Sports Talk

Re: NO Problem
Chengster 20 Reviews 6550 reads
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Love the line

The New Orleans Saints have wandered in the wilderness longer than the Old Testament's Israelites

yeah you right

drewsky66 75 Reviews 4502 reads
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CYNIC 6724 reads
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the kiss of death!  I remember his prior off the wall predictions.

Chengster 20 Reviews 5050 reads
5 / 20

My have to call my friends in Jersey (the ones in Waste Management, whose names all end in vowels) to to go visit Mister Liorr

CYNIC 5531 reads
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GodFollowmeFather 5431 reads
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I can have a few of my guyz frum Joisey go visit him and have a little talk wit him, if ya know what I mean.

Thank You
2010 = 28

CYNIC 5924 reads
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penny71 4679 reads
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Chengster 20 Reviews 6254 reads
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Chengster 20 Reviews 4942 reads
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And you will see why it is such a great place to party and enjoy life.  Before you know it you will be a black and gold Who Dat Nation nut like the rest of us

CYNIC 4384 reads
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penny71 5748 reads
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Really? I'm flattered! Thanks. Didn't think anyone would notice. I've been here and there, mostly there.

OSP 26 Reviews 6398 reads
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(he said with puffy cheeks)you come to me with this one favor.

Someone "Make him an offer he can't refuse".

GodFollowmeFather 6508 reads
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Jimmy is in a very special place. (Shhhh he is under the 50 yard line at GIANTS Stadium)

However the boyz can take Liorr to the adjacent horse track, perhaps he can visit ( as you call it)  where the oats are stored, after the horses process them.

Will that work for ya ?

Thank you
2010 = 28

SaraPrescott See my TER Reviews 6435 reads
18 / 20

It was the weirdest experience in that I (a total news junkie) HAD NO IDEA THAT THERE WAS EVEN A HURRICAN COMING! Nobody had left the French Quarter, nobody acted as if the world was coming to an end and I didn't even find out about the hurricane until I returned home on friday afternoon and turned on CNN.  It was surreal that I had just been there and had no clue.  I stayed in the French Quarter and had been there for about 2 days with a client and he didn't even know until Saturday when he had to pack up and leave.

I went to Mardi Gras about 10 years ago and while fun it was too dangerous for my liking.  Too many drunk slobs and bad seeds to have a good time.  While I think it is a fine city it is just not one that I would ever willingly visit again for a get a way.

Chengster 20 Reviews 4199 reads
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Bourbon street at 6 am Sunday morning is the most disgusting place in the world.  Smells worse than jersey

CYNIC 4009 reads
20 / 20
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