Suggestion and Policy

Well I am glad you feel better now
GaGambler 111 reads

Me, not so much. lol
Lovelee, do you have any idea how many "uber sensitive" people have come on these boards asking for the rest of us to kowtow to your delicate sensibilities? OTOH I bet you are smart enough to figure out how successful those previous "demands" for us post like YOU want us to have been in the past. Do you REALLY think we are going to change now after all these years, just to please you?


You know, one where people are kind and supportive of one another?  

One where people uplift one another and have compassion for an individual's experience?  

One where the ego is left at the door?

I can appreciate very much the witty humor on these boards but the back and forth of "your an idiot" and "I'm better than you" is sooo boring.  

Who's in?

So often longed for, but in reality, not easy to get done.

It's like it says in this rather obscure techno-pop song from the 1980s:

It's real easy to get done...just do it! Start practicing now😊

GaGambler142 reads

As you might have guessed, I am not a fan of the idea.  

This is a "Fuck board" not a fucking church social, you can be as nice as you like and I won't do a thing to stand in your way, but if you don't like plain talk and locker room humor, perhaps this is NOT the place for you.

BTW I am VERY nice on the newbie board, just don't expect THAT GaGambler on the rest of the boards. lol

Lastly, not all rudeness is "unnecessary" some people just don't or won't "get it" unless smacked squarely between the eyes with a two by four. Who knows, you may turn out to be one of those people?

Wait...what? Are you suggesting I need to be smacked by a two by four?

That's not very nice!

Thanks for your response, I get it...I really do...

Damn I feel like I just got beat up for suggesting we all be more kind to one another...

GaGambler112 reads

Me, not so much. lol
Lovelee, do you have any idea how many "uber sensitive" people have come on these boards asking for the rest of us to kowtow to your delicate sensibilities? OTOH I bet you are smart enough to figure out how successful those previous "demands" for us post like YOU want us to have been in the past. Do you REALLY think we are going to change now after all these years, just to please you?

No, I really don't believe you'll change after all these years just to please me...

I get be you and I'll be me😊

I may be "uber sensitive" to hateful meanness...sounds like many on this board are "uber sensitive" to the opposite...loving kindness😊

GaGambler173 reads

As long as you don't demand it from me, you are free to do as you wish without worrying about me ridiculing you (too much) for it, but when you expect/demand for me to follow your moral code, expect a LOT of pushback, and quite a bit of ridicule while I am at it. lol

Do you have any fucking idea just how boring this place would be if it were just a bunch of whores and tricks sitting around the campfire, holding hands and singing Kumbaya together? The "discussion" around here would essentially end.

I am not a religious person, at all. In fact, the handful of times I've been in a church in my life, I felt completely ill and out of I feel you on the religion part.  

And I also agree...I wouldn't want you asking me to start acting like a jerk on these boards...

And yes, drama can be engaging...see all the drama and the great discussion (I think!) I created with my Love Board post?

I've actually enjoyed this! Thank you😊

I love that you picked up on the Heaven on Earth part...because that's what I'm going for!

It's very easy...just make a choice to be more kind😊 No one is going to make it happen for us...we have to create it by choosing loving actions!

We can talk about sex and sexuality and lust and passion and be kind at the same time.  

Thank you for responding so kindly!

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: Sounds like it would be heaven on Earth...
So often longed for, but in reality, not easy to get done.
But I think I need something stronger than binaural beats to get Heaven on Earth out of my head.
I think that OP's suggestion would also be of interest to the Sports Talk Board. They could probably come up with some interesting wagers or betting pools on how long it would last until the peace and love gets shattered.  
Peace out!  
Love to all!

that sounded just like that when it idled.

Turns out all it needed was a new water pump.

The newbie board should be nicer sometimes, other times people are going to need some tough love.

What if someone's "individual experience" is giving BBFS? Should they be uplifted and shown compassion for that behavior? Of course not, they should be reprimanded, which might include informing them of their idiocy. It's not "nice" or "supportive" but neither is effectively cosigning someone who could damage themselves and others.


If you think that this is boring, you probably haven't seen what a forum full of mod-supported white-knighting looks like.  
Have a look at this:

To sum that up, it's ~120 comments from lonely guys telling this girl she's beautiful with the end goal of encouraging her to continue showing them her tits so they can continue to paw at themselves to them.

No not the Newbie Board...The Love Board...

And if someone is providing BBFS and talking about it on the discussion boards we can STILL share our opinion (BBFS puts both parties at risk, etc), without judging, condescending or making someone feel bad.  

It's not up to us to "reprimand"...

We can do it with Love❤️

I hear what you're saying and the bottom line is that generally people will respond in a way that is similar to how you approach them. You want to be tolerant and non-judgemental then be that way. Set the example and let other choose to follow. Just ignore the others and see where the board behavior goes.

You don't really need to preach about anything to suggest others are posting incorrectly, in poor taste or whatever.

Posted By: LoveleeD
Re: Newbie Board?
No not the Newbie Board...The Love Board...  
 And if someone is providing BBFS and talking about it on the discussion boards we can STILL share our opinion (BBFS puts both parties at risk, etc), without judging, condescending or making someone feel bad.  
 It's not up to us to "reprimand"...  
 We can do it with Love❤️

Thanks for the reminder...yes, I need to be my loving self and accept and allow others to be as they choose😊

Hahaha love is for everyone! Not just new people and 60 year olds😊

... and has been suggested before, although not as a "love only" board.

I'd love to see it, but I think it would be difficult to moderate in practice.  Maybe it could have a volunteer assistant to keep an eye on it, as does the Newbie board.

I've come across some grumpy people on here who feel they're superior. Very weird to me. It's as if this site has given them self importance. The worst part is lol , this comes from hobbyist. No one should bring negativity here , it's a place of business. But the. Again , not everyone has matters. I think n the love would be awesome. No negativity or bashing allowed, just awareness & spread of knowledge.

It was you that came to the general discussion board with some bad advice and a lack of knowledge about ter and how things work here. Several experienced people called you out on it and you got defensive, snippy and made some derisive statements. Just my opinion, but if you want "love" then you need to check your negativity at the door. You turned off many there with some judgmental and factually inaccurate posts.  
While I assume you were well meaning with no malice in your heart, you left some with the impression that you placed your own self interests over the legal jeopardy they could encounter when you claim you know law enforcement works when you clearly do not. For example, your social media does not prove you are not the police. It is true sometimes people can be a bit rough on that board, but I have found they are well intentioned and strive to keep people here out of harm's way legally.  
I do want to wish you the best of luck, as I know you are new! I was a bit overwhelmed when I first started too, made many mistakes like yourself, and I still learn something new every day here. I still consider myself a noobie and probably will for some time. Hehe! I hope these comments are received in the manner I intended; with concern and care. Enjoy your weekend Sasha!!!

I give you props for proposing such an outrageous yet sublime idea.

Here's a more accessible and main stream song that may be the anthem of the Love Board:

I love how you always post songs in your responses...thank you 😊

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