Suggestion and Policy

Careful Nick. He's going to call you out on your typo now. EOM.teeth_smile
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 406 reads


Epsilon_Eridani2082 reads

... the 'Moderators' option should be removed.

as far as we know, there aren't any moderators per se since TER did away with moderators years ago.  
why is that option still there

How about SportsAdmin?

Perchance is MediaAdmin a mod?

Conundrum solved!

Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
... the 'Moderators' option should be removed.  
 as far as we know, there aren't any moderators per se since TER did away with moderators years ago.  
 why is that option still there?  

Epsius is clueless, per usual.  TER did not do away with moderators.  The did away with volunteer moderators. That's why we have such pros moderating the boards now, LOL!

-- Modified on 1/5/2015 3:10:09 PM

Epsilon_Eridani393 reads

I direct you to this link...

Customer Service are the ones that watch the forums. "Pro" moderators? Who is that?

in case the link below does work... cut & paste the link to your browser

So TER called them "customer support?"  So what?  They are still mods and operate that way.  Plus, this memo is nearly three years old and parts of it no longer apply.  The "hosts," for example don't exist except on the Newbie Board (swimtrekkr).
But more to your point, did you even read my comment and Dr. Who's?  Who exactly are all those mods we named.  And, yes, they are mods because they fill all the functions a moderator always fills.  They check posts of people who are moderated before putting them up.  They pull posts considered "rude."  The pull threads and branches or close same.
Bottom line, they are moderators and just because the 3-year-old memo calls them "customer support" does not change the fact.
Could you be any more dense?  I think not.

Epsilon_Eridani421 reads

... WRONG...

you go into a big assed diatribe to defend your position. that's comical.

your excuse to call the SportsAdmin, MediaAdmin and other Admins "moderators" to justify your lame argument is pretty stupid move on your part.

the current slate of forum Administrators most likely have a higher degree of responsibility (and authority) than those former volunteer moderators did.  Therefore, those forum Admins are likely to shut down the entire thread than the volunteer moderators could.  

go ahead and try to justify your argument... you won't convince anyone.

just admit that you're wrong and move on!!

Posted By: inicky46
So TER called them "customer support?"  So what?  They are still mods and operate that way.  Plus, this memo is nearly three years old and parts of it no longer apply.  The "hosts," for example don't exist except on the Newbie Board (swimtrekkr).  
 But more to your point, did you even read my comment and Dr. Who's?  Who exactly are all those mods we named.  And, yes, they are mods because they fill all the functions a moderator always fills.  They check posts of people who are moderated before putting them up.  They pull posts considered "rude."  The pull threads and branches or close same.  
 Bottom line, they are moderators and just because the 3-year-old memo calls them "customer support" does not change the fact.  
 Could you be any more dense?  I think not.

GaGambler434 reads

Epsi, you are a moron and have no idea, not only about how things work now, but about how things used to work.

How do you possibly know what degree of authority or responsibility any of the current "admins" have? or how likely any of us former mods were to shut down an "entire thread"? Come to think of it, I shut down many of your "stalker" threads back in the day, and just like every other mod, both past and present, I was able to do so with nothing more than a simple keystroke.

Why don't you go back to stalking hookers or talking to trees? You clearly haven't learned a thing in all your years here.

Epsilon_Eridani454 reads

... as a "former volunteer moderator" does not make you an expert on how things work now.  

you are a joke when you state that you deleted my posts, when in fact you weren't even a moderator when those posts occurred. why are you lying about something that didn't happen?

go ahead and fire back... I don't care... I've moved on, but clearly you have not. you constant usage of the word "stalker" aptly describes you to a 'T' because of your constant stalking of my posts.  good job... of making yourself look like a rear end.

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: speaking as one of the last remaining former volunteer mods here. Epsi, you are a moron and have no idea, not only about how things work now, but about how things used to work.

How do you possibly know what degree of authority or responsibility any of the current "admins" have? or how likely any of us former mods were to shut down an "entire thread"? Come to think of it, I shut down many of your "stalker" threads back in the day, and just like every other mod, both past and present, I was able to do so with nothing more than a simple keystroke.

Why don't you go back to stalking hookers or talking to trees? You clearly haven't learned a thing in all your years here.

You state the current "Aministrators most likely have a higher desire of responsibility, etc."  "Most likely" is right, because you really don't know.
In fact, the one thing we do know is they fulfill all the duties of a moderator.  They don't have to have exactly the same duties as the old mods to be considered mods. End of argument.  
You lose, dummy.

-- Modified on 1/7/2015 8:51:15 PM

Epsilon_Eridani394 reads

... 1-9-2015

looks like you lost your argument based on swim's post. you're such a sore loser.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: You really are too stupid to know when you've lost the argument, aren't you?You state the current "Administrators most likely have a higher desire of responsibility, etc."  "Most likely" is right, because you really don't know.  
 In fact, the one thing we do know is they fulfill all the duties of a moderator.  They don't have to have exactly the same duties as the old mods to be considered mods. End of argument.  
 You lose, dummy.  

-- Modified on 1/7/2015 8:51:15 PM

because he did not say what you claim he said.
Here's what he did say:
"There are no more members who are moderators."
That's true.  The moderators are now non-members.  They are part of TER's paid staff.  
"All the moderation is by TER staff personnel."  
Exactly what I said.
All of the rest of what he wrote relates to his role as host of the Newbie Board and has nothing to do with how other boards are moderated.
So, once again, you've shown a complete lack of reading comprehension.
In other words: YOU LOSE. (again).

If TER has a 'moderators only' board that nobody uses? Why is this your problem?

Epsilon_Eridani399 reads

it's called Suggestion and Policy.  

that's why I put that Suggestion in there... it's up to TER if they want to implement it or not.  
why are you so pissy about it? maybe, it's because you didn't think of it before?

it's funny to see your misspelling of the word 'point' and misspelling of 'inicky's' name. are you showing your IQ level?  

Posted By: perfectstorm
Re: Besides the poibt that inicjy and Dr Who made, what the fuck does it matter to you. If TER has a 'moderators only' board that nobody uses? Why is this your problem?

So maybe, just maybe, they know more than your dumb ass.

no more members who are moderators.  All the moderation is by TER staff personnel.  I'm the closest thing to a moderator, as I'm designated as the 'host' of the newbie board.  I have no power like I did when I was a moderator, I just answer as many questions as I can.  I cannot access the moderators only board either.  Why admin asked me to assume the role of 'host', I have no idea, they never told me.  For those of you who wonder why my handle is a different color on the newbie board, my status as host is the reason.  When I post on any other board, my handle is the same color as everyone else's.


Of course there are no more members who are mods.  And of course you're correct that moderation is done by TER staff.  That's exactly what I was trying to point out as well.  But now Epsius thinks you've proved HIS point because he can't read plain English.
As to the rest, we all understand your role as host of the newbie board and what powers you do (and do not) have.  Which has nothing to do with the central argument here.  I'm sure you get it, but Epsius doesn't.
I can't wait to see him come back to declare victory from the ashes again.

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