...I guess what he really meant was "I won't hold it against you that you let me look and feel like an ass instead of bailing me out by going along")

My friend again accepts his apology and terminates the conversation.

Now, if you have gotten this far, I am sure you have figured out that
A) My friend is African American
B) My friend is I

Now why, in our society, could a presumably educated, successful and accomplished white man still somehow be amazed to meet a man of color with the same characteristics I have no idea.

It must have something to do with those Black guys in LA who are responsible for ALL of the crimes against escorts...

anne5517 reads

Oy vay, MLAM.  I'm sorry to hear about this guy, and although maybe it's a good thing that he realized his gaffe and tried to make up for it, I suspect that his biggest regret is that he let _you_see_his_racism_.  Subtle, insidious racism is incredibly damaging and awfully hard to fight because it's not out in the open.

I hope you get the job, my friend.  Then you can decide whether or not to tell them where to put it.  

Love always to you,

Although I am not a business owner, I will offer my opinion on this as a white person.

A hypothetical situation:  I have a business and I need to fill an executive or technical position.  There are now four candidates sitting in the lobby awaiting employment interviews.  One white, one black, one brown and one asian.  What should be my criteria? Which of these candidates should I consider?

The only logical criteria is which one of these people will make my business run better and prosper!  That's it!  I don't care about anything else. It simply is not good business to hire candidate B over candidate A when A will help me to make more money. So where am I going wrong?

-- Modified on 6/30/2002 4:02:36 PM

-- Modified on 6/29/2002 9:29:03 AM

straightman6981 reads

Or breathing.... or they say "yes." An athletic, attractive woman is going to appeal to all men. A heavy-set dumpy woman is not.

Smooth dark skin is as exciting as it gets. Especially if it covers a hardbody. One of the most beautiful women alive is Tori Angel. There is no way a man who digs women is not going to lust after her big time.

I think your guys lips are moving.... LOL

Show some respect toward the ladies Straightman. What ever happen to beauty inside?  Show appreciation for womenofcolor and large women white or black. I do not claim to be any beautiful then the next women. A women can be beautiful outside and be ugly inside..."Beauty is only skin deep"

Per Greywolf -  you should never prefered 'this over that.'  It's the individal lady in question, & not her heritage, that determines how attracted someone might be to her...& that's based on qualities other then simply her physical appearance, which can be beautiful regardless.  

Last but true " I do claim to be an orginal women with attitude that just so happen to be a womenofcolor".

Thank you,
very much

-- Modified on 6/28/2002 11:09:18 PM

I don't think SM was being disrespectful at all. If you don't understand by now that men are totally visual creatures, you're either on the wrong planet, in the wrong business, or the wrong gender.

Actually, I think you are mistaken.....

Men are ABSOLUTELY visual creatures, no doubt. But it has been established here many, many, many times that the repeat visit to see an escort is SELDOM based on what she looks like (presumably a guy wouldn't have went to see her in the first place if he didn't think she were attractive).

And for me at least (and I suspect MOST guys) the decision to see an escort at all is based on A LOT more than the visual. Things like the tone / attitude set forth in the ladies web site, reviews that speak to her general demeanor, all sorts of factors are part of the decision making process.

Hopefully it goes without saying that in or "real" relationships with civilians, what a woman looks like is even less important. Again, I doubt if many guys date women who they find unattractive (I sure as hell don't), but if the only criteria you have for whom you chose to spend your time with is what ascertained visually, life is going to be both rocky and disappointing.....

Why the sad face then?

I agree with what you wrote, but I'm talking exclusively about the first date only. Most men of my acquaintance are serial f*ckers.

-- Modified on 7/1/2002 12:51:01 PM

I didnt say men are not visual when selecting and escort. The topic here is about women of color Attitude and personality.

Per:  MyLifeAsMeNYC men had unfortunately formulated a stereotyped "picture" (both visually and otherwise) in their mind of what an African American woman is, and with a broad paintbrush painted all "sistas" into that corner. This is of course an unfortunate mistake - African American women, like ALL women, come in a kaleidoscope of shapes, sizes, shades, styles, perspectives, attitudes, etc.

You must be on the wrong planet, or wrong gender yourself.

I didnt say men are not visual when selecting and escort. The topic here is about women of color Attitude and personality.

Per:  MyLifeAsMeNYC men had unfortunately formulated a stereotyped "picture" (both visually and otherwise) in their mind of what an African American woman is, and with a broad paintbrush painted all "sistas" into that corner. This is of course an unfortunate mistake - African American women, like ALL women, come in a kaleidoscope of shapes, sizes, shades, styles, perspectives, attitudes, etc.

Your statement: you must be on the wrong planet, or wrong gender was a statement you could've kept to yourself. (stereotyped)

Having had a previous discussion with Mr. MLAM about race, which included a lot of whining and even more misunderstanding*, I tend to get bristly about this topic. Now I confess to perhaps not being more sensitive about not ever having to be black for any period of time, but is this really the place for such a discussion?

I think all women are beautiful, and in practice I don't really discriminate (although my preferences are Asian, Latin, Mediterranean). I do pay for play because it's fun, like Straightman would say, and I'd prefer not to get wrapped up in the drama.

I agree wholeheartedly with your statement: African American women, like ALL women, come in a kaleidoscope of shapes, sizes, shades, styles, perspectives, attitudes, etc. I thought that should have been obvious by now.

* like this discussion, what started out as a black/white deal evolved into a NY/LA deal. Is the scene there that dreary? I know overpriced, but dreary as well?

First of all I would like to Thank you for your second posting. Good thing now we both see that we are on the same planet.

No this is not the place to start a race war...Non intended but something happen here for a reason and even though at the end of the day TM and Myself got shifted off track.

I apologize to TM and all that got offended, but I do not apologize for the posting. Yes, my feeling was hurt by TM statement but hey.."shit happen for a reason" I'll get over it and I'm sure she will also. So far good have surface out of the Non intended discussion. Even from you ---I think all women are beautiful, and in practice I don't really discriminate.

P.S.  TM I'm OK with the ending and I hope you are also.

Peace out-with the beauty of my photos even a little mystery in how I do not show my face is to protects my identity. Hell maybe it's my name that got me into trouble from the start Performanceperfe "Hum" " Must be (We know it's wasn't my face)


-- Modified on 7/2/2002 11:47:31 AM

I believe that men just like pretty girls. No matter which race they happen to be. When I arrived here I couldn't get an Agency to hire me. They said that white men didn't like black girls. Well thank goodness I stayed on my own. I've been here three months and the men I have met in this Country have been mostly white. When Kashmire and I go to the club the white men are all over us.
Men like attractive girls.
Also men have a preference for a certain type. So what if a guy likes red heads over me? I like having a red heads on top of me too>:P

If a man told me that he didn't want to see me because I was black or too black (not mixed) I would be fine with it. I have a thing for short men and if they have a shaved head...Yahoo!!! I love looking down during DATY and seeing this big phallic P***s with eyes. LOL

It's my thing, so what:) I AM A FREAK!!!

I believe that part of the problem is that some black ladies speak or act getto. If you look at any of the photos of black ladies on escort sites they mostly look really getto/porno/dirty. While the other ladies have professional photos taken and try to look classy.  Also some black ladies act very aggressive so maybe they scare guys? I don't know, men like what they like.
Oh...your question:
"I on occassion get clients "which are my regulars now"
(of all races)that say that they are not attractive to blackwomen..." But"  They are attracted to me."

I would be insulted. By accident they are saying that my black sisters are ugly and I am beautiful. I didn't see your face on your site so maybe they are attracted to what you have to say on your site? Or do you mean that men who see you in a club tell you this, then they become clients?

-- Modified on 6/29/2002 5:42:45 PM

-- Modified on 6/29/2002 5:45:08 PM

-- Modified on 6/29/2002 5:46:50 PM

You through me for a loop Taylor- Sisters Dissin' Sisters
Re: my post "I on occasion get clients 'which are my regulars now" of all races) that say that they are not attractive to blackwomen..." But"  They are attracted to me."

The response I've gotten from these clients is that they find me very intriguing and an exceptional womaofcolor, which make them want to explore more black women escorts in the biz.

I don't know where you hang out at or where you do your research at, but your description of black ladies escorts and their sites that they mostly look really getto/porno/dirty and act very aggressive so maybe they scare guys. Sound like an agency to me which carry all type of girls, most of whom they never see.

I honestly never had a white client, friend or mate ever mention your reason for not being attractive to black escort. That is something new to me. Personally the description you gave do not have anything to do with black escorts in general. Sound like trailer park trash to me.

Sisters Dissin' Sisters, No Money, No Honey, Exchanging "Sexual Dealings" for Loving Feelings, Loving the "Married Bachelor", Emotional Dependency Plus Unplanned Pregnancy and much more. But getting to the heart of the matter, blackwomen, no matter how smart, savvy, and successful, continue to lose and how they can face, erase, and replace the problems that have keep them in the background which stands to be unknown.

Re: Your reply
I would be insulted. By accident they are saying that my black sisters are ugly and I am beautiful. Girl you got attitude alright and it's not a good one. White men (all mens) are attractive to beautiful women (all women) of all races and I am not insulted.

Re:  I didn't see your face on your site so maybe they are attracted to what you have to say on your site? Or do you mean that men who see you in a club tell you this, then they become clients? What is the point with this statement:

1) You do not see my face is because, just as anyone else in the biz such as you not showing your face on your site. As I truly states on my site that "somewhere between the sparkling stars, my honesty and my business coming together with the beauty of my photos even a little mystery in how I do not show my face is to protects my identity" You can see that I am pretty try clicking on the pic and enlarge it. I am really drop dead gorgeous. Do your research and read my reviews they all clearly mention that my picture do not do me justice?

2) Re: maybe they are attracted to what you have to say on your site?

Thanks for admiring my site. Of course what I have to say on my site get attention, My site is personal and different from all other including your. My clients are all upscale professional

I am an attractive ebony womanofcolor of with extraordinary beauty mid 30's 5'3" 110lb, 34b, 26w, 30h and have shapely legs. that love being erotic, passionate & affectionate and love snuggling, very mysterious, spontaneous & adventurous. I have plenty of pictures but I strive on my personality.

3) Re: Or do you mean that men who see you in a club tell you this, then they become clients? "You through me for a loop here" First of all...I handle my business in a professional manner, I do not do business in public, street walking or meet guys in any type of clubs. (Unlike you) I am an escort companion for private & discreet circumstances not your hooker type so don't try to put a cheap price tag on me.

Sisters Dissin' Sisters
When I saw your post, I was happy to know I wasn't alone here, but after reading it, you through me for a loop.

What you wrote here on the board showed your true color even when you edit your statement three time. So if you are trying to make a name for yourself...Honey you just did.

Black Women have beauty of which no one else can compare.
I'm saying out loud-I'm black and I'm proud. My Importance to Life is to Be inspire, Be empower Be motivated. My importance to the world is relatively small. On the other hand, my importance to myself is tremendous. I don't know who you claim to be." Oh thats right you are Taylor Maiden "

"Who am I"
Performanceperfe with attitude, "Spotlight Escort"  

-- Modified on 6/30/2002 4:48:22 PM

I may not be a sister, Taylor,I am a white lady that sees men of all races.  I sometimes get the reaction from them "that I usually do not see white women"  Any idea what that means?

-- Modified on 6/30/2002 7:08:49 AM

Who misunderstood who here?

TM-I didn't see your face on your site so maybe they are attracted to what you have to say on your site?

TM-Or do you mean that men who see you in a club tell you this, then they become clients?

-- Modified on 6/30/2002 6:07:30 PM

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