Suggestion and Policy

Re: File under: Titles of very short books....
impposter 49 Reviews 172 reads

Got one! For many years, someone :-) (see links, below) proposed to TER that they auto-populate or auto-fill the Review form with existing Profile info so people could waste less time filling in all the standard stuff (height, hair color, ...) but could still edit data fields that had changed. TER finally did so.
I see that TER ignored the suggestion to auto-fill the top score with "7" by default forcing reviewers to change it to 8, 9, or 10 is the session justified it.

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: File under:  Titles of very short books....
Suggestions on TER That Were Implemented.  
Basically this is like the suggestion box at work that drops them all into a trash chute.  

Hey TER, prove me wrong.
mrfisher, please don't eschew me out for providing a counterexample.

I looked though a few of them and I didn't see even one reply from TER, not even a "got it."  
Is it worth it to make suggestions? Sincere question.

Suggestions on TER That Were Implemented.


Basically this is like the suggestion box at work that drops them all into a trash chute.

Hey TER, prove me wrong.

Got one! For many years, someone :-) (see links, below) proposed to TER that they auto-populate or auto-fill the Review form with existing Profile info so people could waste less time filling in all the standard stuff (height, hair color, ...) but could still edit data fields that had changed. TER finally did so.
I see that TER ignored the suggestion to auto-fill the top score with "7" by default forcing reviewers to change it to 8, 9, or 10 is the session justified it.

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: File under:  Titles of very short books....
Suggestions on TER That Were Implemented.  
Basically this is like the suggestion box at work that drops them all into a trash chute.  

Hey TER, prove me wrong.

mrfisher, please don't eschew me out for providing a counterexample.

In your first link, you describe something I just (yesterday?) had a little trouble in explaining. You said,  
"Your manually entered info is kept as a part of your non-public review (see your reviews using My Reviews and not your review using "View" under a given Profile)."
Spot on and, more importantly, readable. Haha. I got wrapped around the axel. 😖😂

The Ad Boards are listed alphabetically and as a result the New York Ad Board was separated from what was then the Upstate New York Ad Board. I suggested it made more sense for them to be listed together and that they should change the Upstate Board to the New York Upstate Ad Board. They very quickly did so. This was around two or three years ago.

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