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Re: Three come to mind: Green, pink, and shaven.
impposter 49 Reviews 314 reads

Shaven reminds me of this burned into my eyeballs memory: I was looking around in a porn shop in Manhattan. There was a series of books / mags by Puritan, a major Euro publisher. The mags were around 6" x 9" or so; glossy, high quality photos. The story line was:  
Attractive brunette with two Great Danes (dogs, not men).  
A couple of men enter the scene.  
Some sex.
They shave her head! She is kneeling, dogs close by. Foamy shaving cream. Safety razors. It looked absolutely like real hair coming off (not a pre-shaved head and special effects shaving). The dogs were oblivious.
When all of the other stuff is said and done, they finish on her shaved head.  That is, two big white streams of cum on her shaved head. Dogs still oblivious.  
That's something I think of when I hear the mention of shaven heads.
No, I didn't buy the magazine. I didn't need to! :-)

TER can we please have more choices of hair color? My hair is neither red nor brown nor blond but its definately Auburn or Strawberry Blond. Is it possible to add those please?  
I know there is an Other option but to me that is like leaving a question unaswered/blank
Ladies, is there any hair color option not currently offered that you would like to see become available to select?
Guys, has any of you ever use hair color as a search criteria when looking through profiles to find a provider?  

Thank you for reading my post :)

Shaven reminds me of this burned into my eyeballs memory: I was looking around in a porn shop in Manhattan. There was a series of books / mags by Puritan, a major Euro publisher. The mags were around 6" x 9" or so; glossy, high quality photos. The story line was:  
Attractive brunette with two Great Danes (dogs, not men).  
A couple of men enter the scene.  
Some sex.
They shave her head! She is kneeling, dogs close by. Foamy shaving cream. Safety razors. It looked absolutely like real hair coming off (not a pre-shaved head and special effects shaving). The dogs were oblivious.
When all of the other stuff is said and done, they finish on her shaved head.  That is, two big white streams of cum on her shaved head. Dogs still oblivious.  
That's something I think of when I hear the mention of shaven heads.
No, I didn't buy the magazine. I didn't need to! :-)

I second your motion... vote for adding auburn, gray, white, none (respects, MrF).

A chaqun a’ son gout....

I have suggested it over and over: get away from ambiguous adjectives and add COLOR AND IMAGE CHARTS to the review form and the Profile Viewing form.  
1. Instead of thin, skinny, slender, could lose a few pounds, .... post a standardized set of silhouettes. A reviewer then picks the shape that matches his hostess the best, regardless of nomenclature.
2. Instead of "Afro-American" or "Asian" or "White" as substitutes for color, post a standardized set of skin tones (complexion color) on the review form. The reviewer then picks the complexion color that most closely matches his hostess, from Espresso to Coconut (Mattel Color Chart extremes).  
3. Here is a Clairol Hair Color chart:  
Posted is a Hair Color Chart from some wig company. Madison: Are you #27, Strawberry Blond?

-- Modified on 1/23/2018 5:56:01 AM

Also many people wear extensions these days.
There could be an option asking if the hair is natural  
or there are extensions.  Some people might not like  
that look or feel.  Light blonde or white blonde options would be good too.  I currently have long natural light blonde hair.
I have worn extensions in the past.

I'll start with the absolute best, can't tell them from the real thing, hair extensions: In this case, who cares! They're as good as real!  Reviewer will say, "I loved running my fingers thru her long, beautiful hair."  
Next up: the frizzy, brittle, do not even feel like hair, discount, economy hair extensions: Reviewers will surely say something about, "Her hair felt like overcooked pasta." or "... a piece of carpet."  
And the third REALLY important category for hair, IMO, is whether or not she will even let you touch it. That will almost ALWAYS come up in reviews. "I reached out to touch her hair, she slapped my hand away and shouted, "DON'T TOUCH MY HAIR!""  And that's a written review comment that can happen with real hair or with extensions.  
To specify "extensions Yes-No" in the Profile could paint the great, realistic ones with the cheap-o, "don't touch my hair!" ones.

Posted By: angelblume
Re: Reply
Also many people wear extensions these days.  
 There could be an option asking if the hair is natural  
 or there are extensions.  Some people might not like  
 that look or feel.  Light blonde or white blonde options would be good too.  I currently have long natural light blonde hair.  
 I have worn extensions in the past.

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