Suggestion and Policy

Ability To Search By Whether A Lady Offers White List Referrals...Some Of Us Try To Encourage...regular_smile
terrev 89 Reviews 9929 reads

the use of the White List, but at this time the features and functionality are a little lacking.

Being able to search on whether a lady offers White List Referrals will not only help those of us looking for White List Referrals, but also the ladies that participate and offer White List Referrals.

If a search by whether a lady White Lists is not available, could you please at least add a flag at the top of her profile that indicates whether a lady White Lists or not...similar to the online/offline flag for messenger.

-- Modified on 10/14/2008 8:25:32 AM

I hope that you will take the time to read about the ideas I have posted and to provide feedback and ideas of your own.

I will leave it to the creative intelligent posters on TER to tell me which are good ideas, if any, and which are bad.

I love TER and I just want it to be the best site it can.  The way that happens is by getting feedback and input from users like you and me.

So be part of the solution and share your thoughts, suggestions, and great ideas!

-- Modified on 10/14/2008 11:57:05 AM

the ones who take this hobby the most seriously and treat it with the dedication, respect, and hard work that any job requires.

I have found that overwhelmingly the ladies that are registered providers are the ones that seem to have their heads on straightest and provide the best service.

Having the ability to search by registered providers over non registered providers, would be a great search function addition.

registered by looking at their TER profile.  It will have a button that says "Send Private Mail To Provider"

If that button is not there, they are not a registered provider.

You can also tell if a lady is registered when she posts on a message board.  If the link [See my TER reviews] is there, she is registered... it is not, she is not registered.

the use of the White List, but at this time the features and functionality are a little lacking.

Being able to search on whether a lady offers White List Referrals will not only help those of us looking for White List Referrals, but also the ladies that participate and offer White List Referrals.

If a search by whether a lady White Lists is not available, could you please at least add a flag at the top of her profile that indicates whether a lady White Lists or not...similar to the online/offline flag for messenger.

-- Modified on 10/14/2008 8:25:32 AM

...the ability to see the list of guys that she's white listed?

That would give a guy some heads up on what type she clicks with best.

checking each gentlemen who has written a review for her and see if a whitelist is there from her.

I like the idea of whitelisting but you can only do that if the gentleman in question PMs you here to be sure of the member name. I try to do that first so I can whitelist. If they don't PM me first I don't think it would be safe. I like this idea myself.

Kisses Haley

a time qualifier to the price.

Right now if you search for ladies 300 - 400, you may get ladies that offer 2 hours for that, 1 hour, or even just a 1/2 hour, or even a porn star quickie.

The ability to put in 1 hour and then a price range would make this search function significantly more effective and useful.

They need to get this one right and it may not be easy.  But it would be nice.

You're probably familiar with TGND's time increments.  70 or 100 minutes I think.  How would that be coded and searchable?  You miss them if you're searching for a 60 minute rate.

-- Modified on 10/14/2008 5:01:26 PM

based on the services actually reported in the review.

Why let someone submit a score that the lady could not have earned based on what THEY reported in the services offered section of the review?

-- Modified on 10/14/2008 8:26:11 AM

influenced by the potential for more exotic activies.

For example, let's say that you didn't have time or the wherewithall to sample the whole menu  (hole menu?).

Even more, I think that the magnitude of a score should be allowed to be influenced by the quality of the service you get.  A good hand job will outscore a lousy BBBJ with me any day.

Review "scores" should not be based on the statistics - what a  lady "does", but on the value you place on the experience, how the lady made you feel.

dedicate a specific email to provider issues.  

Have one email that is separate from the general email for handling requests to become registered providers, issues with their profile, false reviews, and other such issues.

I have heard from several ladies that they send emails over and over again with no response, and eventually they give up.  Several of these are ladies trying to become registered providers and become active members of the TER community.

The more ladies we make part of the TER community, the safer the hobby becomes.  Imagine if CL, BackPage, and CityVibe had pages and pages of reviewed providers that eagerly put the link to their reviews in their posts like the ladies we know and love here on TER do.  Wouldn't that be great?

But many of these ladies are easily discouraged and if they don't get a response fairly quickly to their first email, they may be lost to TER forever.

And we all know that the more ladies that get involved in the TER community and then advertise that they have TER reviews, the more guys there are that come to TER to check out those reviews.  And the more guys that come to see reviews, the more guys pay for VIP, and the more guy that write reviews for TER.

It is a benefit for everyone.  More reviews for guys to read, more ladies reviewed, more reviews for the ladies, and more VIP members for TER.

-- Modified on 10/14/2008 8:26:53 AM

I have wanted to change something in my profile and had to wait a few days.

I know BackPage put a link on my profile one Friday and it stayed there till Tuesday morning.I had a new review that weekend and I pay for my ads on BK. They got all the traffic that weekend my website had few hits.

Standing ovation for this idea Terrev

Kisses Haley

list of other Top 100 Categories.

All of these would have to have some threshold of course.  Reviewed ladies would have to have a new review within the last 90 days, same with reviewers.

Top 100 Most Reviewed Ladies

Top 100 Most White Listed Guys

Top 100 Highest Average Performance Ratings - Ladies With At Least 5 Reviews

Top 100 Highest Average Performance Ratings - Ladies With At Least 50 Reviews

Top 100 Highest Average Performance Ratings - Ladies With At Least 100 Reviews

Top 100 Highest Average Looks Ratings - Ladies With At Least 5 Reviews

Top 100 Highest Average Looks Ratings - Ladies With At Least 50 Reviews

Top 100 Highest Average Looks Ratings - Ladies With At Least 100 Reviews

Top 100 Highest Average Looks/Performance Combined Ratings - Ladies With At Least 5 Reviews

Top 100 Highest Average Looks/Performance Combined Ratings - Ladies With At Least 50 Reviews

Top 100 Highest Average Looks/Performance Combined Ratings - Ladies With At Least 100 Reviews

let us know if a poster is online and available for IMing.

It is a nice feature to see it in the review area, but having it on the discussion board would lead to much wider use of the messenger.

You see a good post and the fact that the guy is online, you can messenger him and give him comments instead of conversing through the message board or PMing him.

Or you look at a ladies ad and see that she is online so you IM her and chat instantly, no need to find her email and email back and forth about where someone is or whether they are available...just a simple chat and all is done.

I think this would be immensely popular and functional.

How about a state search where both providers and hobbiest are listed when on line or everyone on line is shown at one click of a button and you can choose to IM anyone.

I would like to be able to click the member name and get some kind of profile and mention of reviews.

The old AOL messenger was so much fun. If it worked 16 years ago would it be that hard to reproduce it here?

Kisses Haley

According to the blurb on the homepage describing messenger, it will be implemented.  

"Coming soon, the TER Messenger status of both providers and users will be shown in their discussion board posts here at TER."

They really pay attention to you!

I would think it would be easy to simply have a space to put in both provider's TER IDs and then move on to the description of the event.

That way there is not just a description of one lady, and there are not services offered listed that one offers and the other doesn't.  You would simply have a description of an event and links to both profiles.

Now if one lady does not have a profile, there would need to be some way of entering profile info if no TER ID is available.

However, maybe this would be a special way of reviewing only doubles ladies who have TER IDs and the rest of the doubles would stay as they are.

-- Modified on 10/14/2008 9:03:12 AM

A simple flag could be added for "doubles only."  The only issue is that there may only be a website for one of the ladies in these instances.

ads for their ladies on TER message boards.

This would make it much easier to access the review of the ladies from that agency and would make it clear that you are dealing with an agency and not an Indy lady.

Also, it would make it easier to see if an agency typically has ladies that are good providers, or whether they tend to run B/S or R/O ladies.  Even beyond that, to see if the agency typically has FS ladies or GFE.

I think this would be a HUGE help to guys trying to find reviews on Agency ladies and would also help the good agencies out there promote all of their ladies.

become registered providers so that their TER reviews are automatically linked to their posts, or a requirement that they MUST post a link to their TER reviews if they have them or state that they have none, or their ad will be pulled.

This would benefit everybody and save a lot of time.  

Ladies would not have to answer posts, PMs, or emails about whether they have any reviews.  They would also avoid some questions about what they do and don't do, it is there in the reviews.

Guys would not have to go hunting for reviews of a lady that is posting on TER, but not linking to her TER reviews.

Moderators would be able to easily determine if a post meets the requirements for an ad or not.

TER gets more registered providers, or at least more people looking at the existing TER reviews.

and idea that has been discussed before, but now is much easier to implement.

Populating review fields by entering a lady's TER ID and then only making changes where necessary.

This would make the review process so much easier for reviewers and would definitely cut down on duplicate profiles.

And to avoid this being abused, maybe it could only be available to VIP members, or men with a certain number of reviews...just a thought.

So far TER managemnent has not allowed this.

My theory is that TER mangement wants it to be difficult to post a review to set a bar, so to speak, of seriousness to deter people who are not that committed from writing them.  Either that or they are too lazy to make the technical switches.

I'll go you one better though:

What about posting results of what each reviewer thinks about what he found.

For example, if 75% say that she is thin, and 25% would opt for athletic, then reveal that fact in her profile so that a reviewer at least knows that his vote will count.  Why should the first reviewer get to be the final judge; and who has the time to go and file a problem report over a seemingly innocuous issue?

For example, I have specific physical criteria that I look for, and it would be nice to search for ladies that fit into EITHER the skinny or thin category.  Currently, that's 2 distinct searches, or I leave out the criteria and find some larger ladies sneaking onto my list.

Ethnicity is another.  My taste (generally) tends to lean towards white & asian, but away from A.A. & latina.  There are currently 15 choices under ethnicity, so be being specific I may miss an opportunity.  Conversely, if I leave off the criteria, the list can be lengthy.

Posting a review is difficult since it requires two websites. Many providers do not have both and I spend 10 minutes completing the form and then get rejected for not including the second website. I just give up. I do see hobbyists only posting one but mine seem to be rejected. Please have fewer Required fields.

You want to put it in the required field.  The other is optional.

I agree with the previous comment concerning the required fields.  It does seem to be an arduous and time consuming process.  Can't we simplify it a little?

KamFog8947 reads

right now you can search for qualities you want in a women, but can't screen out what you don't want.

In other words, you can do a search for we'll reviewed women who are thin and under 5-5. If you do, you'll get a lot of Asian providers. But, let's say you're tired of Asian women -- it would be great if you could look for well-reviewed women who are thin, under 5-5 and NOT Asian (or NOT heavy or not Whatever).

This is more important in categories with many choices and would work as a way to drill down on your search.

terrev, some great ideas you have in this thread.

I try to do my homework, but sometimes I can't find any information because the provider has changed her name or number.  I wish there was a way to have a small picture to associate with a profile for reference purposes.  Bandwidth & storage space isn't any big deal these days like it used to be.

Seems like some of the new ones don't understand about linking reviews to one's name and/or the ones who change names all the time are ones I generally stay clear of since it seems like they change names to avoid bad reviews IMHO.

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