Suggestion and Policy

Staff 2537 reads

I rebuilt the LA board.Dump your caches and try it out.Tell me how it looks.

Mathesar4371 reads

The LA Board (and only the LA Board) hasn't been working correctly for me the last couple of days.I click on a message title and I don't get the message.  I get the LA Board itself preceded by a block of text that looks like code.  (nd=mOz.indexOf(',', start); ...).  This does not happen every time.  I can clear it by going to one of the other boards and coming back, but having to do this every few messages gets very tiresome.--modified by Mathesar at Tue, Mar 27, 2001, 17:40:11

Staff2538 reads

I rebuilt the LA board.Dump your caches and try it out.Tell me how it looks.

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