Suggestion and Policy

Found out the answer-
bluwoodsman 24 Reviews 197 reads

TER said they'd fix the review and in the process answered my question.  However I think the response indicates a problem that should be fixed.  

They said that I was right--I didn't see all the fields for entry when I submitted a review.  That was because I did not select "new provider" when submitting the review.  

I thought that was only to be used for never reviewed providers new to TER, and this provider was not new.  This seems verified by TER's own instructions, which say "A New Provider is one that has not yet been reviewed on TER. She does not have a Provider Profile/TER ID at this time. Your review, if approved, will create her Profile and TER ID."

It would be one thing if no data was entered for fields I was not allowed to enter data into given I didn't choose "new provider" for this existing provider, but the fields were still filled in and the information filled in was wrong.  TER fixed this for me as I couldn't on my own, but I would suggest this is a problem if in fact TER wants to maintain use of "NEW provider" for only those providers without profiles and reviews.  

Has anyone else submitted reviews where you didn't see some of the old fields from the old board present to enter anything into--but they showed up in the final review with wrong info? I.e. wrong info that you didn't see a chance to even enter anything about when submitting your review showed up in the final review?  In my situation, "On time" and "services provided as delivered" came out as a NO on a newly submitted review even though I am certain I didn't say that and didn't even see those fields as entry fields in the new look entry system.  I did try to use the classic old page to enter the review but that didn't work.  The new review entry page didn't have many of the fields for entry present on the old one.  I thought they might autopopulate and didn't think anything of it.  Now I am not so sure there isn't an issue with the system....

TER said they'd fix the review and in the process answered my question.  However I think the response indicates a problem that should be fixed.  

They said that I was right--I didn't see all the fields for entry when I submitted a review.  That was because I did not select "new provider" when submitting the review.  

I thought that was only to be used for never reviewed providers new to TER, and this provider was not new.  This seems verified by TER's own instructions, which say "A New Provider is one that has not yet been reviewed on TER. She does not have a Provider Profile/TER ID at this time. Your review, if approved, will create her Profile and TER ID."

It would be one thing if no data was entered for fields I was not allowed to enter data into given I didn't choose "new provider" for this existing provider, but the fields were still filled in and the information filled in was wrong.  TER fixed this for me as I couldn't on my own, but I would suggest this is a problem if in fact TER wants to maintain use of "NEW provider" for only those providers without profiles and reviews.  

Did you give them her TER ID# and the date of the most recent review prior to yours as evidence?

What made them think she was a new provider?

Subj: New Reviews of Existing Provider
Posted by: charliedrake
"In the new format it doesn't seem to allow for updating certain info in a new review for existing providers ..."

Posted By: lopaw
Re: So we have to select "new provider" in order to be able to access all of her profile options...
... even if the provider already has reviews?
While the beta was being tested, I requested that TER make the autopopulated review FORMS editable.  They are missing out on the collection of a lot of valuable data by locking the forms.
There used to be a big problem with Duplicate Profiles (that launching a review from an existing Profile should reduce). To prevent a TER Admin from creating a duplicate Profile, I used to begin my reviews with something like, "This is a review of Coco, TER ID 176480. She recently moved from another agency (A Paradise) to this one (R Secret), hence the new phone and website. (This is NOT the same Coco as TER ID 151750.) ..."  
If you want to enter your own data on the Review Form, I SUGGEST (to TER, that is) THAT TER MAKE THE AUTOPOPULATED REVIEW FORMS EDITABLE!!  
If not, you can start a "New Review" but include the statement that "This is a review of Name, TER ID #######." so they don't create a duplicate Profile.

-- Modified on 5/12/2017 4:21:39 AM

That's not a bad idea, to get the opinions on record, as you'd like to see accomplished, even if they aren't publicly displayed. As long as people understand that filling that out won't change the profile.

It will probably create a fair amount of manual work for the admins which is usually automatic. And you're absolutely right. If people start using the new provider option to write reviews of existing providers and they don't include a very clear statement of who is being reviewed like your example, that will lead to a cluster fuck of duplicate profiles.

(Also, the paragraph glitch has been fixed.)

But I think you're still a little confused. As am I.

The things you brought up, on time, delivered as promised, etc; don't show up in any review. You keep saying wrong info on the review, but those things are on the profile not a review.

If she had reviews prior to yours, those fields on the profile were already filled out with whatever they said, and your review wouldn't have changed them. So what you saw there after you did your review was there the day before and a week before and etc.

If you contacted admin about changing profile info and they took your word for it and changed her profile, well that's how the system works. If you were giving a woman her first review, then yeah something hinkey is going on.

On the new look system, on-time and delivered as promised are on the form, even if you don't say it's a new provider. They are boxes for you to check or not check, right under the stars for chemistry and incall. They default to un-checked. So, if you didn't see them, you didn't check them and it would be recorded as though you replied "no".  

I'd call that a design flaw. So yeah, you're right.

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