Suggestion and Policy

STAFF if I may suggest
Gandalf 2343 reads

STAFF,I apologize for using the threat of quiting, but the security and privacy of it's members, be they client or provider, is of the utmost importance to me.  Remember the horrible thread with straightman and the provider or whomever they were that posted all the clients name and phone numbers on a site.I think that you folks have done a wonderful job creating an enviornment for this community to thrive, and I am aware that that nothing is cast in stone and appreciate it.If I may suggest the possible course of action:I currently have a password that identifies me when I login and wish to preview the review section.  That password also identifies me when I post a review of a given provider. The password that I have chosen is a numeric one, which seems to me creates the greatest difficulty to reproduce and trace.I currently have the registered moniker of Gandalf for posting on the Discussion Boards.  That moniker is mine and can not be reproduced because it is registered, it is also highlighted in blue, if unedited, and red if edited, which signifies that it is me.Prior to posting, I must identify myself with a password, which once again I choose a numeric one, different from my TER login password.Although cumbersome I feel this is the safest way to set up both systems.  Each member can choose their review password and or moniker, and they can choose a posting moniker that becomes their sole registered moniker and password for posting.In respect to the link from the Discussion Board to the Review Site, that is what I am most opposed to.  Anybody can get an instantaneous list, of providers that the individual has seen and although convenient, this is where greatest abuse of security and privacy can be taken advantage of.  You now have given LE or some sick individual the tools nessecary to set up the poster or target the providers, if there is any malicious intent.  I realize it still can be had now, but it would take a little homework to search out the individuals intitial review.Thank you, for trying to improve the sites and make them more user freindly.  I feel there is no need to continue this post on the national board, as I had with my original post.Yours,GandalfPSIf this all can be accomplished seamlessly it would be appreciated.  Thanks again :-)

Gandalf4117 reads

Although you think you are doing everybody a favor by making our TER username the same as our registered name, what you have done is made it impossible for us to post reviews anonymously versus our registerd monikers used on the TER boards.I present my reviews of providers under certain conditions.1. With the complete consent of the provider.2. After the provider has approved an email version of the review that I am going to submit.3. With the knowledge that nobody can link my review to me or to the provider.As you can see, I haven't posted very many reviews.  It's not because I'm lazy and don't like to write, as evidenced by my frequency on the disscussion boards.  It's because the providers I see wish not to be reviewed.I communicate with my moniker with an assortment of people on and off this site.  As you know there can be some rather heated discussions, with feelings sometime hurt.  We assume that everybody is of a good heart and functioning within a healthy state of mind.  But in reality, we know that, that isn't the real world.  There are individuals that do not take critisism well and they want to retaliate in the form of violence.  A form of violence that if they can't personaly get to me, they will attempt to get to someone I care about.  I feel it is a mistake if somebody can link right into the people I see privately.  It opens up those people to retaliation, that they shouldn't be exposed to.I would wish STAFF would reconsider this recent change on the Discussion Boards, to link Usernames on the Review Site versus, the Registered Names on the Discussion Boards.With that in mind, if this is not corrected I have no choice but to quit TER.Respectfully,Gandalf  --modified by Gandalf at Thu, May 24, 2001, 09:35:27--modified by Gandalf at Thu, May 24, 2001, 10:03:48

Staff2788 reads

I can see your concern.We will add a feature to allow to to post a message under an alias that is not the same as anyone's registered username. If you choose to post under an alias, there will be not link to reviews. This will be completed today.I do have a couple questions. 1. Should the aliases that are used also be reserved so that not one else can post using the same alias as you, or should the choice of an alias not be restricted to something that someone else may be using as an alias?2. Should a little "Alias" icon appear when someone is posting under and alias.Please remember that this site is a product of what works for the members of the site. Features are never set in stone. We are alway willing to change things to make the site more usable.

Dobson2343 reads

I agree with everything Gandalf said....

Gandalf2344 reads

STAFF,I apologize for using the threat of quiting, but the security and privacy of it's members, be they client or provider, is of the utmost importance to me.  Remember the horrible thread with straightman and the provider or whomever they were that posted all the clients name and phone numbers on a site.I think that you folks have done a wonderful job creating an enviornment for this community to thrive, and I am aware that that nothing is cast in stone and appreciate it.If I may suggest the possible course of action:I currently have a password that identifies me when I login and wish to preview the review section.  That password also identifies me when I post a review of a given provider. The password that I have chosen is a numeric one, which seems to me creates the greatest difficulty to reproduce and trace.I currently have the registered moniker of Gandalf for posting on the Discussion Boards.  That moniker is mine and can not be reproduced because it is registered, it is also highlighted in blue, if unedited, and red if edited, which signifies that it is me.Prior to posting, I must identify myself with a password, which once again I choose a numeric one, different from my TER login password.Although cumbersome I feel this is the safest way to set up both systems.  Each member can choose their review password and or moniker, and they can choose a posting moniker that becomes their sole registered moniker and password for posting.In respect to the link from the Discussion Board to the Review Site, that is what I am most opposed to.  Anybody can get an instantaneous list, of providers that the individual has seen and although convenient, this is where greatest abuse of security and privacy can be taken advantage of.  You now have given LE or some sick individual the tools nessecary to set up the poster or target the providers, if there is any malicious intent.  I realize it still can be had now, but it would take a little homework to search out the individuals intitial review.Thank you, for trying to improve the sites and make them more user freindly.  I feel there is no need to continue this post on the national board, as I had with my original post.Yours,GandalfPSIf this all can be accomplished seamlessly it would be appreciated.  Thanks again :-)

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