Sports Talk

Re: NO Problem
GodFollowmeFather 5430 reads

I can have a few of my guyz frum Joisey go visit him and have a little talk wit him, if ya know what I mean.

Thank You
2010 = 28

Love the line

The New Orleans Saints have wandered in the wilderness longer than the Old Testament's Israelites

yeah you right

CYNIC6724 reads

the kiss of death!  I remember his prior off the wall predictions.

My have to call my friends in Jersey (the ones in Waste Management, whose names all end in vowels) to to go visit Mister Liorr

GodFollowmeFather5431 reads

I can have a few of my guyz frum Joisey go visit him and have a little talk wit him, if ya know what I mean.

Thank You
2010 = 28

(he said with puffy cheeks)you come to me with this one favor.

Someone "Make him an offer he can't refuse".

GodFollowmeFather6508 reads

Jimmy is in a very special place. (Shhhh he is under the 50 yard line at GIANTS Stadium)

However the boyz can take Liorr to the adjacent horse track, perhaps he can visit ( as you call it)  where the oats are stored, after the horses process them.

Will that work for ya ?

Thank you
2010 = 28

And you will see why it is such a great place to party and enjoy life.  Before you know it you will be a black and gold Who Dat Nation nut like the rest of us

It was the weirdest experience in that I (a total news junkie) HAD NO IDEA THAT THERE WAS EVEN A HURRICAN COMING! Nobody had left the French Quarter, nobody acted as if the world was coming to an end and I didn't even find out about the hurricane until I returned home on friday afternoon and turned on CNN.  It was surreal that I had just been there and had no clue.  I stayed in the French Quarter and had been there for about 2 days with a client and he didn't even know until Saturday when he had to pack up and leave.

I went to Mardi Gras about 10 years ago and while fun it was too dangerous for my liking.  Too many drunk slobs and bad seeds to have a good time.  While I think it is a fine city it is just not one that I would ever willingly visit again for a get a way.

Bourbon street at 6 am Sunday morning is the most disgusting place in the world.  Smells worse than jersey

penny714679 reads

in trouble. They will lose a lot of their offense.

penny715748 reads

Really? I'm flattered! Thanks. Didn't think anyone would notice. I've been here and there, mostly there.

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