Sports Talk

CoachFollowme 473 reads

Bostonian, Duke alum......boy you are trying to put 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound sack and you are making a mess all over yourself, and it ain't pretty.

You're Welcome
XLVI = 4

Also being a bostonian i am confidant we will win meaning patriots greatest nfl organization. I have a nice comparison of yankees and pats. They both were dominant in first 5 yrs but after 3 championships they have struggled the last 8 yrs winning only once in last 7 to 10 yrs. Its difficult to be on top every yr. Pats dominance has to be credited to tom brady. Its a jet who knocked out bledsoe and gave brady the chance,  go figure.

I want top-billing damnit.

Uh...Bostonians? Care to jump in here? lol

Gambler and i grew up in the same but that isn't the reason we're picking SF. We study enough minutia(spelling?lol)to make wise-me anyway-decisions.

You're rambling again. Pick a topic already

JLWest453 reads

How's that for you OPS. First billing in all Caps.

Anyway, I have the 49ers but I not very confidant. I also have the Ravens and it's halftime.

Should have known that damn Belicheck would be prepared.

By the way redsoxkings, you were a lot more fun being liorr and for the Jets, Yanks and some NY basketball team what's their name.

CoachFollowme474 reads

Bostonian, Duke alum......boy you are trying to put 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound sack and you are making a mess all over yourself, and it ain't pretty.

You're Welcome
XLVI = 4

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